MLB 09: The Show CAG League - WEEK 7 STANDINGS! READ POST #1065!!!

GamerMan, you'll just have to wait until the next league. Sorry.

You can add me to your PSN friend list if you want to play Exhibition games though.
The second CAG league that pops up is going to be SO AMAZING. Now that FA's are usable, we'll have what feels like a fresh start all over again hah.
Hey all... sorry about that for not playin yet. I have been havin sum hardcore internet issues and will never go through comcast again... Just got a new connection and I 'should' have a green connection and not drop. Im around tomorrow after 4pm and able to play allllllllllllllllllll night. So just lemme know, pm me, or shoot me a aim msg on steggermeister.

Lookin to get caught up. This shitty internet connections really hurt me :(

Resorted to waiting to use the net till i was at work, ha. Sorry about all that.

N8 lemme know how to proceed.
[quote name='BasketCase1080']Hey all... sorry about that for not playin yet. I have been havin sum hardcore internet issues and will never go through comcast again... Just got a new connection and I 'should' have a green connection and not drop. Im around tomorrow after 4pm and able to play allllllllllllllllllll night. So just lemme know, pm me, or shoot me a aim msg on steggermeister.

Lookin to get caught up. This shitty internet connections really hurt me :(

Resorted to waiting to use the net till i was at work, ha. Sorry about all that.

N8 lemme know how to proceed.[/quote]

Well, the deadline for you and ivanctorres to have a minimum of 3 games played is tomorrow. You're currently 2 games short. I'd like you to get two games played tomorrow if possible, but since you've had a connection issue, I'd be happy with one game played tomorrow, and another by Sunday. I just want to see effort.

I will say this though. It's on you to contact your opponents. Posting here is a good start, but since you're the one who is behind, I can't really expect them to hunt you down. Everybody here has pretty much been sitting around waiting on the two of you.
Where the hell is everybody. Basketcase should have 8 potential opponents, and I know I'm not one of them. Come on guys. Help get this league moving again.
I haven't played in a while ... still need Talon and Ivan
feels like we're at a standstill... losing the momentum we had earlier
And I don't appreciate you disconnecting when I was winning, I'm not going to play in this league if people are going to be fucking lame like that.
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Good game, BasketCase. I couldn't believe I dropped the ball when it was 2 outs and you were able to score two runs because of it. :lol:

And you didn't disconnect!
[quote name='Wpark83']Sorry I quit that game Yuk...don't appreciate pitching like that. Good win.[/QUOTE]

How was he pitching?
[quote name='yukine']Good game, BasketCase. I couldn't believe I dropped the ball when it was 2 outs and you were able to score two runs because of it. :lol:

And you didn't disconnect![/QUOTE]

REally? After the game my connection dropped b4 ranking you, ironically enuff. Sorry that game was a shitshow of bad swings :( Bad idea playin after hittin up happy hour. Anyone wanna free win tonight let me know.
[quote name='jza1218']How was he pitching?[/quote]

Look I understand the object of the game is to win and pitching around batters is a way to get weak hits and strike outs. But when 80% of the balls thrown are outside of the strike zone, I get bored. Add that to two errors on the same play which I found to be horseshit, I just didn't want to finish the game. Is there anything wrong with the way he pitched? No, there wasn't. I just don't enjoy to play games like that. He would have gotten the win either way, so I don't find it to be a big deal. I'm not calling anyone an asshole or nothin'. It just is how it is.
Good job Basketcase getting your games played tonight! ivanctorres ended up never playing a he's out of the league. Unfortunately, this also blacklists him from future CAG leagues. I hate to do it like this, but I really believe there has to be some kind of standard held. Even with a "half flex" schedule like The Show has, he still had 9 possible opponents to play over a three week period, and didn't play any of them...

Obviously, I can't fault anybody for prioritizing work over playing a video game online. But at the same time, you should know your schedule (and your interests. It would have been nice if The Show had gotten as much attention as Call of Duty). It's disrespectful to everybody else in the league to put forth a half assed effort. And clearly, it has brought this league to a standstill. It's nothing personal, but the way the schedule works forced my hand, and it couldn't go unnoticed.

Everybody in the league received a win for their scheduled games against ivan. NL teams got one win. AL teams got two. Unfortunately, kicking ivan out did little to progress the schedule along. It didn't unlock any more games, so now I'm 99.5% convinced that the schedule will not open up further until series one games are played.

Therefore, series one games have now become top priority. There are three games left:
BostonCollegeFan vs. stewie75
melokeith vs. talonthrawn
Basketcase1080 vs. DestroVega

I am giving you guys until next Friday (5/8) to get these games played. If they are not played, I will choose a winner based on the effort I see to get the game played over the next week. I'm going out of town for a week on 5/10, so I would really like the schedule opened up by then, so the rest of you can continue playing your games.

From here on out, two games will be added to the minimum required each week. By next Monday (5/11), everyone will need to have played at least 5 games or you'll be kicked out of the league. 2 games a week may seem like a lot, but there are 22 games in the season. At one game a week, it would take us 5 1/2 months just to get to the playoffs! And a couple of you are already behind that pace! Let's try to get it moving again guys.
[quote name='Wpark83']Look I understand the object of the game is to win and pitching around batters is a way to get weak hits and strike outs. But when 80% of the balls thrown are outside of the strike zone, I get bored. Add that to two errors on the same play which I found to be horseshit, I just didn't want to finish the game. Is there anything wrong with the way he pitched? No, there wasn't. I just don't enjoy to play games like that. He would have gotten the win either way, so I don't find it to be a big deal. I'm not calling anyone an asshole or nothin'. It just is how it is.[/quote]

Well yes, I did get the win so whatever. But it would probably be a good idea to Quit or Concede rather than disconnect, as I was unsure if I received the win or not so I was rather annoyed.

