Most Embarrassing Moments


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So many awkward moments in my life, where do I start? Mine was probably when I was a kid. I was catching a ball and I ram into this teacher who was carrying her lunch. It falls all over her. She looked so pissed, and everyone was laughing. So embarrassing, but looking back the old coot deserved it!

Post Yours.
I'm sure there's worse for me, but the first few that come to mind are:

Trying to sneak one out during a test in high school and inadvertaintly ripping ass loud enough that everyone heard it and knew exactly who it was.

Sitting in a homeroom type class over 150+ people and having someone ask why I talked to a certain girl so much and before I had a chance to reply, a "friend" proceeded to yell at the top of his lungs "Because he wants to fuck her!"

Pretty much anytime I do a public speaking I get more monotone than Ben Stein with my shaky voice and bright red in the face. I never checked, but I'm sure sweat patches are showing by the end. Good times.
[quote name='QiG']

Sitting in a homeroom type class over 150+ people and having someone ask why I talked to a certain girl so much and before I had a chance to reply, a "friend" proceeded to yell at the top of his lungs "Because he wants to fuck her!"


AHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA ROFL LMAO! That is purely awesome. Guys are such assholes to eachother, but its all cool.
Going to my freinds party when I was 8 or 9, and being the only guy. I sat around doing nothing the whole time. A fat girl came up to me and asked me out, and I laughed in her face.

I later found out that she was the hostes's best freind.
I recently had a teacher name Pye, who i thought for sure was a woman before i met him, whoopsie. Even mentioned his name to another teacher, who corrected me.:lol:
[quote name='JolietJake']I recently had a teacher name Pye, who i thought for sure was a woman before i met him, whoopsie. Even mentioned his name to another teacher, who corrected me.:lol:[/quote]

That happened the other day when I wanted to talk to the manager at a local kmart and when i asked who is the manager the person responded "Kelly". When I asked when she would be in, the person responded "he" will be in tuesday.
Whole team of strangers in COD4 were watching me defend the headquarters, I was the only one left standing. Multiple entry ways, and I am starting to panic.... I tried to stab a guy from about 10 yards away. Needless to say I died and everyone laughed. Good times... but embarassing.
A new girl walked into my math class and to my friend I'm like "Dude that guy kinda looks like a chick" and he's like "it is a chick" and I'm like "what the fuck"
Fifth grade. The teacher asks what a "version" is, like different "versions" of a play. I heard "virgin". So I answered thusly, "Umm, some one who hasn't had sex yet". The teacher gave me the weridest look, and everyone laughed immediately. In retrospect, it was pretty funny, but at the time, i was soooo embarrassed.
Me and my brother found out my sister had Super Mario Bros. and begged my mom to let us go to her apartment to spend the day playing. We went over there and later mom came to pick us up. On the way home I didn't feel so good. She stopped at a supermarket and I went in with her. Walking around I felt fine and thought the ill feeling had passed but I saw some white cheddar cheese popcorn on a shelf and I had that reaction a dog does when it gets confused, where it cocks it's head as if to say "What the fuck?".

Thinking about how white cheddar popcorn might taste, I suddenly I felt sicker than shit. I told my mom I'd wait in the car and right when I got out of the store I threw up in my mouth. My mouth was packed with vomit and some guy was walking past. For some dumbass reason I thought I'd play it cool and act like I was spitting (because kids like to spit, must be some cowboy envy thing). That shit sprayed out like a fire hose and I'll never forget the look on that guy's face. I just went to the car, yacked a couple more times with at least a car on either side for cover, then curled up in a ball on the floor in the backseat.
Noice Another good one. I finally got up the balls to ask this chick to homecoming so I do. She says no (doesn't know me well enough) The second I walk away my friend laughs his ass off for a good minute.
[quote name='pop311']Fifth grade. The teacher asks what a "version" is, like different "versions" of a play. I heard "virgin". So I answered thusly, "Umm, some one who hasn't had sex yet". The teacher gave me the weridest look, and everyone laughed immediately. In retrospect, it was pretty funny, but at the time, i was soooo embarrassed.[/quote]

Oh, in fourth grade, we were all talking about different words that had prefixes, and the one we were thinking of words for was 'bi' like bicycle, so I thought it would be a good idea to have my friend say bisexual. Needless to say it was pretty funny and I still remember it about 7 years later.
I remember my math teacher wrote some stuff on the blackboard. Of of the words was "sample." She stepped out of the class for a second and I ran up and wrote "stool" in front of it. It was priceless when she came back in and read aloud what she wrote.
oh here is one.

