Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

My roommate got his today, I played SFIV for like 15-20 minutes. It was difficult to keep the 3D steady, I have a headache and my eyes hurt. Now I'm not sure if I should keep mine.
[quote name='Rocko']My roommate got his today, I played SFIV for like 15-20 minutes. It was difficult to keep the 3D steady, I have a headache and my eyes hurt. Now I'm not sure if I should keep mine.[/QUOTE]

did you calibrate the 3D settings before you played it?

i have had no problems with playing SSF in 3D....i can play up to about an hour before my eyes get a little tired. I think they are still getting used to it.
[quote name='lombarvm']Does anyone know if any clear protective cases are on the market yet? I want to keep this thing super glossy.[/QUOTE]

Got one from Amazon that shipped today. It is called the Nintendo 3DS protector, is clear and was $9.99.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Where did you get the USB charger? It would be really nice to dasiy chain my Wii in standby mode to my 3DS's cradle instead of me having to plug another plug into my PC's surge protector.[/QUOTE]

I got my USB charger from They're probably less than $3.

[quote name='Organization_XIII'][/QUOTE]

Pretty nifty. I bookmarked that for when I have my 3DS wEdnesday.

[quote name='Wolfpup']Yeah, sounds plausible.

I THINK Rayman 2 was ALSO a DS launch title, which personally I find hilarious! I'm sure this is a much better port though.[/QUOTE]

Wikipedia confirms that it was Rayman 2 also on DS, although the reviews for that game were pretty bad.

[quote name='FaintDeftone'] I kept it on sleep mode in my pocket while I worked and when I got home today I was surprised that I caught some chick's Mii off of the StreetPass feature. It seems rare for me to catch somebody due to not many people owning the handheld, but I find this feature kind of exciting.[/QUOTE]

I work at a Starbucks inside a hospital, so I assume I'll catch a fair few Miis from kids or adults. I've got so much traffic moving past me, I'm sure I'll enjoy the Streetpass feature.
I have some issues with the 3d in SF4 as well, I can't keep the handheld still enough while beating punk bitches. I just leave it off in that game now.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I know the 3DS is region locked, but does that include DS games too?[/QUOTE]

No, 3DS can play import DS games, according to IGN (Mailbag, I think).

Picked up my Cosmo Black preorder at Toys R Us on Sunday. The R Zone was quite empty which was nice and convenient. I panicked a little when I thought the box was missing the stylus and SD card but realized they're pre-inserted.

Wasted a half hour of my time talking to a Nintendo rep about the missing Club Nintendo insert with the PIN (required to earn 160 coins). They wanted me to cut out the UPC and mail it in. Not a fan of gutting my boxes. Soon after that call ended, I just happened to look down and spotted the damn insert partially hidden under the desk. D'oh! It just slipped out without me noticing.

Anyways, so far I really like my 3DS...very well designed IMO.
[quote name='confoosious']You know the 3ds is gonna outsell the NGP right? This isn't meant to be a start of a fanboy war. It's just that the target market for the Nintendo handheld just is so broad.

It doesn't matter if the NGP is a ferrari to nintendo's Toyota. It's just the demographics.[/QUOTE]

cough cough wouldnt count on that at least locally... freaking systems been out for one day and local news story runs 2 stories on it... both about parents calling up saying their system is making their childrens eyes hurt and that it should never came out...... 2nd story is on later tonight

WILL THE 3DS DESTROY YOUR EYES turn in to watch the story at 11 to find out....

dude if it destroyed their eyes how can they tune in to watch :)

heard a rumor the new psp system will cost 399 WTF sorry i have a hard time paying 199 for it
[quote name='slidecage']heard a rumor the new psp system will cost 399 WTF sorry i have a hard time paying 199 for it[/QUOTE]

I never expected the NGP under $300.
I can confirm that the 3DS plays DS titles from all regions with no issues. Played US, EU and JPN titles with no problems. The one bootleg DS game I own, however, does not load in the system. :)
[quote name='Strell']I leave for a few hours and clowntime ensues.

Carry on.[/QUOTE]

Who is that in your avatar?

