Naughty Dog's The Last of Us - Left Behind Single Player DLC Out Now!

I was just thinking last night how crazy something like survivors mode could be if you also had infected roaming the maps. Something like that would probably be a nightmare to balance, but it could make for some really intense multiplayer scenarios. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing what they have planned as far as dlc goes.
I think they should have done something like that, in some shape or form. Maybe in the middle of a game, play some screams/clicker sounds and stop all the activity for a few seconds, and have the in game characters stop fighting and say "oh shit, clickers/zombies... what do we do?". Then, all players would get to vote to either a) work together against a larger group of enemies and share all rewards or b) or have a massive free for all with fewer zombies (and maybe send more of them towards the winning side or increase the drop rate for the losing side).

But I haven't played the MP yet so I'm guessing there's probably something wrong with that idea...

What you are talking about is actually what I really really really wanted RE: Operation Raccoon City MP to be like. I thought it'd be so sick to have a quasi COD multiplayer that pitted Umbrella vs S.T.A.R.S. or even BSAA with zombies and other creatures just mulling around causing havoc. It would just add a different element to most multiplayer matches.

And I know it had a element of that but it was pretty much broken the first few months and then I gave up.

But back on topic... I redeemed my "Sights and Sounds" DLC as well as the season pass via my PSN account when I picked the game up on Friday.

Today I tried to do an online match for the first time via the in-game option and it asked me to redeem or purchase an online pass despite already having done that.

Does that mean it didn't install correctly? Just trying to figure out what I need to do to play this online

After playing the game for about 5 hours this weekend I kind of poo poo'd it here on the thread. HOWEVER, I'm about 85% through it and I must say this game just continues to get better. This game really is incredible and I feel badly for judging it too harshly in the beginning. I think it was partially the perfect scores that came through that had my expectations through the roof. I also find that for me this game is best played in two hour windows, however it's getting harder and harder to put down as I move towards the end.

I haven't tried multiplayer and know nothing about how it's setup but I can't wait to try that when I finish the single player.
I agree with the two hours window comment, because I've found myself playing the game in that manner as well. I felt the game was getting intense and I simply needed a break.
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Big problem with the ending.

They already have the vaccine and she is it. Alive, in a painless, easily transmittable form. More on this later.

The scientists were really quick to take the "off with her head" route. They find her and decide she needs to die in less than a day. That means they did very little research into how to transfer her condition of immunity into other people. Almost no study. They didn't even bother to talk to her to give her a psychiatric exam to determine if her version of the infection has side-effects they don't know about.

There's a chance that their surgical extraction method might fail and there are other methods of creating a vaccine (which might not even be possible) that don't require her to die. Their response? Screw that, lets just jump to a conclusion and make an irreversible decision: murder. No scientist worth their weight in salt would make that hasty and irreversible of a decision in the span of Joel's blackout. That's just bullshit.

As for the vaccine: if she's infected with a mutated strand that grants immunity, all she has to do to confer the immunity to other people is to bite them or have her blood injected into them (or using any other method that transmits the infection). This method of transmission would cost them literally nothing.

No need to synthesize or mass produce a vaccine, they'd just need to keep her alive and draw blood from her on a steady, sustainable, safe schedule then inject it into people. At the very least they should've tested this on one of their people over the course of a few days to see what happened.

That actually would've made for a better story IMO, even if it failed. The Fireflies are nice to them, they arrive, have her bite someone, then wait to see what happens. It'd be a call-back to her biting David. Then if that method of transferring the immunity failed, then things could go south after Joel/Ellie feel safe and sound with the Fireflies for a few days first.

That kind of betrayal at their hands would be more interesting and Joel still could've concocted a lie.

TLDR: ending has a few holes/unbelievable aspects.

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8 Hours in (Suburbs) and I can only say that this game is woefully overrated.

- The controls are terrible - Resident Evil gets crap for their needing to be still to aim and shoot and yet nobody seems to mind when this game does the same thing? And why the hell cant I hipfire a shotgun. There's a reason shotguns are for close encounters and it ain't because you have to stop and aim them. Switching weapons is also painful. If I start hitting dpad left to get to a weapon, not realizing I was out of arrows, I have to scroll back through to my pistols instead of hitting dpad right once?

