No love for deus ex human revolution? Release date 8-23

[quote name='Scorch']Am I the only one Jack Bauer-ing the game? I just use a 10mm pistol w/ a silencer, laser pointer, and 2x damage. Haven't had an issue yet. The only time I've used a different weapon was
at the first boss.. I used a rocket launcher


Haha I'm "Dirty Harrying" the game I guess cuz all I use is the revolver, I've upgraded it like 4 times, laser sight, damage, ammo count.

For the first boss, I threw 4 frags at him and shot him with the rocket launcher 1 time I believe and he died. I expected him to take more of a beating but I guess that's a lot.

I finished the Cloak and Daggers quest, I managed to lure the gang bangers into the hallway in front of of the leader's apartment and shot them with a rocket. Hilarious.

I just got to China now and this whore keeps sending me on these side quests after I already rescued her whore friend.

Concussion grenades are VERY effective.
[quote name='hustletron']I just got to China now and this whore keeps sending me on these side quests after I already rescued her whore friend.

Concussion grenades are VERY effective.[/QUOTE]

questS? multiple? she only sent me on one after I saved her friend.

there's some sort of health membership card if you go out onto her balcony then walk two apartments to the right and go in the door.. also, on the floor below, there's a hive membership card

Cloak and Daggers took me at least two hours because I wanted to do the mission without being detected. It was a pain, but I made it work. I completed my objective and was leaving the territory when I encountered three last guards. I took one out with a shot to the head as he was taking a leak. The other two were complaining about something and I think I made a noise and they became alerted. Panicking, instead of firing a shot around the corner, I accidentally hit R2 and chucked a frag grenade at them. I crouched (still behind cover), the grenade went off, and it killed them both. No other guards were in the area, no one else heard, and I completed the quest and got the bonus for not being detected :D
[quote name='hustletron']Haha I'm "Dirty Harrying" the game I guess cuz all I use is the revolver, I've upgraded it like 4 times, laser sight, damage, ammo count.

You got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky.

Well do ya, punk?
[quote name='Scorch']questS? multiple? she only sent me on one after I saved her friend.

there's some sort of health membership card if you go out onto her balcony then walk two apartments to the right and go in the door.. also, on the floor below, there's a hive membership card

Cloak and Daggers took me at least two hours because I wanted to do the mission without being detected. It was a pain, but I made it work. I completed my objective and was leaving the territory when I encountered three last guards. I took one out with a shot to the head as he was taking a leak. The other two were complaining about something and I think I made a noise and they became alerted. Panicking, instead of firing a shot around the corner, I accidentally hit R2 and chucked a frag grenade at them. I crouched (still behind cover), the grenade went off, and it killed them both. No other guards were in the area, no one else heard, and I completed the quest and got the bonus for not being detected :D[/QUOTE]

LOL I guess it's just 2 then, I stopped playing after I completed the first one and assumed there would be more.

One thing I don't like is the running around so much, China is very easy to get lost in, in my opinion. I wish there was a fast travel option.

For anyone that's real far in the game, can you go back to places like Detroit and finish quests you may have missed once you're farther along?
Sadly no. The game is pretty good at notifying you ahead of time when you're about to progress past the point of no return for a chapter's particular side quests. If you don't complete them in the time allotted you're shit out of luck as returning to previous locations is usually a sign of the end of a chapter or the start of a new one opening up new quests.

Fast travel along with New Game+ would have godsends for this game. Much like Fallout you can't trust the map markers in the game to save your life. China was a major pain in the ass because of it.
[quote name='blindinglights']Amazon is now showing that it is out of print. I thought about that too, but I would be getting the guide to use it so I don't know if the collector's guide is really necessary. The cover does look awesome though... Hmmm.[/QUOTE]

Did you click the link? That's the softcover version of the futurepress guide for $12.72... unless you're seeing something I'm not.
If you have the mission markers on, traveling isn't that big of a deal. You almost HAVE to have them on to find anything in this game.

