Metal Gear Solid 4 & Metal Gear Online - 8/6: Rumored Trophy Update Out Now? Rumor!

I'm liking how it really does keep that metal gear feel. Unfortunately for me, I've always had problems with the movement in metal gear; the new control scheme does a lot to alleviate that, but I still constantly overshoot people and I don't know that I'll ever get the hang of the melee stuff.

Seems like it's awesome for people who are generally better at metal gear games than I am. That said, any CAG's up for playing?
I hated this game at first but after only sticking to pistol only I did so much better for some reason. Without auto aim! You guys know how you would slit throats/break necks while doing a CQC hold or do I just need to level that? I saw someone do that chokehold ala laying on top of enemy like in the MGS4 game play video and I was sold.
Throat slitting is a move you get only for reaching level 3 in CQC.

The CQC has some real benefits to those who use it. Keep in mind CQC isn't a frontline combat thing. Instead, it's for people who sneak around. If you try CQC in frontline combat whatever enemy you get in CQC will just have his teammates shoot you in the head while you've got him grappled.

However, if you sneak around and find guys on their own, you can take them out of the action longer than if you'd just killed them.

After putting someone to sleep it takes a long time for them to get up unless a teammate is nearby to wake them up.

Also, the game spawns random boxes (it should probably spawn random drums too), this was one of the best ideas of the game. The boxes aren't too common, but they're common enough that players won't check every one, especially if they're in a fight.

There's actually a lot of room for MGO to expand, especially in the area of adding in more support skills. I'd love to have some kind of medic skill as there's no way to heal in the game. I'd be fine if the skill took up 2-4 slots at level 1 so long as it was useful.

Same for things like combat support. Perhaps a skill that lets you use heavy machine guns, and these HMGs could actually sap some stamina from enemies they fire on (to represent suppression).

Or perhaps a mortar? The SOP system and a mortar would work great as your teammates could help you find targets to range in on. Mortars would help in longer fights based around objectives. And we've seen Snake using a mortar in a screenshot of MGS4. They'd be useful, but it leaves the mortar crew exposed to anyone who sneaks behind the likes to take them out. And if they're bad at what they do the SOP friendly fire lock takes care of that.

One thing MGO really needs work on is the cover system. Mainly it's useless. Especially for those who aren't used to the western styled run and gun twitch shooters. It's just too slow and cumbersome to use.
Yeah I hate the cover system. When I actually tried to use it via triangle button and tried to lean out and shoot it took ages to pop out and pop back in. Either way, man cannon is win.
yeah i wish it would have more maps too, but this is a beta i heard in sneaking missions Snake and teh MkII are in yeah i was kinda hoping whoever scored the most kills would actually be snake and such, but i guess we have to wait till the 12th of june
I feel that this beta needs a lot of changes in order for me to stick with it/play the final version.

Some changes i'd like to see:

I think this game has a lot of value and brings something really different to the table and could be really successful if it learns from others shooters and takes the polish that makes those games great and rubs it on its rusty parts.

Japanese games tend to be way to much on the "grind factor". I am talking about the Skills in MGO, it takes so much grinding just to level up a skill that it feels like you are leveling up a character in an MMORPG. Which is fine if you want a deep leveling game, but for the game they are trying to do I don't think it belongs there...

A simple solution would be to just give everyone all the skills and ranks. I heard that you can't have 4 level 3 skills, because you are only available to 4 points max. You have to be intelligent on what skills you will use and what you will sacrifice. Want to be a bad ass that can slice throats? Well you'll need 3 in knife and 1 in CQC. So you'll be weak in other areas, but you wont have to grind for 2 months straight to get there.

Instead maybe use the ranking up ability as more of a character trait then a skill trait. You unlock more gear, weapons ect. Or get to play in different modes (borrowing the skill system from COD4 pretty much).

And another thing is the DP(?) system should not be a loaning company but more of a cash type of a system. Where you can purchase those items if the mode is selected once you get more kills, so you don't have to redo your whole layout if you accidentally die from a buggy death.

Those are just a couple ideas... I think it would really benefit the game.