- Clickers - a 1 hit kill enemy on nearly every cheap can you get? Nevermind the fact that their kill animation cant be interrupted.

- Joel has been a badass mercenary for years as alluded to by Tess and Bill but yet he has terrible weapon sway?

- Where are all the melee weapons? I was under the impression that they would be plentiful...and no I dont mean bricks.

- Inonsistent gameplay - why are there parts where sneaking does no good? Why do runners spot me through walls? And for the love of God, why the hell would Joel bash someones skull alerting all runners when I attempt a stealth kill. Are you fn kidding me?

- Companion AI - hey Sam, I'm 6 inches from you getting attacked - perhaps you could come out of stealth mode (which is uneccesary for you apparently - awesome immersion decision) and give me a damn hand.

Incredibly disappointed - and I loved Uncharted 2. Sorry for the rant - needed to get it off my chest. Perhaps I'll give MP a go. S
8 Hours in (Suburbs) and I can only say that this game is woefully overrated.

- The controls are terrible - Resident Evil gets crap for their needing to be still to aim and shoot and yet nobody seems to mind when this game does the same thing? And why the hell cant I hipfire a shotgun. There's a reason shotguns are for close encounters and it ain't because you have to stop and aim them. Switching weapons is also painful. If I start hitting dpad left to get to a weapon, not realizing I was out of arrows, I have to scroll back through to my pistols instead of hitting dpad right once?

- Clickers - a 1 hit kill enemy on nearly every cheap can you get? Nevermind the fact that their kill animation cant be interrupted.

- Joel has been a badass mercenary for years as alluded to by Tess and Bill but yet he has terrible weapon sway?

- Where are all the melee weapons? I was under the impression that they would be plentiful...and no I dont mean bricks.

- Inonsistent gameplay - why are there parts where sneaking does no good? Why do runners spot me through walls? And for the love of God, why the hell would Joel bash someones skull alerting all runners when I attempt a stealth kill. Are you fn kidding me?

- Companion AI - hey Sam, I'm 6 inches from you getting attacked - perhaps you could come out of stealth mode (which is uneccesary for you apparently - awesome immersion decision) and give me a damn hand.

Incredibly disappointed - and I loved Uncharted 2. Sorry for the rant - needed to get it off my chest. Perhaps I'll give MP a go. S
This isn't an action run and gun game. It's a survival game plain and simple. Slow paced, stealth and scavenging is the majority of the game. A few shootouts but guns should only be used as a last resort most of the time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it seems you wanted an action game like Uncharted but this certainly isn't that.

This isn't an action run and gun game. It's a survival game plain and simple. Slow paced, stealth and scavenging is the majority of the game. A few shootouts but guns should only be used as a last resort most of the time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it seems you wanted an action game like Uncharted but this certainly isn't that.
Please don't say everyone's entitled to their own opinion and then insinuate the type of game you thought I expected. That would dismiss my opinion, don't you think?

I did not want an action game at all nor did I think it was going to be one. I was looking forward to the stealth/survival aspects but when I'm fighting the controls the whole way and smirking at the companion AI, it just kills the experience for me.

And if it's a stealth based game, why have I not come across a suppressor or why can't Joel craft one? They could make it like State of Decay and have the suppressor only good for a couple shots. Why would one of my "stealth kills" (skull bash of which I have no control over) alert all infected in the area?

I like to use molotovs for clickers. When other runners/clickers run through the flames, sometimes they are unaffected, yet sometimes they catch fire. Sometimes I can recover my arrows from a slain enemy, sometimes I can't. Why, when we're waiting for someone to open a door, do all the runners and clickers suddenly know where we are even if we're crouched forcing us into a RUN AND GUN segment. The game's painfully inconsistent.

I'm done ranting - oh, and I'm blaming this rant on you Miami_13 ;). You clearly made me do it.

This isn't an action run and gun game. It's a survival game plain and simple. Slow paced, stealth and scavenging is the majority of the game. A few shootouts but guns should only be used as a last resort most of the time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it seems you wanted an action game like Uncharted but this certainly isn't that.
Please don't say everyone's entitled to their own opinion and then insinuate the type of game you thought I expected. That would dismiss my opinion, don't you think?

