Michael Jackson Memorial 8/29/58 - 6/25/09

selfish rant... one thing that makes me even more sad is that I'll never get to see him live. I always thought one day I'll have the chance to fork over $200 to see a legend and now I'll never get the chance. in all my life i think this is the first celebrity death that has actually troubled me.

edit... stupid iphone...
Thought I'd post some celebrity statements..

[quote name='Lisa Marie Presley']"I am so very sad and confused with every emotion possible. I am heartbroken for his children, who I know were everything to him, and for his family." She adds, "This is such a massive loss on so many levels, words fail me."[/quote]

[quote name='Brooke Shields']My heart is overcome with sadness for the devastating loss of my true friend Michael. He was an extraordinary friend, artist and contributor to the world. I join his family and his fans in celebrating his incredible life and mourning his untimely passing.[/quote]

[quote name='Madonna']I can't stop crying over the sad news. I have always admired Michael Jackson. The world has lost one of the greats, but his music will live on forever! My heart goes out to his three children and other members of his family. God bless[/quote]

[quote name='Justin Timberlake']We have lost a genius and a true ambassador of not only Pop music but of all music. He has been an inspiration to multiple generations and I will always cherish the moments I shared with him on stage and all of the things I learned about music from him and the time we spent together. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.[/quote]

[quote name='Britney Spears']I was so excited to see his show in London. We were going to be on tour in Europe at the same time and I was going to fly in to see him. He has been an inspiration throughout my entire life and I'm devastated he's gone![/quote]

[quote name='Lil Wayne']I personally can't believe it, but it's more unfortunate for the world of music. ... My love goes out to his family. ... A sad day in history, not [just] music.[/quote]

[quote name='Chris Brown']Michael Jackson is the reason why I do music and why I am an entertainer. I am devastated by this great loss, and I will continue to be humbled and inspired by his legacy. My prayers are with his family. Michael will be deeply missed, but never forgotten. He's the greatest ... the best ever. No one will ever be better.[/quote]

[quote name='Ellen DeGeneres']So sad to hear about Michael Jackson. His music changed our lives. The world has lost an amazing singer and dancer. I will miss him.[/quote]

[quote name='Mariah Carey']I am heartbroken. My prayers go out to the Jackson family and my heart goes out to his children. Let us remember him for his unparalleled contribution to the world of music, his generosity of spirit in his quest to heal the world and the joy he brought to his millions of devoted fans throughout the world. I feel blessed to have performed with him several times and to call him my friend. No artist will ever take his place. His star will shine forever.[/quote]

[quote name='Rev. Al Sharpton']I knew Michael since the mid-'70s. But we got tight in the '80s because by then James Brown had kind of adopted me as a son, and Michael was a James Brown fanatic. He used to always come to see James Brown ... I remember though, the thing that was kind of spooky to me this afternoon, I remember I got a call in the middle of the night before James Brown's last funeral, and it was the mortician saying that Michael wanted to visit the funeral home. He viewed the body and we convinced him to stay for the funeral and he spoke at the funeral.

He talked about how he hopes that as a legend James Brown will get the due in death he never got in life, and I felt the same way about Michael. I hope now the genius and humanity of Michael Jackson gets its due.[/quote]

[quote name='Timbaland']He was just a fabulous guy. Phenomenal. I watched him as a kid and I was like, 'Man, he works very hard.' His music was incredible. Everybody from Chris Brown to everybody who started dancing — he influenced all of that[/quote]

[quote name='Fat Joe']This is probably [among] the top three worst days of my life. MJ — you know I'm a gangsta rapper so we always got that hard edge, but at the end of the day, the king is the king. I can go down the list: there wouldn't be no Usher, there wouldn't be no Chris Brown. There wouldn't be nobody without MJ. There wouldn't be no Justin. He was just harmony on Earth. I never think MJ ever did anything wrong in his life. He was just a beautiful soul on this earth.[/quote]

[quote name='Snoop Dogg']I feel like his music will never die and his spirit will never die, because he influenced so many if us. He gave us a lot of hope that we feel like we can be big. He was very inspiring and up close and personal with his fans. That to me was special. That's one of the things that I loved about Mike. When I got a chance to meet him, that's the feeling and spirit that I got from him.[/quote]
Wow..I find myself not giving a shit about what celebrities have to say about it. Im confused why you would post celebrity comments and not regular fan comments. Are they ambassadors to the non-famous? Are their generic "he was so great" comments more meaningful somehow?
the comic strip is quite funny

its weird this is the first celebrity death that i am actually sad about.
all of the other recent ones were unfortunate dont get me wrong but i genuinely feel bad about this one. I guess its because I kinda grew up on his music, heard all the 80s stuff and I remember seeing the premiere of one of his videos on in living color. :)

