MLB 2007 World Series and Offseason Thread

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[quote name='bigdaddy']Once again, city?

The Red Sox are in Boston, but they are at least New England's deal, unless you live in southwest CT, but that's not part of CT.

And my sister took some pictures of it in 2004, that works for me.[/QUOTE]

You're right, I underestimated the closeness of New England.
[quote name='Moxio']Yes, but to every other city on earth it's whatever unless it's actually entertaining.[/QUOTE]
A 1 run game in the 9th isn't interesting?
No where else do people show up out side a closed stadium with brooms for a world title won across the country. All the cops in town are holding fans to one street near Fenway.
Yeah, I was in the market for a new kitchen table and recliner and almost, almost hopped on board the Jordan's furniture deal .Like I was in store looking at it and I thought, "They're the Sox, they're gonna fuck us, it's what they do".
[quote name='Moxio']Maybe on Game 6 or 7.[/QUOTE]
You must have been bored by the 04 Sox/Yankees series for 6 games, and then bored by the early blowout in game 7.
[quote name='dafoomie']You must have been bored by the 04 Sox/Yankees series for 6 games, and then bored by the early blowout in game 7.[/QUOTE]

I need to go find some new Red Sox shirts after they stop selling out. Jacob Ellsbury is like "I would have went through the wall if I had too". :)

Thousands and thousands of fans in Denver, I love it. i think yesterday they were chanting "Red Sox"!
[quote name='smellhasreturned']haha everyone keeps getting arrested[/quote]

It's Boston.

If you say "Brite Lite" to a cop they would probably arrest you.
3000+ mob showering beer on each other with the cops not doing shit? Mad bitches flashing their tiggums in the middle of a mosh? Getting the two idiots with Yankees hats on chased half-way back to their dorms?

Yes. This was a good thing.
Wanted a more exciting WS? The ALCS was the WS, and it went 7 games.

Oh well. I would have liked to see the Rockies win one.
[quote name='Filbert']Wanted a more exciting WS? The ALCS was the WS, and it went 7 games.

No, the ALCS was the ALCS. This ridiculous argument that the "real" world series was
Cleveland vs. Boston should just end. The match may not have been as good but it was still the championship.

Congrats to Boston and Boston fan. Between the Red Sox and Pats, we're going to hearing that "aaaahhhh Bass-tan rulez!" well into next year.

Now please LEAVE my city and take your bandwagon with you, you're stinking up the place.

[quote name='JimmieMac']No where else do people show up out side a closed stadium with brooms for a world title won across the country..[/QUOTE]

Not really, that pretty much happens in every city that where the home team wins a championship away. Hell, we did it when the Avs swept the Panthers in the Stanley cup. I swear, Boston thinks they invented being fans.
[quote name='usickenme']No, the ALCS was the ALCS. This ridiculous argument that the "real" world series was
Cleveland vs. Boston should just end. The match may not have been as good but it was still the championship.[/quote]

Well what the comment means is that the ALCS decided the championship (as far as I'm concerned) and by a stretch of the definition was.
Because it seems all the NL fans here are assholes I'm gonig to try to fit in!

THE NL SUCKS! That's why the Al normally wins now without any real problems.
[quote name='bigdaddy']Because it seems all the NL fans here are assholes I'm gonig to try to fit in!

THE NL SUCKS! That's why the Al normally wins now without any real problems.[/quote]
WTF is with all this whole NL fans= some form of ass? Did some NL fan touch you wrong or something? I mean, IIRC, earlier in the thread, you weren't even sure what was different about the two. (Edit: the two leagues*)

Anyways, this series was actually kind of dissapointing. Both because the Rockies got raped, and that there really wasn't that much excitment. Oh well, time to watch the owners mess the roster up in the off season.
Hey that was nice and quick and finished up early, just in time for Denver to wallop the Packers without any annoying baseball on Monday night :p.

I didn't have a big interest in this World Series, but my heart goes out to you Rocks fans. Boston looks like it has become the new Yankees.
Good news for the Sox, bad news for the Yankees. Always a good day in my book ;)

Now I just hope the Sox make the right decisions and re-sign who needs to be re-signed/contract extensions.

If the Sox manage to keep most of their players they will have a good chance at winning it next year to.
[quote name='usickenme']No, the ALCS was the ALCS. This ridiculous argument that the "real" world series was
Cleveland vs. Boston should just end. The match may not have been as good but it was still the championship.

Congrats to Boston and Boston fan. Between the Red Sox and Pats, we're going to hearing that "aaaahhhh Bass-tan rulez!" well into next year.

