Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='spmahn']This is clearly a move being made by a very desperate Nintendo who is finally feeling the effects of abandoning their core base over the last decade. With the rise in popularity of 99 cent cell phone games that are more fun, and often more complex, than full priced Nintendo games, they may quickly become irrelevant in the handheld market, which is something I never thought I'd see or say. I very easily could have seen the day where Nintendo abandoned the home console market to focus exclusively on the handhelds, but after this blunder, they may have even forfeited that opportunity as well.

I bought my 3DS on day one, really for no sensible reason at all. There were zero must have or even sorta have launch titles. I picked up Pilotwings which turned out to be a glorified tech demo, and Street Fighter 4, which was fun, but felt like been there done that by that point. After launch, it mostly sat around and collected dust. Once Zelda came out, it was great again, I got to re-experience a game that I hadn't played through in almost a decade. Granted, I played through 95% of it with the 3D off because it gave me a headache, but I still enjoyed playing through the game again. Since then, it just sits back in its cradle, collecting dust until Star Fox comes out.

I'm not sure what on earth possessed Nintendo to release this handheld with too high of a price, during an off season period, with zero A+ launch titles, and none on the immediate horizon either, but it has clearly come back to bite them in the ass. Even worse now, Nintendo is clearly marketing the 3DS with the Nostalgia angle, which isn't going to do them any favors. What does it say about you, when the biggest games you are promoting, are ones that came out decades ago?

Unfortunately, unless they can steer this ship back around quick, Nintendo is going to get buried by negative press, which may be enough to kill this thing before it even gets off the ground. Virtual Boy comparisons are going to get very cliche, very quick, but in this situation they may be accurate.

As for Nintendo as a whole, from this juncture, they seem to be very troubled at best, and doomed at the worst. Assuming that the 3DS can't pick up any steam, they are going to be persona non-grata this upcoming Holiday season, which will be a killer for them. The Wii-U is still a year away, but has already gotten some very negative press, and seems to be the subject of universal derision by a lot of people who see it as nothing more then a rehashed Wii. Nintendo's entire strategy of relying on the casual gamers that made the Wii such a success at first could very well explode in their face if these same casual gamers don't return to them.

I think we may definitely see some big changes coming soon to Nintendo, and it wouldn't shock me to see some personnel changes as well. Someones going to take the heat, and if I had to take a guess, I would say it may end up being Reggie, who to me at this point is Nero playing the fiddle while Rome is burning down around him.

Might this be the decade we write the obituary for Nintendo? It's certainly too soon to tell, but the pessimist inside of me definitely sees some hints for the future hidden amongst the tea leaves.[/QUOTE]

hyperbole much?
[quote name='icedrake523']So long as Mario, Zelda, Samus, Donkey Kong, etc. exist, so will Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, we were saying that 10 years ago about Sonic the Hedgehog, Daytona USA, Sega Sports, House of the Dead, Crazy Taxi, etc. and look how well that turned out for us?
[quote name='spmahn']Yeah, we were saying that 10 years ago about Sonic the Hedgehog, Daytona USA, Sega Sports, House of the Dead, Crazy Taxi, etc. and look how well that turned out for us?[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure nobody was saying that about anything other than Sonic, and Sonic is still synonymous with SEGA.
[quote name='spmahn']Yeah, we were saying that 10 years ago about Sonic the Hedgehog, Daytona USA, Sega Sports, House of the Dead, Crazy Taxi, etc. and look how well that turned out for us?[/QUOTE]

:bouncy: :applause: :bouncy:

[quote name='BattleChicken']I'm pretty sure nobody was saying that about anything other than Sonic, and Sonic is still synonymous with SEGA.[/QUOTE]

No, we definitely were. It's sad that Sega has essentially marginalized themselves to be nothing more than a brand name, and one that no longer has much of any meaning in the industry any longer.

We always point to Nintendo's franchises as their biggest strength, but what no one ever mentions is that prior to maybe the Gamecube, you could absolutely guarantee that a First Party Nintendo franchise game was going to be an A+ must buy. Even their second party games were always always phenomenal. That is no longer the case however.

As of late, Nintendo has released quite a few franchise titles that have been at best polarizing. Worse yet, we've even seen a few instances of franchise titles that have actually been bad games. 5 or 10 years ago, the thought of being able to classify a Zelda or Metroid, or even a Mario title as an abject failure was unthinkable, but now it's entirely possible and indeed has happened with both console and handheld entries for nearly all these series'.

