MODS PLEASE LOCK - The Wii VC Games - Volume 1

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[quote name='Strell']I didn't say that. I said I'm not that worried.[/QUOTE]

"worried" is a fascinating word choice. You've used it twice, so it certainly isn't error at this point.

What, if you were to be worried, would you be worried about? As I understand it, the question was about preferring/dispreferring the cost of a download service. I'm not sure how worry fits into the equation.
I agree on the Wii points cards Botticus. HOWEVER, has anyone else noticed the MSRP creep that these things have gone under? TRU had them for $24.99. I just saw that (and presumably in store too) has them for $24.99. I also thought they were $23.99 or something at Best Buy?

Hopefully EB keeps them at $19.99 (I know I got one there at that price but that was on launch day) and GR will get them in and sell them at $19.99. Because with the credit from both those places I'm only paying half (or less) in real cash money. That makes the VC games very attractive. I think I might go pick up the next one I see at an EB just to be safe (in case they join everyone else and jack up the price).

The funny thing is that this is the ONE Wii "accessory" that I can find in just about any store, so I don't see why retailers are inflating these of all things.
[quote name='io']I agree on the Wii points cards Botticus. HOWEVER, has anyone else noticed the MSRP creep that these things have gone under? TRU had them for $24.99. I just saw that (and presumably in store too) has them for $24.99. I also thought they were $23.99 or something at Best Buy?

Hopefully EB keeps them at $19.99 (I know I got one there at that price but that was on launch day) and GR will get them in and sell them at $19.99. Because with the credit from both those places I'm only paying half (or less) in real cash money. That makes the VC games very attractive. I think I might go pick up the next one I see at an EB just to be safe (in case they join everyone else and jack up the price).

The funny thing is that this is the ONE Wii "accessory" that I can find in just about any store, so I don't see why retailers are inflating these of all things.[/QUOTE]

Target instore is $19.99, unless of course its gone up in the last couple days since i bought one.
Most stores have pushed the price beyond the 20 dollar mark for those points cards, including best buy. The cheapest place is to buy them from Wii directly as I have.
Not worth the 2 bucks I'll save to drive to BB and use the GCC.

At that price point, I'd much rather take a PSOne game over an SNES game that I can easily play on my computer.

Not only that, but you can take those games and play them anywhere you want, transfer to other PS3s, etc. Saving you the hassle of having to deal with Nintendo to swtich Wiis in the future if need be.
Best Buy has them for 22.99, so they come out to about $20 with the GGC and tax (at least here). I ordered one from but it's been on order for 2+ weeks now. But it came out to $13ish with a $30 DVD.

I've mostly been asking for Wii Points cards as Christmas gifts and such. I'd like to stock up on points so that I don't have to go through the stupid system online with the credit card everytime I want to buy a game.

But I don't see too much I desire until 2007, hopefully Nintendo will have some strong games Q1 2007.
[quote name='mykevermin']"worried" is a fascinating word choice. You've used it twice, so it certainly isn't error at this point.

What, if you were to be worried, would you be worried about? As I understand it, the question was about preferring/dispreferring the cost of a download service. I'm not sure how worry fits into the equation.[/QUOTE]

Worried implies that I have no care about any sort of arguments the PS1 downloadable prices would inevitably bring up. And I know it's going to get trotted out probably every other few days by rabid Sony fanboys, much like the "Wii's graphics r so bad" thing that is going on about 43 times a day now.

I've already resolved myself to not even care in this situation. It's going to be a useless battle - you can't get Sony fans past the fact that their download services requires a portable machine that is a hefty change by itself, but they won't give ground simply because they feel Cool Boarders is a superior purchase for only a dollar more than, say, Pinball.

I imagine when Nintendo hangs it hat and coat on the rack at the end of the day, they don't give a shit that those games didn't sell at all. If they did, we'll see price wars and intense promotions coming up. But as they've done lately, they aren't paying much attention to various parts of their competition's agendas, which translates to a sort of arrogant stubbornness on their part. But who cares as long as they are banking, which they have to be at some level here?

(Which brings an interesting point - I wonder what the sales figures on the VC look like, especially for the lackluster American scene?)

