Medal of Honor: Out NOW!

[quote name='hustletron']So from someone who wasted their money on this game, how terrible is the multiplayer?[/QUOTE]

what a positive outlook on things. scroll up, read the past few posts and check the gaming websites for their review scores. but still, only way to know for yourself is to play it yourself and make your own final decision.
I think the game is good. I like the overall gunplay and look of the game much better than the Bad Company series.

I can't believe they haven't completely fixed the slight freeze/lag when you die. It's like I can't get away when I'm being shot and it feels like you get screwed over. The "first day lag" of EA games isn't the problem I'm talking about, but that in and of itself is also a problem. I remember saying to myself last night "this wouldn't be an EA/Dice game if I wasn't running all wobbly in place or getting stuck on random pieces of geometry," and that's the case here as well.

I wish there were more guns to choose from. Hopefully there are a lot more when you rank up, but right now the selection is pretty small. The sniper rifles in the game seem overpowered. I'm not sure how many shots it takes to kill a person, and it probably depends on the rifle, but I can remember a guy rushing me last night and spamming it like a shotgun and getting a kill. That shouldn't happen.

Maybe it's just Team Deathmatch, but the game seems super campy right now. If you think COD or BC is campy, you got another thing coming. I don't know if this is how it'll stay or if it will change eventually, but every game I played both teams took shots at each other from their respective sides of the map. I don't blame them with that lag bullshit though. You have more health in this game than in say COD, but it seems like you can't traverse the map like you can in COD. I don't really like that.
Sp is just hugely meh so far and I couldn't even get on the multiplayer. This game reeks of mediocrity. The AI is absolutely horrendous btw. I've literally shot people in the back and they don't look at you. I can walk up to people and stab them in the face.
I think I've read enough that I am just going to return the game to Gamestop tomorrow since I haven't opened it yet. I thought things were suspect when I didn't see any reviews before the game came out.
[quote name='intoxicated662']what a positive outlook on things. scroll up, read the past few posts and check the gaming websites for their review scores. but still, only way to know for yourself is to play it yourself and make your own final decision.[/QUOTE]

I played 3 fail "betas" hence I didn't buy it. I've talked to a few people who said they regret buying it already. The "official" reviews appear to be all average.
[quote name='Hoffer']I went back and forth whether to buy or rent this game. I really wanted to read some reviews, but of course EA waits until release day to allow them to go out. That should have been a tip off right there. Not all reviews are bad, so I'll judge myself.

I ended up buying it due to the $20 credit Amazon was offering. I think I'll put a couple days into it and put it up on eBay.

I talked to someone on amazon support chat and they said they would refund it in full within 30 days even if it's opened. I took a screenshot in case but you might want to contact them to ask
[quote name='slickkill77']Sp is just hugely meh so far and I couldn't even get on the multiplayer. This game reeks of mediocrity. The AI is absolutely horrendous btw. I've literally shot people in the back and they don't look at you. I can walk up to people and stab them in the face.[/QUOTE]

Well said. Will not pick this up then.
The general consensus that I have mostly heard is...
single player- good but extremely short
multiplayer- camp and lag fest. mediocre COD copy
Any input? If true, I think I may rent it this weekend.
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After playing two levels in single player, I feel the game is so-so. Not the worst but the best. The only beefs I have with it so far is the occasional screen tear and the dumbed down AI. The AI seems to pretty much stay in one spot (cover/popup and shoot0, even with a grenade tossed in their direction. Besides that, it follows the same FPS pattern i.e. linear, sniping parts, in a vehicle on a line shooting things, etc. I knew it would follow the same pattern as the rest.

When I heard that multiplayer went the way of Call of Duty (rewarding dominators by giving them more perks to dominate with in-game), I decided it isn't for me. I probably wont play much of it at all (just enough for some of the achievements).
[quote name='lordopus99']After playing two levels in single player, I feel the game is so-so. Not the worst but the best. The only beefs I have with it so far is the occasional screen tear and the dumbed down AI. The AI seems to pretty much stay in one spot (cover/popup and shoot0, even with a grenade tossed in their direction. Besides that, it follows the same FPS pattern i.e. linear, sniping parts, in a vehicle on a line shooting things, etc. I knew it would follow the same pattern as the rest.