We could sit here all day and debate the merits of games like Metroid Other M, Mario Sunshine, The Metroid Prime series, Zelda Wind Waker, Zelda Spirit Tracks, Mario Kart Double Dash, New Super Mario Brothers Wii, and some recent Kirby titles. The fact remains however, that in past generations there would be no debate at all (ok, very little debate, Zelda 2 and Mario 2 being the few that stick out in my head), nearly everyone would agree that these characters only appeared in games that were ranked amongst the best, maybe even of all time, and were always amongst the best selling games on their respective consoles, but not anymore. Now a days, it's commonplace to see these games get quick price drops and even end up in bargain bins, something you would NEVER EVER see happen with first party Nintendo games of the past.
[quote name='spmahn']Yeah, we were saying that 10 years ago about Sonic the Hedgehog, Daytona USA, Sega Sports, House of the Dead, Crazy Taxi, etc. and look how well that turned out for us?[/QUOTE]

Of those, only Sonic was even remotely close to Nintendo's first party franchises. I'm not going to waste my time arguing, you don't want to be convinced. Haters gonna hate.
[quote name='icedrake523']Of those, only Sonic was even remotely close to Nintendo's first party franchises. I'm not going to waste my time arguing, you don't want to be convinced. Haters gonna hate.[/QUOTE]

Oh how quickly we forget. That would be like a modern Westling fan saying that The nWo, Sting, DDP, Goldberg, Lex Luger etc. were never really that popular or important and couldn't hold a candle to Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Bret Hart, and Mankind.
[quote name='icedrake523']So long as Mario, Zelda, Samus, Donkey Kong, etc. exist, so will Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

I remember a quote from a long time ago that basically went 'if we stopped making hardware we'd stop making software.'
Nintendo is not worried. They've always had the balls to take crazy risks and walk their own insane/brilliant path. It's why they're successful and why they're still in the game. Since the mid eighties when nintendo basically saved console gaming, Nintendo has been propelling the medium of gaming forward and the 3DS is an amazing piece of hardware that continues this legacy.

Almost everyone I've shown my 3DS to expressed a desire to own one. With this new price I can see quite a few of them now picking it up this year; if not soon then when Mario Kart 7 comes out. Nintendo did the right thing here, responding to the market and correcting. That's what a smart company does. They are in this for the long game, and have the resources to survive a disappointing launch. We're going to start seeing a lot more 3DSs moving at this new price point on an exponential curve as the good software is slowly released. I love nintendo for taking their sweet ass time on their hits. It's what they've always done and why they consistantly release such ground breaking quality software. (Skyward sword looks like it has the potential to replace Majora's Mask as my favorite zelda ever. While I'm at it, I'd like to also say that I think the WiiU looks freakin incredible and that I enjoyed Other M).

Super Smash Brothers and the next true Pokemon RPG (grey?) are going to send sales through the roof. If it takes two years to get there, it'll be because that's how long it took to have made sure these 2 games met the incredibly high expectations fans have. In the mean time we (the fans) get fun new stuff like Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario 3D, Starfox and Animal Crossing.

That's what the brand is all about. Their IP war chest is the envy of every game developer in the world. You can't play any of it on an iphone or a psv (unless you're a pirate POS and don't mind putting up with shitty emulation and control inputs).

Nintendo isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
[quote name='confoosious']hyperbole much?[/QUOTE]

For once we see eye to eye. Nintendo has 18 billion + in reserves with about 12 of that being in cash. They have weathered worse storms.

This is the beginning of a growth cycle during a particularly volatile era of the video game industry's history. I have great faith that Nintendo is going to rally.

[quote name='dallow']hm[/QUOTE]

Iwata is not fucking around. The company, his career and billions of dollars are at stake.
[quote name='spmahn']Oh how quickly we forget. That would be like a modern Westling fan saying that The nWo, Sting, DDP, Goldberg, Lex Luger etc. were never really that popular or important and couldn't hold a candle to Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Bret Hart, and Mankind.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='icedrake523']Of those, only Sonic was even remotely close to Nintendo's first party franchises. I'm not going to waste my time arguing, you don't want to be convinced. Haters gonna hate.[/QUOTE]

I think if you look above, you'll affirm your decision to stop arguing with him. He's throwing in Crazy Taxi and House of the Dead! I don't think he has any clue what brand recognition is. If you held up any of those Nintendo characters, Sonic would be 4th after Mario, Donkey Kong, and possibly zelda.