I'm really glad your such a stickler for semantics that something that tiny would A) cause alarm and yet B) not lead to the most obvious answer.

Now brace yourself, Strell, for the upcoming "here's what you really meant" speech from myke.
[quote name='dallow']
At that price point, I'd much rather take a PSOne game over an SNES game that I can easily play on my computer.[/QUOTE]

This argument is getting so damn old. Yes, you can download the ROMS and play them on your PC.

What exactly does that have to do with the price point that is out there for the virtual console games?

You can download an entire movie off of a torrent for free, why would you ever buy one in a store?

Are the games over priced? Maybe for some, not for others. I gladly paid $4.50 for Bomberman and $6.00 for F-Zero. Could I have downloaded them and played them on an emulator? Of course I could have. I just choose to buy the games that I want to play.
[quote name='Strell']Worried implies that I have no care about any sort of arguments the PS1 downloadable prices would inevitably bring up. And I know it's going to get trotted out probably every other few days by rabid Sony fanboys, much like the "Wii's graphics r so bad" thing that is going on about 43 times a day now.

I've already resolved myself to not even care in this situation. It's going to be a useless battle - you can't get Sony fans past the fact that their download services requires a portable machine that is a hefty change by itself, but they won't give ground simply because they feel Cool Boarders is a superior purchase for only a dollar more than, say, Pinball.

I imagine when Nintendo hangs it hat and coat on the rack at the end of the day, they don't give a shit that those games didn't sell at all. If they did, we'll see price wars and intense promotions coming up. But as they've done lately, they aren't paying much attention to various parts of their competition's agendas, which translates to a sort of arrogant stubbornness on their part. But who cares as long as they are banking, which they have to be at some level here?

(Which brings an interesting point - I wonder what the sales figures on the VC look like, especially for the lackluster American scene?)

I'm really glad your such a stickler for semantics that something that tiny would A) cause alarm and yet B) not lead to the most obvious answer.

Now brace yourself, Strell, for the upcoming "here's what you really meant" speech from myke.[/QUOTE]

Well, to be fair, in the CAG scene (not representative of all gamers, to be sure), the only person showing the kind of naivete to be a "rabid sony fanboy" would be whoknows. Let's be honest: it is chic to adore Nintendo and hate Sony. That doesn't bother me, but let's not pretend who the underdog is here.

The $250 portable machine is not the point, since it is the same machine that plays the downloaded games - like the $250 machine from Nintendo. The difference, and the major sticking point as of right now, is the $500-600 go between for the PSP. It's not the PSP that's a major problem, but, rather the PS3. Once PSX games can be downloaded directly via the PSP, then you'll have a more equal comparison, if you want to talk cost.

I also look forward to some high profile titles on each system. People drag out the old corpse of Dracula X: Rondo of Blood every now and then as a VC inevitability, or the more likely Sin & Punishment. Likewise, the PSX games culls up all sorts of salivating RPG fans wanting to see Aeris killed all over again on their PSP. When we see games like those, which will surely test the ceiling of what gamers are willing to pay for downloadable content, then we'll have another basis of comparison.

I genuinely think we'll see price wars on downloads - it's Nintendo's move to make, since Sony's pricepoint is sitting pretty at the moment (but their available consumer base is what suffers). Whether it's bargain prices on Wii points cards or the change of a games' cost (while Zelda: LTTP is an amazing game, I'm *NOT* paying $9 fucking dollars for it), it will be interesting to watch. Nintendo just needs to get more consoles into peoples' hands, and Sony needs to work to get the downloads into the hands of people who own a PSP.

I only took note of your post because of the peculiarity of "worry." That's the kind of word someone with a vested interest (typically financial, or, in your case, psychological) in the outcome of one of the performers. The way it is set up at the moment doesn't look conducive to price increases, so what would there be to worry about on the end of the average user? It was a very strange, and very deliberate, choice of words from a person who fervently denies that they are, indeed, a fanboy (and, instead a "supporter" of Nintendo, or some other semantic sleight of hand).