When I heard that multiplayer went the way of Call of Duty (rewarding dominators by giving them more perks to dominate with in-game), I decided it isn't for me. I probably wont play much of it at all (just enough for some of the achievements).[/QUOTE]

So far in the 25 minutes of final release and 5 hours of PC beta, it feels like BC2 but faster paced with balanced killstreaks. It has a bit of COD in it but I wouldn't say it's COD like over being BF like. You can tell who made this game if you have any previous time with DICE products. It's hard to describe the pacing and mixing of the two games without you playing it...It's truly one of a kind while copying from two games if that makes any sense at all
[quote name='matto1233']The general consensus that I have mostly heard is...
single player- good but extremely short
multiplayer- camp and lag fest. mediocre COD copy
Any input? If true, I think I may rent it this weekend.
EDIT: Apparently Blockbuster isn't allowing rentals of this until January or something? What?[/QUOTE]

What are you talking about? My blockbuster got about 20 copies in today.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']What are you talking about? My blockbuster got about 20 copies in today.[/QUOTE]

Correct. They aren't allowing rentals of it through there gamefly-type service until January. My bad. :oops:
[quote name='jdktech2010']So far in the 25 minutes of final release and 5 hours of PC beta, it feels like BC2 but faster paced with balanced killstreaks. It has a bit of COD in it but I wouldn't say it's COD like over being BF like. You can tell who made this game if you have any previous time with DICE products. It's hard to describe the pacing and mixing of the two games without you playing it...It's truly one of a kind while copying from two games if that makes any sense at all[/QUOTE]

You shittin me with this? This game is a check list of all things FPS for the last 10 years. There isnt one single thing in this game that is "one of a kind," in any way. Granted your opinion is your opinion thus can not be wrong...but I have to disagree on your choice of words when describing this.
I rented the game today and have played thru the first 2 levels and am not impressed at all. It's not a bad game, but it's definitely nothing worth writing home about. I haven't touched the online yet, but am glad I rented this for $7 rather than buying it.
Am I the only one who finds it extremely hard to see enemies in multiplayer? I feel like they blend in with the background and I can't see shit.
I'm glad this game was never on my radar. Seems like everyone says its nothing special. The last good Medal of honor game was the first PS2 version...
[quote name='seanr1221']Am I the only one who finds it extremely hard to see enemies in multiplayer? I feel like they blend in with the background and I can't see shit.[/QUOTE]

Again basing this off of the beta, yeah I totally agree, you had to wait till someone was moving or shooting to really get a bead on them cuz as people in prior posts said, a lot of people camp.

There was a Beta that came out like I think in August then there was another PC beta that ran from Oct 5 to Oct 7 and it was 2 other maps that weren't in the prior beta and they all pretty much promoted camping as well. As much as I hate not being able to contribute basing my experience from the final release but it seems like everything is the same.
[quote name='seanr1221']Am I the only one who finds it extremely hard to see enemies in multiplayer? I feel like they blend in with the background and I can't see shit.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I thought about that also. I know we are in the middle east but does everything have to be 4 shades of brown? Not only is it really hard to see anyone past 4 feet it really does make it seem like you are playing the same level over and over.
[quote name='saunderscowie']Not buying now, maybe when its super cheap. But Fable III and Black Ops will do for me.[/QUOTE]

this game is total crap...the MP is nothing but a spawn camping/killing sniper fest and the campaign will last you 4 or 5 hours...glad i played my friends copy and didn't waste my money on this. This is dice's worst effort on MP i have ever played, pretty much the only redeeming quality of this game is the battlefield 3 beta access that comes along with it. DICE better not screw that up.
[quote name='matto1233']The general consensus that I have mostly heard is...
single player- good but extremely short
multiplayer- camp and lag fest. mediocre COD copy
Any input? If true, I think I may rent it this weekend.[/QUOTE]

Sad to hear. I wanted an alternative to COD, but no dice I guess. Oh well, less than a week till New Vegas anyway!
[quote name='OblivionScamp']the MP is nothing but a spawn camping/killing sniper fest .[/QUOTE]

All FPS for the most part are camping fests with plenty of snipers. :roll:
not like this dude, have you played it yet? I went 0-15 in a match last night and i think i moved maybe a combined 20 feet for the entire match, the maps are just so small and losers who have already unlocked all the good weapons and found all the camp spots are feasting on guys who just got the game yesterday when they were supposed to...IT IS BAD ONLINE, real bad. I actually just said screw it about 5 matches in and went back to MW2, its amazing how much better that game is online than this game.
[quote name='OblivionScamp']not like this dude, have you played it yet? I went 0-15 in a match last night and i think i moved maybe a combined 20 feet for the entire match, the maps are just so small and losers who have already unlocked all the good weapons and found all the camp spots are feasting on guys who just got the game yesterday when they were supposed to...IT IS BAD ONLINE, real bad. I actually just said screw it about 5 matches in and went back to MW2, its amazing how much better that game is online than this game.[/QUOTE]