That being said, I didn't throw even close to "80%... outside the strike zone." It's not like every single pitch was a ball, I threw strikes along with balls. Scherzer is for the most part, a fastball pitcher. I'm not going to throw fastballs right down the middle for you to slug, especially when it is a one run game. And naturally, I'm going to throw more balls than strikes when you are chasing everything, so would a pitcher in the real world.

Lastly, dude you had no losses and I was coming in 1-4 (or something like that) I was naturally hesitant to give you anything decent to hit.
I will just say, you have to be way patient. If someone is going to throw a ton of balls.... don't swing!

N8, I contacted Basketcase about playing our game, today I am free up until about six, and will be around most of the day tomorrow. I also have Monday and Tuesday night free. I'm sure he will PM me back.
Dude...again I got a traffic delay and disconnect in the 8th inning of a game I was i'm led ot beleive my wireless connection isn't as great as it should be. So league vote, I don't want to keep getting wins like this...if you feel my connection speed is too weak to play, I'll leave the league. I don't wanna keep fucking people over like this.

EDIT: FYI, I didn't get booted from SC or PSN after this disconnect, it just sent me to the league lobby. Anyone have any suggestions? Are there ports I should open for the PS3 through my router?
[quote name='m_d_amore']destro hit me up if you wanna get our game in today as well

can you try a wired connection?[/quote]

I really can't in my house. Can't really move the router at all to a spot where I can play.

EDIT: I opened some ports and am trying an exhibition now.
[quote name='Wpark83']Dude...again I got a traffic delay and disconnect in the 8th inning of a game I was i'm led ot beleive my wireless connection isn't as great as it should be. So league vote, I don't want to keep getting wins like this...if you feel my connection speed is too weak to play, I'll leave the league. I don't wanna keep fucking people over like this.

EDIT: FYI, I didn't get booted from SC or PSN after this disconnect, it just sent me to the league lobby. Anyone have any suggestions? Are there ports I should open for the PS3 through my router?[/quote]

Have you tried changing the channel on your router? That can help with interference sometimes.

Also, (Choose your router, and then pick "Sony Playstation 3" off the list. At the very least, you can set up a static IP for your PS3 and turn on DMZ mode for that address)
The only time stewie got back to me was like a few weeks ago, but he never showed for that scheduled game, so stewie if you read this, just let me know. I'm available any time after like 5 PM EST.
GG Wpark, you deserved the win regardless of the disconnect. Can't believe I couldn't get out of that based loaded mess - thought I could get a K or a forceout. Oh well. LOL.
Looks like BostonCollegeFan was banned for continued trolling of the Rock Band thread. Hopefully it's only a temp. ban, but I don't know.
[quote name='JustOneMorePost']rant, rant, bitch, complain, pot shot[/quote]

Dude, all I gotta say is you need to be careful. It's one thing to get into arguments with regular members here (which will at least be tolerated to an extent). But when your need to have the last word causes you to start tossing barbs at the moderators, you're really asking for trouble. Even the things you may have had a point about, you came off argumentative and belligerent as hell.

Plus, you did it in a thread dedicated to that specific game. Why you felt the need to tell people who like the game how much you don't like the game, I don't understand. That's like me coming into your house and telling you your mother is ugly. How smart does that sound? Regardless, I really don't want to hear any more about Harmonix or Neversoft in our MLB 09: THE SHOW CAG LEAGUE thread. It's really starting to get old.
[quote name='Wpark83']N8 did you delete posts about Harmonix and Neversoft? Cause I'm lost...[/quote]

No, I didn't do that (nor do I have the power to, haha). It was just a post about BostonCollegeFan getting banned because of stuff in the Rock Band 2 thread. But, he was kinda bashing the mods in the post, so it's not surprising that it's gone.

And yeah, to "the CAG formerly known as BostonCollegeFan", haha, definitely don't drop from the league. I mean, if you add enough people to your PSN friends list, there's no reason why you can't stay in touch well enough to get your games played. It's too bad you had a run in with the higher ups on CAG, but like The Gambler said: "You gotta know when to hold em, and know when to fold em."
[quote name='m_d_amore']so much for free speech and having an opinion[/quote]

Let's not start this here guys. If you emotionally care enough to know the reasons for BostonCollegeFan's banning, you could always PM Shrike. I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you all about it. Otherwise, check the attitude at the door, or take it to GameFAQs.
[quote name='yukine']ivanctorres was kicked out of the league, he didn't play a single game in 3 weeks.[/QUOTE]

Ah ok, I must have missed that message.
Hey fyi there was a patch today or previously and any free agents we drafted are on our teams now. Welcome Manny to my lineup and Ben Sheets to my rotation!

Secondly I'm on right now and will stay on until 7 est (Tigers first pitch) so get on and play me!
Yeah, I just got on and you are already in a game. I'm going to play one as well I guess so hopefully we can get a game in after.
bread's done