EDIT: Let me offer one last question to try and understand where you are coming from. Suppose you are worried about the PSP download pricepoints. What would you be worried about and why? Fanboy debate can't be all...that's like worrying the sun will come up.
Well, that's just crazy talk.

The sun'll come out tomorrow.
Bet your Cheap Ass Dollar...

I look at it from a historical perspective, since I've been gaming nigh on 20 years (yeek!). No widely accepted console, in the history of consoles has ever failed to deliver on it's promises of supporting the customer.

NES, Genesis, SNES, TG-16 (games were available on that sucker up until... 1996 in the US.), PSX, Saturn, Master System, PS2, N64, GC, Xbox, GB/A/DS, PSP.

These consoles all have a full library of games to pick from, from a fairly decent selection of games.

I think outside of the big boys (NES/SNES/Genesis/PSX) there were definitely fewer games than others, but there was still a decent amount of support for the system, and no on really lost out on their purchase.

Heck, even the Sega DC turned out okay, if only for a few years.

So, I am agreeing with you Myke on your points, and hopefully opening the eyes of anyone who's blindly fearing Nintendo turning their back on the VC. It'll happen at some point, but right NOW? No freaking way. Besides, even if it had flopped what do you care? It's just games.
$6 for a shitty Ps1 game is still a shitty Ps1 game. If you guys think Nostalgia is a bad thing for the SNES etc., wait until you apply that to your PS1 stuff.
[quote name='mykevermin'] Let's be honest: it is chic to adore Nintendo and hate Sony. That doesn't bother me, but let's not pretend who the underdog is here.

I dunno. It's been cool to hate Nintendo since the N64, with their hubris cost them a bevy of prizes - third party support, userbase, brand loyalty/recognition, etc. It's only with the DS and the Wii that they've come back into the limelight. I'm not really interested in this as a point of contention - I'm just saying there's a lot riding for Nintendo now as opposed to 6, 12, 18, 24, X months ago.

I guess you could classify that as underdog status. Which is an odd moniker considering Nintendo's constant profits, but this is something no one wants to change their mind on.

Once PSX games can be downloaded directly via the PSP, then you'll have a more equal comparison, if you want to talk cost.

This is more or less what I've been saying, hence the need to worry about it.

When we see games like those, which will surely test the ceiling of what gamers are willing to pay for downloadable content, then we'll have another basis of comparison.

New era in the console warz - all have the ability to deliver digital content. Difficult in trying to figure out who is doing it best. Right now it is obviously Microsoft. In a year we'll have hotter lines to draw.

I genuinely think we'll see price wars on downloads - it's Nintendo's move to make, since Sony's pricepoint is sitting pretty at the moment (but their available consumer base is what suffers). Whether it's bargain prices on Wii points cards or the change of a games' cost (while Zelda: LTTP is an amazing game, I'm *NOT* paying $9 fucking dollars for it), it will be interesting to watch. Nintendo just needs to get more consoles into peoples' hands, and Sony needs to work to get the downloads into the hands of people who own a PSP.


I only took note of your post because of the peculiarity of "worry." That's the kind of word someone with a vested interest (typically financial, or, in your case, psychological) in the outcome of one of the performers. The way it is set up at the moment doesn't look conducive to price increases, so what would there be to worry about on the end of the average user? It was a very strange, and very deliberate, choice of words from a person who fervently denies that they are, indeed, a fanboy (and, instead a "supporter" of Nintendo, or some other semantic sleight of hand).

I've been using it solely in regards to discussion on the matter. I don't think the console warz really benefit or are changed all that much from the inclusion of one machine downloading CoolBoarders and the other giving Ice Hockey. Now when we get FF7 versus Chrono Trigger, we're hitting some hairier situations. But even then I don't think this factors much into sales. It might but I have my doubts, and until we see advertising directed at it and sales figures, it's not really worth debating.

And still even then I'd have a hard time worrying about it. I'd have to see legions of people buying a system only for downloadable content, and that would have to be their prime interest, and until I see that happen I have no idea why anyone would care enough to bring it up. It's just that I know it will come up.

EDIT: Let me offer one last question to try and understand where you are coming from. Suppose you are worried about the PSP download pricepoints. What would you be worried about and why? Fanboy debate can't be all...that's like worrying the sun will come up.