I did not want an action game at all nor did I think it was going to be one. I was looking forward to the stealth/survival aspects but when I'm fighting the controls the whole way and smirking at the companion AI, it just kills the experience for me.

And if it's a stealth based game, why have I not come across a suppressor or why can't Joel craft one? They could make it like State of Decay and have the suppressor only good for a couple shots. Why would one of my "stealth kills" (skull bash of which I have no control over) alert all infected in the area?

I like to use molotovs for clickers. When other runners/clickers run through the flames, sometimes they are unaffected, yet sometimes they catch fire. Sometimes I can recover my arrows from a slain enemy, sometimes I can't. Why, when we're waiting for someone to open a door, do all the runners and clickers suddenly know where we are even if we're crouched forcing us into a RUN AND GUN segment. The game's painfully inconsistent.

I'm done ranting - oh, and I'm blaming this rant on you Miami_13 ;). You clearly made me do it.
I don't know what your gripe with the controls are, they work fine for me. I don't have any problem with no hip firing, aiming with the shotty is very easy. Switching between guns works fine too even with the extra holsters. I've completed the game once and now on a 2nd play-through and yet to have the stealth skull bash alert enemies since it's only ever happened to me when it's the last enemy in an area. Sometimes arrows break in real life and sometimes not. That's just how it is. Same with enemies running through a fire. I'm sure sometimes there would be enough to ignite one running through and sometimes not. You're clearly in the minority from you not liking the game and nit picking it to death which could be done to any game in existence.

I'm clearly biased here but some of Pride7ds's complaints seem misplaced, misunderstood, or wrong. I'm not going to say the game is 100% realistic/perfect to life, since some of the complaints are accurate but to address some of these:

Controls - I haven't had any issues with controls. I hate tank controls when there's  a fixed camera but this game's camera is over the shoulder so... this might be one of those preference things.

Weapon switching - Part of the live inventory to add to the realism, which is why it's slow and which is also why Joel can only have a few items ready/equipped at the same time. Additionally, with regard to arrow ammo, if you're out, then Joel won't have any in sticking out of his backpack.

Clickers - Yeah, they can kill you in one hit but that's balanced out by the fact that they're blind, which gives you the benefit of being able to sneak around them. And they're not really one hit kill pending a skill upgrade.

Joel's poor aiming - Aiming a gun is hard. I'm not a seasoned mercenary but I have shot a rifle in real life, and one of the things you'll hear during safety training is that aiming a weapon is not easy. Weapon sway is real and I'm pretty sure even the most seasoned soldiers/shooters experience it, unless they have a mounted weapon.

No hip fire - Joel's body movement is pretty realistic and is slower than the camera aiming (ie, turn on the flashlight and move the camera around really fast, you'll notice the disparity between the camera's movement and the flashlight). If you had the option to hip fire, I'm guessing players would be irate due to the fact that he can't keep up with the camera aiming.

Melee weapons - Nearly every single area has a 2x4, bat, shiv, pipe, axe... something, other than bottles/bricks, so I'm not sure what to say about this one. Melee weapons are about the only weapons you're guaranteed to find any area.

Runners seeing you through walls/noise making - I believe Runners have the best sight in the game and they can also hear so they're most likely to catch you in cases where clickers and humans won't. Additionally, Joel will only do a noise kill once his position is revealed or if it's the last enemy (in which case, sound doesn't really matter).

Companion AI - Yeah, this one sucks and an actual complaint. This could have been easily resolved by what they seem to be doing in the second half and that is, to have Joel tell the companion to wait/hide unless his position is revealed and a gun fight begins.

Not being able to make a suppressor - This is one made me laugh. Last time I checked, suppressors aren't something you can make out of rags, nails and sugar. If you want a quiet weapon, that's where the bow comes in.

Enemies not catching on fire - This is the second complaint I'll give Pride7ds. The game's reasoning is that enemies can only catch on fire by coming into contact with other enemies already on fire... but they won't catch on fire if they walk through the still burning flame, which is stupid.