Valentines Day 2004:
Had a great dinner at a popular steak restaurant. Everything went well.
Afterwards we went to the mall to walk around then about an hour or 2 later I had to go to the bathroom. I was in the bathroom for 20 some minutes and really didn't feel so good (looked pale, swetting). We went back to the car where I was feeling some heart burn. I started feeling really sick in the parking lot and told my girlfriend I wasn't feeling so good and I think something is going to come up. I opened the door and not only threw up in the parking garage, but let a couple of stinky ones out (farts) in the car with my gf in it. She of course freaked.:bouncy: Guess I had food poisoning or something.

Oh then there is the post Spiderman 3 shit out.

I just started taking laxatives because I needed to clean myself out before a procedure. I took it a few hours before the midnight showing of Spiderman 3. Nothing happened during the movie so all was good. However it was not until I was leaving the parking lot, going past each bump down 3 levels is when I felt some trouble in my butt.

All of a sudden I had a serious urge to take a shit really bad... in other words the laxatives started kicking in. It was a little after 3am in the morning, and a 15 minute trip home. Everything was bathrooms in the area and the volcano was about to erupt. I tried standing a bit above my seat, turned on the air conditioner at full blast and re leaved the pressure a bit by letting a few crack out. I was less than 5 minutes from my house, making the final light turn when I just couldn't take it anymore and released in the car :hot:!

Completely destroyed that underwear and it took a few days for the stink to come out of my car :cry:

I was seriously tempted to pull over on a road that is policed but was afraid that I would be ticketed for taking a dump in public.
This sounds like a ManaKnight thread leveskikesko. ;)

There are many, but can only think of a few right now.

I went a party several years ago one of my best friends was throwing. It took place on the country side (lots of farmland) and we had a hayride. Lots of people were on it too. I got into throwing hay with others. At one point, every gets to throwing hay on me (I was the wild one in the hay ride), so I ended up on the ground. As I was on the ground, one person shoved TONS of hay in my pants, and gave me a huge wedgie (riped them too). All my friends still remember that story and still laugh. The one who gave me the wedgie apologized, but I said it's okay, I had a good laugh myself.

When I was in early elementary school, I dressed up like Mario for Halloween. Since I needed to wear all blue under my costume, I wore a Blue sweatshirt and blue sweat pants. However, the blue sweat pants were quite old. I had P.E. class (wasn't wearing the costume), the waist band on my sweatpants stretched and became bigger than my waist line, so my pants fell down while I was running.
I was once "pantsed" (popular kid came up behind me and yanked my pants to my ankles) at recess in 5th grade. I was wearing sweat pants and tighty whities and the entire 5th grade was out there laughing...
[quote name='kube00']Oh man I'm laughing so hard right now I just about peed myself![/quote]

Peeing yourself from reading an internet message board on a gaming website fits in perfectly with this thread...
[quote name='ITDEFX']I was less than 5 minutes from my house, making the final light turn when I just couldn't take it anymore and released in the car :hot:![/quote]

Trust me, I know how awful it feels to take a warm, sloppy dump in your pants.

One time, I think I was in 6th or 7th grade, I was at my local Target looking at DVDs. I felt fine, I didn't have to go to the bathroom, I wasn't sick, nothing. So, as I was looking at the DVDs, I felt a little gas start creeping about. I thought nothing of it, as it felt fairly normal. I tried to squeeze it out silently, considering I was surrounded by three people: one average guy, some fat lady, and this really hot girl.