Well by being 6 bucks they are very reasonable, assuming that stays the course for big names like FF7, Vagrant Story, etc. They'd have to be variable and/or a higher base price for me to worry.

So let's assume they are at least one of those things. From Sony's standpoint, I'd be worried that they were destroying the potential for a big market for the retro gamers. Granted, PS1? Not retro. But it's considered that to several million people who began with it. And having been gaming for over some 20 years, that sort of thing is appealing to me, as the thought of having an entire library is delicious.

('Course, I can homebrew my PSP to do such a thing, but I don't carry it around with me enough to want to, especially when I'm mostly interested in NES/SNES/GB/GBC games, and I think the DS can handle all of those, let alone a Micro with a loaded card.)

The point for VC and Downloadable retro games should be less focused on marketing buzzwords against each other, and more as a convenient way for gamers to enjoy things they want to keep around them. That's the entire point to begin with. And this is exactly why some people have no problem paying five bucks for Pinball. Maybe it was their favorite NES game, poor son of a bitch they might be. And there's at least one person out there where Pinball is their favorite NES game, whatever the reason might be (first NES game, nostalgia in general).

The point is that I don't want to see Sony bomb their VC by requiring a PSP anymore than I want to see Nintendo bomb theirs with high prices, refusal to release big names like Chrono Trigger/Sin and Punishment, and/or other archaic ways of stifling that market.

What I want is to find out I can finally play Snatcher and have a copy to myself, even if it is just a digital one. Or some company taking the time to translate various titles so that games can be enjoyed by more people.

This is all very idealistic, and from a business standpoint, preposterous. Which is fine, cuz I don't give a crap about the business models in play here. Just give me access to the damn games - I'll decide if they are worth it to me or not. But it would be awesome if you met me halfway and didn't throw a bunch of obstacles in my path and effectively almost told me to piss off before I even buy the damn game.

This all hinges on whether or not one thinks Sony's VC is in direct competition with Nintendo's. Clearly they can't be - they offer different titles entirely. This is why the PSP at least is able to exist alongside the DS. I imagine the situation will be similar here - we'll see someone getting more sales, but the other people are still around and are still profitable.

Same thing with MS. They offer up indie PC games. That's pretty awesome, actually, and it helps people reach quality stuff they'd otherwise completely miss and overlook.

So that's kinda the deal. Are all three against each other? Sure. But personally I'm less worried about that and more curious about whether or not in one hand I can play Symphony of the Night and the other play Mario 3 without hanving to blow into a damn cart.

If Sony and Nintendo made cereal, the "main event" is which cereal you buy. The prize in the box is a cheap POS and doesn't matter ultimately, and can only marginally be calculated into the choosing process. It's a bonus. That's how I think the VCs are - just bonuses. Hence, not worried.
I know this thread is VC discussion, but can these PSP downloads vs Wii downloads go in a different thread in (the more neutral) General Gaming forum or something? I keep hoping to see new VC news or reviews.
[quote name='Strell']The point for VC and Downloadable retro games should be less focused on marketing buzzwords against each other, and more as a convenient way for gamers to enjoy things they want to keep around them. That's the entire point to begin with. And this is exactly why some people have no problem paying five bucks for Pinball. [/QUOTE]
This discussion is becoming involved, but two things in response to this one quote.

1. "The Point" of the VC is highly debatable. I'm sure that everyone's aware of this, but it's worth mentioning again. From Nintendo's side of things, I think that they're gussying up The Point with a lot of BS about "exciting new content" and possibly talking to Rare about Goldeneye when the point remains, from their view: a. Secure vice to turnip and b. Apply vice.

2. A smaller but significant point in regards to the poor saps shelling out 5 bucks for Pinball is that we will never know how many people are doing this. We only have Nintendo's word to rely upon, and their foremost concern isn't "which games are people interested in," it's in selling Wii Point cards (or Wii Point Online vouchers, which I consider to be a kind of card).