So in order for me to play the final version, they'd have to fix the skill system, the DP system and the shooting accuracy. I feel like most of the kills result in you putting your big clunky cursor over a name and spraying until it dies. The combat seems to relate to the combat in Bioshock. Which is not bad for an RPG but for a "fast action stealthy shooter" it doesn't really work.

Oh and throw in a sprint button...
So how does this compare to the old MGS online servers? That used to be one of my favorite games until they shut the servers down :(
[quote name='mlink']So how does this compare to the old MGS online servers? That used to be one of my favorite games until they shut the servers down :([/quote]

It's beta so the servers suck. My friend says he lags insanely all the time, but I haven't had any lag. But I disconnect frequently/logged out.

Very annoying.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']It's beta so the servers suck. My friend says he lags insanely all the time, but I haven't had any lag. But I disconnect frequently/logged out.

Very annoying.[/quote]

Interesting... I have put in over 10 hours so far and have only seen a tiny bit of lag. Also, I have only been dropped from a server once or twice.

Also, last night I went in a CQC game and leveled up my CQC. I also got to Level 2 Fast Move. However, I need to decide what to put as my skills though.
I've been away this weekend - any CAGs going to be on tonight? Say, 9PM EST-ish?

Also, kind of disappointing that the stupid stuff that was in the first MGO is still here, the kind of stuff that only a Japanese game dev would do. Like how adding someone to your friends list isn't mutual, and you can only search for players if they are online. Dumb.
Oh... Here is something they definately need to do. Get some more death noises! Seriously; there are only 3 sounds of death and they get old really quick.
So I have been really focusing on CQC and I have found that the Stun Knife is by far the best weapon in the game. Especially if you have Knife Mastery on. I would even say that you should leave CQC at Lvl 1, and upgrade your knife. It is alot better.
The also need to fix mix talk. It's horrible in this game.

I'm enjoying it so far. I'm still trying to get used to the controls.
Hey Frisky, would it be possible to update the Thread Title with times to get on and play together? (like TMK does with CAG PSN Night games) That way people don't have to search the thread or try to keep up with when everyone is on. Then, you could just keep the thread title and OP updated with the info so we can all play together.

[quote name='darthbudge']Interesting... I have put in over 10 hours so far and have only seen a tiny bit of lag. Also, I have only been dropped from a server once or twice.

Also, last night I went in a CQC game and leveled up my CQC. I also got to Level 2 Fast Move. However, I need to decide what to put as my skills though.[/quote]

What was your problem last night? You kept killing people in the CQC practice room.

Anyway, the stun knife is okay, the problem is that it takes too long too charge, and the recovery time is awful. If you have to fight more than one person, and they aren't standing together, you're pretty much dead if they're any good.

You also don't need to equip knife mastery to use it. All that does is let you slash while moving and slash faster but it won't let you R2 stun someone while moving and it does not affect the R2 slash speed.
[quote name='bornrunnin31']Hey Frisky, would it be possible to update the Thread Title with times to get on and play together? (like TMK does with CAG PSN Night games) That way people don't have to search the thread or try to keep up with when everyone is on. Then, you could just keep the thread title and OP updated with the info so we can all play together.

How's that?
I still think the old school CQC throwdown > quick headshot works the best. It's even easier to pull off now. Not to mention it's fast.
I have to say I miss the weapon drops that were in the old game, because the great part of the old MGO was trying to find the flame thrower or RPG on the maps and that gave the game a great sense of controlled chaos. That's probably the one thing, over rolling as an offensive and defensive maneuver, that I probably miss most from the old MGO.
[quote name='genfuyung']Noone else is getting the server error: 090B:00000001?[/quote]
I am, so I haven't been able to play at all.

I wonder if it's because I downloaded the Beta from the Euro PSN.
But I thought Zoglog did too and he's playing....
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']How's that?[/quote]

Fantastic! Figured it would make for a little easier organization and hopefully get more people on together.

Just dropped into your game a little bit ago. Don't think I ever ran into you (player name= XXX31)

My skills are getting there. I've just decided to go with the shotgun from here on out and use my stealthy crawling and box skills to survive. Is there any way to start off with the stun knife when you respawn? I hate having to change out the handgun slot for it every time.
[quote name='bornrunnin31']Fantastic! Figured it would make for a little easier organization and hopefully get more people on together.