I was trying to let it out, and everything was going well. Then it happened. Without any form of warning, what felt like a simple fart turned out to be much more. It was silent. Then, all of a sudden;


I took a monster dump in my whitey-tighties. All three people knew what had happened, because you could literally hear it hitting my pants. I stood there in horror, DVD in hand, trying to figure out what to do. All three people were staring at me. As I stood there, stunned, the smell hit. I saw the guys face twist in agony. I had no other choice: I ran. I threw the DVD to the floor, and ran through the store searching for a bathroom. While I was running, I could feel the poo sloshing about in my pants. It finally broke free of my underwear, and I felt it pour down my leg. By this point I was practically crying. I finally found a bathroom and ran in. I took off my pants, and to my horror, the shit had smeared everywhere. All down the legs, across the back, and even the front. The shit had even soaked into my white socks and made it's way into my shoes. My legs were caked in shit, pretty much everything from the waist down was. I cleaned myself up as best I could with some toilet paper. I wanted to keep this a secret, so I stuffed my underwear and pants with toilet paper and left the restroom.

The car ride home with my mom was unbearable.
I think I was in 2nd grade when this happened, but I was reading a chapter of a story to the class when I suddenly didn't feel too well and started to yack all over my desk/the floor. The ink on the pages of the book started smearing and the kids around me jumped out of their desks after getting vomit and crap on their shoes. I got up to go to the restroom and when I walked in there was a ''slow'' kid taking a shit in the urinal and pissing on the floor in front of him. He started giggling and I felt even more sick, so I started throwing up on the floor, got my hands in piss/throw up/dirty school floor and the ''slow'' kid was laughing uncontrollably at me. The kid pulled up his pants, picked up the doo doo and threw it in the sink and all I could do was vomit, vomit, and vomit some more.

After about an hour of being in the restroom cleaning myself up and stuff, I called the janitor and went back to class. The janitor told the teacher I took a shit in the sink, pissed all over the floor and threw up everywhere. From there on I was known as the sick fucked up kid that nobody wanted to play Tetherball with. It took a while for them to find out what had really happened, but all I had left from that day were some busted ass LA Lights (from throwing up on 'em) and the image of some chubby kid pooping and pissing everywhere while I'm vomiting. I had to pay for my book and one of the kids I was sitting next to while it happened had his shoes fucked up... so I had to pay for those to.

Two pairs of busted ass LA Lights (since they were the hotness back in 2nd grade)
One Reading Literature book
A burnt image of a slow kid shitting and pissing all over himself then putting it in the sink
Most embarassing moment, EVER.
My dad laughing hysterically at me when he found out I didn't get a date to my Jr. Prom a few years ago (too shy to ask the girl I liked, although I later found out she would have said yes =/)...Although in retrospect that was probably a good thing.

I had a date for my senior prom but that was one of the worst experiences of my life. She essentially ditched me and started dancing with a bunch of other guys, while I just eventually gave up and chilled with a bunch of my friends. Then she accused me of being anti-social while all her friends sided with her, but all of our neutral friends and my friends pointed out the fact that she had no interest in being with me.

But as a result of her actions, so many girls came up that night and gave me a pity hug or told me I looked so handsome that I just about wanted to shoot myself. And I was embarrassed as hell that I had even bothered showing up to prom, I wish I would have just stayed home. I hate pity.
In college I started dating a girl who had an identical twin sister...So one night I picked her up, took her to dinner, the movies, etc. Had a great time. Well, when it was time to say good night down the steps came here sister...who turned out to be the girl I was dating. They played a switcheroo and I had no idea. That wasn't the embarassing part. That came when I asked about a threesome...
[quote name='Number83']In college I started dating a girl who had an identical twin sister...So one night I picked her up, took her to dinner, the movies, etc. Had a great time. Well, when it was time to say good night down the steps came here sister...who turned out to be the girl I was dating. They played a switcheroo and I had no idea. That wasn't the embarassing part. That came when I asked about a threesome...[/quote]

[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Trust me, I know how awful it feels to take a warm, sloppy dump in your pants.

One time, I think I was in 6th or 7th grade, I was at my local Target looking at DVDs. I felt fine, I didn't have to go to the bathroom, I wasn't sick, nothing. So, as I was looking at the DVDs, I felt a little gas start creeping about. I thought nothing of it, as it felt fairly normal. I tried to squeeze it out silently, considering I was surrounded by three people: one average guy, some fat lady, and this really hot girl.