I think that in moving Wii Point Cards, judging from Nintendo's statements thus far, they are of the mind that playing up the quantity of VC titles will move Wii Point cards more than playing up the quality of the available VC titles. This effectively states that 1000 downloads of a combination of Pinball, Soccer, and Ice Hockey are the equivalent to Nintendo of 1000 similarly priced downloads of some very rare and highly desirable game--1000 sales are 1000 sales. If it takes less effort to upload the easy titles than localize/secure licenses for the super rare import, why in the hell would Nintendo bother with quality over quantity titles?

All this goes to say that downloads per title aren't going to be as big a concern for Nintendo as you think. It's something they'll address in a PR capacity ("We are very interested in getting hardcore gamers the rare titles they deserve"), but behind the scenes I think they're looking to flood the VC with any old titles simply so they can make statements like, "The VC has over 2000 titles available--that's 10 times as many as the other console's download services combined." Incidentally, this is how I see Nintendo playing its hand against MS and Sony (in response to the first sentence in the quote above).

EDIT: As a result of my attitude, I'm really only holding out hopes of landing the big Nintendo IP titles when it comes to quality games. Everything else is a crapshoot.
[quote name='psunami']This argument is getting so damn old. Yes, you can download the ROMS and play them on your PC.

What exactly does that have to do with the price point that is out there for the virtual console games?

You can download an entire movie off of a torrent for free, why would you ever buy one in a store?

Are the games over priced? Maybe for some, not for others. I gladly paid $4.50 for Bomberman and $6.00 for F-Zero. Could I have downloaded them and played them on an emulator? Of course I could have. I just choose to buy the games that I want to play.[/quote]
Oh shut up.

If I was such a pirate I wouldn't even be on these forums discussing prices about games which I can easily get for free.

I'm just talking about getting value for my hard earned cash. $5.00 for Pinball, no thanks, I'll get my 10 minutes of fun from a ROM, if it was $2.00 or less, I'd pick it up, as I had fond memories of owning the game years ago.

Reality's Fringe;2450310 said:
$6 for a shitty Ps1 game is still a shitty Ps1 game. If you guys think Nostalgia is a bad thing for the SNES etc., wait until you apply that to your PS1 stuff.
Which is why I don't buy shitty games. You act like people plan to buy every PSOne game that's made available.
[quote name='dallow']Which is why I don't buy shitty games. You act like people plan to buy every PSOne game that's made available.[/quote]And that's just it. Buy the games you want and skip the ones you don't. If you think a given game is worth the price they're charging, pay it and enjoy, if not, speak with your non-purchase. If prices are too high, someone will likely get the message.
[quote name='dallow']

Which is why I don't buy shitty games. You act like people plan to buy every PSOne game that's made available.[/QUOTE]

You act like at $6 Psone games are implcitly better than SNES games at $8. It's not necessarily true. Additionally, certain PSONE titles haven't aged gracefully, and that needs to be said (kind of like how it needs to be said that not all SNES/NES games have). It seems people are on this "PSONE GAME IS BETTER VALUE, SEE, BECAUSE IT'S FROM PSONE" kick, which is bizzare to me.

[quote name='daroga']And that's just it. Buy the games you want and skip the ones you don't. If you think a given game is worth the price they're charging, pay it and enjoy, if not, speak with your non-purchase. If prices are too high, someone will likely get the message.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I'm also holding out for a price reduction, but certain games are certainily worth my cash.
[quote name='dallow']Oh shut up.

Snappy comeback.

[quote name='dallow']If I was such a pirate I wouldn't even be on these forums discussing prices about games which I can easily get for free.

I'm just talking about getting value for my hard earned cash. $5.00 for Pinball, no thanks, I'll get my 10 minutes of fun from a ROM, if it was $2.00 or less, I'd pick it up, as I had fond memories of owning the game years ago.

In one sentence you're saying that you're not a pirate, then in the next you're saying that you'll just get a ROM and play a game when it costs too much. Which are you doing?
[quote name='psunami']Snappy comeback.

In one sentence you're saying that you're not a pirate, then in the next you're saying that you'll just get a ROM and play a game when it costs too much. Which are you doing?[/quote]
It's to the point.

I said that I wasn't a complete pirate who never pays for anything legally. Of course I've savored the fruit of roms and emulators, since they started all those years ago.

