No love for deus ex human revolution? Release date 8-23

FYI FOR CONSOLE PLAYERS - The control scheme cannot be customized to your liking at all. There aren't any selectable presets either it is set in stone. So if you find snapping on and off cover with LT and hard aiming with the right analog stick half as awkward as I do save yourself the irritation and buy the PC version.

I gave up on Killzone 2 for this exact reason and the idea of having to do it again for a game with so much potential that I just bought is extremely disappointing. No, f*ck that. It is damn near infuriating.
Gameflyed my copy, should get it tomorrow. Been ready reviews and I'm not sure yet if this is something I'll enjoy, but it couldn't hurt to give it a shot.
[quote name='giantqtipz']wasnt rainbow six vegas like that??[/QUOTE]

It obviously never played it and would have been just as irritated so... :|

Regardless the game is living up to the hype thus far so I've avoided long term engagements until I get used to it. Unlikely to happen though when I can vent my way past most patrols or snap to cover for pinpointing. Either way I can already tell pushing forward is worth the trouble. Fantastic lore, solid graphics (the newspaper articles are especially gorgeous), spot on hit detection, nearly everything you do from exploring to conversation choices seems to earn exp, voice acting really is hit or miss. The universe itself feels pretty damn alive reacting to player choices almost instantaneously. Copious amounts of interactivity too. One of the coolest things I've done besides confronting a shit talker was waiting until an office worker finished a phone call I was eavesdropping on so we could talk, heh. Enemy A.I. is more or less average in the early game (easily dispatched via headshot or takedown) but your relatively low core health minus any augmentations sort of balances it out. I haven't ran across any game breaking glitches yet either thank god.

In short, this is the game Alpha Protocol could have been with a much better team. At least graphically speaking and certainly in the mechanics department as well.
[quote name='Rodimus']Gameflyed my copy, should get it tomorrow. Been ready reviews and I'm not sure yet if this is something I'll enjoy, but it couldn't hurt to give it a shot.[/QUOTE]

I was never lucky enough to get new releases from Gamefly. :cry:
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']It obviously never played it and would have been just as irritated so... :|

Regardless the game is living up to the hype thus far so I've avoided long term engagements until I get used to it. Unlikely to happen though when I can vent my way past most patrols or snap to cover for pinpointing. Either way I can already tell pushing forward is worth the trouble. Fantastic lore, solid graphics (the newspaper articles are especially gorgeous), spot on hit detection, nearly everything you do from exploring to conversation choices seems to earn exp, voice acting really is hit or miss. The universe itself feels pretty damn alive reacting to player choices almost instantaneously. Copious amounts of interactivity too. One of the coolest things I've done besides confronting a shit talker was waiting until an office worker finished a phone call I was eavesdropping on so we could talk, heh. Enemy A.I. is more or less average in the early game (easily dispatched via headshot or takedown) but your relatively low core health minus any augmentations sort of balances it out. I haven't ran across any game breaking glitches yet either thank god.

In short, this is the game Alpha Protocol could have been with a much better team. At least graphically speaking and certainly in the mechanics department as well.[/QUOTE]

What's so awkward about it for you? Its just like aiming with LT and shooting in any other game
It's years of being conditioned by Gears and CoD rearing it's ugly head. Partial laziness too. Oh, and the standard scheme of LT for aiming and RT for firing actually feeling the least foreign to me as well. I've tried different schemes in the past but they never took. I gave up trying to adapt after KZ2. After the 10,000th time of forgetting the new mapping in a firefight I couldn't take anymore. Besides customized mapping should have been mandatory for all games decades ago. It honestly isn't that difficult to at least provide some presets, is it?

This game is worth the trouble of getting by without hard aim, but if it wasn't I'd finish it in a flash then move on or sell it. Just a pet peeve of mine.
Hmmm I had a hard time with the Kill Zone 3 demo but I've never had an issue with games that use LT as cover. Idk. To each his own.

