MODS PLEASE LOCK - The Wii VC Games - Volume 1

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Unfortunately, no. We've got Gunstar and Robotnik (a puyo pop clone?) lined up and then that 'mystery' TG16 game. So I'm guessing we'll get another TG16 game OR an NES game. I'm hoping for a decent NES game myself.
Well I DLed Bonk and its certainly lost some of its charm... Although my biggest complaint is that its just so darn slow to move.
[quote name='foltzie']Well I DLed Bonk and its certainly lost some of its charm... Although my biggest complaint is that its just so darn slow to move.[/quote]

I like it, but it doesn't play quite as nicely as say, Super Mario Brothers. It has less to do (so far) than there is in SMB, maybe its closer to Adventure Island than to that game. The main problem is, I agree, Bonk is a little slow. It is kinda like if you couldn't hold down b to run in SMB. The game is also really hard, at least for me. I still think its well worth the 600 points. I've already gotten my moneys worth.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Unfortunately, no. We've got Gunstar and Robotnik (a puyo pop clone?) lined up and then that 'mystery' TG16 game. So I'm guessing we'll get another TG16 game OR an NES game. I'm hoping for a decent NES game myself.[/quote]

Isn't "Alien Crush" the mystery game? Or is there something else that we don't know about?
[quote name='Dezuria']I saw somewhere on IGN that the MSX was going to be emulated.. I wonder if that will happen.[/quote]
Only in Japan. As far as I know, wasn't it only released there anyway? And they seem to be against having "imports" on the VC.
[quote name='evilmax17']Only in Japan. As far as I know, wasn't it only released there anyway? And they seem to be against having "imports" on the VC.[/QUOTE]

And Europe, but that's cold comfort if they remain staunch about keeping region barricades up. I, for one, would love to see the MSX emulated in the States. Then you fuckers could play Vampire Killer (which came out before Castlevania, I believe) and know what PAIN is all about. fuck that was the hardest game of all time.
[quote name='mykevermin']And Europe, but that's cold comfort if they remain staunch about keeping region barricades up. I, for one, would love to see the MSX emulated in the States. Then you fuckers could play Vampire Killer (which came out before Castlevania, I believe) and know what PAIN is all about. fuck that was the hardest game of all time.[/quote]

The US CAN'T HANDLE VAMPIRE KILLER! NOT EVER! But seriously, that game is fucking torture. That game is like pulling out your fingernails and then poking yourself with rusty nails. I never played anything so damn difficult in my life. Catching your special weapons to use them again is one of the cheapest things I've ever encountered in my life.
[quote name='yukine']Isn't "Alien Crush" the mystery game? Or is there something else that we don't know about?[/quote]

That's the popular guess. I don't think anyone's got concrete info yet; it will just show up on Monday.
Gunstar Heroes => Monday

Gunstar Heroes
The Gunstar 9 planet was peaceful for many years until the vicious dictator, Colonel Red, kidnapped the Gunstar twins' older brother and used mind control to make him his slave. You'll face many different enemies and bosses as you battle to stop the dictator from unleashing "Golden Silver the Destructor" with apocalyptic consequences!

Original Release: 1993
Wii Release: 12/11/06
ESRB: E10+ - Cartoon Violence

Just in case anyone maaay have missed it ;)
Yup, as was posted in the thread dedicated to the mystery TG16 game, the webpages for AC and DE are up. Don't see how it could be anymore concrete than that.
fuck YES. Now what are the OTHER games? Has Nintendo explicitly said how many games they want out per Monday? I'm getting the impression it's 3 a Monday. If so, then that means Dungeon Explorer, Alien Crush, and Gunstar Heroes are our games this Monday.
For someone who's never played Gunstar before, how would you describe it? Like Contra? I'm interested in it as a lot of people seem to like it. :)
[quote name='daroga']For someone who's never played Gunstar before, how would you describe it? Like Contra? I'm interested in it as a lot of people seem to like it. :)[/quote]
That's a funny comparison, but yeah, it's like Contra on acid.

It's just a really well made shooter, made by that very special company, Treasure.
It's very rare for them to make a bad game.
Even McKids (the McDonalds platformer) on NES was good.
[quote name='dallow']That's a funny comparison, but yeah, it's like Contra on acid.

It's just a really well made shooter, made by that very special company, Treasure.
It's very rare for them to make a bad game.
Even McKids (the McDonalds platformer) on NES was good.[/QUOTE]

MC Kids wasn't developed by Treasure -- it was developed by an internal team at Virgin. See I agree that it's a great game, though!
[quote name='dallow']Even McKids (the McDonalds platformer) on NES was good.[/QUOTE]

While McKids is one of my favorite games, you are thinking of McDonalds Treasure Land Adventure. Another decent McDonalds game.
I hope I get some Wii Points in my stocking, because I'd love to get up and go download Toejam & Earl :D

Gunstar Heroes tomorrow, good times. I have exactly 800 points left in my account too!. Huzzah!
Today were getting:

Alien Crush (TG16)
Gunstar Heroes (Gen)
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Gen)
Ice Hockey (NES)

I know I am probably the only one but I really want Baseball (Nes).
I remember enjoying the hell out of Ice Hockey until Blades of Steel came along. I'm going to be relying on a great deal of comments from people to decide if I should pick it up though.

I may pick up Gunstar Heroes, but I'm a bit leary about that for whatever reason.
Meh, the games I actually want to play (Super Mario Bros., Super Castlevania IV.,Donkey Kong Country,Super Mario World, etc.) are only available in Japan or the ESRB behind this, or is Nintendo holding off releasing these games in the US because of some strategic reason that we don't know about?
I grabbed Gunstar and Ice Hockey as soon as I woke up. Goddamn I am happy.

Edit: I am happy. Not I happy. Apparently I was so ecstatic I thought prepositions were expendable.
[quote name='angrywolf']Meh, the games I actually want to play (Super Mario Bros., Super Castlevania IV.,Donkey Kong Country,Super Mario World, etc.) are only available in Japan or the ESRB behind this, or is Nintendo holding off releasing these games in the US because of some strategic reason that we don't know about?[/QUOTE]

There was an interview with Reggie where he did say it's all about strategy. Nintendo of America is holding off on the more big name VC releases for periods when there are a lack of big Wii releases coming out.
Sweet just downloaded gunstar heroes and its still as much fun to play when I first bought it back in the genesis days.
Good stuff today.

I'm going to download Alien Crush. Looks like I'll have to pick up a whole lot more Wii Points for Gunstar Heroes and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
I have 800 points and want two games . . .

Alien Crush (TG16)
Gunstar Heroes (Gen)

I need more points already. I have purchased Bonk's Adventure and Super Star Solider both games are really great and look fantastic on the Wii.
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