I didn't find the camping that bad, and I'm one of the people who only got it yesterday. The lag was bad though, especially on Combat Mission, they really need to fix it. I thought it was good except for the lag. I can't draw any comparison to MW online though as I've never played it online.
[quote name='OblivionScamp']not like this dude, have you played it yet? I went 0-15 in a match last night and i think i moved maybe a combined 20 feet for the entire match, the maps are just so small and losers who have already unlocked all the good weapons and found all the camp spots are feasting on guys who just got the game yesterday when they were supposed to...IT IS BAD ONLINE, real bad. I actually just said screw it about 5 matches in and went back to MW2, its amazing how much better that game is online than this game.[/QUOTE]

Isn't this how all online games are? Once you learn a map, the game becomes a lot more fun and you start playing better. To expect to go 15-0 your first match in is silly. Then you complain about unlocks and go back to MW2, which has unlocks.

Seems to me you had a bad first match, started to cry and ran home.

I'm not defending this game, but just saying this is how all online shooters are
[quote name='Hoffer']Isn't this how all online games are? Once you learn a map, the game becomes a lot more fun and you start playing better. To expect to go 15-0 your first match in is silly. Then you complain about unlocks and go back to MW2, which has unlocks.

Seems to me you had a bad first match, started to cry and ran home.

I'm not defending this game, but just saying this is how all online shooters are[/QUOTE]

i played multiple matches, the spawn killing is way more prevelent in this game than any other shooter i have played this gen....that is why i am even posting about it, every tard knows a little spawn camping happens in every shooter online, but most games you at least have more room to operate in to ensure it will not just keep continuing to be exploited. This game makes me want to dump xbox live and just play offline for the rest of my life, not a good least MW2 is fun
I had played a few of the Medal of Honor games and was not pleased with this release at all. I played the single player about an hour or two and was just not happy at all with the game, I was expecting something much more polished and fun than what I had out of it. Expect this to be on the $39.99 list very soon, maybe cheaper.
[quote name='Hoffer']Isn't this how all online games are? Once you learn a map, the game becomes a lot more fun and you start playing better. To expect to go 15-0 your first match in is silly. Then you complain about unlocks and go back to MW2, which has unlocks.

Seems to me you had a bad first match, started to cry and ran home.

I'm not defending this game, but just saying this is how all online shooters are[/QUOTE]

I swear, no lie, my first game on the last beta for the PC I went 69 and 11.
[quote name='seanr1221']Am I the only one who finds it extremely hard to see enemies in multiplayer? I feel like they blend in with the background and I can't see shit.[/QUOTE]

Same here. At least 80% of my deaths come from unseen enemies. Anyway, I think the MP is ok. It's just like MW2 though if somebody gets on a roll with killstreaks, it's pretty much over. It is also camp or die just like MW2. Reminds me why I quit playing that pile of garbage. Reach is just so far beyond both games to me. You can see clearly, everyone is basically on equal ground (no higher levels getting advantages) and there are actually firefights instead of a bunch of one or two shots kills.

Played the first two levels of the campaign and it was fairly fun despite the questionable AI. The graphics in campaign seem noticeably worse than the MP though which is very unusual.
Damn this game doesnt even have the random six 100/100 that all games on metacritic seem to get. The highest is a 90 from eurogamer (which I do trust) but even the worst big budget titles get a few 100s from crazy websites.
How are people scoring some many skill points in a game. I am arming the bomb, killing the enemy with headshots etc and I still end with skill points in the hundreds versus other players in the thousands. My score has been creeping to the top of my team but skill points are way behind. Also is there anyway for a low level player to kill a tank. I see the support class guy with a RPG but I can't seem to find it in my armaments.
I picked it up at Kmart for $40 after coupon and getting another $25 GC for next time. Finally dove in tonight and I'm having fun online. Played for a couple hours straight on variety of maps. It's not a CoD killer but it's fun while we wait.
Damn, I just finished the campaign and it was excellent :D I was a little worried because of some of the reviews I have been reading, I was starting to worry this would be an awful game.

This wasn't a perfect game but I'm glad MoH is back and I would say it is heading in the right direction. I'll have to checkout the multiplayer tomorrow :)
I played the multiplayer for about an hour and it was disappointing :-({|= I went into Any Match and Hardcore Mode and the majority of the matches I had were Team Assault. It wasn't fun at all since you don't have a killcam and most players just camp.

