**NEW** Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix PS3 Night - THU@10PM EST/7PM PST

thanks for the invites option. unfortunately, it wouldn't let me join your room the 2nd time. i don't know what's going on. maybe someone from your room can send me an invite. i'll restart the game, see if it works.
haha gigan, this match is so laggy.

sorry man, had to leave, that was getting ridiculous.

esper, if you're still up, invite me please.

edit: ah nvm.
No problem MK, that was a crazy hurricane kick to super though. I totally wasn't expecting to see that.

Also, great games to everyone. Everyone is getting really good pretty fast. Definitely look forward to more games next week.

atm, I'm playing with esper, just post in here if you still are up for games.
[quote name='Thomas96']I guess I'll go make some Money in my 9.98 Mercenaries! game. Good games everyone, I'll be back for more![/quote]

Damn, dude, I'm rustier than I thought. That, and I've never seen someone kick so much ass with E. Honda before. I had fun, though, I just need to practice more ;)
GG's I had to go, girlfriend wanted to watch American Idol on TIVO #-o. Option's dictator spanked me pretty hard
[quote name='johnnypark']Damn, dude, I'm rustier than I thought. That, and I've never seen someone kick so much ass with E. Honda before. I had fun, though, I just need to practice more ;)[/QUOTE]

omg.. don't even mention E-honda... All I could do is crouch in the corner and hope for the best.
I get those too. Apparently, others get them as well, at least with some of the other CAGs I speak with. The best thing to do right now when you get network errors is to restart the game (via home button -> quit game -> boot up game again). Once network errors pop up, they are most likely going to pop up until you restart.

Most network errors are caused by the game. I've come to this conclusion based on the fact that some users can connect to my game half the time. First they'd be unable to connect (i.e. says full when not full or network error). Then after restarting their game and attempting to join again, they go through and play perfectly fine online matches.

Also, would it be a good idea guys to have a chat room up so we can alleve common connection issues much easier?

I was thinking of using userplane, but if you guys have any other suggestions for a chat room website, please feel free to suggest.
missed it last week, but i plan on being there this week. as for the chat room. can't comment never used it before, but sounds like a good idea. Can we chat while playing?
Well, I tried voice chat, but no go. If someone can get that working, that'd be great. If you haven't submitted your CAN and PSN IDs, please do so.
I dunno if this would be the right place to ask, but what's a good price on a cheap headset? I've been wanting to bite on one just for group games, but I don't know what a good price is.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']I dunno if this would be the right place to ask, but what's a good price on a cheap headset? I've been wanting to bite on one just for group games, but I don't know what a good price is.[/QUOTE]

I think most bluetooth headsets should work, so whatever is cheap is ok.
Headsets I think are ok investments. I really would try to steer clear of Jabra entry level headsets. A purchase of one of those is usually followed by small gripes that add up to large annoyances.

Personaly, I had a cheapo Jabra and it would be really uncomfortable after a while (maybe it's because I have big ears). Also the sound and signal were not exactly great, plus pairing was a bitch with just one button.

Right now I have a Sony BT headset that came with Endwar which I prompty flipped. It's much more comfortable and has a better signal. However, there's a glitch where I basically have to restart it to put out max mic level. HQ is great, but the max output is really 2.7 for some reason.

Also, if you just plan on using a headset for this game or SFIV for that matter, I would say hold off. BT headsets aren't exactly awesome. Wireless is great, but it pretty much blocks or at least muffles the hearing in one of your ears. Also, there is always the possibility of picking up sound from besides yourself (i.e. TV and other people) Though you could always wear a headset like a clip and have the voice chat come out from "system default" which still doesn't solve sound coming from the environment.
You could always invest in a gaming headset. Though the big downside is being restricted to headphones if you already have a speaker system setup already (and you most likely would not look "cool"). Personally, that's fine for me, I actually am trying to use headphones more since I have a small room and no space for a multi-channel speaker system. I just use my PS3 headset as a stand-alone mic (pretty nifty).

Well, I'll try to get that chat room set up for tonight and update on how to utilize it. We'll see how that goes.

And remember, if you can't get in a room, please, first restart the game, then ask for an invite. Also, give 5 seconds between games so people can invite and leave.
Ok, I'm going to use a chat.