If fast travel was an option, you'd miss out on so much in the game.
[quote name='Scorch']If you have the mission markers on, traveling isn't that big of a deal. You almost HAVE to have them on to find anything in this game.

If fast travel was an option, you'd miss out on so much in the game.[/QUOTE]

Well that's why it'd be an option, if I were doing missions I want to get to the objectives and not screw around with other stuff. I'll go do that on my own anyway.
[quote name='Scorch']If fast travel was an option, you'd miss out on so much in the game.[/QUOTE]

If that were the case I wouldn't have put over 100 hours in Fallout and Fallout: NV respectively. Player preference is a huge factor and fast travel wouldn't have stopped me from searching for side quests. It would however have made the constant backtracking in this game much less of a headache overall.
[quote name='oiskaio']Did you click the link? That's the softcover version of the futurepress guide for $12.72... unless you're seeing something I'm not.[/QUOTE]

My mistake, I thought you were talking about the collector's edition guide. Yes, I see the paperback one. That's the one in my gold box today. Looks like the $20 credit that the Amazon rep gave me for the Augmented Edition will cover it, so I think I'll probably get it.
[quote name='Indignate']What was wrong with the ones you picked?[/QUOTE]

Fortify- hardly use it.
Social Enchancer- reload/google.
Battery- one bar and granola works well.

Like a dummy, I wasted points, got sidetracked, and forged ahead.

Reinvested the points into Hacking, came in handy on a mission where there were 12+ Soldiers crowded around a Turret...
[quote name='KrizB']Fortify- hardly use it.
Social Enchancer- reload/google.
Battery- one bar and granola works well.

Like a dummy, I wasted points, got sidetracked, and forged ahead.

Reinvested the points into Hacking, came in handy on a mission where there were 12+ Soldiers crowded around a Turret...[/QUOTE]

Looking back now and you saying that I have to agree. I spent points in battery and kinda wish I didn't.

I picked up Social Enhancer last night, I guess for 2 points it's not bad and does what I need it do, definitely wish I didn't spend as much in battery to get more as opposed to just increasing the recharge speed.

Oh and typhoon uses ammo doesn't it? I picked up quite a few boxes of typhoon ammo, unless there's a gun called the typhoon I haven't picked up yet.
Make sure you guys watch the credits in their entirety for an achievement. Great game was great. It also marks the first time I had a difficult time making a choice in how to mold the ending. Oh, and
Dr. Reed is a bitch. She cared nothing for Adam in the end. Malik on the other hand was literally throwing the pussy at him. I hope he eventually wised up.

Very intrigued to school myself on the other games now to see how everything turned out. Were any of them ported to the Xbox?
Invisible War is available on the original Xbox, and I believe the original Deus Ex is available on PS2. However, even an older computer would probably run it better than PS2 at this point.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Where is the Gamestop pre order side quest?[/QUOTE]

Sorry but anyone have the answer for this? Would rather not go to Gamefaqs if I don't have to.
FInally got to spend some time playing this. Mixed reactions at first, this game can kick your butt. Once I realized I needed to have patience and play the way the game wanted me to play, instead of how I like to play, then I started having fun. By that I mean you have to be methodical and plan out your movement very carefully. I can't see how anyone could 'run n' gun' this game.
I've been going in guns blazing on my second playthrough on the hardest setting without any serious problems yet. It's all been a matter of the right gear and proper positioning. Definitely wouldn't recommend it on an initial run but nowhere near impossible despite prior claims. I think people just take the mechanic's suggestion of stealth approach > all way too seriously.
I'd recommend playing the first DE on a PC, and if you're looking for those types of games, System Shock and System Shock 2 as well if you can find them.

Never played Invisible War, heard it was bad.
I enjoyed the fuck out of this game and I'm sooooo playing through it again! I enjoyed the story and the soundtrack gave me a :^o every time it kicked in. I also digged how all the augments can really change the way you play and how awesome some of them look. I have the other two Deus ex games via steam, I think I'll finally give those a try.
[quote name='gbpackers94']How long does it take to beat this including all the side missions?[/QUOTE]

A minimum of 40 hours from the reviews I've read plus my personal experience.
So how did you guys save
when it came down to it?