His argument is more akin to saying the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd will fall out of favor because The Bee Gees, Village People, Monkees, and Jackson Browne were popular once too.
I for one truly do wish that Nintendo would pull a Sega and bow out of the hardware business. I've owned every Nintendo console that wasn't a Virtual Boy and loved their games but have always played more on competitor's systems. Like many people I know, I own Nintendo systems for Nintendo games, and that's about it (DS being a huge 3rd party exception).

That said, I'm loving my new 3DS, and will prolly buy a Wii U at launch (depending on lineup and financial situation) so I'm a damned hypocrite :D

No system has ever been cut as fast or as hard as the 3DS. The only system ever in history(including non Nintendo platforms)that was cut anywhere near this level was the Virtual Boy which still took twice as long to cut and was not cut nearly as much.

Say Nintendo is not desperate all you want, but the proof is in the pudding. They for the first time are selling a system at a loss and cut its price faster then has ever been done for any system.
[quote name='MSI Magus']They for the first time are selling a system at a loss...[/QUOTE]

Didn't someone do a teardown of the 3DS right after launch and determine that it really only contained about $100 in parts?

I vaguely recall reading an article about that.
[quote name='bmachine']Didn't someone do a teardown of the 3DS right after launch and determine that it really only contained about $100 in parts?

I vaguely recall reading an article about that.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure Nintendo themselves have said they are now losing money on this. Even if not tons of media sources are reporting that they now lose money on every unit. One article(I believe at gamesutra)stated that 40% of their loss for the coming year is due to the 3DS cut.
[quote name='bmachine']Didn't someone do a teardown of the 3DS right after launch and determine that it really only contained about $100 in parts?

I vaguely recall reading an article about that.[/QUOTE]

Yes. But then all the ignoramuses said that was what it cost them to make. (As if parts magically assembled themselves.)
[quote name='RedvsBlue']One thing is for sure. This holiday season is gonna make or break the 3DS.[/QUOTE]

That I completely agree to. If Nintendo over the next 6 months does not move some serious units then they are fucked, not royally fucked...but fucked none the less. By that I am not saying this will be the next virtual boy or Ngage, far from it! But I do think that if by around late January they have not moved a lot of units that they will be relegated to the PSP(In US terms)of this generation. Not a bad place to be....but certainly pathetic after coming off the DS and Wii. My guess is the Wii U is going to experience the same thing.
[quote name='confoosious']Yes. But then all the ignoramuses said that was what it cost them to make. (As if parts magically assembled themselves.)[/QUOTE]

Dont forget marketing and retail taking a cut of sales. At $170 even if it only costs you $100 a unit assambled(which I am not sure if thats true)there are then the shipping, marketing etc etc expenses getting it in to stores. Then I imagine every retailer takes a $20-$60 cut on every unit sold(pulling that number out my ass, but I imagine its AT LEAST that much). That means at $170 if it costs $100 to create its a tight profit margin if there is one at all.
[quote name='bmachine']Didn't someone do a teardown of the 3DS right after launch and determine that it really only contained about $100 in parts?

I vaguely recall reading an article about that.[/QUOTE]

You can build a small mansion for $70 in Chinese labor, so someone is lying or inaccurate somewhere.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Dont forget marketing and retail taking a cut of sales. At $170 even if it only costs you $100 a unit assambled(which I am not sure if thats true)there are then the shipping, marketing etc etc expenses getting it in to stores. Then I imagine every retailer takes a $20-$60 cut on every unit sold(pulling that number out my ass, but I imagine its AT LEAST that much). That means at $170 if it costs $100 to create its a tight profit margin if there is one at all.[/QUOTE]

retailer margins are paper thin on consoles. practically nothing.