[quote name='slidecage']cough cough wouldnt count on that at least locally... freaking systems been out for one day and local news story runs 2 stories on it... both about parents calling up saying their system is making their childrens eyes hurt and that it should never came out...... 2nd story is on later tonight

WILL THE 3DS DESTROY YOUR EYES turn in to watch the story at 11 to find out....

dude if it destroyed their eyes how can they tune in to watch :)

heard a rumor the new psp system will cost 399 WTF sorry i have a hard time paying 199 for it[/QUOTE]

Speculative news reports are great! Creating controversy, warranted or not, so that they can get more ratings.
[quote name='UncleBob']I can confirm that the 3DS plays DS titles from all regions with no issues. Played US, EU and JPN titles with no problems. The one bootleg DS game I own, however, does not load in the system. :)[/QUOTE]
Thank you, sir!
[quote name='Ivanhoe']Yeah i agree.
Very hard to imagine that these will be hard to find around Xmas time.
(they are not sold out anywhere from what ive seen)

Also something called the NGP will be more in demand..
I would expect NGP to be soldout due to releasing near xgiving-xmas time.


Back to the 3DS discussion.

I do like new system launches. But I don't really know if the 249 price point will hold up for long.[/QUOTE]

People are bitching about 250 for a 3DS do you really think parents (who Sony sells to, not gamers) are going to shell out for a NGP? I have no idea the price, but there is no way it's under 300 most likely higher if you look at the tech specs. Further more there will be the 5g iPod touch along with the 3ds going after that market. Dont mistake me IF the NGP is on the shelf this year
and is a reasonable price for the tech I'm in.
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More time with it now.

Man, DS games look awful. Popped in 999 and couldn't stand how blurry text and fine details were. Not to mention the washed out color.
Tried it in 1:1 mode and it looked much sharper. I guess I'll play them like this. I'm used to my micro....... I'd play with my DSi but the 3DS does stat tracking, I'm torn between two types of OCD!

Damn, that means my DSiWare is going to look similarly bad.

On the plus, AR stuff was more fun than I expected. But doubt I'll be playing any of it past a few months.

SFIV is dumb. Terrible controls. I should have known better. I'll give it more time. Plus I want to at least play some folks online.
I keep it in 2D, 3D did very little for it and it's silky smooth 60fps when you turn it off. (you must turn off in the options menu)
I picked my 3DS (Black) from K-Mart yesterday and they only had a handful of 3DS titles (probably because we are a small town.) My options were SF4, Steel Diver, Madden, Rayman, Sims, a Dinosaur Combat game (which I wanted to try but knew I'd be disappointed if I actually paid for it) and the Nintendog games. I grabbed the last copy of SF with the $25 off promo which the electronics guy had no idea about, claiming he didn't recieve any literature on the promotion which made him upset because he's a manager. :(

Not trying to exaggerate, but IMO Street Fighter 4 3D Edition is the best handheld fighter I've ever played. I'm having more fun with it than any recent console fighter. I picked up Ridge Racer 3DS at Wal-mart after I read a few reviews of various launch titles. I like it so far, but the audio seems a little low for me. (It's either that or I'm hard of hearing.)

BTW, when played out of the box the initial battery life was NILL for me and made me think that's what I had to look forward to each time it was fully charged. I charged it for a few hours and it's much better *whew*

If I pick up another launch title it'll be Splinter Cell (for me) or possibly Sims (for my girlfriend).

My DSi XL might be lonely for a few weeks.
[quote name='dallow']More time with it now.

Man, DS games look awful. Popped in 999 and couldn't stand how blurry text and fine details were. Not to mention the washed out color.
Tried it in 1:1 mode and it looked much sharper. I guess I'll play them like this. I'm used to my micro....... I'd play with my DSi but the 3DS does stat tracking, I'm torn between two types of OCD!

Damn, that means my DSiWare is going to look similarly bad.

On the plus, AR stuff was more fun than I expected. But doubt I'll be playing any of it past a few months.

SFIV is dumb. Terrible controls. I should have known better. I'll give it more time. Plus I want to at least play some folks online.
I keep it in 2D, 3D did very little for it and it's silky smooth 60fps when you turn it off. (you must turn off in the options menu)[/QUOTE]

really? man i do not know what game you were playing. I had no problems doing Shoryu FADC to Metsu(thanks to the quick touch button). I do use the dpad but the analog isnt that bad either.
There are videos of people doing sick combos on the 3DS that I'm not sure I can pull off with my TE.