I was trying to let it out, and everything was going well. Then it happened. Without any form of warning, what felt like a simple fart turned out to be much more. It was silent. Then, all of a sudden;


I took a monster dump in my whitey-tighties. All three people knew what had happened, because you could literally hear it hitting my pants. I stood there in horror, DVD in hand, trying to figure out what to do. All three people were staring at me. As I stood there, stunned, the smell hit. I saw the guys face twist in agony. I had no other choice: I ran. I threw the DVD to the floor, and ran through the store searching for a bathroom. While I was running, I could feel the poo sloshing about in my pants. It finally broke free of my underwear, and I felt it pour down my leg. By this point I was practically crying. I finally found a bathroom and ran in. I took off my pants, and to my horror, the shit had smeared everywhere. All down the legs, across the back, and even the front. The shit had even soaked into my white socks and made it's way into my shoes. My legs were caked in shit, pretty much everything from the waist down was. I cleaned myself up as best I could with some toilet paper. I wanted to keep this a secret, so I stuffed my underwear and pants with toilet paper and left the restroom.

The car ride home with my mom was unbearable.

A few years ago, I dated a guy several years older than me, and on top of that, he looked several years older than his actual age. (Y'all in the Hell's Kitchen thread know what I'm talking about). We went to a California Pizza Kitchen for lunch. The hostess gave me a kids' menu. Their kids' menu was for children 10 and under. I was 18 at the time. It was mortifying. Even after that, I was mistaken for my ex's daughter. People would say, "You and your daughter this" or "Your daughter has beautiful hair." :wall:
[quote name='Number83']In college I started dating a girl who had an identical twin sister...So one night I picked her up, took her to dinner, the movies, etc. Had a great time. Well, when it was time to say good night down the steps came here sister...who turned out to be the girl I was dating. They played a switcheroo and I had no idea. That wasn't the embarassing part. That came when I asked about a threesome...[/quote]

You sound like my type of guy.
I couldn't stop laughing at the story with the special needs kid in the bathroom. I can only imagine you just vomiting over and over at the overall disgusting scenario.
One of my roommates takes the most foul shits I've ever smelt in my life. Like, burns your eyes/don't light a match 'cause shit'll catch fire bad. About two months ago we both needed to take a shit at the same time. He smells unbearably and I take a long-ass time, so neither of us was willing to relent. We flip a coin, and I lose.

There's no chance in hell that I'm going after him within the hour, though, so I decide to bite the bullet and go in the public bathroom in the lobby downstairs. In order to get to the bathroom you need to enter a door to a forier kind of area with a pay phone and janitor's closet. You then enter into the mens or womens bathrooms, which are single-toileted, through a second door. So I go into the mens bathroom, lay down a layer of TP on the toilet, and get comfortable.

Like I said, I take awhile to take a shit. About 5-10 minutes in I hear someone enter into the forier room. My eyes dart to the door, which I notice with horror is unlocked. fuck me. Just as the door handle starts to lift I belt out a "NNNOOOOOOOO" that would've done Vader proud.

Too late. I grab my junk and put my other hand to my face. Just before covering my eyes I can see the guy jolt back from the door with a look of unabashed revulsion. He let out an "OH!" and slammed the door shut. I yelled out that I was sorry, and waddled over to the door to lock it, careful not to spread the shit around my cheeks.

I finish up and hightail it out of the forier room and into the lobby. Wouldn't you know it, the douchebag is sitting there waiting. "Thanks a lot, buddy. That's exactly what I wanted to see tonight. Try locking the door next time." Classy guy. He walks passed me and into the bathroom, while I just stand there, stunned that someone would be asshole-ish enough to
a)wait around after just having that experience
b)insult someone who's clearly embarrassed after an honest mistake, and
c)think he can get away with that shit without consequence

I get pissed and call all of my buddies that live in the building. There's a pretty good number of us, and we storm into the forier room while the guy is having something akin to explosive diarrhea. Shit was loud. He finishes up and exits the bathroom only to be met by about thirty people applauding him and patting him on the back. Cheeky bastard turned maroon and bolted through the lobby and up the stairs. Never saw him again, thank god.
[quote name='Number83']In college I started dating a girl who had an identical twin sister...So one night I picked her up, took her to dinner, the movies, etc. Had a great time. Well, when it was time to say good night down the steps came here sister...who turned out to be the girl I was dating. They played a switcheroo and I had no idea. That wasn't the embarassing part. That came when I asked about a threesome...[/quote]

By that time, there *should* be moles or birthmarks somewhere on the face or body that makes her stand out. Heck even hairlines should be different. I am sure twins do this shit all the time.