I took out a combat rifle and shot the far barrel, then took off to the right climbed the dumpster and stun gunned the first guy (one hit kill saves time) I then tossed a prox mine (I had amount 12 of these by disarming them through out the game and had no reason to use them until this point) which killed the guy to the left and the one walking up the stairs. I then tossed 4 down below to take out the 2 heavy weapons guys walking toward the plane. By this time the robot had dropped but wasnt out of its crate so I ran across to the opposite side and took out the 2 guys on the ground and the one up top.

All I had left was the sniper on the 3rd floor and the robot, I tossed 3 mines (that stuck to the robot) which blew it up and shot the sniper with a revolver.
...and thats the story of the first christmas.

Anyway, that was one of the best parts in recent memory of all the video games I played. Very intense and I like that I only had about 5 seconds to figure it out. Although I didnt get it on the first try I came up with the plan almost immediately.....although I did die four or 5 times by throwing mines far to close to my body. Its going to be hell doing it the next time through for the pacifist cheese.
You could probably cloak your way through that part if there aren't any vents to speak of. Tranq rifling is also another option. As for how I did it? Sniper rifle, shotgun, Typhoon abuse. Picked off anyone I could until the mech showed up, Typhooned it, ran to the nearest cover while blind firing to keep all aggro on me and cleaned house. A near fully upgraded Shotgun does f*cking WORK in this game. Took a few tries though to properly identify high level threats as well the health of you know who.

So glad that part wasn't canon because I would have been irked if that death were set in stone.
Was finally able to log in some decent hours yesterday, and I'm digging this game so far. What really does it for me is the atmosphere and vibe of the game - it's really well done.

I'm not the biggest fan of the Action-half of the gameplay, and I think it's one of the few stealth games (yes, it's a stealth game - just look at the difference in XP bonuses for stealth/non-stealth) that I feel like I'd have more fun if I were actually killing all the people I came across. Unfortunately, though, I already committed to the Pacifist route so I'm going to stick even if it costs me my sanity :lol:

I'm also getting kind of sick with the hacking mini-game (got the achievement for 50 terminals and I'm not even 10 hours in), but I can't stand leaving something unchecked and the rewards are often nice enough that I'll just suck it up and keep going. My main beef with it is the amount of luck that it's based on. I can hack a terminal, make it through one Level 1 node (with 15% detection probability) before setting off the trace sequence, reload my save, try it again, make it all the way through five Level 3 nodes without setting anything off, reload it a third time, and not even pass it. I just wish it was more skill-based, especially since I've already dedicated so many Praxis points to lowering my detection probability and increasing my hacking effectiveness.
I hardly ever get traced, even on the 4 and 5 level hacks and when I do, I have around 20 of each of the viruses to pull out.

I don't like the hacking anymore because it's gotten tedious.
I just REALLY wish I could respec my praxis points, how could they have not thought of that, like 1k or 2k credits for 1 praxis point back? They could at least do that since the Limb Clinic doesn't have unlimited praxis kits.

I want to take all the points back out of the extra batteries and put 1 more into fast recharge and put the rest else where.

Hell the leg augs are more useful than extra batteries.
Last weekend I hung out with a buddy of mine while he played deus ex (I was busy training on some SSFIV:AE). The game looked awesome and I saw a lot of influence from other games: MGS and splinter cell sneakiness, mass effect's conversation system, Resident Evil's inventory system, and even some Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay in the atmosphere. Does anybody else remember that game?
[quote name='hustletron']I just REALLY wish I could respec my praxis points, how could they have not thought of that, like 1k or 2k credits for 1 praxis point back? They could at least do that since the Limb Clinic doesn't have unlimited praxis kits.

I want to take all the points back out of the extra batteries and put 1 more into fast recharge and put the rest else where.