Some of those games don't just cost too much, they're unreasonably priced for the value you get.

You act like at $6 Psone games are implcitly better than SNES games at $8. It's not necessarily true. Additionally, certain PSONE titles haven't aged gracefully, and that needs to be said (kind of like how it needs to be said that not all SNES/NES games have). It seems people are on this "PSONE GAME IS BETTER VALUE, SEE, BECAUSE IT'S FROM PSONE" kick, which is bizzare to me.
And you make out as if SNES games are implicitly better than PSX games.
I'm just saying, a good SNES game shouldn't cost more than a good PSX game. It's SNES, they should lower it to the current NES price, or better yet, 4000 points.

I will give you that certain PSX games are now almost unplayable, I tried the original Tony Hawk some months ago and couldn't believe the snail's pace I was moving at, and how great I thought the game used to be. Still good, but I just can't play it anymore, it hurts.
[quote name='daroga']And that's just it. Buy the games you want and skip the ones you don't. If you think a given game is worth the price they're charging, pay it and enjoy, if not, speak with your non-purchase. If prices are too high, someone will likely get the message.[/quote]

You better believe I'm speaking with my non-purchases.
But then I thought this was a discussion forum, and I wanted to speak about it here.
I still feel Mario 64 is the only one worth the trouble.
I want to see more U64 games, those I'll purchase if they're good.

As of now, I won't purchase any of the older systems' games... unless they release Uniracers for SNES.
Why Do Cars Cost Money Why Not Just Kill Someone And Take Theresss?? I Dun Get It Why Do Hose Guys Charge Us Money When We Can Just Steel That Shit. Why Do They Want Is To Paly Money For Gmaes Hwne I Can Steal Them???? I Like My Naybors Wife I Want Her I Am Gfonna fuck Her By Rape And Then I Cill Her. fuck Him My Neibor That Is

EDIT: I wish the forum didn't auto-format it out of ALL-CAPS, it made idiots that use the "i can steal it" defense look much, much dumber.
I will make one argument in defense of the pricing on all the non-nintendo games. Unless Nintendo has some sort of lump sum licensing deal with Hudson Soft/NEC and Sega, which they probably dont and that means they get a percentage of each game sold, then I think it is understandable that a Genesis game is 8 dollars, or a TG16 game is 6. They are fair prices considering two parties need to get a slice.

But Nintendo gets 100 percent of the sales of their own VC games, so I think it would be easier for them to shave 1-2 dollars off some of the games and still make great money. Their price point is just a smidge high. And it sounds silly to debate 1 dollar...but it adds up.

BTW, I want to get a good multiplayer game that uses the remotes. Is Bomberman not only my best bet, but my only bet?
[quote name='supershammy']Why Do Cars Cost Money Why Not Just Kill Someone And Take Theresss?? I Dun Get It Why Do Hose Guys Charge Us Money When We Can Just Steel That Shit. Why Do They Want Is To Paly Money For Gmaes Hwne I Can Steal Them???? I Like My Naybors Wife I Want Her I Am Gfonna fuck Her By Rape And Then I Cill Her. fuck Him My Neibor That Is

EDIT: I wish the forum didn't auto-format it out of ALL-CAPS, it made idiots that use the "i can steal it" defense look much, much dumber.[/quote]
The fact that you wrote all that out as an attempt at sarcasm is even dumber.

BTW, I want to get a good multiplayer game that uses the remotes. Is Bomberman not only my best bet, but my only bet?
I think so, unless Wario Woods is 2 player.
A better bet is Monkeyball...
[quote name='dallow']The fact that you wrote all that out as an attempt at sarcasm is even dumber.

I think so, unless Wario Woods is 2 player.
A better bet is Monkeyball...[/QUOTE]

Yea I know but I have monkey ball 2 for the gamecube and I am planning to get Warioware unless the reviews are bad, so I don't need another 50 dollar party game (and my Rayman experience was shall we say, less than stellar).
I was looking to grab a TG-16 game, but I realized, I have no idea what the heck to get.