Step ya game up, dallow.

Also: any impressions of the dpad? The DSL's was horrid. The DSi's was EXCELLENT. Is it more like the latter?
Yesterday was a weird day. I decided not to get a 3DS even though the DS is probably my favorite console. But, I was bored at work and was looking up game reviews and to my surprise they weren't as bad as I thought. So I said fuck it, I have a Best Buy store card, they'll price match TRU and I'll pay it off in two weeks when I start working this new job. I went a little overboard and got 6 games thanks to they TRU deal but they ended up being $25 each since BB decided to give me the gift cards too. So here are some micro reviews:
Super Monkey Ball - This game is short, and gets difficult in the later stages. Unless you are a SMB fanatic or want to try out the gyroscope controls, wait until this goes on sale. The game looks great tho.

Lego Star Wars III: I never watched the cartoon but I love Lego games. The graphics and 3D on this are impressive. From looking around it turns out this is either an upgraded port of the DS game or a toned down Wii port. I always avoided the Lego games on handheld because they seemed so simplified but this is definitely an exception.

Pilot Wings: I am no damn good at this game. Like everyone has said, the 3D is pretty neat, but it's pretty one note with only one "stage", and it should not be $40.

Samurai Warriors: I haven't played a SW or DW game before so I didn't really know what to expect. I'm only about an hour into this one but it is a cool game if you like hack and slash. It's also, as someone else wrote, the only niche game out so far.

Street Fighter: Not a big fan of fighting games and I'm fucking terrible at this. But, it was the "killer app" so I got it. Is there a guide for doing combos? With not much fighting game experience, I'm kind of lost.

Ghost Recon: Haven't opened this one yet.

Games I don't really want:
The Sims 3
Steel Diver
Asphalt (Heard Ridge Racer is way better)
Bust-a-Move (can't you just play this on the internet for free?)
Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs (Uhh no)

Games I want to check out:
Ridge Racer
Rayman (Don't think I ever played Rayman 2 so why not?)
Nintendogs (Not a $40 game to me, I'll hold out for a sale. Plus, how can they make me choose between a Pug and a Yorkie?! Impossible!)
Thanks to the quick touch button?
Yeah, see, I was trying to avoid that.

Guess I'll have to use the touchscreen.

Edit: I like the DSi DPad better so far. ( I never really used a lite, so I can't compare)
Thankfully though the slider is quite nice.
[quote name='dallow']Thanks to the quick touch button?
Yeah, see, I was trying to avoid that.

Guess I'll have to use the touchscreen.

Edit: I like the DSi DPad better so far.
Thankfully though the slider is quite nice.[/QUOTE]

lol :roll:. Why i dont see whats the difference. I can do it on the sticks but why bother on a controller set up that has a really small L button. the controls doesnt stop me from playing rush down with certain characters. The controls feel exactly like the console version. I fail to see a difference.

basically, i use the touch for ultras. I do understand its a bitch to hit all three buttons plus motions on this set up....but this set up doesnt restrict me from doing some of the bread and butter combos for characters.

i can understand the DSi dpad. i never used a DSI but i miss the softness of the DS Lite pad. This pad thought a little tight is really responsive.
I don't know man, I just didn't want to worry about the touchscreen while playing it. I treated it as if it were a regular controller.
I guess it's unfair to say the controls are bad, it's the ergonomics of repeated play on a small device that is more my issue so far.

It's Street Fighter IV in your hand though. For real this time.
[quote name='Strell']There are videos of people doing sick combos on the 3DS that I'm not sure I can pull off with my TE.

Step ya game up, dallow.

Also: any impressions of the dpad? The DSL's was horrid. The DSi's was EXCELLENT. Is it more like the latter?[/QUOTE]

My problem with the dpad is that it's hard plastic...I'd much rather have a soft, squishy dpad but that's just me.
Nothing like that for me.

More thoughts:

Audio quality definitely a step up from all previous systems. Even the stock speakers sound good.