Not being able to recover arrows - Arrows can break based on a random chance. I think they have a lower chance of breaking against soft surfaces (like exposed heads/body, dry wall) vs hard surfaces (concrete, cars, etc.) but I'm not sure about this.

Again, this game isn't 100% true to life... but if it was, I'm guessing people would be complaining about the fact that it would be impossible to beat (not to mention downright impossible to make, given that doing so would probably require the processing power of a supercomputer). A lot of the decisions made here were to give a better impression of tension, scavenging and surviving.

Don't take this the wrong way Pride7ds, but your complaints definitely make it sound like you want the game to be something it's clearly not.

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You guys do know the enemy can't see your AI partner if you're sneaking right?
Yeah I think it is more an immersion issue and not a gameplay issue. I found it pretty funny/distracting how loud Bill was stomping all over the place while you where quietly trying stealth kill clickers.

You guys do know the enemy can't see your AI partner if you're sneaking right?
Yeah I think it is more an immersion issue and not a gameplay issue. I found it pretty funny/distracting how loud Bill was stomping all over the place while you where quietly trying stealth kill clickers.
Indeed... it really takes away from the stealth experience when Ellie audibly says "Oooh... scary!" as an enemy walks past her.

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I was ranting - airing my frustrations. I expected it to be a genre defining game based on its scores but it has been nowhere near that for me. Oh well, everyone has different expectatons/experiences.
I was ranting - airing my frustrations. I expected it to be a genre defining game based on its scores but it has been nowhere near that for me. Oh well, everyone has different expectatons/experiences.
My first playthrough was not very enjoyable from a "fun" perspective but this is not really the type of game I normally have fun playing. I tolerate the stealth of Assassin's Creed and other "modern" stealth game since I know for the most part if I break stealth the game is balanced to compensate for my mess ups. The Last of Us is definitely not looking for you to run and gun but as you progress it does give you the tools to use a more hit and hide tactics. I played through twice on normal. First run took me 17 hours while the second took 10.5 hours since the upgrades really do help make Joel a killing machine. A fully upgraded Bow and Flamethrower will just devastate human and infected alike.

In the end I really appreciate the story they told and that they never sugar coat anything. There is a lot of nuance in this game that normally feels like cliches in other games, but LoU does a great job of changing the script enough to make it feel fresh. I am glad to have experienced that journey but I will most likely never come back for it again.

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I'm at 85% complete right now, will probably finish the campaign tonight. I can't praise the graphics, sound, animations, voice acting, and writing enough-- all-around I'd say it's clear that TLOU has the best production values of any current gen game. But the stealth gameplay just isn't that fun to me. Not that there's anything bad about it, it's just not my thing. I find myself gunning through combat sections as quickly as possible because I'm excited to get it over with and watch the next story cutscene. :lol: It's a great game but once I'm done I'll just trade it in; I don't see myself returning to it again like I want to return to Uncharted 2 and 3, because they're just so much fun to play.

I think the shooting is just fine personally. I like it a lot more than the Uncharted games because the bullets travel faster and they actually shoot fairly straight! Firing an assault rifle in UC2 felt like shooting a shotgun at times. The ammo scarcity makes firearms a treat to fire. Enemies not being bullet sponges means headshots actually do something and the enemy animations feel less erratic, so there's more point to aiming carefully.

In my opinion, the gameplay gets pretty decent once you're done with the first few hours. Early on it feels incredibly linear and uninteresting. I felt pretty underwhelmed with the combat until after the capital. After that, there's real choice that comes into play with every fight.

By the end of the game, I felt pretty overpowered. I spent all of my points on decreasing scope sway and my parts on upgrading ammo capacities. This resulted in me carrying a ton of ammunition, being very accurate, and able to put most enemies down pretty quickly. And that's one of the fantastic things about this game: conservation and planning really pay off in the long run.

TLOU is brilliantly paced if you play it right. I think you should be playing it more like Fallout 3 than Uncharted 3. The goal in every fight should be to kill enemies using as few resources as possible. Whenever given the chance to scavenge, you should check every nook and cranny. Missing even one training manual can be a pretty big set back. Exploring for loot adds to the downtime, giving you time to come down off of your previous adrenaline high before marching back in. Story sequences help here too, but they have their own stresses.

