Metroid Prime Trilogy - Out of Print (Thanks, Nintendo!)

[quote name='The Crotch']Well... it's your money, I guess. Me, I'd rather get food that doesn't suck for a change than a visual upgrade of a GC game.[/quote]
I'm not buying it. It was a maybe at the assumed price point of $30 with GC, widescreen, and 480p support. Now, just like everything Nintendo has got its hands on since... 2006? it sucks.
[quote name='Cao Cao']Mario Tennis - Full motion support ala Wii Sports - "You can now swing the Wiimote like a tennis racket to control your swings, performing forehands, backhands, tosses and smashes by swinging the Wiimote as you would a normal racket. For spin shots, you simply change the angle of the Wiimote when swinging. To perform special shots, you press buttons during the swing. Mario Power Tennis will support play both through the Wiimote on its own and through a Wiimote/Nunchuck combo, the latter presumably allowing you to control your characters on the court."[/quote]
This will sell so well. Honestly, as long as it controls at least as well as Wii Sports I see no reason why you wouldn't want it even if you had the GC version.

[quote name='The Crotch']Um. If you wanted GC controller support, wouldn't you just buy the GC version? Do people want 480p/16:9 Pikmin that badly?[/quote]
I don't want GC controller support, but I do want 480p/16:9.

I hate the GC controller. I never had a GC, but when I got a Wii I grabbed a Wavebird and a ton of GC games. I think I played Pikmin, Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime before deciding I never wanted to hold that controller again so the rest of the games have just been collecting dust. I do still want to play them though, so I'm really excited about this line of games.

No black bars + not having to use that controller = self-pleasure
Have they announced pricing for this?
That is the deal breaker for these "PLAY ON Wii" games...

Metroid 1 & 2 have me intrigued, and so does $50 they can finger my ass after I eat McDonalds. :nottalking:
[quote name='lilboo']...they can finger my ass after I eat McDonalds. :nottalking:[/quote]

Dude, I just got finished eating a McMuffin.

Anyway, I can't believe that Nintendo would take out the GC functionality of the play on Wii titles. Considering the whole point is that they were Gamecube titles in the first place. And yes, I know that would bring up the various GC games that were instead made Wii games (TP,SPM,etc.) agrument.

As I see it, they're just touting the new features of these re-releases. Since hammering the point that they indeed are Gamecube games might drive off a number of uninformed customers, and lose potential sales of the play on Wii games. They want people to know right off the bat that their Wii remotes (which you get right out of the box) will work right away, and they won't even need to worry about potentially buying a Gamecube controller, which can be hard to find sometimes.

I'm still looking forward to these remakes, as I've never played a majority of these games. My only concern at this point is price. But you know what? Nintendo knows me. I'll probably buy anyway :cry:
I'm still expecting $30. Anything lower than that would be awesome, and anything higher than that would be a no-go for me. Except maybe for the Metroids.
[quote name='The Crotch']I'm still expecting $30. Anything lower than that would be awesome, and anything higher than that would be a no-go for me. Except maybe for the Metroids.[/QUOTE]

$30 would be a sweet spot. I never did finish the second Metroid, and I know if I tried to pick it up where I left off I'd be completely fucking lost. So, if I'm going to start over, might as well do it with Wii controls.
[quote name='The Crotch']I'm still expecting $30. Anything lower than that would be awesome, and anything higher than that would be a no-go for me. Except maybe for the Metroids.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I loves me some Metroid!
Keep hoping for a $30 sweet spot, but it ain't happening. My guess is retail at $39.99 or I'll eat a shit sandwich. How much were those NES re-issues for the GBA again? And since you dupes are still forking over $8 for virtual SNES games, they're going to rape you bitches for as much as your minimum wage jobs can produce.

And why the hell is this taking so long to produce? You'd think that after 2 years they could have shoveled these out the door already, especially this month of crap and void before this Christmas.
Hrmm... man, I dunno... I definitely want the Metroid Prime games in 480p and with widescreen, because I absolutely love those games and would gladly shell out $50 for them again, but if they take out the Gamecube controls... shit, I'm not sure anymore. I mean, yeah, Wii-mote worked for Prime 3, but that's because you needed to aim a lot in that game, since the enemies were flying all over the place, so lock-on alone wasn't enough. But that's not the case in the first two games. Wii controls would just feel unnecessary, IMO, and almost kind of obnoxious.