I put on my preferred headphones though and it sounded heavenly.
I love the music in the Settings menu.
My favorite thing so far.
I think people are greatly exaggerating about how bad DS games look. I put in Pokemon White and it looks great, and my fiancée is playing Animal Crossing: Wild World which also looks good. The screens on the 3DS look far superior to our DS Lites.
Yeah, I have not had problems with playing DS games on the 3DS, they look fine to me. I've popped in Pokemon Black, SM64DS, MKDS, FFIV, and some others and they look good to me. They are "slightly stretched" but no where near as bad as people made it out to be. I'm perfectly fine with it honestly.

I've not run into a black screen of death yet, although I been seeing pics online. I have Pilotwings Resort, Nintendogs, Street Fighter IV, and tomorrow I'll have Ridge Racer 3D come in. If anything happens I'll take a pic of it and put it online. It seems to me Super Monkey Ball and anything published by Ubisoft is culprit, so far anyway.

So for the 3DS, I am really falling in love with two things:

1) That cradle is bad-ass. I'm the lazy type that hates to take out the charger and actually charge the system. I'm actually more likely to just not play it then to charge it. Yeah, I know, pathetic. :D But that solves the problem for me really.

2) Friend Codes, which works much like a Gamertag. I stopped playing games online with both the Wii and DS because I got damn tired putting friend codes in for each and every single game. 3DS changes that for me and thank God, that sucked major balls.
Screens are a lot better.
But upscaled is still upscaled. Details are blurrier and colors muted, those are facts.

It looks fine to the casual player I'm sure.
All depends on your tolerance for it.

Better than DSPhat though!
While I notice a difference between DS games on DS vs. 3DS, it's not horrendous enough to bother me.

Did notice, though, that there's either less ghosting, or at least it's less noticeable. New Super Mario on DSi has way more motion blur than on the 3DS. Thought it was weird.
[quote name='dallow']Screens are a lot better.
But upscaled is still upscaled. Details are blurrier and colors muted, those are facts.

It looks fine to the casual player I'm sure.
All depends on your tolerance for it.

Better than DSPhat though![/QUOTE]

Maybe you shouldn't let it bug you so much bro. I guess I'm just more "casual" than you.
Ugh, enough with the econ 099 lesson going on in here. My 3DS arrived today, no games yet but Ridge Racer has been "Shipping Soon" since yesterday morning via Amazon.

System feels pretty good in my hands. 3D pops up for me very naturally, though after tinkering with it for about a half hour between setting it up, looking at pictures and the visualizations, and a round of Face Raiders (pretty funny btw), I got that disorienting feeling. I figure I'll get used to it, but I really don't have plans to use it for long periods of time anyway. Speakers sound good stereo-wise and the system sits right into the cradle very naturally (good call Nintendo).

Only two knocks I have on it so far are that the cameras REALLY are as bad as everyone says and when I try and lock it into more of a laptop type position versus open almost all the way, it tends to snap into that more open position. It actually looks better more open but I just like it more L shaped and it doesn't seem to be a manufacturing defect but oh well.

I think it's got a lot of potential and it will be nice when the E-Store will be open for easy access to content (I wish I could be playing a downloadable game tonight while I wait on retail games to arrive) and the browser will be nice when sites start putting up 3D pictures/videos to mess around with. That's the price paid for being an early adopter.

All in all, happy with my purchase. I hear good things about Ridge Racer and Samurai Warriors will be my next purchase very very soon.
[quote name='slidecage']heard a rumor the new psp system will cost 399 WTF sorry i have a hard time paying 199 for it[/QUOTE]

I'd pay $500 for it. Not relevant to me.

[quote name='Kfoster1979']People are bitching about 250 for a 3DS do you really think parents (who Sony sells to, not gamers) are going to shell out for a NGP?[/quote]

Many won't, but remember too that part of the complaint with $250 for the 3DS is you're getting not quite PSP class hardware six years late, for double the current price of the PSP (and a smaller screen at that). It's the Wii all over again. The NGP at $500 is a better deal from a price/performance perspective.

At any rate, people who love games will pay what it costs...though not the casual people or little kids...but then that just means less shovelware.

Besides, Sony claims they've been focusing on price from the beginning.