Just dropped into your game a little bit ago. Don't think I ever ran into you (player name= XXX31)

My skills are getting there. I've just decided to go with the shotgun from here on out and use my stealthy crawling and box skills to survive. Is there any way to start off with the stun knife when you respawn? I hate having to change out the handgun slot for it every time.[/quote]
Go to Gameplay Options and over to Weapon Switch options and you choose what three items (primary weapon, secondary weapon, support weapon, or knife) you'll switch between when you quick change.
[quote name='espy605']What was your problem last night? You kept killing people in the CQC practice room.

Anyway, the stun knife is okay, the problem is that it takes too long too charge, and the recovery time is awful. If you have to fight more than one person, and they aren't standing together, you're pretty much dead if they're any good.

You also don't need to equip knife mastery to use it. All that does is let you slash while moving and slash faster but it won't let you R2 stun someone while moving and it does not affect the R2 slash speed.[/quote]

Sorry about that. I didn't realize it was practice at first. After I realized it, I quit. But I think you had left before that.
Are you required to level knife mastery in order to slit throats while doing CQC hold? If not, then I wasted time leveling it rofl.
[quote name='dallow']I am, so I haven't been able to play at all.

I wonder if it's because I downloaded the Beta from the Euro PSN.
But I thought Zoglog did too and he's playing....[/quote]

I got the same error with the JPN beta, but the US one works fine for me.
Sorry everyone, I completely missed everything because I'm crazy busy today. Once my day is over on Monday, I'll try to integrate the beta into the CAG PSN Gaming (so no other game conflicts, and I'll be sure to make it a priority).
Tried it out, but man - the game and me just don't get along. Controls just don't feel right to me for a multiplayer game. I can see why people like it, but I think I'll be sticking with MGS for the single player.

Tanooki - Feel free to boot me from the clan if you run out of space. I guess if I decide to give it another go I'll check in for another gametime, but feel free to delete me if you're out of room for new folks.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Sorry everyone, I completely missed everything because I'm crazy busy today. Once my day is over on Monday, I'll try to integrate the beta into the CAG PSN Gaming (so no other game conflicts, and I'll be sure to make it a priority).[/quote]

Yea, I suggested to Tanuki that he edit the thread title in order to get more people on in case they weren't following the thread closely. Hope you didnt mind :)
[quote name='Teqonix']Tried it out, but man - the game and me just don't get along. Controls just don't feel right to me for a multiplayer game. I can see why people like it, but I think I'll be sticking with MGS for the single player.

Tanooki - Feel free to boot me from the clan if you run out of space. I guess if I decide to give it another go I'll check in for another gametime, but feel free to delete me if you're out of room for new folks.[/quote]

That's too bad but I can tell why people don't like it. If it didn't have CQC I doubt I'd play. It is fun, though.
It is a totally fun game. I'll admit it took me time to get used to it today and at one point I was ready to turn it off and say "this sucks" But i stuck it out and you'll get used to it and then it becomes fun, really really fun.

Good games tonight. My personal favorite moments for me was shooting espy in the mouth as he ran around a corner (totally lucky shot) and throwing a grenade up at Tanuki on the roof and it landed behiind him and his body came flying at me off the roof.
[quote name='TheRock88']Damn espy, you're deadly with that knife[/quote]

You think so? I don't recall getting you much with it. I get more kills with that than I do with regular guns, I suck with those, but I'm building up my skills.

My favorite moment against you was when you threw me to the floor, I switched to the pistol, and I killed you while still laying down, haha.

You and MyNameisBob were the best players, I thought. It was hard to kill either of you unless I surprised you.

Good games tonight. My personal favorite moments for me was shooting espy in the mouth as he ran around a corner (totally lucky shot) and throwing a grenade up at Tanuki on the roof and it landed behiind him and his body came flying at me off the roof.

My favorite moment was whenever I threw you to the ground even though you were on my team.
Snake is indeed in now.


bread's done