The Battlefield Blog guys interviewed DICE veteran Sebastian Armonioso and they started asking him about MoH. The question was:

So how much freedom did you have during development?

-- Well, we could choose what we wanted to take from the singleplayer game, and what we didn't. For example, we didn't include lean or prone, even though they are both in the singleplayer. For multiplayer, it just introduced camping and lowered the tempo.

Lol, leaning in MP or not, camping is present in the utmost degree. Superlative camping is the name of the game of MoH MP. I hate that I didn't like the multiplayer off the bat. Maybe I just have to give it some more time :headache: Except that I'm addicted to BF:BC2...:cool:
Jesus there is far to much forced dramatics in this game. I have worked in TV/Film for a fairly long time and it reminds me of every fresh out of film school intern I come across. They try to jam every thing they learned into 1 video without any regard to application or theory.

Danger Close, enough with the fucking slo motion it doesnt need to be on every single action or set piece. Also stop ripping control of the game from me, there are far to many non interactive cut scenes that go on for far too long for a video game. I hate when the only cool things in the game happen in a cut scenes
Has it ever been said for sure how the BF3 beta will work? Is the disc required like Crackdown was or will entering the code from the LE earn you the beta code down the line?

I liked it the first night online but last night I played a couple more hours and it's not that great anymore lol. The fresh new scent is gone and all the flaws are showing. I can't see myself hanging online much with Fallout next week and then getting ready for CoD. I started the single player but not very far yet....

Mainly grabbed it because it looked fun for a quick something different + I thought the BF3 beta would be a code plus it was only $38 using/getting a new coupon. It was too tempting but i'm getting out while I can get all my $ back. :)
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[quote name='$hady']Has it ever been said for sure how the BF3 beta will work? Is the disc required like Crackdown was or will entering the code from the LE earn you the beta code down the line?

I liked it the first night online but last night I played a couple more hours and it's not that great anymore lol. The fresh new scent is gone and all the flaws are showing. I can't see myself hanging online much with Fallout next week and then getting ready for CoD. I started the single player but not very far yet....

Mainly grabbed it because it looked fun for a quick something different + I thought the BF3 beta would be a code plus it was only $38 using/getting a new coupon. It was too tempting but i'm getting out while I can get all my $ back. :)[/QUOTE]

The trend that EA/Dice have shown is that they are too money hungry to restrict a beta test, read: marketing demo, to only those who bought Medal of Honor and I'm sure they will have other avenues of getting a code/invite. Then again maybe they are just that stubborn to only allow those who bought Moh into the beta. Then again MoH sales sucked so it could go either way.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Is it me, or is Hard not even challenging whats so ever?[/QUOTE]

What's great is Hard mode plays almost the same as Easy mode. The game was not hard at all. No parts were ever a struggle. Call of Duty on Normal is harder than MoH's hard mode.

Now with a little more time under my belt... this game isn't that much step up from MoH: Airbourne. At least, Airbourne provided a challenge on a different difficulty.

In single player (now that I finished it), the main game is alright. It seem to take a lot of pieces from other games. The cinematics were fairly good. I thought the level progressed welll. Now the negatives... The game isn't challenging at all. Glitchwise, I ran into a couple issues. The main one was on the last mission in one of the caves Adams' boss (can't think of his name) stuck to a box and never got off i.e. not allowing me to progress in the game as he is required for a scene. He did all the time until I realize you are suppose to chase the bad guys through the cave instead of standing back and picking them off. I found a lot of slowdown in later levels when there were lots of guys on the screen. Certain actions could only happen if you hit things at the perfect spot. In addition, I hate the invisible walls. It looked like you could go somewhere and it wouldn't let you. Other FPS allow you to go to the spots you see (if it looked doable). All in all, it was like the game was just rushed out instead of fine tuning.

Multiplayer... how did Dice slaughter the goodness that made Battlefield so great. I can't believe it is the same developer. I can't select my "rocket launcher" type object. I didn't realize it exist until I asked a teammate when you get it via levels. The characters practically are hard to see unless you have the sniper rifle; I realize now why everyone is using it. Besides that, the sniper rifle is practically one shot kill. No bullet drop makes this weapon just way overpowered, being that you can no scope it. The level design is just the worst. You can get shot through rocks, etc. It sucks you can't get behind enemy lines like you can in Battlefield. The invisible walls... the getting shot through rocks... the jump off a 3 foot wall instant suicide glitch...