I can adapt to any control scheme relatively quickly. And it always amazes me how many I can remember.

I feel like this game would of made for a great movie. Obviously I haven't played more than an hour or so but seeing some of the advertisements and the graphics just makes me think that.
[quote name='Doomtime']I was never lucky enough to get new releases from Gamefly. :cry:[/QUOTE]

If you don't have an empty que (besides the new release) then they will most always send you the next game on your list. I have one game out at a time and send in my game so they receive it a few days before the launch. It's worked pretty well so far.
This game is just like RSV control wise. Great stuff as expected. I'm a RSV Whore so this is as natural as it gets. Got mine from Fry's $49 (then Kalifornya tax killed it all...).
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']FYI FOR CONSOLE PLAYERS - The control scheme cannot be customized to your liking at all. There aren't any selectable presets either it is set in stone. So if you find snapping on and off cover with LT and hard aiming with the right analog stick half as awkward as I do save yourself the irritation and buy the PC version.[/QUOTE]
Argh. I've been programmed by Gears and ME2, I need aiming on LT and cover on A. One of the worst things about L.A. Noire was trying to remember to use RB to take cover. I can barely tolerate right stick iron sights in Halo. Why can't games just stop trying to be different and get with the program.
Played a lot of R6V so the cover/aim was easy to get used to.

What isn't, is pressing "X" to confirm in every interactive menu- I keep pressing "A" like it's going to do something.
Has anyone found a storage chest yet? It's pretty ridiculous there's a safe in your apartment that you can't actually store anything in. Who the f*ck thought that was a good idea for an RPG? Since I haven't a clue when dropped items disappear I guess I'm stuck hauling or selling my collection until I figure something out. Ugh...
I really like it so far. Definitely passed my expectations. However I do agree with the controls being different, I'm not having too much trouble so far but I don't understand why there couldn't be different presets.

I think I'm going to go very run & gun on the first play through then sneak around during my second.
[quote name='Nealocus123']

I think I'm going to go very run & gun on the first play through then sneak around during my second.[/QUOTE]

Seems like the path I'm going considering I some how can't stay stealthy enough...
I like this game but I am somehow really fucking up my first playthrough. I didnt even know to
save the hostages in the first couple of levels
I then forgot to talk to
Jenny and screwed up the 2nd mission
. Ahh well nothing to bad but I keep missing out on things somehow.
I just completed the first mission and apparently I missed that too Soodmeg.

You can really play stealthy if you want but man does it get boring fast if you do.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']How much does the game require a focus on stealth? Is it feasible to just go gung-ho and kill everybody instead?[/QUOTE]

Yeah cuz thats what I started doing when I found myself getting bored.

I'm playing on the hardest difficulty and it's not really that difficult, you just can't take a lot of damage.

I guess it's a little easier because I have that preorder pack with the guns and stuff, the sniper comes in handy as well as the revolver, but ammo is sparse for all the guns, I think cuz of the difficulty as well.

I guess I'm indifferent about the health system but I do kind of wish having the medkits and stuff from the prior games.

Because you're an "aug" you have certain amount of "charges" you can use for take down moves, non lethal and lethal, I don't really like that because if you choose to go stealthy thru the whole game, you're waiting a lot until you can upgrade your power augmentations to get more charges and have them recharge faster.

The controls aren't terrible, but I don't like using the right stick for ADS, the Left trigger and right trigger combos are tried and true.
After the intro, I spent all my time exploring the Sarif offices trying to find my DLC weapons and do Athena's email side mission.
I didn't know about the invisible time limit before the first mission.
so the bomb detonated and gassed the hostages before I even started it

Has anyone found a storage chest yet?
On the Deus Ex board, people are saying you can drop them in Jensen's office and they don't disappear, but no one knows if they stay there when you go to the next HUB- Detroit.

How much does the game require a focus on stealth? Is it feasible to just go gung-ho and kill everybody instead?

