Nintendo E3 2009 - Mario times 2! NSMB2, SMG2, Metroid OM, Golden Sun DS, and more!

[quote name='Mr. Twist']I still have NO idea what Nintendo's Big Christmas 2009 game is???

Wii Resort or Wii Fit 2 or Spirit Tracks??[/QUOTE]

Probably Spirit Tracks and NSMB: Wii. They did announce that NSMB was a Holiday 2009 title.
Hmmmm, I gotta say C+ overall.

Why? It's what we kinda expected/wanted and not much more.

New Super Mario Brothers on the Wii. - Cool, especially 4 player. Key gameplay remains.
Golden Sun - I personally didn't get into them, but it's nice to see the fan reaction so I'm leaning good.
Mario Galaxy 2 - Great to see, same core gameplay. Tons of sequel-itis across all platforms nowadays.
New Metroid - Team Ninja? Sweeeeeeeeeeet. Big save there Nintendo.

I'd say it turned out like a standard E3 presentation.
[quote name='Mr. Twist']don't expect Mario Galaxy 2 or New Metroid in 2009 at all.[/QUOTE]

This. Don't expect them to be that great, either. Expect the usual "OMG!!" before getting the game, then "WTF? Why is this so fucking easy?" during.
[quote name='crunchewy']No, but unlike you I'm not impossibly hung up on Nintendo going after a variety of markets. Good for them.[/QUOTE]

That's not my problem. this is Nintendo's time and they are wasting it on Murder's Club bullshit? All Nintendo did was "Here are a few games we are making, but to hold you over until they are released in several years, by these 3D games that most likely will be badly made".
Time to head out since this place is going to be overrun with stupid flame comments now.

Since this generation is nothing more than interminal unhappiness and I'M HAVING MORE FUN THAN YOU SO LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT IT ON A MESSAGE BOARD THIS LOUD.

Cheers all.
NSMB (4 Player Co-Op!), SMG2 (With Yoshi!) & Metroid Other M = Instant Day 1 Buys!
The rest of the conference felt... Underwhelming.
i was hoping for another mario kart. i dont care if its the same game with more tracks. its my fav. game of this gen
[quote name='Mr. Twist']
I still have NO idea what Nintendo's Big Christmas 2009 game is???

Wii Resort or Wii Fit 2 or Spirit Tracks??[/QUOTE]

Well lots of stuff to release this holiday for the DS. They also have Wii Fit + out in the fall. New Super Mario Brothers Wii to carry them into the holidays. The casuals will eat everything up so they don't have to worry about sales.

Disappointing if Galaxy doesn't come out till next year, Metroid to be expected since It's a work in progress.
It's all Sony now. Let's see if they muck it up by mentioning HOME, or show us something wild.

Is Mr. Twist bugging anyone besides me? I've never seen someone complain as much as he is.
[quote name='Mr. Twist']

I still have NO idea what Nintendo's Big Christmas 2009 game is???


Good question.. what is coming out this holiday season?

Was hoping for Pikmin, but the Mario fanboy in me is satisfied.
That Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid announcements really pulled out an 11th hour victory for the conference.

I'll give them a B+ for those two as well as the new M&L DS game, New SMB Wii, and Golden Sun DS. Reshowing Dead Space, The Conduit, and RE didn't hurt either.
Well at least we can expect Zelda to be announced next year along with Pikmin.

When does Sony's conference start?
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Well lots of stuff to release this holiday for the DS. They also have Wii Fit + out in the fall. New Super Mario Brothers Wii to carry them into the holidays. The casuals will eat everything up so they don't have to worry about sales.

Disappointing if Galaxy doesn't come out till next year, Metroid to be expected since It's a work in progress.[/QUOTE]

Ok I agree it was not one of the Worst.

But do not expect Mario Galaxy 2 in 2009 more like mid 2010

and Metroid M looked Amazing for being so early

But also 2010

Nintendo will do the same thing they did last year in 2008

Showed off Wii Resort played it.

But saved it again for 2009

Now 2009 they show off Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid M

and at E3 2010 they will have them Playable

SOOooo Predictable
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Well at least we can expect Zelda to be announced next year along with Pikmin.

When does Sony's conference start?[/QUOTE]

2 pm EST, 11 PST

Not much of a fan of the Ninja Gaiden games but that Metroid trailer has me interested. I'll get in on that 4-player SMB too. Just wish the latter was for the DS instead of the Wii.
I give it a C- not an F

But seriously all we get in 2009

is NSMB, Wii Fit 2 and Wii Resort

well its Way better than 2008 where all we got was Animal Crossing and Wi Music
Their presentation style is still a disaster, though no doubt it was hurt even further by last years presentation which brought in a highly skeptical crowd (there and online) unwilling to give applause easily. But what they showed was great (with the obvious exception). Does anyone have a complete list of the games they showed?
Man, when not even SMB can't generate much applause you know you're in big trouble.

Overall a yawner of a presser for me. Not as bad as uBisoft or EA, but still...not many bullet points in there...
[quote name='Mr. Beef']
Is Mr. Twist bugging anyone besides me? I've never seen someone complain as much as he is.[/QUOTE]

I think he bugs everyone, and I'm sure that's what he's trying to do.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Is Mr. Twist bugging anyone besides me? I've never seen someone complain as much as he is.[/QUOTE]

I've learned to just ignore him. Nothing of value was lost.