Dont mistake me IF the NGP is on the shelf this year
and is a reasonable price for the tech I'm in.

Reasonable price for the tech could be $1000 if you compare it against other things on the market. I doubt it'll cost over $400 though, and might be less.

[quote name='QiG']Ugh, enough with the econ 099 lesson going on in here.[/quote]

Hasn't been any. Just some arrogant people who mistake not kowtowing to the magical mystical orgasmic market for not understanding what it is.

Regarding the 3DS, picked up Street Fighter and Pilotwings for the thing even though I'm STILL undecided. *sigh* I do so love Paper Mario...
I am getting the black screen of death on my black, regular DSi. I don't know why but it seems to happen when you are inserting a game or something. But if you turn the power off like the screen instructs the system is fine afterwards. My games are clean and I don't use bootleg carts, nor do I use a flash cart, so my system is clean and only used with regular DS games.
[quote name='SteveGo']Maybe you shouldn't let it bug you so much bro. I guess I'm just more "casual" than you.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure you are. That's fine.
[quote name='vodkablast']anyone else love how the game icon is on the spine of the cases?[/QUOTE]

Ah true, nice touch.

I really like the spines too. They're more Japanese style with the plain black type on white background. Makes then look organized and neat when stored.
So, anyone downloaded the firmware update? It comes with some kind of music video by OK called White Knuckles (or is it the other way around lol?). I thought the music sucked balls (not my style, whatever the hell you would call it) but the 3D effects were pretty nifty. It suppose to be removed next firmware update (probably with some other kind of video) which I can get use to. I don't mind little things like that with my firmware update, it at least makes it kind of entertaining.

And about Pilotwings Resort, anyone feel the music sounds like something you would hear from the Weather Channel lol? I'm really loving the game though, it's very relaxing yet challenging. I need to hunt down Pilotwings 64 + SNES now. :p
After playing with the 3ds at home for several hours, Ive decided I definitely don't like the 3d effect. It makes me feel too strange. I do still like it as a graphical update to the DSi. At first I thought pilotwings was really boring, but as the game got more challenging I started to really like it. I like the squirrel suit, its like the old school parachute levels but more fun.
[quote name='SaraAB']I am getting the black screen of death on my black, regular DSi. I don't know why but it seems to happen when you are inserting a game or something. But if you turn the power off like the screen instructs the system is fine afterwards. My games are clean and I don't use bootleg carts, nor do I use a flash cart, so my system is clean and only used with regular DS games.[/QUOTE]

Wait, are you switching games without powering off first? Maybe I'm misreading you, but you're supposed to power down first.

On a semi related note, I JUST discovered that on the XL, just tapping the power button resets...I don't like THAT. Surprised I haven't done it accidentally.

[quote name='vodkablast']anyone else love how the game icon is on the spine of the cases?[/QUOTE]

Neat! I hadn't noticed.

[quote name='SteveGo']Wolfpup, where are you in this thread if you have no interest in the 3DS? You've pretty much made your point by now.[/QUOTE]

Flawed premise. Why did you make it up?

[quote name='caltab']After playing with the 3ds at home for several hours, Ive decided I definitely don't like the 3d effect. It makes me feel too strange. I do still like it as a graphical update to the DSi. At first I thought pilotwings was really boring, but as the game got more challenging I started to really like it. I like the squirrel suit, its like the old school parachute levels but more fun.[/QUOTE]

Didn't know there was a squirrel!
[quote name='Wolfpup']I'd pay $500 for it. Not relevant to me.

Many won't, but remember too that part of the complaint with $250 for the 3DS is you're getting not quite PSP class hardware six years late, for double the current price of the PSP (and a smaller screen at that). It's the Wii all over again. The NGP at $500 is a better deal from a price/performance perspective.

At any rate, people who love games will pay what it costs...though not the casual people or little kids...but then that just means less shovelware.

Besides, Sony claims they've been focusing on price from the beginning.

Reasonable price for the tech could be $1000 if you compare it against other things on the market. I doubt it'll cost over $400 though, and might be less.

Hasn't been any. Just some arrogant people who mistake not kowtowing to the magical mystical orgasmic market for not understanding what it is.

