MLB 2010 Discussion Thread

Rangers hit some balls hard tonight, but the baseball gods are not smiling upon them this series. Bumgarner pitched a hell of a game.

Texas is really playing like the Yanks did in the ALCS. Can't hit and the bullpen get the job done. I'll be at the game tomorrow. I'm already getting my noose ready.

[quote name='Jodou']Shut out again?[/QUOTE]

Yep. Only the second time all year in their home ballpark. Just hasn't been their series.
I'm predicting Lee wins tomorrow and then the Giants seal the series with a home win in Game 6. Feels so good to be a Giants fan right now. :cool:
missed the game but glad i can actually watch it with the new deal Newscorp and Cablevision did. I for one thought the Rangers would tie it but looking at the highlights, Bumgarner looked fantastic.

This is why I love baseball and sports in general. The unexpected does happen. Who expected these two teams duking it out in the final? Not I.

anyway congrats to whoever wins this whole thing.
[quote name='TheRock88']I'm predicting Lee wins tomorrow and then the Giants seal the series with a home win in Game 6. Feels so good to be a Giants fan right now. :cool:[/QUOTE]
I'll just be happy to have the champions be an NL West team. :cool:
You know, if I were the Giants I'm not sure I'd have gone with Lincecum tonight against Lee. They're both pitch great I guess (just got home and see it's still scoreless), and I get trying to close it out.

But with a 3-1 series lead I'm not sure I'd put my ace out there in game 5 on the road against the other team's ace. Too good a chance of having a pitcher's duel and it coming down to the bullpen and then you kind of wasted your ace against theres.

Vs. trying to win with another starter, if not doing it having the other teams ace out of the way and being able to put your ace out there in game 6 at home against the other teams number 2 or 3 pitcher to close it out.
GIANTS WIN!!!!!!!!

About fucking time a team I rooted for at the beginning of the playoffs take it. :lol:

fucking unbelievable, Giants have been garbage for years. I definitely didn't expect them to make the playoffs, let alone win it all this season.
[quote name='yukine']GIANTS WIN!!!!!!!!

About fucking time a team I rooted for at the beginning of the playoffs take it. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Good thing you didn't root for the phillies then. :razz:

But yes, congrats to the Giants. You made me happy in the NLCS, so it is nice to see you guys win it (not that I had a stake either way).
[quote name='Arikado'] I'll be at the game tomorrow. I'm already getting my noose ready.[/QUOTE]

I'm super jealous. You saw history happen.
Wow! Cliff Lee loses both games he starts in the World Series...and comes up short in back-to-back years. Who the hell would have ever bet on that one in a million years? Baseball is a weird ass sport.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Then you've led a sad, empty life up to this point.[/QUOTE]

If you've waited your entire life for a team you love to win it all, it's a perfectly understandable feeling.

Watching the Red Sox winning it all in 2004 is without a doubt the happiest sports moment of my life and easily cracks the top 5 overall.

Congrats to the Giants. I have a lot of family in SF who are Giants fans, great to see them win one for that city.

This is unreal.

This pitching staff is one of the greatest of all time.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wow! Cliff Lee loses both games he starts in the World Series...and comes up short in back-to-back years. Who the hell would have ever bet on that one in a million years? Baseball is a weird ass sport.[/QUOTE]
He pitched a hell of a game, his offense just didn't show up to back him up. Another year down and thank god it was at least a new face that won it. It's just too bad they didn't take it to 6-7 games, because then they could've won it at home.

Well, time to go hibernate til April!
[quote name='steve nash']Hey texas! Tell me how my ass tastes!!! Go Giants!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Nobody is going near your soccer loving Canadian ass. Go produce more movies about dudes with one legs.

The Rangers losing doesn't hurt like the Mavs going down. They have a deep enough farm system, new ownership, and a great nucleus that they should be able to compete for years to come.
Really heartbreaking to watch the opposing team celebrate your team's home diamond. I really couldn't stop watching it, it was like a train wreck. Gut wrenching. Both starters only made one major mistake, but Lee's was the bigger of the two. When Renteria hit that three run shot, the stadium just deflated.

The Giants deserve it, though. They were the better team this series. Their pitching was outstanding, and if you can beat Cliff Lee twice in a postseason series, you deserve a title.

