MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Thread: UFC/Strikeforce

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Its crazy how much power he has in those punches. Really lackluster finish but hey its whatever. Who's he gonna fight next?
Best post fight promo ever, from Brock.

[quote name='Licasguy']reminds me of some of Tank's old fights, nothing but bad ass jack hammers comin down.[/QUOTE]

Except Brock has incredible ground skills. Tank had, well, not much.
[quote name='Matt Young']Best post fight promo ever, from Brock.

Except Brock has incredible ground skills. Tank had, well, not much.[/QUOTE]

QFT , Matt
[quote name='specialk']What'd Lesnar say in this classic promo?[/QUOTE]

That he put something in mir's butt the last time they fought and came to retrieve it and proceed to use said item to defeat his opponent. He also may or may not bang an old women that is still kinda hot.
[quote name='homeland']So whose Franks next victim? Or rather is there anyone in the UFC that could give him a descent fight? Obviously its not Kongo.[/QUOTE]

Franks next victim? you mean Brock right?
[quote name='Poor2More']Franks next victim? you mean Brock right?[/QUOTE]

haha yea. Its getting late. I was thinking Lesner and the first, one that popped in my head was Frank Lesner from TUF.
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With UFC 59 and Ultimate Fighter right around the corner, I'd thought it'd be fitting
[quote name='emg28']Winner of Couture vs Nogueira?[/QUOTE]

I thought I had read that's what Dana said. I think Dana needs to just forget that plan and throw $100 million at Fedor, so someone can actually challenge Brock. I'm really disappointed that Mir basically threw this match away. He didn't look prepared to fight at all. Between his cuts and his taped just spelled disaster.

He was also arrogant in thinking he could actually outclass Lesnar on the ground (regardless of what happened last have to assume he's gotten better). After destroying Nogueira with his striking, he should have employed the same strategy against Lesnar. It also appeared that he attended the same school of "Oh, I think I hurt him! Let me do something stupid!" as Andrei Arlovski. There's nothing quite like going for a jumping knee and then falling on your ass. Dumb.

Guys like Mir and Bisping need to wake the hell up and recognize that all the shit you talk, and all the prancing around you do before the fight means nothing to the guy trying to break your face. Nobody is going to care how nice your abs look or that you were voted "coolest guy in the UK" when you're lying on the mat unconscious.

And I have to tip my hat to Lesnar for his dominant performance, but he's still a no class piece of garbage. Not sure how Dana feels about him dissing one of the UFC's big sponsors, and promoting one of their biggest rivals. I'd love to see Brock fined half of his purse for that little tirade. I'm also getting the feeling that Brock thinks MMA is no big deal, and he could have been dominating like this 10 years ago. He's got no respect for the sport or the people who made it. Here's hoping he trips over one of his own "lunchboxes" while dragging his knuckles on the ground, and breaks his leg.
What impressed me (and its been said many times before) is how powerful Brock is. In the first round I was amazed how well he controlled Mir's head and left arm so well with just his arm/hand!
Man, Brock was friggin fierce. I Haven't seen a heel of his magnitude in MMA since...well, ever. He dissed on one of the advertisers of the fight in his promo and flipped everyone in the whole crowd off and tops it off with going home and possibly banging his wife. I Friggin love this guy.
Brock Lesnar was epic last night, from the start where he refused to touch gloves, flipping off the crowd, to the awesome promo at the end, worth the price of the PPV alone.
Brock Lesnar walks a tenuous line. His behavior might make MMA more "pro wrestling" than it wants to be.

Which it may already be - I have been a huge pro wrestling fan, but just can't stomach it anymore. Saw a couple of promos for Lesnar/Mir and thought "I have to see this show."

$5 and a few beers at a Buffalo Wild Wings very well spent. A great show on the whole. A KO that has made every MMA "biggest knockouts" DVD collection incomplete in Henderson/Bisping, a controversial judgment in Akiyama/Belcher, a stunningly complex and enjoyable 25-minute title fight b/w GSP and Alves, and Lesnar/Mir brought the pro wrestling tension as well.

But Lesnar may turn off a lot of people - he'll never get over the two stigmas that (1) he's a former pro wrestler and (2) he's an egocentric hillbilly that hates the fans, hates the media, and is instantly the most unenjoyable person in the room, prone to childlike temper tantrums if he's doing something he doesn't want to or doesn't get his way. From his pre-fight press conference he tried to walk out of to his post-fight heel promo. Mark my words: he's not going to suffer many MMA defeats in UFC, because once he's accumulated a small handful of them, he'll quit UFC.
I fairly sure mir said he wanted to stay on his feet in his post fight interview.

I think the winner of nog couture could be interesting, I thought couture looked very competitive in his fight with lesnar. Id rather see carwin because carwin is a very big guy with very good wrestling and a ton of power in his hands as well.

