MLB 2007 World Series and Offseason Thread

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[quote name='ryanbph']well wagner was playing it as his enterance song since his first year as a closer. I believe he was Houston then. It just never got noticed, as he wasn't in the same town. I was driving the NY when the song was a really big issue, and I was listening to the FAN. The mid day drive guys, said that wagner had it first. He wasn't really tied to the song, as he was asked what type of music he liked, and when he entered the game the PA guys picked that song. I never got what the big deal was, as there are only so many bad ass songs to enter too. They both came up around the same time.

Interesting the Yanks chose giradi ( a manager know for dealing with young players) over pena. I wonder if they are going to let a lot of the older players walk and rebuild from within. They are in a really big situation. Do the sign the old players to contracts with which it is dead money at the end as they most likely won't produce at todays level 3 - 5 years from now. Right now they really don't have the farm system to replace all the potential wholes at the MLB level if they let the older players walk. In order to sign a avg free agent player to fill in the holes, they will have to give big money/long contracts to players that don't deserve it, but with the lack of really good players on the free agent market there value is up. Also take into account, besides just dealing with the redsox to sign someone, the angels, cubs, mets will be in the market. San diego, clevand, detraid and the dodgers will also be shopping. IMO there is a lot more teams that feel they are on the brink and might really overpay for a avg player.[/QUOTE]

yeah i know the mets took sweet caroline......but the enter sandman was played during wagner's entrance..but whatever..a song is a song

Im expecting the mets to really over pay Yorvit Torreabla. He is the only decent catcher on the market besides posada(who will resign with the yanks no doubt about that). I definitley agree with what your saying on the Yanks...but havent they overpaid average players every year....guys like steve karsay,carl pavano,jaret wright....i think everything has caught up with yanks..after trading their farm year after year..they have nothing to fall back on..which is another reason why the sox dominated the AL East this year...because of players like pedroia and ellsbury.
[quote name='integralsmatic'] I definitley agree with what your saying on the Yanks...but havent they overpaid average players every year....guys like steve karsay,carl pavano,jaret wright....i think everything has caught up with yanks..after trading their farm year after year..they have nothing to fall back on..which is another reason why the sox dominated the AL East this year...because of players like pedroia and ellsbury.[/quote]

Exactly, it's why the Red Sox won.

The Red Sox after 2004 traded off a lot of the more expensive players, but they made their farm ystem (what a terrible name) so great that they can trade the older, more money guys and still have younger players to win games.
[quote name='integralsmatic']yeah i know the mets took sweet caroline......but the enter sandman was played during wagner's entrance..but whatever..a song is a song[/QUOTE]
If anyone owns a song, its Papelbon with I'm Shipping Up to Boston. Nobody else can use that now.
I wonder what is going to happen to theory the sox don't really need him as a player on the field. I am sure it would be nice to have him mentoring the younger guys. With beckett, dice k, lester locked into the rotation. Wakefield can be had for a really cheap team option and buckholtz appears ready to be on the MLB squad. According to gammons, there is another young pitcher or 2 that might be on the verge as well.

Schilling probably would sign a 10 - 13 mill 1 year deal, but I don't know if we need that. With potentially 2 guys in the rotation making under $1mill a season and wakefield at $4 mill it would be nice to have a relatively cheap starting rotation payroll at approx 25mill (approx 500k for lester buckholtz, 4 mill for wake, roughly 10mill per beckett and dice k
Schilling himself said (I read in the local newspaper) he doubts he will play with the Sox next season because they won't offer him the same money, where as he believes other teams will offer him a double figure salary (aka around 11 mil again). If the Sox offer him 10 million and the D-Backs 11 million (just saying for money's sake) he would go to the D-Backs. No better then Damon if you ask me (if im reading what he said right).

They are going to actively pursue Lowell but if he rejects they will go after A-Rod. This is regarding third base, but if he will play shortstop I can imagine the Red Sox throwing money at him.

Wakefield will most likely be picked up pending his arm scan next week which will show if he needs shoulder surgery or not.

The Red Sox are turning into the evil empire if they throw big money after A-Rod, only exception being we are the good empire ;)
When are the GMs finally going to grow some balls and tell Boras to fuck off? You could start slowly, say with ARod, then start expanding. Eventually, people would get the message to dump him and he'd be out of business.
I would love for the sox to sign arod...yes he is a pain in the ass, but so isn't manny...they would then have the option of dumping manny and getting decent prospects back in return due to only 1 year left on the contract. Or they could keep manny and have a 3 4 5 of ortiz arod manny.
[quote name='ryanbph']I would love for the sox to sign arod...yes he is a pain in the ass, but so isn't manny...they would then have the option of dumping manny and getting decent prospects back in return due to only 1 year left on the contract. Or they could keep manny and have a 3 4 5 of ortiz arod manny.[/quote]

It could work, but Ramirez's deal is a little more complicated than having 1 year left. It has 1 year left, with two 1 year team options at like $20 million per year. Manny has 10/5 trade rights and can veto any deal.