Regarding the 3DS, picked up Street Fighter and Pilotwings for the thing even though I'm STILL undecided. *sigh* I do so love Paper Mario...[/QUOTE]

Price may not matter to you, but to a mass market device it will. Matters will be worse if your into iPad price range and 1.6 times the cost of a PS3 it's a tough sell.
You can hotswap DS games on DSi as long as you're in the main menu.
Same is true for 3DS games, just don't have the game suspended either.
[quote name='Kfoster1979']Price may not matter to you, but to a mass market device it will. Matters will be worse if your into iPad price range and 1.6 times the cost of a PS3 it's a tough sell.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, the market probably won't bear it, but strictly speaking it's higher end hardware than the iPad, and could theoretically be priced accordingly.

[quote name='dallow']You can hotswap DS games on DSi as long as you're in the main menu.
Same is true for 3DS games, just don't have the game suspended either.[/QUOTE]

I didn't know that. How does that work? What do you mean about not having the game suspended?

How does this tie in to games seeming to reset if I tap power on my XL? (If it's related at all?)
Oh, not related at all.

So like in the DSi main menu, you can just pop out the cartridge, and it'll bounce or something and disappear, put a new one in, etc. No need to power down.

With the 3DS you just have to make sure you don't have the game in the background. (ie, playing SFIV, hitting home to go to main menu, then taking out cartridge)
So I have $25 from ordering the 3DS on Amazon, $20 from ordering SFIV when the first promotion was up... and ordering two 3DS games at once gets another $10 off. I might as well order two games, get one free and $15 off the second one. I'm thinking Pilotwings and maybe Nintendogs. I don't really *want* Nintendogs, but I have a hard time buying Samurai Warriors or Ridge Racer (the two other titles I guess I'd consider) when I know they'll be in the bargain bin soon enough, like all of the DS launch titles were. At least I know Nintendo titles barely ever drop. I don't know. :x
[quote name='Rocko']So I have $25 from ordering the 3DS on Amazon, $20 from ordering SFIV when the first promotion was up... and ordering two 3DS games at once gets another $10 off. I might as well order two games, get one free and $15 off the second one. I'm thinking Pilotwings and maybe Nintendogs. I don't really *want* Nintendogs, but I have a hard time buying Samurai Warriors or Ridge Racer (the two other titles I guess I'd consider) when I know they'll be in the bargain bin soon enough, like all of the DS launch titles were. At least I know Nintendo titles barely ever drop. I don't know. :x[/QUOTE]

I dunno, the $25 Amazon credit is good until June, so I'm thinking of just waiting and using it for Zelda. I don't know if the $10 or $20 credit is good that long, though. I'm with you, I just can't see ordering more of the crummy launch titles when better stuff is coming.
[quote name='Trillian']I dunno, the $25 Amazon credit is good until June, so I'm thinking of just waiting and using it for Zelda. I don't know if the $10 or $20 credit is good that long, though. I'm with you, I just can't see ordering more of the crummy launch titles when better stuff is coming.[/QUOTE]

I think people confirmed that $25 credit is only good for launch titles
[quote name='dallow']Oh, not related at all.

So like in the DSi main menu, you can just pop out the cartridge, and it'll bounce or something and disappear, put a new one in, etc. No need to power down.

With the 3DS you just have to make sure you don't have the game in the background. (ie, playing SFIV, hitting home to go to main menu, then taking out cartridge)[/QUOTE]

Huh...okay, that's cool. I still don't think I'm going to though, because I'm just too conditioned not to change cartridges with the system on LOL. Plus I might do it on my DS Lite or Gameboy games!

So I guess...well I don't have the thing yet, so I hopefully the suspend thing will make sense then.

Wonder if anyone's figured out how the "streetpass" mode or whatever it's called works...if its just sticking the game on sleep mode, or if it actually registers code for multiple games with the system or what (not that I care much, but kind of curious).

[quote name='62t']I think people confirmed that $25 credit is only good for launch titles[/QUOTE]

Dang, that would stink. I don't know what would be out by June 30th, but you'd think SOMETHING. For $25 off I'd find something, but Nintendogs, PilotWings, Street Fighter, and Ridge Racer are the only ones I particularly care about...but maybe Rayman and The Sims 3...
bread's done