I think brock is pissed that he gets no respect from the hardcore mma following. i think the shit talking his opponents do before their fights gets to him too. I dont like him but i think his additude is more a result of that then him being an outright prick. but thats just my opinion im probably wrong.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']I thought I had read that's what Dana said. I think Dana needs to just forget that plan and throw $100 million at Fedor, so someone can actually challenge Brock. I'm really disappointed that Mir basically threw this match away. He didn't look prepared to fight at all. Between his cuts and his taped just spelled disaster.

He was also arrogant in thinking he could actually outclass Lesnar on the ground (regardless of what happened last have to assume he's gotten better). After destroying Nogueira with his striking, he should have employed the same strategy against Lesnar. It also appeared that he attended the same school of "Oh, I think I hurt him! Let me do something stupid!" as Andrei Arlovski. There's nothing quite like going for a jumping knee and then falling on your ass. Dumb.

Guys like Mir and Bisping need to wake the hell up and recognize that all the shit you talk, and all the prancing around you do before the fight means nothing to the guy trying to break your face. Nobody is going to care how nice your abs look or that you were voted "coolest guy in the UK" when you're lying on the mat unconscious.

And I have to tip my hat to Lesnar for his dominant performance, but he's still a no class piece of garbage. Not sure how Dana feels about him dissing one of the UFC's big sponsors, and promoting one of their biggest rivals. I'd love to see Brock fined half of his purse for that little tirade. I'm also getting the feeling that Brock thinks MMA is no big deal, and he could have been dominating like this 10 years ago. He's got no respect for the sport or the people who made it. Here's hoping he trips over one of his own "lunchboxes" while dragging his knuckles on the ground, and breaks his leg.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='mykevermin']Brock Lesnar walks a tenuous line. His behavior might make MMA more "pro wrestling" than it wants to be.

But Lesnar may turn off a lot of people - he'll never get over the two stigmas that (1) he's a former pro wrestler and (2) he's an egocentric hillbilly that hates the fans, hates the media, and is instantly the most unenjoyable person in the room, prone to childlike temper tantrums if he's doing something he doesn't want to or doesn't get his way. From his pre-fight press conference he tried to walk out of to his post-fight heel promo. Mark my words: he's not going to suffer many MMA defeats in UFC, because once he's accumulated a small handful of them, he'll quit UFC.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this 100%. I also gave up on pro wrestling when it became more soap opera than sport (around 2002). As a follower of UFC (and MMA in general) from the old days of Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock, etc. I think Lesnar is pushing it too far. There have always been cocky champions or people who feuded with their opponents, but when you're telling the people responsible for paying your paycheck (ie. fans and sponsors) to basically fuck off, you don't deserve to be standing where you are.

I don't have any problems with Lesnar hating Mir and even going up to him after the fight. That stuff happens. But there's still something to be said about being a gracious champion. He could have mentioned being grateful for the opportunity to prove himself. He could have talked about what drives him is to show that wrestlers are real athletes. But no. He goes on a rant about how everybody thinks nothing of him, and he doesn't care, and acts like the world is out to get him. So, he regresses into his stupid WWE villain persona, and comes off as nothing more than an undeserving, classless champion.

My main reason for pulling for Mir last night was just because I didn't want to see an "unbeatable" champion with virtually no challengers left. But after his antics, my dislike for Lesnar has skyrocketed. Between this and the Kimbo Slice signing, I really hope Dana doesn't undo all the good things he's done for MMA. If he really wants the mainstream to take the sport seriously, he needs to get rid of the people who think they're playing a character in a movie. The pro wrestling fans can keep pro wrestling. Mixed martial arts has no room for this crap.

EDIT - On that note, here's Lesnar's post fight...apologizing and sitting with a BUD...yes, that's BUD LIGHT.;_ylt=AoE3euhR1Ep0Vds6KP6OOgg5nYcB

Good job Dana! Show him who makes his life possible. Maybe next time he won't act like a dumb gorilla.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I agree with this 100%. I also gave up on pro wrestling when it became more soap opera than sport (around 2002). As a follower of UFC (and MMA in general) from the old days of Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock, etc. I think Lesnar is pushing it too far. There have always been cocky champions or people who feuded with their opponents, but when you're telling the people responsible for paying your paycheck (ie. fans and sponsors) to basically fuck off, you don't deserve to be standing where you are. [/quote]

Don't deserve to be standing where you are? Baby don't dismiss the skills! Class has nothing to do with it. Just because a person has class, doesn't mean you have skills and in this sport, check your class at the door because it's all about the skills. I bet people used similar excuses like you when Ali was champion. Not comparing Lesnar to Ali. Just your complaints. So take it easy! Eventually someone will step up to put Lesnar in place and when that happens, you'll be cheering as loud as the rest of us! It really IS all about drawing an audience and Lesnar did a BRILLIANT job. Everyone wants to see him lose and the anticipation is going to build to see who can do it.
Lesnar's going to make the UFC a shit ton of money, and I don't think Dana minds one bit. Charisma isn't a bad thing for a champion to have - it allows him to draw interest to his fights. People are going to want to watch Brock's fights to a) see who he demolishes next and b) see who knocks some fucking sense into him eventually.