Hell of a season for the Rangers, though. All of the years of anguish and watching bad baseball paid off this year. I got to see my team, the one I've lived 10 minutes away from all my life, make an amazing run to the American League Pennant. Crappy way to end the thing, but still, I'm proud of the team I've loved my entire life.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Nobody is going near your soccer loving Canadian ass. Go produce more movies about dudes with one legs.

The Rangers losing doesn't hurt like the Mavs going down. They have a deep enough farm system, new ownership, and a great nucleus that they should be able to compete for years to come.[/QUOTE]
Can I report a mod for flaming? :lol:
[quote name='yukine']Can I report a mod for flaming? :lol:[/QUOTE]

Spyder187 reported me the other day, so feel free. I don't have any real problem with the real Nash other than the fact that he didn't get motivated until Cuban let him walk.

That being said, quoting Shaq after winning his fourth ring makes me remember that Kobe now has five. :cool: Hopefully Texas can make him eat his words in the years to come much like Kobe was able to.
[quote name='ph33r m3']
This pitching staff is one of the greatest of all time.[/QUOTE]

It's definitely an amazing staff.. I guess it depends how many staffs you're including in that group. I'd say they would probably crack the top 20-25 easily, maybe higher. I can think of 5 or 6 more dominant staffs off the top of my head though.
[quote name='bvharris']It's definitely an amazing staff.. I guess it depends how many staffs you're including in that group. I'd say they would probably crack the top 20-25 easily, maybe higher. I can think of 5 or 6 more dominant staffs off the top of my head though.[/QUOTE]

The braves of the 90's with Maddux, Glavine, and Smoltz were better than this group. That's the most recent one I can think of.
Giants are the champs!!!!!

Cant believe they were able to beat Lee not only once, but twice. Who woulda thought Renteria would be the hero of the series after doing almost nothing cause of injuries and riding the bench just a few months ago.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Then you've led a sad, empty life up to this point.[/QUOTE]


My life has been pretty awesome for the most part actually, it's just good to have a team I've been waiting for all my life to win, my dad even longer than that, he's been alive their entire SF era. Think what you'd like, I'm sure when I get married to my fiance and have kids then the Giants will move to 3rd.
Cody Ross NLCS MVP
Edgar Renteria World Series MVP

Seriously.... WHAT THE fuck lol. If you made prop bets in Vegas on these two, you'd be a rich, rich man.
[quote name='bvharris']It's definitely an amazing staff.. I guess it depends how many staffs you're including in that group. I'd say they would probably crack the top 20-25 easily, maybe higher. I can think of 5 or 6 more dominant staffs off the top of my head though.[/QUOTE]

I'm drunk so don't quote me but hearing on KNBR that the Giants staff in the past two games only let one Texas player get to third base (Cruz homer).

I'm not a believer on destiny but this was a team destined to win.

They beat arguably the three best pitchers in MLB (Halladay, Oswalt, Lee).

They didn't just beat those pitchers, they shat on them.

I'll say this much, thank god Washington didn't pitch Feliz in Game 2. That kid is the truth.
[quote name='Ski Hawk']Cool that the Giants won, but it means no more baseball :([/QUOTE]

Well... for 4 months... Then spring training and pre-season games kick in.
Congrats San Francisco. What a great performance during the whole post season.

Now its time for the Off-season and first thing first.....the Winter Meetings.

Let the wheeling and dealing begin.
Man, after watching every game of the WS, as a Yankee fan, i'm kinda happy that we didn't make the World Series lol. There would have been such a big ass-whooping. Let's say Teixeira never gets injured, he would have hit .050 in that series. A-Void would have hit a bit better at .100... our pitching would have gotten dominated except for Andy Pettite. I mean our 3rd and 4th starters as Hughes and Burnett? lol...

Congrats to the Giants on dominating the playoffs and the World Series!
Well, they sure did the impossible. If a team can walk all over the Phillies and Rangers then there must be something to them. Congrats to the Giants, they proved to be the best.
[quote name='Brownjohn']The braves of the 90's with Maddux, Glavine, and Smoltz were better than this group. That's the most recent one I can think of.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's the last one which was clearly better than this group. The greatest pitching staff of all time for my money was the '71 Orioles, though they couldn't close it out in the World Series.