TLOU reminds me a lot of Bioshock Infinite, but it masterfully avoids jumping the shark in the name of OMG TWISTS and does a better job of breaking up and varying the action thanks to stealth and setpiece avoidance. BI was much more summer popcorn flick, and a lot closer to Uncharted.

TLOU is ultimately a story about humanity with great survival, stealth, and action sequences. I loved it.

Midgame spoilers follow:
Remember the sequence where you take the sniper rifle and defend your comrades from the vehicle and undead? I loved that part so much and I've been thinking about why. I usually hate those canned "man this turret or sniper rifle" moments, but in the case of TLOU it's enjoyable because of how empowering it is.

Take Call of Duty as a counterexample. There are times where you man a sniper rifle or a turret interlaced in all of those games, but do you really feel a significant boost of power in those moments? It means more when you go from having limited supplies, ammunition, and weak weapons to a high-powered marksman capable of destroying everything in your way.

Endgame spoilers:
And I think the same is true of the end. I used a ton of bombs in the bus tunnel and loved it, because I knew I could as the end was fast approaching. And when I finally got an assault rifle, it was totally blissful after using the semi-auto wasteland arsenal the whole game.

What makes TLOU a real gem is its ability to craft a magnificent variety of experiences of greatly differing intensity. UC has pretty good story sequences and character interactions, but the platforming and gunfights are cranked up to 11 far too often.

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As I get further into my Survival play-through I must say this is the way the game should really be played. No listen mode, ammo and resources are extremely scarce so every single bullet counts. Some sections have me just sneaking past most enemies since my ammo is so low and they would rush and kill me in seconds.

As I get further into my Survival play-through I must say this is the way the game should really be played. No listen mode, ammo and resources are extremely scarce so every single bullet counts. Some sections have me just sneaking past most enemies since my ammo is so low and they would rush and kill me in seconds.
Just finished my Survivor + run and I totally agree that this is my preferred mode. (Logging 57 hours in the span of 8 days tells me all I need to know about how much I loved this game lol) Surprisingly enough, I get the most thrill out of doing a section solely with stealth or bypassing a large group of enemies altogether. Never knew I enjoyed stealth like this before this game :)

Played a couple of hours of MP and I like it a lot. It relies heavily on teamwork and if you go in playing as a lone wolf or try to rambo shit up you will not be successful lol It works best when you play with a buddy and you have a mic. I played solo and I got stuck with some crappy teammates.

As I get further into my Survival play-through I must say this is the way the game should really be played. No listen mode, ammo and resources are extremely scarce so every single bullet counts. Some sections have me just sneaking past most enemies since my ammo is so low and they would rush and kill me in seconds.
Yep, I think you'll appreciate this game more if you play it in this manor as well. I can't imagine playing with listen mode on, it would lose a lot of its intensity for me. I saw a gameplay video where the dude literally just blasted through everybody and it looked like a completely different game to me. To each their own though.

Also, can anybody send me a PM and tell me how to use spoilers? I can't figure it out since the update. :whistle2:|

92% through my survivor playthrough and I've enjoyed the game way more than my first clear.  I don't miss listen mode at all, there's no rush to see the end so I'm just playing one chapter at a time, and now that I've mastered how to exploit the AI system stealth isn't so bad anymore.  I also realize now that my complaints about stealth are really founded on the fact that there's no quicksave system, because sometimes I'd be doing so well and make one mistake at the end to ruin it all.  That kind of patience wears thin real fast when faced with repeating an entire section over, especially when you're waiting on bullshit conversations or patrol pathing.  I get why there's no checkpoints until you clear a room of enemies or move on, but in practice it makes the game very unfun.  Sometimes you need to just unload, literally.  If I was having a hard time stealthing an area, I'd start to rage and just say fuck it.