[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Trust me, I know how awful it feels to take a warm, sloppy dump in your pants.

One time, I think I was in 6th or 7th grade, I was at my local Target looking at DVDs. I felt fine, I didn't have to go to the bathroom, I wasn't sick, nothing. So, as I was looking at the DVDs, I felt a little gas start creeping about. I thought nothing of it, as it felt fairly normal. I tried to squeeze it out silently, considering I was surrounded by three people: one average guy, some fat lady, and this really hot girl.

I was trying to let it out, and everything was going well. Then it happened. Without any form of warning, what felt like a simple fart turned out to be much more. It was silent. Then, all of a sudden;


I took a monster dump in my whitey-tighties. All three people knew what had happened, because you could literally hear it hitting my pants. I stood there in horror, DVD in hand, trying to figure out what to do. All three people were staring at me. As I stood there, stunned, the smell hit. I saw the guys face twist in agony. I had no other choice: I ran. I threw the DVD to the floor, and ran through the store searching for a bathroom. While I was running, I could feel the poo sloshing about in my pants. It finally broke free of my underwear, and I felt it pour down my leg. By this point I was practically crying. I finally found a bathroom and ran in. I took off my pants, and to my horror, the shit had smeared everywhere. All down the legs, across the back, and even the front. The shit had even soaked into my white socks and made it's way into my shoes. My legs were caked in shit, pretty much everything from the waist down was. I cleaned myself up as best I could with some toilet paper. I wanted to keep this a secret, so I stuffed my underwear and pants with toilet paper and left the restroom.

The car ride home with my mom was unbearable.


Now that's embarrassing!

Now see all you have done it, I am starting to recall more stuff.

When I was about 7 years old (I think) I was at a 7-11 in long island, NY near my house. I was playing the stand up arcade version of Return of the Jedi. I guess I got too excited playing that I ignored the fact that I had to pee, really bad. So instead of going to the bathroom I just let it out. The warm juices flowed down my pants and my older cousin who was with me at the time said "are you ok?" :oops:

A few years back when I was the team lead at target in the electronics department I was feeling like I was coming down with a cold and sneezing. Well apparently I was down near the floor trying to open up the case for a customer when I sneezed and let one pop. One of the high school kids "heard it" since he was near by and I was like so embarrassed because I noticed he noticed it too.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']what felt like a simple fart turned out to be much more. It was silent. Then, all of a sudden;


I took a monster dump in my whitey-tighties.[/QUOTE]

You gambled and lost. My buddy did that at Ford Field during a Detroit Lions open practice. He had to affix a toilet paper tampon for the ride home. I told him it was appropriate since we were watching the Lions.
[quote name='Greetard']

I finish up and hightail it out of the forier room and into the lobby. Wouldn't you know it, the douchebag is sitting there waiting. [/quote]

A few years ago when I worked as a tech at another school, I ate some of the school food which had a lot of fiber and later on I had to take a big dump. Well apparently one of the other teachers had to use the bathroom as well, but instead of going to one of the other 5 bathrooms in the school (this was a long one floor school), she decides to WAIT. I had to take a serious dump and it was noisy, enough to drive anyone away from the door...but did that scare her off? NO!! So I finished my business, opened the door and I see the lady talking to another teacher waiting to use the bathroom as well. I am pretty sure they heard my disturbances in the force...but man are people THAT lazy to wait for someone rather than walk less than 1 minute to another bathroom that WASN'T in use?!?!?
One of my more embarrassing moments of recent memory is when I started my new job, I inadvertently complained about someone to their face. The conversation went something like this ...