Rumors persist that even when he was asking/demanding a trade one of his requirements of him waving his 10/5 rights was both options being picked up.
[quote name='ryanbph']I would love for the sox to sign arod...yes he is a pain in the ass, but so isn't manny...they would then have the option of dumping manny and getting decent prospects back in return due to only 1 year left on the contract. Or they could keep manny and have a 3 4 5 of ortiz arod manny.[/QUOTE]

A-Rod is a siren song. Every team he has signed with has done worse with him than before him. Every team. Why everyone keeps overlooking this is beyond me. Let some other team be his next victim.
Big money should be spent on pitching. That being said...

No single player is worth what A-Rod wants. When Johan Santana becomes a free agent, that is where people should be throwing their money.
[quote name='paddlefoot']It could work, but Ramirez's deal is a little more complicated than having 1 year left. It has 1 year left, with two 1 year team options at like $20 million per year. Manny has 10/5 trade rights and can veto any deal.

Rumors persist that even when he was asking/demanding a trade one of his requirements of him waving his 10/5 rights was both options being picked up.[/quote]

very true...but a lot of teams (ie angels) can look at it as slightly less offensive numbers as arod, for 60mill over 3 years compared to arod at 28mill per season for most likely 8 years

His last trade request it looked like he only wanted 1 option year picked up
Barry Bonds said if the ball we voted on to put an * on he will not go to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

I think we should stick it right in front. :)

I fucking hate that jackass, he also sounds like a 13 year old.
gotta love curt schilling 1 year deal..8mill guaranteed...$3mill in performance bonus based on inn pitched....$2mill bonus based of his weight:fridge: :rofl:
[quote name='paddlefoot']It could work, but Ramirez's deal is a little more complicated than having 1 year left. It has 1 year left, with two 1 year team options at like $20 million per year. Manny has 10/5 trade rights and can veto any deal.

Rumors persist that even when he was asking/demanding a trade one of his requirements of him waving his 10/5 rights was both options being picked up.[/quote]

another thing to remeber with him wanting to leave, is his wife wants out of he allegedly has a mistress in boston...that and the fact the media/fans in boston is unlike any other in the country as they can't go anywhere without being noticed
[quote name='ryanbph']gotta love curt schilling 1 year deal..8mill guaranteed...$3mill in performance bonus based on inn pitched....$2mill bonus based of his weight:fridge: :rofl:[/QUOTE]

The MLB is proving that if your still old you can still make tons and tons of cash. Maddux got what 10 million for his deal? time for glavine to cash in lol.
[quote name='ryanbph']gotta love curt schilling 1 year deal..8mill guaranteed...$3mill in performance bonus based on inn pitched....$2mill bonus based of his weight:fridge: :rofl:[/quote]

He added the weight part himself because he doesn't want to get fat and lazy like he did last winter.
[quote name='ryanbph']its fucked up...but it is just as fucked up that she has a friend that would do that to her.[/quote]

Bah they have the same thing @ Miller Park. I'm sure the texter thought there was no way that was going to see the light of day.
[quote name='ryanbph']brad lidge got traded to the phils in a 5 player trade.

The Philadelphia Phillies became the first team to make a big move at the general managers' meetings, acquiring closer Brad Lidge from Houston along with infielder Eric Bruntlett on Wednesday night.
The Astros received speedy outfielder Michael Bourn, right-hander Geoff Geary and minor league third baseman Mike Costanzo.[/QUOTE]

sory for the double post

Another fast baller reaches the NL east. I guess they really do miss Billy Wagner that much huh. michael Bourn has alot of sure under the Stros he should get some time.
wow, posada weasled a 4 year deal out of the yanks...I wonder how that is going to look at $13.1 mill a season a couple of years from now. Granted the yanks have no catchers in the minors that are anywhere near ready to be an everyday player, and it is thin on the free agent market. Usually right around his age is when catchers start to fall apart offensively. Looking at some HOF catchers and there numbers/age, I wonder if 2 years into this deal it will turn into a johnny damon deal where you are stuck with an overpaid player who is old and doesn't produce like they used too.
Old C's offense usually tanks cuz they are worn out from catching. They could DH him to keep his stick going. Of course they would need a legit 1B then too.
C.C. won the Cy Young. If post-season play was factored in at all it would have been Beckett by a land-slide.
[quote name='Filbert']C.C. won the Cy Young. If post-season play was factored in at all it would have been Beckett by a land-slide.[/quote]

Of course it would have but the Cy Young is a regular season award. That's why they have seperate one's for the postseason.
[quote name='Filbert']C.C. won the Cy Young. If post-season play was factored in at all it would have been Beckett by a land-slide.[/quote]

C.C. won by having an extra 4 starts and 40 innings. They were quality innings I would add.

