Megazell's Free And Legal PC Games List!

I'm still on Win XP & 7. Haven't made the jump to 8 yet.

I don't have much time dedicated to gaming right now, but I could install / boot / play a few minutes for test purposes. If someone else with more free time for full playthrouhs volunteers, I'd be happy to step aside.
Cool. All of the games are short and for the most part they will be small installs and/or browser based. I will send you two for now. Most of the games I am posting are available on all systems but some are strictly for Win or Mac. Those are the ones I will ask for you and others to test.


14 - Windows - Platformer - Single Player -

Sasuke vs Terminator - Windows - Platfomer - Single Player

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Embargo Breaking News.

I actually bought a game. Since GOG is now supporting Linux - I took a gamble and picked up a title. So far it's fucking awesome how they do it. Installer or tar (aka zips). I prefer the zip format - I like to know where files go and such.

I picked up PixelJunk Shooter. Previously, FlatOut was given to me on it and that is also exquisite.

Now I have to change my slogan.

Cheers to all - I hope everyone is having fun tonight!

Just recently, I got into smartphones. My lucky powers of freeness got me a Galaxy S5, Galaxy S3, Galaxy S, Blu Dash 4.0, Blackberry Bold Touch 9900 and a iPhone 1.

I've been modding these phones and getting them running the way I want them to. So now I am looking into games for them but just like on the computer I want the games to be freeware with no added ads and/or installs nonsense and no data charges.

So some of the freeware developers that I like have had droid counterparts to their games for some time. I am going back and installing them as I rediscover them....

So I am thinking of adding them to my list with a change in the logo on the main pages to say something like "+Android games." What do you guys think?

The kids and ladies think it may be too confusing for people but I am thinking it won't be. It will just be another OS to list in the system requirements.

So far I have lined up 8 games.

Free Retail PC Games - STEAM Keys -

East India Company

Knights and Merchants HD

Pirates of Black Cove


Register, go to profile/keys, redeem games.

You may need a translator for the page.

hey, i'm just gonna go out and say it: yes, i'm doing this for more points. also this is actually the first legit site i found. you can do offers and surveys and stuff to get points for a free steam game, trading card, and other stuff. here is the link: i really hope you join. btw 1 point means 1 cent. so, if you get 500 points, you have 5 dollars. it's really easy too just do peanut labs in the offer tab. also, this isn't a scam. you click the links, the admins get ad revenue to buy the game you want.

hey, i'm just gonna go out and say it: yes, i'm doing this for more points. also this is actually the first legit site i found. you can do offers and surveys and stuff to get points for a free steam game, trading card, and other stuff. here is the link: i really hope you join. btw 1 point means 1 cent. so, if you get 500 points, you have 5 dollars. it's really easy too just do peanut labs in the offer tab. also, this isn't a scam. you click the links, the admins get ad revenue to buy the game you want.
^ Too much work. I can just click and get free games. I am going to ask the admins to remove this.

Hey all,

Hope you having a good holiday! I got a lot of keys.

Here is what I am giving away:

GOG - Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten

STEAM - Dustforce DX

STEAM - Zenbound 2


Yep. Got mine but forgot to post.

I've been knee deep in orders to upgrade school systems PCs to Linux OS :) 11 Tickets/Order in under 4 months! 0.0

fuck. I was just about to get some free game posting on when dat email arrives and all of my people are online playing DooM II online.

There goes my weekend!

Free Program - - Lutris is an open source program for connecting with your games on Linux. Currently, they support STEAM and manually installed Linux games on your HD.

They plan to support GOG and Humble Bundle soon.

I'm using it to learn more about games on Linux and also adding those that I know of from my free list.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year ppl! Enjoy dem games with your fam and friends!

I've been out of the gaming loop for a spell. Rediscovered my love for robotics and coding with Raspberry PI.

I also got a shit ton of free retail codes for STEAM and GoG. I will be giving those out shortly once I sit down and sift through them.

I also also got a shit ton of free computer stuff - vid card, laptops, desktops, kb, mouse....and more. I've been getting so much of it that my place is looking like a storage. I have to get rid of 10 desktops per week to for the next 5 weeks before I head to vacation. So I've been doing a lot of building and installing.

Here is a free game through IndieGala - - Marine Sharpshooter II - STEAM key

Update - I built over 60+ desktops. Donated 23 of them. Sold the rest. Sold all of the parts that I had no use for. Repaired over 35+ laptops. Donated 18 of them. Sold the rest. Now my house looks normal again. Still got to sort out the free games keys I got.

Been playing L4D 2 and AssaultCube a lot lately but not much else. Work + Family + Building Hobby got me on thin time for gaming.

bread's done