One pile of corpses later I'd be rather pleased with myself. ;)

Geez... how are you guys making your way through this game so fast?:lol: I just hit 79% (Winter) and have clocked in over 16 hours and I don't want this game to end but I need to finish it this weekend or I'll never get around to completing it. I genuwinely exploring the world, even though I rarely find any items/teasures/etc. and hope for some banter between the characters.

Very few games have ever engrossed me as much as this game.

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Since I finished the campaign I've moved on to the multiplayer.  Anyone playing this?  It's pretty fun but I think it'd be better if I had someone to play with.  I have a mic as well if that matters.  

So I just beat it and all I can say is that I am stunned. I always like games that make you feel for the character but this game took it to unimaginable levels. This is one of the most emotionally exhausting games I've ever played and I don't generally get too emotionally attached to fictional mediums.

Ending spoilers, DO NOT READ if you haven't beaten the game.

When Ellie asked Joel if what he said was the truth, I thought shit was about to go down. You know she's aware of Joel's lies but the way Ellie delivered that "okay" was an incredible way to conclude the game.

This is easily one of the best games I've ever played, even with its flaws, and it delivered in every aspect I could have hoped for and then some even with all the hype. But with all of that said, I don't think I could take another game in this world. It's too real and hits home way too often.

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Finished Survivor and I'm surprised how much of a different reaction I had to it this time. I guess after reading some postmortems and not having any expectations put things more in perspective for a second viewing. 22:23:58 hours, 1,158 kills and zero deaths (;)) later it was one hell of an experience (add that one to Ellie's joke book lol).

So question: the guide I was following missed a firefly pendant, the bastard, and I'm wondering since I can now view all the collectibles in the menu will I need to collect them all over again in a plus game?

I can't wait for the dlc. I wonder if it will continue from the end.
From what I understand the SP DLC is a sidestory, or at least the first one will be. Can't say I care to play any DLC for this game since it feels complete as is.

I've heard some speculation that the sidestory DLC will be about
the character "Ish" from the sewer refuge. I sure hope so.

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I think I really want the Season Pass now.

Also, I play TLOU online. Firefly side.

My PSN ID is Das_Regal.

Feel free to add me or PM me if you want to set up a time to hang out.

I have no headset for my PS3, I use skype on my smartphone though.


So question: the guide I was following missed a firefly pendant, the bastard, and I'm wondering since I can now view all the collectibles in the menu will I need to collect them all over again in a plus game?
Just the ones you missed.

Not being able to make a suppressor - This is one made me laugh. Last time I checked, suppressors aren't something you can make out of rags, nails and sugar. If you want a quiet weapon, that's where the bow comes in.

Not being able to recover arrows - Arrows can break based on a random chance. I think they have a lower chance of breaking against soft surfaces (like exposed heads/body, dry wall) vs hard surfaces (concrete, cars, etc.) but I'm not sure about this.
I also thought it was odd not to be able to make suppressors since they were in MP. Mind, I finished both of the MP journeys before heading to SP. As for arrows, the bow was my most used weapon in my Survivor+ run (have the plat). Sometimes I would land headshots and the arrow would break regardless. I did notice during the two defense wave sections in the winter section, that having less tension on the bow allowed me to nearly recover arrows by hitting the torso every time. Still, just random.

I've heard some speculation that the sidestory DLC will be about
the character "Ish" from the sewer refuge. I sure hope so.
I don't know how I feel about this. I feel like I want more from the main characters. I feel like I have become so involved with them I want more. Either way I have the season pass and can't wait to see what they have coming.
The other stuff respawn as well (pendants, comics, etc). It was really annoying in my plus run when it came to safes. Even though I had the notes for all the safes from a previous playthrough, reading them didn't give me the combo so I had to collect those again just to open the safes (=_=). Or maybe I didn't read the right note...ugh.

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I don't know how I feel about this. I feel like I want more from the main characters. I feel like I have become so involved with them I want more. Either way I have the season pass and can't wait to see what they have coming.
ND already said Joel and Ellie are done with regards to the main series, but I'm guessing they're also done altogether since their story is pretty much tied up but they could definitely do a prequel with how Joel/Tess met, or what happened with Tommy.

I think
story would be pretty interesting to be honest.

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I think I really want the Season Pass now.

Also, I play TLOU online. Firefly side.