But you do still have distribution costs and qc, etc etc. I just found it funny that people were like "well, if x website says they have $110 in parts, then Nintendo is making $130 on each unit! grumble grumble grumble!"
I just wish we had a clue how much of it was for what. It would be interesting to see if you would have cut 3D out of the system what it would have cost. Id love to see the same for the Vita, if you cut out the back screen touch, 3G, gyro and all the other crap and just made an old school handheld with that power what would it cost.
Thing is, the last generation has shown that even Nintendo's IP's are not immune to mediocrity. Animal Crossing has been getting progressively worse reviews with each subsequent title. The Paper Mario series all ended up in the bargain bin at various points. Luigi's Mansion was a game that people were luke warm about in the first place. I even feel like the last two Pokemon games, Black and White came, went, and fell off the radar much faster than previous titles. They didn't seem to elicit the fervor that past Pokemon games had.

Nintendo is going to learn that they can only coast on re-releases, re-hashes, and re-makes for so long. Gamers are tired and have had enough. While I love Nintendo, and hope they come out from this, I'm not convinced yet that this is a storm they will weather.
Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door are two of the best games ever IMHO. Really fun, creative and funny. Speak not of mediocrity when saying Paper Mario!! :)
[quote name='spmahn']Thing is, the last generation has shown that even Nintendo's IP's are not immune to mediocrity. Animal Crossing has been getting progressively worse reviews with each subsequent title. The Paper Mario series all ended up in the bargain bin at various points. Luigi's Mansion was a game that people were luke warm about in the first place. I even feel like the last two Pokemon games, Black and White came, went, and fell off the radar much faster than previous titles. They didn't seem to elicit the fervor that past Pokemon games had.

This is a pretty confusing argument. Are you talking Gamecube? If so, why. AC and Paper Mario were well received and reviewed back then. Super Mario Sunshine was only "mediocre" compared to the high Mario Standard. A standard they clearly returned to with Galaxy 1 & 2.

Pokeman B & W are the 3rd highest selling game for Nintendo for 2010-2011 with 11.5 million copies.
Is there anyway to tell you've been enrolled in the "Nintendo 3DS Ambassador" program. I logged on to the eShop last night and couldn't find anything.
[quote name='crunchewy']Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door are two of the best games ever IMHO. Really fun, creative and funny. Speak not of mediocrity when saying Paper Mario!! :)[/QUOTE]

Oh, I wholeheartedly agree, they are all great games, they just weren't commercially successful.
Like I said months ago, retailers get about $20 on the 3DS.

No idea how much they spent on advertising, but I think it's safe top say much less than $500 mil =P

R&D, at a huge overestimation of 100 people at an average cost of $100k each, for 3 years, would be $30 mil. If they were planning on selling 16 mil units, then even $2 a console would cover all of that on one year. And you have to remember that they probably didn't spend much developing the 3D, because they pay a lot of money on each screen they buy, because the 3rd party did most of the work on it.

The $106-$107 figure for each 3DS includes assembly, as it was listed in what they added. It's cheap in China. If assembling a 3DS costs $3-4, then Q&C can't be that high either, unless you think they send the packed units somewhere, open them up, check them some more, and close them.

I know an article says they're selling at a loss, but I'm wondering if it was misttanslated, or misinterpreted. Anyone have a Nintendo quote saying each unit is selling at a loss? Granted, I said months ago also that $150 would be closer to the cost of each unit, so $169.99 still isn't far off. They're not making much, if at all.
[quote name='usickenme']This is a pretty confusing argument. Are you talking Gamecube? If so, why. AC and Paper Mario were well received and reviewed back then. Super Mario Sunshine was only "mediocre" compared to the high Mario Standard. A standard they clearly returned to with Galaxy 1 & 2.

Pokeman B & W are the 3rd highest selling game for Nintendo for 2010-2011 with 11.5 million copies.[/QUOTE]

I never AC and Paper Mario weren't well received crtically, I said they didn't do well commercially. My argument regarding Pokemon B&W wasn't regarding sales, it was about the fact that everyone I know who got it played it for a month, beat it, then put it down. It didn't continue to resonate for months and years later like previous Pokemon games had.
[quote name='spmahn']The Paper Mario series all ended up in the bargain bin at various points.[/quote]
Super Paper Mario still holds a 39.99 preown price tag at Gamestop (10 below original price); note this game originally came out April of 2007 i.e. 4+ years ago. How many games still command such a high preown price from say even 2 years back...