I'll just take solace in the fact that Beckett was matched up agains Lackey (3rd in Cy Young voting) in the ALDS and was dominate. Then was matched up twice against Sabathia in the ALCS and was dominate yet again.
[quote name='Filbert']C.C. won the Cy Young. If post-season play was factored in at all it would have been Beckett by a land-slide.[/quote]

Yeah, but since it's regular season, C.C. deserved it based on an extra 40 innings pitched at his ERA...that's equivalent to 5+ quality starts. Plus the strikeout-to-walk ratio was better than Beckett's. Great season for C.C., but he must have a bitter taste in his mouth accepting this one..

I wonder if all the extra innings had an effect on his postseason performance.
[quote name='klwillis45']Old C's offense usually tanks cuz they are worn out from catching. They could DH him to keep his stick going. Of course they would need a legit 1B then too.[/quote]

that is the problem...posada has caught a shit load of games in his career...espically with the yanks going into and usually fairly deep in the playoffs every year. Last year was a career year for posada, he has never hit that well. They already have a DH, yes they could use him at 1b, assuming they find someone else to catch. He is a career .277 hitter, including the .338 he his last year. He has had power before and the rbi's are deceiving as the yanks have been an offensive machine for years. But he is roughly 35 going on 36 and they gave him a 4 year deal
Reportedly the Yanks are back to speaking with A-Rod but want no Boras involved.

fuck A-Rod. Most self-indulgent player ever. And this is coming from a Barry Bonds fan...
[quote name='ph33r m3']Reportedly the Yanks are back to speaking with A-Rod but want no Boras involved.

fuck A-Rod. Most self-indulgent player ever. And this is coming from a Barry Bonds fan...[/QUOTE]

You got it backwards: fuck Boras.
maybe arod is pissed about the fact the money boras promised isn't there. If I were him, I would let mike lowell sign, and wait for cabrera to be traded. All the clubs intererested in a 3b with offensive capabilities, have turned there attention from him and are gunning for these other guys. The amount of teams that need a rh hitting offensive threat that can play 3b or ss far outnumber the players available. Once lowell signs and cabrera get traded the market will open up for him. If lowell doesn't come back to boston (very good chance as the bosox don't want to give him 4 years and I wouldn't either) they will have to grab someone. If cabrera gets traded to either the angels or dodgers the other team will have to make a big splash to keep local fans interested. If the yanks get lowell or cabrera, then the sox will have to make a big splash thus greatly improving arods value. I would imagine lowell wants to wait untill arod signs to get his contract up higher, so it might make it tough for arod to hold out. If I were him, I would wait untill around xmass or later to get as many teams involved.
yeah i agree, i think a-rod is just pissed at boras because it is unlikely that he will be getting the contract that Boras said he would. oh well.
People need to realize that even if the rumors turn out to be true:

1. Boras couldn't get A-Rod $350M
2. A-Rod had to contact the Yanks
3. Hank and Hal Steinbrenner made him wear a dress and beg for the Yankees to be his daddy

[quote name='integralsmatic']good thing we have DWright..but having him play second would be bad lol.

Boras is a suck nut. Him and Rosenhaus are scum.[/quote]

I think the Mets dodged a bullet when Posada went back to the Yankees. Posada can still hit like a mofo, but what are the chances he can still catch 120 games in two years? At least the Yankees have the DH and Giambi will be gone which will allow Posado to slide into the DH spot when he can't catch.
I wouldn't be suprised if the arod move to talk with the yanks is a tactic. Without the biggest spenders in the bidding, it dropped his value. Having the yanks involved, could persuade other teams to bid higher. I didn't think he wanted anything to do with NY anymore. His wife was wearing t shirts to the stadium with the middle finger on the back. He didn't seem to fit in with the team or with the media. Then again, maybe no one will come close to the bidding the yanks are offering.
4 team offered more money to lowell then the redsox...4 years $55mill to $60 mill...angels, phillies, and yanks were in the talks...yanks are looking for lowell to play 1b...4 year $60mill, I say let him go. His numbers will take a big hit by not playing in a hitters park like fenway. His road ba this year was roughly .276. His home BA was much higher.
[quote name='paddlefoot']I think the Mets dodged a bullet when Posada went back to the Yankees. Posada can still hit like a mofo, but what are the chances he can still catch 120 games in two years? At least the Yankees have the DH and Giambi will be gone which will allow Posado to slide into the DH spot when he can't catch.[/QUOTE]

yep which is why i was hoping he wouldnt sign. I like his power also..but im sick of old catchers..which is why the Torreabla deal is not high on the kid..and im not on low on him either...either way he is physically better than LoDuca and he should fit in quickly.

this past season was a huge year for posada also...he is surely like to have a drop off in all areas...they can have him for 30 million plus.
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