Now please LEAVE my city and take your bandwagon with you, you're stinking up the place.

Not really, that pretty much happens in every city that where the home team wins a championship away. Hell, we did it when the Avs swept the Panthers in the Stanley cup. I swear, Boston thinks they invented being fans.[/quote]

Wow, bitter much? So sorry the people with pride are stinkin' up "your city".
Of course he's bitter, his team just got swept. But I think that Rockies team will only get better. They have some great young players. If they can get their pitching to do it again, they can certainly get back. I'm glad to see a formerly woeful team get it together.

As for the NL vs. the AL - They really, really need to adopt the DH. It has the dual effect of making your lineup better and making the pitchers in the AL have to be better. I really can't understand why anyone would advocate for a pitcher to go up there and hit, it looks terrible (save for maybe...Micah Owings, and 1 or 2 others). I guess there's the whole chess match argument with double switching and all that, but it seems really antiquated.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']

If the Sox manage to keep most of their players they will have a good chance at winning it next year to.[/quote]

Hell I don't even think they need to resign most of the people, they have so many rookies that are amazing. The team is built well with and without ht eolder guys.

It's "Lite Brite" you moron!

quote=bigdaddy;3514848]It's Boston.

If you say "Brite Lite" to a cop they would probably arrest you.[/quote]
Gee was it me or did all those white towels waving in the stands look like the whole city of Denver was surrendering!!
[quote name='Synergy']Of course he's bitter, his team just got swept. But I think that Rockies team will only get better. They have some great young players. If they can get their pitching to do it again, they can certainly get back. I'm glad to see a formerly woeful team get it together.


Thank you. Yes, I'm pissed. Not only because we lost and got swept but by a team with some pretty obnoxious fans (see idiot above me). However, they deserve to enjoy it and I fully respect the Red Sox as a team ( How could you not?)

It's funny, you'd think they would understand. Before 2004, Boston fan was the bitterest person on the planet.

p.s I hope you all know that Forums tend to exaggerate emotions. Take that for what it is worth.
[quote name='bigdaddy']Because it seems all the NL fans here are assholes I'm gonig to try to fit in!

THE NL SUCKS! That's why the Al normally wins now without any real problems.[/QUOTE]

Wait...can you tell me who won it last year against a superior team that somehow resembled the sox but without the clutchness of them...

Well i guess im an Asshole now. Thats funny becuase i thought most sox/yankee fans have the biggest egos in baseball. Your proving that fact to me with a comment like that.

I can care less which league it better. it was a season full of ups and downs and the better team won. Thats it...looking forward to 08 and i hope the Mets do something to fix the abismal bullpen and pitching. Alou was picked up another year so thats a start. I hope we can get a catcher now..

anybody know when they release the list of names of users they found on roids or HGH?

[quote name='hootie']HAHAHA, awesome; my school played "Sweet Caroline" and "Dirty Water" over the intercom at the end of the day.[/QUOTE]

I hope the Mets change that song. I have no idea why they play it in Shea when its your guys song. No offense but I really hate that song.
Well It's good times. Getting harassed for the last 25 years of my life by Yankees fans and winning two world series certainly makes things better. I'll agree with you bigdaddy that we can probably depend on our younger staff as long as we have some vets in there, like Lowell, Ortiz and even Manny. We certainly have a dynasty on our hands with the right management.

In other news for the other half the US fans (aka Yankee fans) Joe Girardi is your new coach (almost official) and a lot of Yankee fans are pissed at my work place because he's unproven (although he did with that manager of the year award with the Marlins, despite finishing under .500) and they were even more pissed to hear A-Rod opt out. See you on the Cubs A-Rod.
[quote name='integralsmatic']
I hope the Mets change that song. I have no idea why they play it in Shea when its your guys song. No offense but I really hate that song.[/quote]

the mets steal a lot of other stuff too, like playing enter sandman for billy wagner when its rivera's song. i guess they cant come up with anything by themselves.
well wagner was playing it as his enterance song since his first year as a closer. I believe he was Houston then. It just never got noticed, as he wasn't in the same town. I was driving the NY when the song was a really big issue, and I was listening to the FAN. The mid day drive guys, said that wagner had it first. He wasn't really tied to the song, as he was asked what type of music he liked, and when he entered the game the PA guys picked that song. I never got what the big deal was, as there are only so many bad ass songs to enter too. They both came up around the same time.