If you want more XP, stealth is the way to go.
Someone did the rough math;

10 non leathal takedowns + ghost + smooth = 500 + 500 + 300 = 1300xp
10 kills = 100xp (200 with headshots)
I really like the cut scenes they are so cool.

I'm not far at all yet but if there isn't any hand to hand combat other than the static take downs I'm gonna be a little disappointed.

I just picked up the mission to get the footage of the scientist stealing drugs or whatever and stopped there.
If you have the pre-order "tactical enhancement pack" need to redeem the code (through XBL at least) and start a new game before you will see these new items which consist of: shotgun, sniper rifle, 10k credits. I redeemed the code after a couple of hours of play and went to JC Denton's apartment (woops Adam Jenson) and the items weren't there. I'm in the second city and still no items. So I suspect you must start a new game for the items to appear.

If you're like me and forgot to redeem the code, don't worry about it. Just save it for your next playthrough. Inventory management can be a pain in the ass so if you're worried about keeping 2 "unique" items through your first playthrough it may lessen your fun factor.

-end PSA-
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']What an amazing game so far. Loving it. I am going for the pacifist achievement this playthrough :D[/QUOTE]

I've been doing that so far, because going through silently and not killing people is usually how I do things (Hitman, MGS) but damn do I feel like I'll want to kill somebody eventually. Those hidden blades are badass.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Seems like the path I'm going considering I some how can't stay stealthy enough...[/QUOTE]


I've been trying to be stealthy since you get more bonus XP, but if they see me I just shoot them all.

Never really played much MGS, Theif, Splinter Cell, etc so this whole sneaking around thing is fairly new to me. I do appreciate how they made it an option that if you get caught, you can just mow everyone down.
I dont understand the energy cells. I have it fully upgraded on both sides of the skill tree and never have more than 1 full cell. Are eating the candy bars the only way to fill them? If so I see no really point in upgrading it since I have gone through the game with just 1 full and 4 empty this entire time.

If I did have one knock on the game the Augs dont seem to really change the game in anyway....maybe that was done intentionally but there are only 3 that seem to provide huge benefits.
Free Combat Rifles & Sniper Rifle;
You need 4-5 Beer Cans

-Save your Beers from the first mission (Zeke Sanders), there should be 3-4 throughout the level.

-Afterwards when you return to the Sarif building, look for 1 in the Cafeteria, and 2 outside the building in trash cans.

-Look for Letisha outside, under a flashing red sign, digging in the trash.

-Give her 4-5 Beers in exchange for a Keycode to a Storage Room.

-Go to the Basketball Court (see video for location), enter Keycode on panel behind gangsters.

-Turn right in door way, move barrels, access Security panel.


Wish you could carry multiples of the same weapon or at least get more than 3-4 bullets when you collect one.

There has to be a faster way to make credits then dropping your custom gun, picking up a scrapper, and running back to the dealer each time.
Does redeeming the code mean that you will get that same bonus with every new game?

Also, is it possible to stealth without picking up the stealth upgrades? Im trying to run the Cloak and Daggers mission without being seen but I don't see any way to do it without getting the cloak and etc.
I'm in the Police Station trying to do Cloak and Daggers and the main mission, long spoiler on how to get into the Police Station and find Omally

There's 2 ways to get into the Police Station but you get to them the same way, you can climb up the left side(you need the strength aug to move heavier objects I think) there's a tall chain link fence, put a dumpster up next to it, then stack another dumpster ontop of the first dumpster and you can jump over.

I believe Omally is in that alley as well for Cloak and Daggers.

If you look to the right of where he's standing there is the fire escape to get into the Police Station, grab a box and put it under the ladder and climb up.

The second floor there is a door you can hack to get in and if you go all the way to the top you can go into a vent and climb down a ladder.

