Modern Warfare 2 CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @ 7PST/10EST

Guess I can head the 3rd gs group if no one else has yet. will create account when we get the 5 together.
[quote name='gkargreen']retail, I feel ya! 2nd 360 in 2 yrs, no more for that POS! And, interestingly, that is also about the time frame I noticed that "lag" problem, was frustrated as hell last week, not even getting out of the box! Last night, totally different, had my best games in a long time, couple of 8 killstreaks and 1 10+ killstreaks, that's a bit more like it! And da3, so much better than the 360, none of that Kennedy airport silence![/QUOTE]

Yep, I'm done with 360, especially online wise. PS3 runs way better for me plus there's been a lot of talk about upcoming PS3 versions of multi-platform games having better performance such as Crysis 2(I was a huge Far Cry Instincts fan) & RAGE so that was part of the reason we decided to go dual PS3's aswell an dthe fact our PS3 was getting played twice as much since we bought it last October;)
[quote name='gkargreen']retail, I feel ya! 2nd 360 in 2 yrs, no more for that POS! And, interestingly, that is also about the time frame I noticed that "lag" problem, was frustrated as hell last week, not even getting out of the box! Last night, totally different, had my best games in a long time, couple of 8 killstreaks and 1 10+ killstreaks, that's a bit more like it! And da3, so much better than the 360, none of that Kennedy airport silence![/QUOTE]

Yep, I'm done with 360. PS3 runs way better online for me plus there's been a lot of talk about upcoming PS3 versions of multi-platform games having better performance such as Crysis 2(I was a huge Far Cry Instincts fan) & RAGE so that was part of the reason we decided to sell the 360 and get a second PS3 and the fact our 1st PS3 was getting played twice as much since we bought it last October
[quote name='langdon_alger']in regards to the new maps: let's try to keep the same groups you had for the 1st map pack, so we don't have to use up another ps3 slot. fred, you in?[/QUOTE]

Yeah that sounds great. Although I hope that these maps are better than the current map pack. But from what it sounds like, I don't think I should keep my hopes up :cry:
[quote name='Diad']Guess I can head the 3rd gs group if no one else has yet. will create account when we get the 5 together.[/QUOTE]

I'm interested in the map pack!
[quote name='Jam424']Anyone want to jump on for some Special Ops? Had a blast last night with Kaiser trying to 3star them.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, those damn juggernauts are tough bastages, damn ice holes (props if you get the reference).
Hopping on now. I'm on my own with the MW2 Rottie tonight but I'll give warning when I'm going to walk her. We've also got really bad t-storms incoming, so I may be off earlier than expected for that. Otherwise...

[quote name='LordKefka06']Will be on in an hour. Gotta finish up some.... some video game things.[/QUOTE]

methinks some MOH (Mettle 'o Honher) slashfic is in the works. Please share with the class!
[quote name='langdon_alger']methinks some MOH (Mettle 'o Honher) slashfic is in the works. Please share with the class![/QUOTE]I was busy with my "punkass homo humping blood elf".


Getting on now.
Had to get off during the private match SnD map walkthroughs to go get my mom a birthday present. Probably going to be on in a little bit, after my headset charges.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Wow..... Cannot resit.[/QUOTE]
Sometimes you're such a butt monkey.

I'm glad our night ended on the upside because we had some frustrating matches. I picked up the FAL to play with it some, I don't think I like the iron sights on it much, they're off by a centimeter or something. Finally got Ninja, I'll have to Pro it out later, I'm pretty much comfortable playing with the guns I've got so far but I don't foresee me staying this Prestige that long either. Eventually I'll get back to my sniping roots, I'm sort of able to quickscope so it's not horrible close range and I'm willing to put the time in now that I've got all the perks I desperately needed.
I must say, I've enjoyed Search a lot more over the past few days that I've played it with you guys. I'd definitely like to play it more, but CTF is still more fun to me.