Oh, I wholeheartedly agree, they are all great games, they just weren't commercially successful.
Outside Final Fantasy 7, what RPG has been a commercially successful by your standards?
[quote name='utopianmachine']

Iwata and others taking hefty pay cuts in the wake of the 3DS price cut.[/QUOTE]

Good they should. They took one of the most successful companies ever and are slowly running it in to the ground. Nintendo instead of creating a bussiness model that gave them prosperity over many years choose to burn a forest, plant a farm on fertile ground and now they are dealing with the after effects. Boom and bust.
Sony is making the same mistake with the Vita. It's also far too expensive for a gaming handheld and, especially now that Nintendo is dramatically dropping the price of the 3DS, it's going to be a hard sell. There will be early adopters, just like the 3DS had, but then it will be a flop almost certainly.
My guess is yes that Sony is making the same mistake. My hope though is that people at least see that its offering far more then the 3DS which somewhat justifies the price. I still think even if they had to bite a bit of a loss $200 was the ideal price, but $250 is not bad. As you said though the market bearing it....I am doubtful.
[quote name='crunchewy']Sony is making the same mistake with the Vita. It's also far too expensive for a gaming handheld and, especially now that Nintendo is dramatically dropping the price of the 3DS, it's going to be a hard sell. There will be early adopters, just like the 3DS had, but then it will be a flop almost certainly.[/QUOTE]

I'm not as sure. I think the Vita will do great in Japan, so I think it'll easily do better than the 3DS. A lot of it for me will be how much they execute the whole play-on-your-PS3-and-switch-to-your-Vita-where-you-left-off thing, and how much they use it. That's like an enhanced Wii U, before the Wii U is even released.

A huge problem with the 3DS is that a lot people still want DSLite/DSi/DSiXL over a 3DS. That doesn't exactly make it feel like an upgrade.
[quote name='elessar123']I'm not as sure. I think the Vita will do great in Japan, so I think it'll easily do better than the 3DS. A lot of it for me will be how much they execute the whole play-on-your-PS3-and-switch-to-your-Vita-where-you-left-off thing, and how much they use it. That's like an enhanced Wii U, before the Wii U is even released.

A huge problem with the 3DS is that a lot people still want DSLite/DSi/DSiXL over a 3DS. That doesn't exactly make it feel like an upgrade.[/QUOTE]

The bigger factor is whether or not parents will buy their kids a $250+ gaming handheld. I think the answer will be, as it was for the 3DS, no.
[quote name='crunchewy']The bigger factor is whether or not parents will buy their kids a $250+ gaming handheld. I think the answer will be, as it was for the 3DS, no.[/QUOTE]

Plenty of kids have $200+ iPods, and some of them have $500+ iPads. I think the answer is yes. It's more do the kids want a 3DS/Vita more than an Apple product? With the 3DS, it's a no. With the Vita, it's probably still a no...
[quote name='crunchewy']The bigger factor is whether or not parents will buy their kids a $250+ gaming handheld. I think the answer will be, as it was for the 3DS, no.[/QUOTE]

I think the thing is parents need to feel they are buying their kids a significant upgrade. If you out a 3DS game and a DS game side by side parents are not going to see THAT much difference. They also wont see a ton of new features and it has the same name as the thing they just bought their kid 2 or 3 years ago. With the Vita they see a new name, a significant graphics upgrade etc etc. It seems like a very new/different device.

Now I am not saying I think the Vita will succeed, I think the $250 IS probably too much. I am just saying that I think there are other factors that mean some parents may be willing to pony up $250 on a Vita but not a 3DS. Though the Vita does have backwards compatibility working against it. Parents love knowing their kids old games work on the new device and trade in programs, even if they only get $30 for their kids old device.
[quote name='elessar123']I'm not as sure. I think the Vita will do great in Japan, so I think it'll easily do better than the 3DS. A lot of it for me will be how much they execute the whole play-on-your-PS3-and-switch-to-your-Vita-where-you-left-off thing, and how much they use it. That's like an enhanced Wii U, before the Wii U is even released.