No doubt this Giants group has set the standard for pitching staffs this century though, and the scary thing it they actually have room to get better.
[quote name='ph33r m3']They beat arguably the three best pitchers in MLB (Halladay, Oswalt, Lee).[/QUOTE]
You know, if you rearrange the names it almost sounds like Lee Harvey Oswald. Conspiracy! :shock:
[quote name='speedracer']Aw, come on man. You didn't have to delete the part about the Dodgers having all those WS championships and the Giants having none.[/QUOTE]

Come out. Come out. Wherever you are.
[quote name='bvharris']Yeah, that's the last one which was clearly better than this group. The greatest pitching staff of all time for my money was the '71 Orioles, though they couldn't close it out in the World Series.

No doubt this Giants group has set the standard for pitching staffs this century though, and the scary thing it they actually have room to get better.[/QUOTE]

71 orioles were EXTREMELY GREAT!. They had 4 twenty game winners right?

66 dodgers with Koufax/Sutton/Drysdale/Ottman...they dominated the league in pitching in every category except wins...i think Sutton went 12-12 and ottman was subpar but their ERAs were all low and they let the fewest runs and had the most Ks in the league at that time.

I know im going to sound like a complete homer but i cant leave out the 86 Mets rotation of Darling/Fernandez/Gooden/Auguliera/Ojeda. This staff completely dominate the majors also. They all had really ridiculous winning records except for Auguliera but he still was 3 games over .500. I mean Ojeda went 18-5 as a 4th starter, Doc went 17 as a third,El Sid has 16, and Darling had 15 and i think the top 4 posted below very low 3 or below 3 era.

there are more rotations but I think current Giants staff belongs in the argument but i cant see them cracking the top 10 but I agree with you BV, i think they crack 20-25
[quote name='Jodou']Wow, was just reading about the riots in Cali last night. Looting and attacking cars? Giants fans? Real classy. . .[/QUOTE]

It was all the bandwagon transplants from that cesspool that is los angeles
[quote name='Jodou']Wow, was just reading about the riots in Cali last night. Looting and attacking cars? Giants fans? Real classy. . .[/QUOTE]

There are assholes in every single fan base in America. That's not news. If the (insert your favorite team here) had won it all then idiots in (insert city that team plays in) would be looting and attacking cars.
[quote name='bvharris']There are assholes in every single fan base in America. That's not news. If the (insert your favorite team here) had won it all then idiots in (insert city that team plays in) would be looting and attacking cars.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. This generally happens whenever a team wins, especially when they haven't won for awhile. And it just makes me laugh when pompous fans act like their fanbase would never, ever do that. Yeah, ok. I remember all the shots people were taking at the folks up in Boston when the Sox won in '04. Most of it probably came from fans of teams that hadn't won in a long time, either, and they simply wish they could have the chance to set a car on fire or rape a young woman, all in the name of a championship.
[quote name='ph33r m3']Come out. Come out. Wherever you are.[/QUOTE]
Sorry bout disappearing. I was hosting a Dodger party. We were cheering on the rioters.
[quote name='ph33r m3']This pitching staff is one of the greatest of all time.[/QUOTE]
lol. Slow down tiger. The NL West as a whole has a helluva lot better pitching than anyone gives (gave?) us credit for, but ya'll aren't even in the same ballpark as the '66 Dodgers. Yea, Lincecum is good. Koufax was 27-9 with a 1.73 ERA. Matt Cain is not Don Drysdale. Sanchez isn't Don Sutton. Brian Wilson isn't Phil Regan.

They pitched their asses off though. Hat tip to that. I've had a bunch of debates over whether a team would want Kershaw or Cain and almost everyone says Kershaw. I'm not sure that's the case anymore. I just threw up a little even thinking about it, but it would be interesting to see a larger sample size to see just how flukey this year was for Giants pitching. Lincecum is great, but could Cain, Sanchez, etc. do it again? Cain's HR/9 was shitty this year and I wonder if he changed something to get it down in the playoffs or if it was just the way it went.

The history of the game is so long that even a debate about whether they belong in the top 20 should be an awesome achievement in and of itself. Their postseason performance was fantastic.
This is directed to the handful of people who think the Yankees are just the worst thing for baseball ever. This year's World Series had the worst ratings ever, down 28% from last year.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']This is directed to the handful of people who think the Yankees are just the worst thing for baseball ever. This year's World Series had the worst ratings ever, down 28% from last year.[/QUOTE]
So basically you're saying that Yankees just have fans, not fans of baseball. Yeah, I don't see what point you're trying to make here. . .
bread's done