He will be missed, poor crazy guy :|
^yeah... try having to sit though that shit since it's the only means of getting info... I didn't have net connection at the time the news broke other than the tv. :roll:

The only one I slightly gave a damn about reading was Lisa Marie for obvious reasons.
oh wow...um....life goes on people....i just don't get how people can be sad over someone they never met.

however...he music was great.
[quote name='Malik112099']Wow..I find myself not giving a shit about what celebrities have to say about it. Im confused why you would post celebrity comments and not regular fan comments. Are they ambassadors to the non-famous? Are their generic "he was so great" comments more meaningful somehow?[/QUOTE]

It shows that Michael Jackson music influenced so many different people in every genre possible. Rock, Hard Rock, Rap, Hip Hop, R and B, Pop, etc were all influenced by what he did.
[quote name='Trufatty']oh wow...um....life goes on people....i just don't get how people can be sad over someone they never met.

however...he music was great.[/QUOTE]

cause it makes us remember our youth, and with him being in the public eye so much over his life we have memories of his image that affects more than some random person who we never met.

its not going to change my day really (just listening to Thriller and Off the Wall), but i am somewhat sad.

his music was great. Off the Wall has more in common with a Marvin Gaye sound than i ever thought, great Motown record. (even though he was on EPIc by then)
[quote name='Trufatty']oh wow...um....life goes on people....i just don't get how people can be sad over someone they never met.

however...he music was great.[/QUOTE]
At the risk of sounding corny, that's the power of music. Especially music as amazing as Michael Jackson's. I honestly don't believe there will ever be another singer/songwriter of his caliber again.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']At the risk of sounding corny, that's the power of music. Especially music as amazing as Michael Jackson's. I honestly don't believe there will ever be another singer/songwriter of his caliber again.[/QUOTE]

Well said... :applause:

I don't think there is a single music super star alive right now with the energy and power that MJ had in his prime.
Maybe not energy and power, but as far as lasting impressions and such, Elton John's death will have a pretty large impact.
[quote name='JolietJake']When Paul McCartney dies, it's going to be even worse.[/QUOTE]

I'd put Elton John over Paul McCartney without hesitation. I'd also say that McCartney won't have as huge an impact as Michael Jackson. It will be tragic, but nowhere near Michael Jackson levels. The only one who'd come close would be Elton John.

The thing Michael Jackson has over the other two is a huge cult following in Asia.

If say Britney Spears were to pass that would probably be just as global but nowhere near the levels of Michael Jackson. She's probably the Michael Jackson of our time but nowhere near his level.
[quote name='Magehart']I'd put Elton John over Paul McCartney without hesitation. I'd also say that McCartney won't have as huge an impact as Michael Jackson. It will be tragic, but nowhere near Michael Jackson levels. The only one who'd come close would be Elton John.

The thing Michael Jackson has over the other two is a huge cult following in Asia.

If say Britney Spears were to pass that would probably be just as global but nowhere near the levels of Michael Jackson. She's probably the Michael Jackson of our time but nowhere near his level.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but you're just wrong. McCartney has at LEAST as big of a worldwide following as MJ. Plus he's half of one of if not THE greatest songwriting team in pop music, and there's really no denying that.

But to get back on topic, anyone remeber this?

Sorry, but McCartney was half of one of the greatest song writing duos in history and a fourth of the biggest pop band in history. As popular as Mr. Dwight may be, he isn't Paul McCartney.
[quote name='Malik112099']Wow..I find myself not giving a shit about what celebrities have to say about it. Im confused why you would post celebrity comments and not regular fan comments. Are they ambassadors to the non-famous? Are their generic "he was so great" comments more meaningful somehow?[/QUOTE]

I couldn't agree more. Who gives a crap what some C-lister thinks? What a waste of a post.
[quote name='neocisco']I couldn't agree more. Who gives a crap what some C-lister thinks? What a waste of a post.[/QUOTE]

Lisa Marie was his ex-wife... other than that I agree, who gives a shit?