A huge problem with the 3DS is that a lot people still want DSLite/DSi/DSiXL over a 3DS. That doesn't exactly make it feel like an upgrade.[/QUOTE]

There is no guarantee success for the Vita. This suppose feature of Vita to PS3, vice versa is nice idea. Will consumer buy a Vita so they can to do that. At $250-$300 consumer would see that is one expensive accessory for the $300+ PS3. $550 or more for both system if there is no price drop for the PS3.
[quote name='crunchewy']The bigger factor is whether or not parents will buy their kids a $250+ gaming handheld. I think the answer will be, as it was for the 3DS, no.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Remember when you were a kid?

You'd beg and beg for it and the first thing your parents would ask is how much the games cost for it, whether it came with a game, etc.

Parents are going to be looking at $250 for a device alone OR $170 for a machine that looks a lot like the last thing their kids owned, can play all the old games out of the box (this is huge for cheapo parents like mine) and for $80 more gets not one but TWO Mario games. Nintendogs will be available (hopefully Nintendo is smart enough to rebrand like in Japan) and there should be a handful of other decent games around. Pilotwings and Steel Diver may even be clearancing out by then.
[quote name='elessar123']Plenty of kids have $200+ iPods, and some of them have $500+ iPads. I think the answer is yes. It's more do the kids want a 3DS/Vita more than an Apple product? With the 3DS, it's a no. With the Vita, it's probably still a no...[/QUOTE]

I don't think most parents buy an iPod touch, iPhone or iPad for their kids, they buy it for themselves and let their kids use it sometimes. That's pretty different.
Those teardown costs are always grossly inaccurate. Especially since the type of CPU being used is custom and not even known. I wouldn't put much stock into them.
[quote name='spmahn']I never AC and Paper Mario weren't well received crtically, I said they didn't do well commercially. My argument regarding Pokemon B&W wasn't regarding sales, it was about the fact that everyone I know who got it played it for a month, beat it, then put it down. It didn't continue to resonate for months and years later like previous Pokemon games had.[/QUOTE]

and that's why I said it was confusing. You are using sales when it is convenient and other factors when it's not.

No worries, just wasn't sure where you were going
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[quote name='crunchewy']I don't think most parents buy an iPod touch, iPhone or iPad for their kids, they buy it for themselves and let their kids use it sometimes. That's pretty different.[/QUOTE]

A lot of parents hand their old iPhones down to their kids for them to use as an iPod touch, this is why you see a lot of kids with them. Or they buy an iPod touch for their kids because the price is low and the games are a lot cheaper. A lot of kids are growing up on the iPod and iPhone now because of this. Most kids will play almost anything you hand them, some have more discerning tastes and will ask for mario or other certain games but in the end most kids just want some games to play. A lot of kids here are jumping from the DS to the iPod touch, several of my relatives have and their DS systems now collect dust and haven't been touched in years, they just like the iPod much better.

A lot of parents don't know about freemium games, games that lure you in and make you pay per item or whatever or else you can't continue the game. These games are becoming more and more prevalent on iPod touch, so when their kids start begging for in-game items they have no clue what to do. There are good full version games on iPod touch, but those are becoming harder and harder to find with almost every game going freemium because its so profitable.

Overall I would rather pay more for a retail release outright than have to deal with freemium crap. Retail games can almost always be found on sale or clearance in order to offset the high prices. I would much rather have something physical to show for my money rather than just a bunch of digital crap.
I find the doom and gloom in this thread kinda funny. Nintendo is still making money off the DS and Wii sales so sure they aren't making money on the 3ds hardware but did everyone really expect them to hit a grand slam with every new hardware release? Even Pixar isn't batting 1000 any more thanks to Cars 2. Nintendo is a victim of their own sucess, the DS lite was too good. It was so good people feel it gives them enough game play they don't need to upgrade. The 3D and weak software of the 3ds wasn't enough for most people to pay the 250. So that's why you're seeing the price drop. Nintendo needed to sweeten the deal and they have.

And will the Wii U be any good? Who the F knows and guessing about it is a waist of time you should be spending playing your backlogs.
[quote name='KingDox']And will the Wii U be any good? Who the F knows and guessing about it is a waist of time you should be spending playing your backlogs.[/QUOTE]

Would that be a time belt?
[quote name='KingDox']And will the Wii U be any good? Who the F knows and guessing about it is a waist of time you should be spending playing your backlogs.[/QUOTE]

I think it's kind of telling when bitching and moaning about unreleased products and hypothetical situations on the internet is infinitely more enjoyable than playing my clearance bin copy of Too Human.
bread's done