Edit: Finally came to terms with my friend, and he let me re-download the maps. So it finally won't say "JohnsAwesome" doesn't have the map pack" at the bottom. :)
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Team tactical is extremely fun. 4v4 is amazing with a group. Fred, Seuss, Hostile, and I didnt lose a match. Compared to playing regular maps with 3 fill-ins we lost most. Screw you scrubs!!!!!
[quote name='kagekiri']Team tactical is extremely fun. 4v4 is amazing with a group. Fred, Seuss, Hostile, and I didnt lose a match. Compared to playing regular maps with 3 fill-ins we lost most. Screw you scrubs!!!!![/QUOTE]

I'm 50/50 about Team Tactical. It's fun every once in a while to rape with some of my good friends, but sometimes you get lobbies where the people are camping really bad, so there's like no action. That's what happened when I was with Mad and someone else yesterday.

Gonna be on later. Pissed that my laptop broke, so I want to shoot some stuff.
A couple of us got camped really bad during Team Tactical on Crash, host was running around Commando tac knifing and there was no getting around the three story building with the way they camped. Granted you're going to have those maps but it was really just dumb, FAMAS noob w/stopping power in addition to the host.

Other than that I'll be on shortly. Dinner is being made so I may step out for that but I'll be on the rest of the night provided nothing goes boom in a spectacular fashion.
[quote name='kagekiri']Team tactical is extremely fun. 4v4 is amazing with a group. Fred, Seuss, Hostile, and I didnt lose a match. Compared to playing regular maps with 3 fill-ins we lost most. Screw you scrubs!!!!![/QUOTE]

Fred would like to quote the validity of this post.

He would also like to note that team tactical is great ONLY if you have a group of four. I.E. Hitokiri gets offline leaving Seuss, Fred, Hostile, and a random guy to face whomever the mythical land of matchmaking pairs up. Domination on Salvage.

Turns out we faced a bunch of noob toobers and it got really old really fast (our random guy was terrible). Seuss quit leaving Fred and Hostile vs 4 guys.

Amazing thing is we almost held up. We ended up losing 200 to like 160 or so but hey...we held our own.

The end.
I like all the modes in Team Tactical except Team Deathmatch. Usually the teams don't care about the objective in Demo/Domination/CTF, so you can get some easy wins. But in TDM, they camp so much, it's quite annoying. I played some tonight, and we just completely owned them until our fourth member had to leave. Whatever, it was fun being the "John" clan. :D
I'm going to miss BFGN tomorrow....somehow got sucked into subbing in softball for a game at 930. Getting dropped (twice) mid-match sucked last night.....looks like I just missed the Night Elf Mohawk joining.
So FRYs has B:BC2 new for 34.80 before tax, and just wondering since we play MW2 so much if it is worth getting now or waiting for further price drops. Backlog is telling me to wait for at least another 6 months.
I would say hold out for BC2 unless its the limited edition. But then again you only really get early access to a couple of weapons. Maybe they might do a new edition with the new dlc for BC2.
[quote name='Mad39er']You know the people you're playing with are 400 pounds, greasy and unshowered, right Nubbles? So hop on MW2 already.[/QUOTE]

hey hey hey stop talking about seuss like that.

I'm only 390 lbs :cool:
[quote name='pogipinoy27']hey hey hey stop talking about seuss like that.

I'm only 390 lbs :cool:[/QUOTE]

Anyway, it's obvious that the above was directed at his(the Night Elf Mohawk who shall not be named) whoring around in WoW trying to get mustache rides.

However, it's only Tuesday! So since it's complete crap outside and I just drove from Manhattan through like 20 miles of retarded drivers, I'm going to vegetate and play some MW2 for roughly the rest of the night God willing. So if anybody wants to play, while I can't offer mustache rides, I can provide plenty of colorful peanut gallery comments that make our resident Nooblet choke.
I'll be on in like 30 mins. Got addicted to watching It's always sunny in Philadelphia. Probably the best comedy currently lol
Night Elf, Madder, others - 2 questions: what do you have your sensitivity set at? Are you using the Tactical or Normal setup?

May be on later tonight.....maybe....
[quote name='kagekiri']I'll be on in like 30 mins. Got addicted to watching It's always sunny in Philadelphia. Probably the best comedy currently lol[/QUOTE]

put the remote down and hurry up and get online. all of you!
Be on in somewhere near an hour.

10th sensitivity, and normal setup. Tactical is for those pussy drop-shooters. Should be completely taken out.
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Will be back on in a bit. Btw senior Mad where were you. Was playing with Cyrus, Fred, and Seuss. Are you secretly playing World of Warcraft with Nooblet and shaking that blood elf ass for money?
bread's done