Hell the leg augs are more useful than extra batteries.[/QUOTE]

Amen. There are a lot of things they could have put more thought into like gun runners lacking ammo in bulk for instance. My dreams of pulling off Marcus Fenix shotgun Hard playthrough were immediately crushed due to the scarcity of ammo. If I want to use one gun for the entire game that isn't a 10MM pistol LET ME PLZKTHX. I'm already tired of cluttering up my inventory using the same loot I should be selling because gunplay and takedowns are the only ways to kill people.

Oh, and even on Hard the boss fights in this game are still jokes. All of them seem to have a fairly basic insta-win strategy you can't screw up on every difficulty even with zero augs boosting your health.

Still dig the utter hell of this game though for sure. My first real highlight purchase of this year putting more of the RPG back in the genre for sure.
Yeah. He's on the first floor of the hotel across from the help desk where one of the hookers is arguing with her 'client'. Very easy to miss because the sliding doors sort of blend in with the walls.
I believe there is also one in the Pod hotel. I think I accidentally killed him, but I have seen sites that suggest hes there and sells the revolver.
I just beat Barrett in my second playthrough and was wondering if anyone else is finding the Deus Ex (hard) setting to be no harder than normal? Just wondering if it somehow gets harder later in the game.
Not really... your definition is spot on. It's akin to ME1 Insanity (Hardcore 2.0 with buffed enemy health and immunity spam) minus the mind aching tedium. You're essentially playing on Normal with less player health and buffed enemy damage. If you play smart in either style (Stealth & Rambo) you won't have any serious problems (boss fights included). I haven't noticed any changes in AI behavior or number in general.

The only problem area I could think of is trying to save
Malik on your return trip to Hengsha.
I could imagine that requiring a few replays depending on your augs and inventory.
Beat the game the other day, will really go down as a top game for me. I loved it. I am currently replaying to get some cheesemints.
Great game. I love it. But I just don't care about the powers really. I end up picking inventory and jump simply because it gives me more exploration options. I wish there was a dragon sword :(
Just finished the game last night and have to say the multiple endings seem to play out a lot like in the first game
pretty much just 4 doors to walk through at the end (there is some criteria from about 15 minutes back you must fulfill for two of them).

It was fun but I am looking for the best way to trade it in at the moment. Any ideas? Amazon only offers $20.
The Cloak and Dagger Glitch---

I've found myself stuck in this side-mission at the part where you have to knock out the MCB member witness and neutralize all MCB opposition.

While I've knocked out the witness and taken out all the MCB members in that apartment, my HUD shows another marker for this element of the subquest, floating at a place that appears inaccessible.

Has anybody else experienced this? And more importantly, anyone know how to fix it?

I hope someone can help, because unfortunately I have no saves from before I began this mission, and I'm hoping I don't have to restart the game all over again... :whistle2:(It basically happens when you get the quest from Alexander and you have to knock out double T. 4 MCB members will appear in the apartment but 1 will bascially spawn indivisible and floating somewhere in space.

Google it and you will see a ton of instances where this happens.

I finally solved it by taking a traq gun and climbing to the 5 floor of the building where you take out the MCB members (the entrance is on the 4th) and aiming over the quest icon and firing until I somehow hit him and ended the mission.

Although this caused it to completely end the missions...couldnt even go back to Alexander to finish the mission. This means that Cloak and Dagger and Greed (or whatever the cheesemints that pops when you accept O'Mallys bribe) can not be achieved.
Hell yeah, I have 45 out of 49 cheesemints, 2 are glitched (cloak and dagger) 1 I wont even try because I hate collecting things and 1 I just cant seem to get.

Good news is I only have to play about 1/4 of the game again to get the glitched ones.

Pacifist and Foxiest of Hounds are almost impossible not to get when you are actually trying for them. About half way through my 2nd run through I was just openly sprinting past people who were clearly going into the alarmed/hostile state and I still got both.

Such a good game....probably wont wait for the DLC though but was the first of a slew of games that I want and need cash for.

Definitely cleaning house on my collection to get ready for the fall as I'm slowly making my way through this and will pretty much only play it until Gears.
bread's done