As for the presentation, just about all of my sentiments have already been echoed here. Besides the two Wii Mario titles and the new Metroid title, it was very lackluster. Their game seemed to be to play up their more immediate releases, while Microsoft went more long-term.
People are complaining about release dates, when everything MS showed is 2010 or later? When do you people think Natal is showing up - Christmas?


Again, Mr. Twist is a twice banned 360 fanboy, used to be named Ice Cold. But the mods won't do a thing about it.
Let me sum up Metroid M's controls.

Jump waggle, Jump waggle, Press B, miss, jump waggle, Press B.

"You're not sitting on the couch putting in some pre programmed waggle commands"

Yes we are.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Should I switch to for Sony?[/QUOTE]

Seems to be the most current, and it has been stable for everyone as far as I know.

Love the order of the last two posts above this.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Team Ninja + Nintendo = Metroid Ownage. Almost saved their entire conference right there.[/QUOTE]

It pretty much did, honestly.

That game probably sparks the highest interest from me. SMG2 does a little bit (I never finished it) and WiiMotionPlus basically interests me only for Tiger Woods 10. Wii Sports Resort doesn't particularly tickle my fancy.

Everything else I didn't mention really didn't do too much else for me. I don't have a DSi, so all that downloadable stuff doesn't hit me like it would for the others with DSi's.

I'm also taking one gigantic three Quarter Pounder and large fry shit on the Wii Vitality Sensor. Why? Just why?

EDIT: Also going to add that I think this year's conference was better than last year's. Not by a whole lot, though.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I think he bugs everyone, and I'm sure that's what he's trying to do.[/QUOTE]
He does, he's BCF all over again. Don't worry about it though.
[quote name='crunchewy']Why no love for the New Super Mario Bros. Wii? I loved the DS game and I can't see why they would screw up a Wii version.[/QUOTE]

New Super Mario Bros. DS is one of my favorite recent games but I'm not that excited for New Super Mario Bros. Wii for one reason; It looks like they are focusing more on a 4P co-op game than an amazing 1P experience that Super Mario Bros. is all about. The Wii Doesn't need another Mario Kart or Smash Bros. but it needs more solid single player experiences. /married but kidless old man
[quote name='Strell']People are complaining about release dates, when everything MS showed is 2010 or later? When do you people think Natal is showing up - Christmas?


Again, Mr. Twist is a twice banned 360 fanboy, used to be named Ice Cold. But the mods won't do a thing about it.[/QUOTE]

I didn't watch MS, but I figured they said Halo no less than 100 times. the next system will be called the Halobox 4D! :)

However at least MS seems to be making games, something Nintendo seems to have taken the back step to.
Well, it was good for a Nintendo conference...

Didn't really want anything. Except for Wii Vitality. That's the kind of innovation I like. Along with rail-gun shooters.
Let me sum up Metroid M's controls.

Jump waggle, Jump waggle, Press B, miss, jump waggle, Press B.

"You're not sitting on the couch putting in some pre programmed waggle commands"

Yes wii are.

Give me ODST and God of War 3 and I'm good
Can't wait for a lot of that stuff. Maybe I should try out Golden Sun. Seems like I might have time to get through at least one of them before the DS version arrives. Curse my attention span.
NSMBW looks fun. So, so glad that Nintendo has wised up and made a 2nd 3D Mario on the same platform.

Metroid looks cool, but does Team Ninja's involvement mean I'm going to be throwing my controller out the window in frustration? And are we not supposed to notice that
Other M is an anagram for Mother?

I think they really should've left out their Vitality Sensor thing. It was more funny than impressive.

Edit: I forgot Golden Sun DS. Haaaaaaaaaaaated Golden Sun 1.
[quote name='Scorch']i love the ignore list[/QUOTE]

[quote name='pete5883']
Metroid looks cool, but does Team Ninja's involvement mean I'm going to be throwing my controller out the window in frustration? And are we not supposed to notice that
Other M is an anagram for Mother?

First thing I thought of as well.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']
First thing I thought of as well.[/QUOTE]
I just hope they make sure the camera doesn't suck. Ninja Gaiden II was pretty much ruined for me thanks to this.
When they were talking about RPGs, I thought they would finally announce Mother 3/Earthbound 2 for the US. Sadly they did not.

Decent showing for Nintendo. NSMB Wii reminds me of Four Swords on the GameCube. Should be fun, but I think it should have been a Wii Ware game. Mario Galaxy 2 looks nice, but I thought the first one was meh. Yoshi is heavily featured though and it looked pretty fun. Mother: Other M seems like it has potential and I am a fan of Ninja Gaiden, so hopefully it turns out good. Still, I think the graphics of the game look a bit disappointing.
[quote name='daflubby']Bulleted summary:[/QUOTE]

Wow. I didn't see the conference. Very impressive. 2 for 2 in great conferences this year.

If you're heavily disappointed you're either:

1) Incredible insatiable

2) Someone bitter

3) Some console warrior (for the love of God, give your favorite console head and don't shit up topics. Thanks)

Or all three.
I liked seeing New Super Mario Bros and Mario Galaxy 2, but there was about an hour between new Wii announcements. Metroid Other M was cool, too, but I was expecting more variety in the franchises they visted. Not more of the same franchises we've seen on the Wii already and will see again before these new games come out (Metroid Prime Trilogy). I don't even recall when those games are going to be out, besides Metroid for next year.

DS did okay with Mario & Luigi, Kingdom Hearts, and that was about it for me.

I have no clue why Nintendo's aiming for diabetics with the Vitality add-on and what we're supposed to say when Iwata built it up.
bread's done