Is a dominating douche like Lesnar bad for MMA? Depends on where you're sitting. He's an incredible find for Dana White and UFC, cause he's going to draw a lot of casual fans that normally wouldn't order UFC PPV's. He's got name recognition and a marketable persona, and he's instantly more recognizable to the casual fan than a guy like GSP or Silva. Same reason casual fans know who Rampage is - people tune in to see what the hype is about rather than to see a classic technical fight.

For the hardcore MMA fan that follows every promotion around the world and cheers for Silva, GSP, Gomi, etc., he's the epitome of everything you hate. He's a former pro wrestler that invaded MMA and has more or less been dominant when most thought he'd fizzle out. Granted, he's not your ordinary ex-pro wrestler, but you get the point. He's clearly in the UFC for the money and not the love of the sport, and he comes off like an ungrateful dick.
Overall I didn't think UFC 100 was too bad. I couldn't believe how badly Belcher got screwed in that decision. I probably would have given Akiyama the 2nd round, but there is no way he won the 1st or 3rd round. That judge that scored it 30-27 Akiyama should be put out of their misery.

Bisping/Henderson ended EXACTLY how I hoped it would. I hate Bisping with a passion so seeing him drop like that was easily one of my favorite KOs of all time. Henderson's giant punch after the KO was also pretty awesome.

Since I was rooting hardcore for Mir, I did not enjoy the main event too much. I dispise Lesnar and last night did absolutely nothing to change that. The way Lesnar was acting after the fight and his comments he made sounded like he is a WWE heel now, which hopefully is not a trend with Lesnar because I hope that trash known as WWE is kept far away from MMA. I must say though I have no idea who in the UFC can challenge Lesnar. So unless Fedor ends up in the UFC to shut up Lesnar.....he could be the champ for a while.
[quote name='rickshankshaw']Don't deserve to be standing where you are? Baby don't dismiss the skills! Class has nothing to do with it. Just because a person has class, doesn't mean you have skills and in this sport, check your class at the door because it's all about the skills. I bet people used similar excuses like you when Ali was champion. Not comparing Lesnar to Ali. Just your complaints. So take it easy! Eventually someone will step up to put Lesnar in place and when that happens, you'll be cheering as loud as the rest of us! It really IS all about drawing an audience and Lesnar did a BRILLIANT job. Everyone wants to see him lose and the anticipation is going to build to see who can do it.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't talking about him being champion. I was talking about him having a contract with the UFC. If Brock can't respect the business and the fans that paid to see him (whether they're booing or not), he doesn't deserve to be in the UFC. The UFC was not built on fighters being self-serving, misanthropic lunatics. The fighters generally respected each other because they all had the same struggles and knew the dedication it took for each of them to be where they are.

Some of the pro wrestling fans may have enjoyed Brock's antics, but just the fact that Dana reprimanded him for it, and the media is writing about how despicable it was, should make you question your own moral character. The fact is, Brock undermined his truly great and dominant athletic performance by acting like a tool. If the 265 pounder could have been a bigger man, people would be talking about his vastly improved fighting skills, rather than his ego.
[quote name='bg88']I must say though I have no idea who in the UFC can challenge Lesnar. So unless Fedor ends up in the UFC to shut up Lesnar.....he could be the champ for a while.[/QUOTE]

This was my fear. But Fedor's contract with Affliction is up after August 1st. Dana needs to not play any games and kiss Fedor's ass and offer him a king's ransom. If he can't sign him now, he'll never be able to.
I've always thought Brock was an arrogant douchebag, tonight verified my point in his post match interview.

I can't say that without acknowledging that the guy's a freakin' brick wall. JJSP said it best.. Casual fans will keep tuning in to see Brock dominate or who will dominate Brock. I was hoping it'd be Mir, though. I hated how Mir went into survival mode once Brock got him down in round 1, but I guess that's all he really could do.

I'm surprised that Yoshi won his match. I'm not sure who Belcher is, but I'll be watching him from now on. That roll he did after getting knocked down is a great defense mechanism. Henderson/Bisping ended perfectly. GSP/Alves was a bit disappointing striking game wise, but I have a new respect for Alves. Dude somehow survived all five rounds.. impressive.
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