I'm assuming you can get to the morgue to check the purist guy's body and get the nerual hub for the main mission using either way, but I'm not sure, can anyone confirm?
Both ways will get you into the police station to the complete the main mission.
The guy working on him is NOT hostile so do NOT attack him when you walk into the morgue. The game will trigger a cut scene when you get close enough signaling the end of the mission.

Does anyone know if the availability of side quests are based on the choices you've made throughout the game? I can tell I'm pretty close to reaching the point of no return in my initial playthrough but can't recall doing more than 10 - 15 side quests overall. No way is that enough to stretch this game out to 40 hours. Pretty disappointing.
Cracked open two Level 4 doors and hit the jackpot;
4 boxes Sniper ammo, 4 quivers of Crossbolts!

Total ammo haul: 13 rounds

I'm probably going to have to go back again on Easy and do the Pacifist achievement. Not that it's not doable on the hardest difficulty but I don't have the patience and these auto save points are brutal if you die.
Played for a few hours last night and wasn't digging it. Don't like how the stealth is done in this game, and the game almost forces you to do it at times. It's a good game and I can see the appeal but it's just not my cup-o-tea.
[quote name='Indignate']I've been doing that so far, because going through silently and not killing people is usually how I do things (Hitman, MGS) but damn do I feel like I'll want to kill somebody eventually. Those hidden blades are badass.[/QUOTE]

I'm also trying for the Foxiest of All Hounds achievement this playthrough. Man at first I was struggling a bit going around not being detected but after a few Augmentation upgrades, I think I am more set to tackle this. :D
Anyone know what you get (if anything) when you register the game at With FF13, you got a code for avatar gear. So, this could be something interesting.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']I'm also trying for the Foxiest of All Hounds achievement this playthrough. Man at first I was struggling a bit going around not being detected but after a few Augmentation upgrades, I think I am more set to tackle this. :D[/QUOTE]

I'm trying for that as well, although I'm not sure how it works.

I'm assuming that it means audible alarms from security cameras and such and those that guards flip (if they can?). I'm hoping that it's not the alarmed status that comes up on guards or turrets.
The fully upgraded Typhoon aug is stupid effective in this game. Cheap PP cost with even cheaper ammo, mad lethal, zero inventory space required, bosses and mechs absolutely hate it. The animation in its entirety even nullifies all incoming damage! Jesus. If they scrapped the cool down and increased the radius it would comprise the entire stealth mechanic so much the game would practically play itself. ...Ridiculous.

I'm pretty sure
your return trip to Hengsha
is the point of no return guys so save ahead of time.
[quote name='seanr1221']Can you respec your upgrades?[/QUOTE]



Oh, if you have a DLC code for the Shotgun/Sniper/Credits, use it before you start. Found that out the hard way.
Overall I'm pretty impressed with the game after about an hour. I didn't like how implemented the pre-order DLC from Gamestop (the guy at the counter today just gave it to me).

They basically interrupt the game with a screen thanking you for pre-ordering it and here's an item. Kind of jarring, but I guess there's really no other way to do it.
[quote name='seanr1221']Can you respec your upgrades?[/QUOTE]


I need to redo an hour of gameplay over after spending 4 points on the wrong AUGs.
General Warning: The Talion A.D. side quest is glitched. It will NOT provide a location marker nor show any status progression in your menu for the fourth task. You will have to backtrack to the location for the main objective in the Corporate Takeover side quest to continue. The sewer manhole cover there is where you're supposed to go. Just follow the signs to the L.I.M.B. clinic then take the train into the next area if you've forgotten how to get there.
Am I the only one Jack Bauer-ing the game? I just use a 10mm pistol w/ a silencer, laser pointer, and 2x damage. Haven't had an issue yet. The only time I've used a different weapon was
at the first boss.. I used a rocket launcher

Also, noticed a hobo whistling the main theme to the first Deus Ex in an alleyway. Very nice touch.

The part he was whistling starts at 0:27
bread's done