My PSN ID is Das_Regal.
you can play with people on the other factions. its just a skin change.

anyone can add me as well so long as you stick together and play as a team and are good. im est timezone.

Am I the only one who feels the bow is overpowered a bit? I ran into a clan and they were all using it and we got our asses handed to us, that probably has a lot to do with why I'm feeling this way though. :lol:

Also the best moment of the SP for me was

When you see the giraffes, I was not expecting that at all and it was a very powerful moment in the game.

New to the site (And loving it!) but I just wanted to pop in and say this has to be top 5 games i've ever experienced.  The visuals are great, the gameplay is solid and the story keeps getting better.  Gonna be a sad day when I finish! I just passed the lakeside resort.

Beat the game last night, and I have to say that by the end I was pretty much emotionally drained.

I played from Winter all the way until the end of the game. The story arch that took place during winter with...
Joel being sick, being captured by those cannibals, and Ellie avoiding rape via hacking the shit outta that dude with the machete was intense and absolutely excellent. I found myself completely engrossed the entire time; on the edge of my seat.

Once I beat the winter portion I assumed I was about done so just kept driving right along. I found the spring portion especially easy up until you encouter the fire flies. The lack of runners meant you just had to walk slowly and avoid the bloaters. However,
once you get to the Hospital shit got a little more difficult, I maintained a pretty well stocked supply the entire game but by the time the end rolled around I really started to go through my stash. Also, I was just fuckin' distraight as Joel was when they let him know that they were going to disect Ellie's brain. I mean, I am getting goosebumps right now thinking about Joel going HAM. Oh, and when I got to the end and went into the OR It was the only time I used the flame thrower; and I used it to torch the fuck out of those surgeons.

Personally, I was super satisfied with the ending. Super glad Ellie lived, I was going to slam dunk that game into the fucking trash if she had died.

Speaking of the ending,
is there another ending? I've seen a number of people mention something about sacrificing Ellie or about choosing something during the end.

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Speaking of the ending,
is there another ending? I've seen a number of people mention something about sacrificing Ellie or about choosing something during the end.
AFAIK the only "choice" you have at the end is
whether or not to kill the surgeons after they surrender. I don't think it changes any of the ending cutscenes though.

I just started this game over the weekend and it is amazing! It started out really slow but it picked up quite well after you start getting upgrades. Ellie voice actress does an amazing job, especially when she drop the f-bombs. :lol:

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I'm really enjoying this game so far. It's the first game in quite awhile that I feel as if I'm not plowing through. I don't mind looking at every nook and cranny to find more items which is rare for me. I know some people aren't too keen on the gameplay but I think it's the perfect balance for this type of game otherwise the tension would be lost. I'm finding it pretty satisfying when I stealthy avoid an entire group of enemies. I've busted out my Sony Wirless Stereo Headset for this and the experience overall has been great. I'm only up to
Bill's Town
but I'm really wishing I had more time to play this. So awesome. 

I just started this game over the weekend and it is amazing! It started out really slow but it picked up quite well after you start getting upgrades. Ellie voice actress does an amazing job, especially when she drop the f-bombs. :lol:
My favorite was every time you made a particularly gruesome kill and Ellie would look at the corpse and go "Oh shit Joel!"

So... I started my survival playthrough. I thought I was going to put this away but I simply cannot. The prologue still sent shivers down my spine.

I also noticed something really interesting in the prologue though.
On the wall by Sarah's phone, there's some pictures of her and one is a pic of Sarah with two females. One of them looks older and is likely Joel's ex-wife/Sarah's mom. The other is a younger looking girl and I can't help but wonder if Joel didn't have another daughter.:whistle2:k Joel never mentions her though so it's unlikely... but still, their relationship might have been estranged, as Sarah complains about how Joel is never home in his b-day card.

Anyone play the mplayer yet? I enjoyed the single player a lot
It's awesome and my new go to game for MP. I was not expecting much since ND didn't really show it off until really late. I thought that maybe because it sucked and thats why they weren't showing it off haha but its just as great as the campaign IMO. It works best when you play with a team that sticks together or if you have a few buds to team up with.

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