Well, we'll see. But hopefully they'll release Prime 1 sometime soon, since I've been itching to play through that game again. Easily one of my all time faves.
I wonder if they'll make a double pack? :drool:

Probably not, as that would be awesome. I would get a Metroid double pack for $50.
[quote name='lilboo']I wonder if they'll make a double pack? :drool:

Probably not, as that would be awesome. I would get a Metroid double pack for $50.[/quote]

Metroid double pack, Pikmin double back, Zelda double back, Donkey Kong double pack? They would look so tempting wrapped together ina bundle! They should release those with stuffed animals and other merchandise!
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[quote name='MightySlacker']In good news, Amazon has pre-orders for Pikmin and Tennis up for 29.99 YAY.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bmulligan']Keep hoping for a $30 sweet spot, but it ain't happening. My guess is retail at $39.99 or I'll eat a shit sandwich.[/QUOTE]

Too soon for "Pics or it didn't happen?"
You could play the GC Metroid Prime games on Wii in 480p. Every Nintendo GC game supported 480p. You could sort of play it in 16:9 as well with some stretching capabilities the game has.

But I really want to play them with the Wii controls of MP3. The controls for it are awesome.
[quote name='Doomed']The only games that I am not sure are GREAT out of all of those are Metroid Prime 2, DK Jungle Beat, and Mario Power Tennis. That's because I haven't played them.[/quote]

this is what they were trying to do. though those games were out for the gamecube, not everyone played them. so they bought them back to wii with the new audiences to experience the gameplay along with the new mechanics of the wii to play the game.

this will also allow other nintendo development teams to focus on other future software. so it's a good thing for both nintendo and the customers. it will also be cheaper.
[quote name='KingBroly']You could play the GC Metroid Prime games on Wii in 480p. Every Nintendo GC game supported 480p. You could sort of play it in 16:9 as well with some stretching capabilities the game has.
What stretching capabilities? If it's by stretching a 4:3 image to 16:9, fuck that.

Like already said a bunch of times, my issue isn't rereleasing games. Nintendo's been doing that since Super Mario All-Stars. It's them being assholes and not allowing support for the GameCube controller. It was in there from the start and they take it out like they did with the EarthBound demo in Brawl.
$30? Acceptable. As long as they come with 480p and 16:9, and the controls don't suck, I'll be buying. Besides, I never did play Pikmin or its sequel and the same goes with Mario Tennis so they will be new games for me.
fuck fuck fuck, it has that ugly-ass box-art. I hope it is like the Japanese where you can switch it inside-out and have the original box-art setup.


[quote name='M-PG71C']fuck fuck fuck, it has that ugly-ass box-art. I hope it is like the Japanese where you can switch it inside-out and have the original box-art setup.

Ugh, that is atrocious. I'm sure the good people at The Cover Project will whip up something good as a replacement.
I'd be appalled by the covers, but seriously... what were you guys expecting? This is like second generation Player's Choice, and you expected the covers to get *better*?

It's that whole 'copy of a copy' thing. Just gets worse, man.
$30 is a good start. Amazon is usually the best place to get first party Nintendo games on sale.. so I'd imagine we would see these for around $20ish..and that's nice.

Let's hope the rest of them follow this pattern. The 2 Metroids at $20 each would make me happy.. right, Amazon? :D
That's almost as bad as this:


Still, I'm happy they're at $30. I'll probably pick up both of these at some point, even though I already own Pikmin.
I wonder if these games are going to be worth 50 coins on Club Nintendo or just 30.

I had a lot of fun playing Wii Sports Tennis so I'll almost certainly pick up Mario Power Tennis (and I'm still waiting for a decent price on Mario Soccer and Mario Baseball).

As for Pikmin, I never played it on Gamecube even though my brother had it (and I'm sure he still has it somewhere) so I think I may have to pick it up and try it out, though I'm not big on time limits in games.
Is Pikmin going to add anything at all? Secrets? Levels? Abilities? Or is it exactly the same game but with motion controls? It would still be fun, but it seems like they are tinkering with Tennis a bit (to make it like Wii Tennis), so I would hope to see some Pikmin love as well.
For Pikmin, the only one we know about is that you can go back and play certain days again after they are recorded on some kind of journal. So the time restriction in beating the game has been given a little bit of a casual treatment. Which is fine for me. :p

We really won't know until it is released in Japan on the 25th and some import playtests come out.
Pikmin 2 is coming out for this too, right? :whistle2:s
It's Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Pikmin (and 2?), and Mario Tennis.. :roll:

I am looking forward to Metroid Prime 1 and 2 since I really enjoyed the control scheme of Corruption ... and never played those two. DKJB, where it's fun.. I don't think I could pay $30 for. It's def a game where it has to be on sale.