"Hey maklershed, you didn't get your work up here as quick as usual today"

"Yeah it's cause this John Doe guy was taking his sweet time. I'm pretty much at that guy's mercy"

"I'm John Doe"
[quote name='tiredfornow']I think I was in 2nd grade when this happened, but I was reading a chapter of a story to the class when I suddenly didn't feel too well and started to yack all over my desk/the floor. The ink on the pages of the book started smearing and the kids around me jumped out of their desks after getting vomit and crap on their shoes. I got up to go to the restroom and when I walked in there was a ''slow'' kid taking a shit in the urinal and pissing on the floor in front of him. He started giggling and I felt even more sick, so I started throwing up on the floor, got my hands in piss/throw up/dirty school floor and the ''slow'' kid was laughing uncontrollably at me. The kid pulled up his pants, picked up the doo doo and threw it in the sink and all I could do was vomit, vomit, and vomit some more.

After about an hour of being in the restroom cleaning myself up and stuff, I called the janitor and went back to class. The janitor told the teacher I took a shit in the sink, pissed all over the floor and threw up everywhere. From there on I was known as the sick fucked up kid that nobody wanted to play Tetherball with. It took a while for them to find out what had really happened, but all I had left from that day were some busted ass LA Lights (from throwing up on 'em) and the image of some chubby kid pooping and pissing everywhere while I'm vomiting. I had to pay for my book and one of the kids I was sitting next to while it happened had his shoes fucked up... so I had to pay for those to.

Two pairs of busted ass LA Lights (since they were the hotness back in 2nd grade)
One Reading Literature book
A burnt image of a slow kid shitting and pissing all over himself then putting it in the sink
Most embarassing moment, EVER.[/QUOTE]

God-damn. I read that twice and laughed as much as the first read-through.
[quote name='magiic']It absolutely blows my mind that there are multiple people here who have full out shit their pants[/quote]

I didn't shit out my pants...just destroyed my underwear with a megaton.
I put it into a bag and the next day too it to the compusa that was closing down in my area and trashed it in the store as a going away present.
[quote name='magiic']It absolutely blows my mind that there are multiple people here who have full out shit their pants[/QUOTE]

My new sig for a while. :D thanks!
[quote name='ITDEFX']I didn't shit out my pants...just destroyed my underwear with a megaton.
I put it into a bag and the next day too it to the compusa that was closing down in my area and trashed it in the store as a going away present.[/quote]

OH my, thats rancid!
[quote name='ITDEFX']I didn't shit out my pants...just destroyed my underwear with a megaton.
I put it into a bag and the next day too it to the compusa that was closing down in my area and trashed it in the store as a going away present.[/QUOTE]

This can't be life.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I didn't shit out my pants...just destroyed my underwear with a megaton.
I put it into a bag and the next day too it to the compusa that was closing down in my area and trashed it in the store as a going away present.[/QUOTE]


And if not, you're an asshole for doing that to the janitor.

But I still think it's bullshit.
[quote name='Greetard']Bullshit.

And if not, you're an asshole for doing that to the janitor.

But I still think it's bullshit.[/quote]

Well your an ass for thinking it didn't happen... why the hell would I make this up?, especially when I took laxatives several hours earlier necessary for a procedure that was to occur a few days later (doctor wanted me to be cleaned out completely :( ) . It just didn't kick in until the ride home. Heck the instructions said it may be between 30 minutes and several hours before it kicks in and it wasn't kidding.

As for the underwear in question, I put it into a bag to seal in the smell because it was beyond saving. Besides would you really want to wear something that after it's been bombarded like that? Anyways I put it into the trashcan outside of the store (between the first and second doors section), still in it's closed bag.

I am sorry you wanted proof of this event, but I am not the type to take pictures nor do I carry a camera around to document such event.

It happened, I looked back at it and laugh at it every time I think about or tell people about it as it was a very embarrassing moment. It would have been even more embarrassing if I did pull over and took a dump or pulled over by the cops for speeding a little and had to jump out to take a dump. :rofl:
[quote name='ITDEFX']I didn't shit out my pants...just destroyed my underwear with a megaton.
I put it into a bag and the next day too it to the compusa that was closing down in my area and trashed it in the store as a going away present.[/quote]

:cold: that's pretty cruel
bread's done