The Super Bowl videos Ramstoria posted were amazing. I was too young to see/remember it. Totally amazing. He was truly the man.
[quote name='neocisco']I couldn't agree more. Who gives a crap what some C-lister thinks? What a waste of a post.[/QUOTE]

I felt like posting other's thoughts. Big deal. We're less popular than they are and we're posting our thoughts, there's really no difference. I just thought it'd be interesting to see how this is effecting everyone.
[quote name='keithp']Sorry, but you're just wrong. McCartney has at LEAST as big of a worldwide following as MJ. Plus he's half of one of if not THE greatest songwriting team in pop music, and there's really no denying that.

But to get back on topic, anyone remeber this?


That kid is Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince of Bel Air (yeah, the post above confirms that)).
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[quote name='ananag112']Thanks for posting that RAMSTORIA. I remember that superbowl like it was yesterday.[/QUOTE]

yeah, i remember that super bowl show more than i remember the one from 6 months ago.
Same here. Every Super Bowl show after that has just tried to emulate the electicity and fire that show had.

R.I.P. MJ. You'll be missed. I went to pop in HIStory and found out that someone jacked the second disc sometime in the last decade. I'm pissed but I hope someone's popping it in and enjoying it.
The guy was a sick bastard. Keep on defending him. If anything his kids should grow up safe, not having to worry about being dropped off balconies for photo ops.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']In honor of his legacy, my local mall is having a sale. Little boys' pants half off.[/QUOTE]

You're so edgy.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']In honor of his legacy, my local mall is having a sale. Little boys' pants half off.[/QUOTE]

Dude serious what the fuck is your problem?? He is dead........just leave him to rest in peace. Try making that crack joke in public around the millions of people who are morning his loss and watch yourself get hanged by a mob. Now that's something I would pay to see.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The guy was a sick bastard. Keep on defending him. If anything his kids should grow up safe, not having to worry about being dropped off balconies for photo ops.[/QUOTE]
Save it for another place and another time. Have some respect.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']In honor of his legacy, my local mall is having a sale. Little boys' pants half off.[/QUOTE]

fuck off asshole. He was acquitted of ALL charges. Everyone thought he was guilty and yet a fair trial by jury found him not guilty of all counts. There wasn't even a followup civil suit like with OJ that found him guilty. He has been proven innocent by a court of law, so just shut the fuck up and have some respect. If not, get the fuck off CAG.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']fuck off asshole. He was acquitted of ALL charges. Everyone thought he was guilty and yet a fair trial by jury found him not guilty of all counts. There wasn't even a followup civil suit like with OJ that found him guilty. He has been proven innocent by a court of law, so just shut the fuck up and have some respect. If not, get the fuck off CAG.[/QUOTE]

So was R. Kelly. Hope everyone defends him like they've been defending Michael Jackson.
How the hell can any one insult R Kelly after Trapped in the Closet?

Quit being assholes. Just fuck off and take your dumbasses elsewhere.
Wow...networks and other organizations are quickly trying to assemble something to pay tribute to the man. In the last 5 mins I have seen stuff from FOX to CNN saying that there will be special tributes to the legend. All of it to honor him...

As soon as it becomes available, I will buy one of his cd's with hopefully portions of the sales going to his memorial.

Uh...so why is his doctor that was in his house when he died has gone MISSING!?!?!
[quote name='Dead of Knight']fuck off asshole. He was acquitted of ALL charges. Everyone thought he was guilty and yet a fair trial by jury found him not guilty of all counts. There wasn't even a followup civil suit like with OJ that found him guilty. He has been proven innocent by a court of law, so just shut the fuck up and have some respect. If not, get the fuck off CAG.[/QUOTE]

Thats what happens when you are insanely rich and can afford the best lawyers in the world.
[quote name='ananag112']Thats what happens when you are insanely rich and can afford the best lawyers in the world.[/QUOTE]

ya lol
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The guy was a sick bastard. Keep on defending him. If anything his kids should grow up safe, not having to worry about being dropped off balconies for photo ops.[/QUOTE]

He was a freak show in his later years, but what he did for music in the 80's and in music in general hasn't been done by more than a VERY select few.

[quote name='catabarez']Ok, why must you remember the bad things he did when he did so so much more for this world[/QUOTE]
I don't care how much "good" he did, molesting kids negates that.

[quote name='ITDEFX']Dude serious what the fuck is your problem?? He is dead........just leave him to rest in peace. Try making that crack joke in public around the millions of people who are morning his loss and watch yourself get hanged by a mob. Now that's something I would pay to see.[/QUOTE]
Try making any "offensive" joke in a mob of morons, and you'll get "hanged" by them. That's what delusional fucktards do, solve their problems with violence.
bread's done