So anyone have any good recommendations on what game currently available I should pick up? I'm looking for something with replayability and substance.
Maybe this could be added to the OP of this thread - the retail prices of Wii cards at the major retailers and how to get them slightly cheaper (eg, GGC). NO ONE should pay the $24.99 price for these - buy them where they are sold at MSRP, so that info might be useful along with the list of games in the OP.

Just found another jacked-up price - Fry's sells them for $24.99.
EB still has them for $19.99 as of 12/6.
[quote name='io']Maybe this could be added to the OP of this thread - the retail prices of Wii cards at the major retailers and how to get them slightly cheaper (eg, GGC). NO ONE should pay the $24.99 price for these - buy them where they are sold at MSRP, so that info might be useful along with the list of games in the OP.

Just found another jacked-up price - Fry's sells them for $24.99.
EB still has them for $19.99 as of 12/6.[/QUOTE]
Is there a benefit to buying the cards? Unless there's a deal for the cards or people can't use credit cards, I would think the best way to buy points is through your Wii console.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Is there a benefit to buying the cards? Unless there's a deal for the cards or people can't use credit cards, I would think the best way to buy points is through your Wii console.[/QUOTE]

Well, I would never do that (use the CC) because that means I'm paying full price ;). Frankly, I pretend that option isn't even there and wasn't even aware of it until the first time I logged into the VC. I'd much rather buy Wii Points cards at EB or GR where I have credit from various promo trade-in deals. That credit was obtained at anything from 25 - 50% of face value. So that Mario 64 I got cost me less than $5. If I use a CC it costs me $10.

The reason for maintaining the regular pricing at major retailers is so that people can use various sales, deals, etc to get them for less then $20. For example, the GGC saves only a bit since Best Buy overcharges. But it is still better than paying Nintendo directly (at least here where there is no sales tax ;)). Other times there might be 20% off accessory coupons (frequent at Fred Meyer which I believe is only charging $19.99 for the cards) or clearance sales or whatever (in addition to the use of credit in my case).
i really wanted to play bonk as a kid... man this game stinks. i mean, its just not a good platformer at all, well i guess thats my first 6 bucks wasted.
Ah, I see. I don't do trade-ins, sales tax is a bitch here, AND I'm incredibly lazy, so buying through the Wii is much more appealing to me. The only thing I don't like is that I don't really feel like I'm spending money, which is bad :(
OK, changing topics again ;).

Remember how people said the VC games you download link to your account and show up as registered games there? Well, Mario 64 showed up in mine last week. Right now I just looked (as I was checking on shipping for my component cables) and it is gone! Has anyone else had their VC games' registration disappear?
[quote name='io']OK, changing topics again ;).

Remember how people said the VC games you download link to your account and show up as registered games there? Well, Mario 64 showed up in mine last week. Right now I just looked (as I was checking on shipping for my component cables) and it is gone! Has anyone else had their VC games' registration disappear?[/quote]

Wow. That's incredibly lame.
[quote name='io']OK, changing topics again ;).

Remember how people said the VC games you download link to your account and show up as registered games there? Well, Mario 64 showed up in mine last week. Right now I just looked (as I was checking on shipping for my component cables) and it is gone! Has anyone else had their VC games' registration disappear?[/quote]Nope, all 5 of mine are in my list. Sure its not hiding somewhere? I find that list to be really hard to read.
Strell, I appreciate your comments. I'm still not quite grasping what there would be to "worry" about - even if a console "dies" (not likely for 3-4 years, perhaps), I don't see why they would cease a robust download short, I don't see what one has to "worry" about; let's not continue beating that horse and leave it as it is.

I'm starting to wonder if Microsoft really is doing well with XBLA. Now, as an owner of 10 XBLA, that might seem a preposterous suggestion. However, with VC you have five consoles that they're drawing from for releases - you know that what's coming this Monday will include at least something familiar, whether you like it or not. For Sony, the same might be said (all attention is focused on PSOne games, not "Blast Factor" and the like).