The Pikmin games, yeah. I never played the second one..I never beat the first one. I don't know why. :whistle2:k

Mario Tennis I will not purchase at all. I don't care how cheap it gets. There is no excuse that they ported this. They gave us a new Strikers and Party and Baseball..but they are porting this?! That's really stupid. Really, really, stupid.

Like.. I would actually consider a "Mario Sports Package" where it was the Gamecube versions of Mario Baseball, Golf, and Tennis. See? That would be like "Ohh, that's a neat purchase!"

Even a Mario Party 4-7 (..or 1-7 if they wanted to be amazing..) with "New Play Control!"..but as a compilation.

@ lilboo

Yeah, Pikmin 2 is also coming out as well. I never did play either games and after seeing eBay prices, I prefer to continue buying imports. So the fact that they are coming to the Wii with 16:9 and 480p is more than enough reason for me to buy.

I'll also get Chibi Robo, Mario Tennis (yeah it is complete bullshit they won't release a new one but then again...maybe that means Camelot is making a new RPG instead so if they do that, they can keep their fucking Mario games :p), and both Metroid Primes.

DKJB is a maybe, I need to think that over a little more. I'm just glad they are all $30.
Ooh, man those covers are wretched. Like bluelobstah, I was immediately reminded of the ugly Konami DS cover. I think these may actually be worse though.

How did I miss that Chibi Robo was part of this series? I will totally get that. I only ever played the DS version but always wanted to try the GC one.
[quote name='wii skiier']Ooh, man those covers are wretched. Like bluelobstah, I was immediately reminded of the ugly Konami DS cover. I think these may actually be worse though.

How did I miss that Chibi Robo was part of this series? I will totally get that. I only ever played the DS version but always wanted to try the GC one.[/quote]
I only rented it, but I wish I bought it. Worth $30 IMO, but it's kinda short.
[quote name='lilboo']The japanese covers are reversible, so, why wouldn't these be? :whistle2:k[/quote]

Because Japan rulz all, they have to have better stuff than us.

We're an afterthought.... like turning on the fan after smelling up the bathroom....
[quote name='62t']meh no bongo support means that i can skip it. Hope the other games allow you to use gamecube control.[/QUOTE]

Nope. I am almost 100% certain that there will be no Gamecube support in any of these games. :cry:

Kind of silly..but..I guess I can understand why?*

*= Trying to reason with logic of a company that has not made sense in over 2 years.
I already had Pikmin 2 but traded it away since I never played it and was willing to see how the Wii version was. I popped it in to test and played it for over 6 hours that day. I was disappointed to see that it ended up on eBay as soon as it arrived to the other trader, but fortune smiled on me as I found another copy of Pikmin 2 for $8 at a local Family Video store.

I also have a copy of Chibi Robo up for trade on goozex, but if anyone wants to work something out with me here I'd rather see it go to a fellow CAG.
Pikmin was a fun game, but felt short to me. I don't think it was actually that short, so maybe that is a testament to how fun it was. I probably got 7 days of play out of it.

These remakes would have been a great way to introduce Club Nintendo. I had a bunch of DS/Wii games already registered, so I immediately have 1000 points to spend on... something. It's a shame GBA games don't give any point, because I have a ton of those registered as well.
Unfortunately I am one person who prefers Metroid with the Wavebird... I'm left handed and could never feel comfortable with MP3... It's too awkward pointing the Wiimote with my Right hand... and equally as awkward as Moving with my Right Thumb... I've been brainwashed by Moving in all FPS with my Left thumb... :(
I'll be the #2 preferring Wavebird control of Metroid Prime. I just couldn't get into the WiiMote controls for Corruption and gave up after about 2 hours in.
[quote name='bmulligan']I'll be the #2 preferring Wavebird control of Metroid Prime. I just couldn't get into the WiiMote controls for Corruption and gave up after about 2 hours in.[/quote]
Definitely not with you guys on this one. I am analog stick-deficient or something. The Wii is the first system I've been able to play any kind of shooting game on since Duck Hunt and Gangster Town. I am totally looking forward to MP 1 & 2 remakes because I loved the controls in 3.
[quote name='bmulligan']I'll be the #2 preferring Wavebird control of Metroid Prime. I just couldn't get into the WiiMote controls for Corruption and gave up after about 2 hours in.[/quote]

I'll be #3, and raise you both; I prefer playing any and every game with a Gamecube control whenever possible. I still haven't played a game I like Wii motion control with. I really though Animal Crossing would be that game since the game is about fishing, chopping trees, digging etc - but sadly that game is an epic fail for motion controls.

I'd likely pick up many of these re-releases if they are 480p/16:9. However, I find it unlikely Nintendo will add much more than gimmicky motion control and leave it at that.
bread's done