All in all, I regret getting this game.
I am loving his game. Mulitplayer is a ton of fun so far. Single Player while not as Visually nice as the Mulitplayer is pretty fun and has some excellent looking cutscenes.

The visuals in Multiplayer are really improved from when I played the ps3 Beta this past summer. The same level really was improved visually.

Anyways I am finding the multiplayer really addicting. I LOVE the sounds of the guns. They sound amazing and badass. Best sounding guns in a videogame!
[quote name='hustletron']I swear, no lie, my first game on the last beta for the PC I went 69 and 11.[/QUOTE]

you were on a good/dominating team just picking off guys in their spawn with a sniper left and right...guaranteed. But nice job though, i guess you are tha joint on a game that requires absolutely no skill whatsoever, other than knowing where to hide and scope out guys on losing teams as they spawn in....congrats. This game is so absolutely retarded its unreal, total waste of 65 dollars the community will be dead by early next year when all the good stuff like bulletstorm comes out.
[quote name='lordopus99']What's great is Hard mode plays almost the same as Easy mode. The game was not hard at all. No parts were ever a struggle. Call of Duty on Normal is harder than MoH's hard mode.

Now with a little more time under my belt... this game isn't that much step up from MoH: Airbourne. At least, Airbourne provided a challenge on a different difficulty.

In single player (now that I finished it), the main game is alright. It seem to take a lot of pieces from other games. The cinematics were fairly good. I thought the level progressed welll. Now the negatives... The game isn't challenging at all. Glitchwise, I ran into a couple issues. The main one was on the last mission in one of the caves Adams' boss (can't think of his name) stuck to a box and never got off i.e. not allowing me to progress in the game as he is required for a scene. He did all the time until I realize you are suppose to chase the bad guys through the cave instead of standing back and picking them off. I found a lot of slowdown in later levels when there were lots of guys on the screen. Certain actions could only happen if you hit things at the perfect spot. In addition, I hate the invisible walls. It looked like you could go somewhere and it wouldn't let you. Other FPS allow you to go to the spots you see (if it looked doable). All in all, it was like the game was just rushed out instead of fine tuning.

Multiplayer... how did Dice slaughter the goodness that made Battlefield so great. I can't believe it is the same developer. I can't select my "rocket launcher" type object. I didn't realize it exist until I asked a teammate when you get it via levels. The characters practically are hard to see unless you have the sniper rifle; I realize now why everyone is using it. Besides that, the sniper rifle is practically one shot kill. No bullet drop makes this weapon just way overpowered, being that you can no scope it. The level design is just the worst. You can get shot through rocks, etc. It sucks you can't get behind enemy lines like you can in Battlefield. The invisible walls... the getting shot through rocks... the jump off a 3 foot wall instant suicide glitch...

All in all, I regret getting this game.[/QUOTE]
the game is bad...period/
[quote name='OblivionScamp']you were on a good/dominating team just picking off guys in their spawn with a sniper left and right...guaranteed. But nice job though, i guess you are tha joint on a game that requires absolutely no skill whatsoever, other than knowing where to hide and scope out guys on losing teams as they spawn in....congrats. This game is so absolutely retarded its unreal, total waste of 65 dollars the community will be dead by early next year when all the good stuff like bulletstorm comes out.[/QUOTE]

Why are you so butthurt? Were you on the other team I was killing?

Since you know it all, you must have known that it was in the combat mission and my team ended up losing. But you knew that already. By me saying I went 69 and 11 on my first game I was illustrating that this game is terrible and promotes incessant camping, just with less words. But thank you for attempting to insult me and making it even more so painfully obvious that this game is bad.
This is one of the few games that I have rented that I cant wait until my 5 days are up so I can return it. I cant get over how much I hate the maps. The sight lines are awful you can basically snipe from your spawn into the opposing spawn which makes moving from cover to cover for non snipers a pain in the ass.

Also there is simply not enough maps and the game seems to make you play the same one over and over. I played that valley map on TDM 5 times straight before it changed and I played the other valley looking level 4 times before it switch back to the original valley.

Ah well, back to blockbuster with you.
[quote name='ajh2298']Wish I would have rented this sucker and not paid full price for it.[/QUOTE]

this +1

I already returned mine to amazon, such a bummer.
[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']this +1

I already returned mine to amazon, such a bummer.[/QUOTE]

At least I didnt pay cash I used gift cards from a b-day gift and e-rewards.
bread's done