Interesting the Yanks chose giradi ( a manager know for dealing with young players) over pena. I wonder if they are going to let a lot of the older players walk and rebuild from within. They are in a really big situation. Do the sign the old players to contracts with which it is dead money at the end as they most likely won't produce at todays level 3 - 5 years from now. Right now they really don't have the farm system to replace all the potential wholes at the MLB level if they let the older players walk. In order to sign a avg free agent player to fill in the holes, they will have to give big money/long contracts to players that don't deserve it, but with the lack of really good players on the free agent market there value is up. Also take into account, besides just dealing with the redsox to sign someone, the angels, cubs, mets will be in the market. San diego, clevand, detraid and the dodgers will also be shopping. IMO there is a lot more teams that feel they are on the brink and might really overpay for a avg player.
the detroit tigers traded 2 prospects (a sp and an of) for edgar renteria.

Arod opted out of his contract via voicemail, not face to face...MLB pissed about timing of announcement. The yanks are pissed he didn't meet with them face to face. That pretty much guarantee's they won't be bidding, thus cutting out a major player with money to get the contract he wants
[quote name='ryanbph']the detroit tigers traded 2 prospects (a sp and an of) for edgar renteria.

Arod opted out of his contract via voicemail, not face to face...MLB pissed about timing of announcement. The yanks are pissed he didn't meet with them face to face. That pretty much guarantee's they won't be bidding, thus cutting out a major player with money to get the contract he wants[/quote]

I'm pissed at Fox for talknig about it for 15 minutes during the RED SOX game. That wasn't needed. They could have talked about it between inninings instead of more commericals. The way Fox and the annoucers handed it was poorly done at best.
Gota say Edgar is a great ballplayer although fuck does he get bounced around alot. Cardinals, Sox, Braves now the fucking Tigers.
Unfortunately, yeah. But we have a outstanding young, cheap player that's gotta start somewhere. I'm glad we filled two glaring needs by trading him.
Damn, we had to pay Atlanta to unload that stiff.

Boras making that announcement during the game was bullshit. I hope MLB fines him or something.
[quote name='dafoomie']Damn, we had to pay Atlanta to unload that stiff.

Boras making that announcement during the game was bullshit. I hope MLB fines him or something.[/QUOTE]

I think Boras made a major miscalculation by having A-Rod opt out so early. The Yankees were the only team that could afford to meet Boras' asking price because of the Rangers subsidizing his contract which now is void since A-Rod opted out. Now A-Rod expects some team to pony up $30 million a year on their own for his services which even the Yankees won't even consider. Boras drove up the price on Lowell who the Yankees will probably pursue aggressively.
[quote name='Synergy']Clearly you don't actually follow baseball, so there's no point in arguing with you.

Lester pitched his butt off. Really impressed.[/quote]
Yes, and you know everything because of your baseball related signature.

Think again, sweetheart. All successful teams will have fans that jump on the bandwagon, but you're acting like Boston is the only place that this doesn't happen. I'm not saying there are no loyal Sox fans.

Go read what you said. Sorry for taking this thread off-topic, but when I see something that idiotic I'm going to reply. Your team won, there's no reason to put down Colorado fans.
[quote name='dopa345']I think Boras made a major miscalculation by having A-Rod opt out so early. The Yankees were the only team that could afford to meet Boras' asking price because of the Rangers subsidizing his contract which now is void since A-Rod opted out. Now A-Rod expects some team to pony up $30 million a year on their own for his services which even the Yankees won't even consider. Boras drove up the price on Lowell who the Yankees will probably pursue aggressively.[/quote]

I bet there are several teams that will come close...little to no right handed power bats with a good avg available. The Yanks did offer and additional like 5 years at around 30mill, which including his current salary would put him at roughly 26mill per season for the yanks avg out. If soriano can get a 10 year deal around 20mill, I bet boras will have no problem getting an 8 or 10 year deal. Roughly the same age, much better avg and more consistent power with arod.
[quote name='2Fast']Has anyone said if A-Rod wants to play SS or 3B for whatever team he goes to?[/quote]

As long as some team will pay him like 35 million a season I think he will play everywhere.

And anyone remember the good old days when sports were a second job and players left to fight WW2 and the Korean War? Yeah I'm not that old but I remember those stories and A-rod makes me sick.
looks like torre is trying to 1up the yanks

I wonder if the reason arod is opting out so early, is he is afraid of the mitchell report. Speculation about the report is that there is a lot of big names, and a lot of people that you wouldn't think of. It is due out the end of nov/mid dec.
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