Here is the link.

More info will be on the first post.

Basically click on the link and log in either as a guest or sign up as your username. Chat here for help and problems or anything else.
Yeah, I know. From what I recall, I took up this time slot first, but I have no probs with sharing it.

I am after all holding a room open for two hours.
Ugh, the chat won't let me use the PS3 browser, and I haven't had a chance to nab a headset yet, so no communications for me.
Good games guys. I hope Capcom didn't forget about the online play for this game, those disconnects were unfortunately still fresh in my memories.
I honestly thought Killzone killed STHDR nights, but sure enough you guys are devoted. Again, awesome time everyone. And sorry about the couple of room disconnects.

Also, if I should keep the chat room (no one used it unfortunately) just give out suggestions.

All in all, thank you everyone for coming to CAG game nights. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. Very good games. I hope to see you all next week ;P
GGs to option, anathema, denze, brokentool, beef, and gigan. It was great playing with you guys.

claw dive to get caught by dee jay's super in the corner. option has some cat-like reflexes to pull that off.
[quote name='Esper']GGs to option, anathema, denze, brokentool, beef, and gigan. It was great playing with you guys.

claw dive to get caught by dee jay's super in the corner. option has some cat-like reflexes to pull that off.[/QUOTE]
Haha, I think that was just luck. But I gotta admit, it did look really cool, haha.

Excellent Claw btw, I felt like I couldn't do anything as Gief or any slower character for that matter.
It's easy to choose this over Killzone 2 for me.
I don't own it. ;)
Well that, plus I don't care for First-Person Shooters, like at all.
I would like to play (I suck...a total scrub)... however it seems I get dc a lot more than average.

Per session I can only squeeze out 2 different users to play with and after that all disconnects (you know the one where you can choose a player and after a long pause a disconnect). I don't get it... am I doing something wrong? My connection is Comcast cable and I am going through a wired connection through a router (also ps3 network shows I'm Nat type 2 without UDNP).

GGs with Option (but all the disconnects after the two games we had were unintentional... iono y my connection sucks ballz).
GGs dejeckt. Sorry about leaving, have to go to CAG Socom nights.

If you can, on your router, enable UPnP. Then restart and all that jazz. If that doesn't work, then you might have to set your ps3 to DMZ.
Although the box on the router said UPnP I don't think the router has it (might fault for using a budget Airlink router), hmmz gonna try that DMZ though
Thanx for the advice ^^
Yea I checked my router (no one buy AR525W) settings apparently it was already on DMZ mode (prolly got p***** off playing another game and set it to DMZ). Also, just for the record got my a** handed to me by option.iv by his dictator.

Here are some glitches I have encountered
*Background completely blacks out
*Electrocution animation sticking on
*PS3 crashing after a disconnect
*Arcade mode crashing after playing online mode (happens probably 1 out of 4 times for me)
*Audio goes out
*Balrog voice when doing turn punch sounds like the announcers (lol)

Sign me up for Thursday nights... try to go easy on me though ^^ (I don't really have a main... I use to play with Chun all the time when it was just against shotos)
Awesome, welcome back aboard dejeckt. thanks for the glitch info. I have experienced those often as well. Hopefully the supposed patch for this game will address all the problems plaguing the online play.

You know, I believe I got that same exact model router. I would often get disconnects for some reason, and I could barely hold a connection going on games in GGPO a while back. I tried looking everywhere for solutions but came out empty handed. I ended up giving it to my sister who doesn't do any excessive gaming. For gaming, it seems the airlink routers are more trouble than they are worth.
[quote name='denze']gg's , for the first couple games against anathema I was trying to throw with LP and SK :wall:[/quote]

as was i, but you have no idea how much different dhalsim plays llolol, slide to throws, air drills, and flame spam compared to sf4's poking and port crossovers

too bad i still suckass
Again, reminder there's still a CAG night, and I'll send out invites in about half an hour or so from now. Hope to see you guys there.
Hey good games last night...thanks for the invite...add me to the active list, I still play SFII quite a bit.

CAG Userid / psn

jwargand / rataxico
bread's done