Anyway, while I think I agree with the "small publishers with small properties" argument you madea about XBLA, the few titles I've seen like that (Cloning Clyde, Small Arms, and Roboball - whatever this week's XBLA release is) have all been really expensive compared to other games. Hell, even the base arcade titles (Robotron, Galaga) were $5 each. Do achievements and hi-def borders make them more valuable than Pinball? I dunno. MS sure has the headstart and is perhaps setting the standard. Three things make it grand, IMO: 1) XBL capability, 2) it can be demoed before buying, and 3) achievements (maybe).

XBLA's thing is that it's kind of a crapshoot what will come out next week - it could be Castlevania, it could be Legend of Kage HD, or anything in between. The VC's benefit is that it is (at the moment) bound by the five consoles it offers, so there is a familiarity factor that is there that draws (me) in. Perhaps one man's nostalgia is another's uncreative boredom.

Anyway, I'll respect judy-cubed's wanting to keep this OT (even though I just failed at that). Will it always be the case that VC titles are announced several days before their release (i.e., announced on Friday, released on Monday)? That would be 100% great right there. Keep me salivating over the weekend.
[quote name='daroga']Nope, all 5 of mine are in my list. Sure its not hiding somewhere? I find that list to be really hard to read.[/QUOTE]

It was near the top (for some reason it wasn't first as the list is pretty much in release order). I even did a search on the whole page and got no Mario 64 except for the DS version (had to search because I have over 60).

Ah, just looked again - it is BACK now. It definitely wasn't there around 2am Pacific (now it is 4:30am - damn, I need to get to bed).

For some wierd reason it is the second item listed, right after Mario Party 5 and before Mario Kart Double Dash. Like I said, the rest of the list is pretty much in release order - maybe they have the date for MP5 messed up in their database, and otherwise Super Mario 64 would be first. (Eg, my very last one is Clubhouse Games, and I haven't registered my Yoshi's Island DS yet). They definitely go into the lists in release order and not the order you reg them in BTW (except hardware which is all jumbled up at the end).
[quote name='io']OK, changing topics again ;).

Remember how people said the VC games you download link to your account and show up as registered games there? Well, Mario 64 showed up in mine last week. Right now I just looked (as I was checking on shipping for my component cables) and it is gone! Has anyone else had their VC games' registration disappear?[/quote]

Nope, all 4 games I d/led are there.
[quote name='dallow']You better believe I'm speaking with my non-purchases.
But then I thought this was a discussion forum, and I wanted to speak about it here.
I still feel Mario 64 is the only one worth the trouble.
I want to see more U64 games, those I'll purchase if they're good.

As of now, I won't purchase any of the older systems' games... unless they release Uniracers for SNES.[/quote]Just to be clear, I wasn't scolding you for bringing it up here. Discuss away!
I just thought of another snes game, Chrono Trigger. Although I never played this either, I heard its good once...Think they'll bring this to VC?
[quote name='Spades22']I just thought of another snes game, Chrono Trigger. Although I never played this either, I heard its good once...Think they'll bring this to VC?[/quote]If Square is smart they will. I don't understand why such a praised RPG hasn't gotten a good release since the SNES. I thought it was a no-brainer for the GBA when SNES ports started coming in, but nothing. DS remake? Haven't heard anything.

Chrono Trigger is great, and one of 3 RPGs I've actually beaten. I'm not an RPG gamer at all, but I would play Chrono Trigger again, and gladly pay for it on the VC.
Squeenix essentially owns the SNES RPG collection now. Hopefully most of these will make it to VC eventually. I have a feeling if the GBA was going to last longer, we'd see Advance versions of CT and some others, but that may move on to DS or may just sit on the VC.

Final Fantasies
Chrono Trigger
Breath of Fires
Secret of Manas
Secret of Evermore
Mario RPG (sort of)


Ogre Battle
Illusion of Gaia
I think the fact that Square/Enix is working with Nintendo on the Wii bodes well for getting some of the older titles on there.

I think once all of the FF titles are released on the GBA in all regions that we'll start to see some of them making their way onto the VC. I just can't picture that they would want to hurt their GBA game sales by releasing the titles for a good deal less on the VC first.
Ya many of my friends said that about Crono. Most of my friends are older than me so some of the older games they played I haven't... most of them actually. I only played like 5-10 Snes games on the console, and maybe 10-15 on a lot more for PS2 and GC.
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