No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle -- January 2010 Release in Japan

So if NMH moves to another console, isn't the PS3 the perfect choice? For what it's worth, Natal and Sony's thing are both extra peripherals that would need to be bought. I don't think that's the way you want to start up a series on a new console. BUT, people forgot because it's used for absolutely nothing.... the Sixaxis/DS3 have motion controls built in. Think about it, the first NMH's control scheme would translate PERFECTLY to the Sixaxis.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']nice... interesting to see a video store clerk playable.[/QUOTE]

Henry's not the video store clerk; that's Bishop.

Henry's the Irish mutherfucker
that you had to fight for the True Ending
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']i'm glad he's leaving. no more heroes was an awful game. no more heroes is as bad as the other shovelware that are on the wii. he should have made this game for the 360/ps3, instead of making it for the wii.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='EXStrike']Henry's not the video store clerk; that's Bishop.

Henry's the Irish mutherfucker
that you had to fight for the True Ending
FOR the true ending or IN the true ending.
It's been a long time for me.

[quote name='Chronis']the Sixaxis/DS3 have motion controls built in. Think about it, the first NMH's control scheme would translate PERFECTLY to the Sixaxis.[/QUOTE]perfectly? I don't see that. maybe it would work maybe not but it wouldn't be as 'fitting' as the wii controls were. there were wrestling attacks where you split directions.
Finished it on the weekend. Only took a little over 10 hours, but I think I was on the easiest difficulty. The ending was awesome. One of the best games on the Wii.
Yeah, I played it on Mild the first time, and it got pretty hard towards the end. Then a few months ago, I started up a game on Bitter. It was pretty hard but there were only a few spots where it was insanely noticable. The kill the Pizza Butt CEO/kill everyone without getting hit missions were much harder, but the part that absolutely broke me.... Henry. It ended up taking me about 45 minutes on the round I finally beat him because I didn't want to take any risks. And even then, towards, the end, I got anxious and almost died. I've been meaning to start up a game on sweet and play through that with just the Bloodberry, but I eventually got distracted with Killer 7 (or should I say... Killer 8!) and Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked.

Edit.... apparantly I completely missed a sentence....
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Hell, I couldn't even do the don't get hit missions on Sweet (which was my first difficulty). Pizza Butt was easy on Sweet, but it's a real bitch on Bitter. I have some cash as of now left over to buy into the assassinations on Bitter (just beat Shinobu), but once I run out of the leftover money I think my best bet is to do the baseball missions for money.
@_@ I was actually talking about Bitter for most of my post but I forgot to mention it.

Anyway, gamble fight is pretty good to make money on. But on bitter, it's pretty hard, so have to make sure not to die. And I'd definitely suggest using the mkII.
Only a portion of the original city will be traveled, based on fan responses on the first game. The streets and sidewalks will be much more busier and cars will "get out of the way" of Travis' bike. There are construction signs and lights everywhere. One of the fighting grounds will be a "new school", "construction yard", and a graveyard. Not sure if the school is new in the sense that it is an additional one to the Santa Destroy High School or if it is just a remodeled SDHS.

Hell yes. More bosses and less overworld. It sounds like they're taking everything from the first game, and making it even more awesome.

The overworld was one of my few complaints about NMH, so it is good to see they're taking that into account. Even while it may be smaller, I do like that they're going to make it more interactive and responsive to player actions.
[quote name='j.elles']I can see why people didn't like what happened if you failed a mission, but I personally thought it fit the with the style and feel Suda was going for very well. But then again i'm a guy who loves Killer 7 with all it's faults as well.

Day 1 buy for me of course. If this has Wii motion plus that will be killer.[/QUOTE]

agree with all.

suda did say in interview (GS i think) that u would still control light katana with the A button. dont have time 2 find link, sorry.
I think I should pre-order this just because the first one owned, plus I only paid $20 for it.
Would love to support em and get a NMH3 out of it.
1up is doing a NMH2 weeklong special, with a variety of features planned:

First up is some new info from their "7 things" article:
- More information about the other two playable characters
Shinobu, who has been away in Asia becoming the top fighter there, is Travis' assistant and possible love interest. She is playable for the Million Gunman and New Destroyman stages. Sir Henry's stages were not mentioned, but they revealed that Dashing is his special ability.
- No MotionPlus support.
- There will be Classic Controller support.
I want a toilet paper preorder bonus. Or at least SOMETHING cool.


Going for my 4th play-through, second time on bitter.
I'm so looking forward to playing as Henry. And since it also has Shinobu playable, I'm very excited for NMH 2 and I haven't been like that for a game's squeal for a while.
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Box art (from Amazon):

ESRB rating Summary:
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Platform: Wii
Rating: Mature

Content descriptors: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language

Rating summary:

Players assume the role of Travis, an anime-watching assassin who fights his way through the ranks to become the number-one assassin. Being an assassin means using a retractable katana blade (i.e., a laser sword); it means slicing, chopping, and dismembering human enemies to death in this highly-stylized (somewhat "cartoony"), cell-shaded action game. The depictions of violence in the game are intense, yet somewhat exaggerated: men in black suits are sliced in-half as blood and money flow from their bodies; an assassin with a boombox does not recover after his lower torso has been chopped off—after blood shoots from his empty waist like a geyser; and two women (clad in bikinis) get suspended in mid-air, get caught between the flashing lights, lasers, and frenetic sword swipes of an assassins' duel—the women's heads slide across the floor once the men stop fighting. Cutscenes depict more dismemberment: assassins slicing each other into several pieces in slow-motion, enemies pulling their own heads off, characters displaying trophy-heads on silver platters. These over-the-top depictions of violence account for the Mature rating; they also account for the Intense Violence and Blood and Gore descriptors. The language is strong, too, as characters sometimes use the phrases "f**king a*shole," "f**khead," and "You gotta be sh**tin' me!"

The game contains sexual overtones and partial nudity. Players can watch portions of an anime show called Bizarre Jelly; the opening credits depict a female character whose clothes suddenly disappear, revealing her bare buttocks (one-to-two seconds). Game dialogue contains sexual references, including the phrases "dirty nympho," "the one that's throbbing," and "I feel like that pervy teacher in a porn." Female assassins are depicted in low-cut tops, thongs, short schoolgirl uniforms, and fishnet bondage-style outfits; breasts and buttocks jiggle, and the camera often lingers (there is no equivalent physics applied to male body parts). A couple of cutscenes contain strong sexual innuendo: when characters enter a store, a surprised clerk struggles with his belt buckle and zips up his pants (e.g., "I was just. Uh, doing inventory."); a woman moves a katana blade in front of a man's groin, kneels down, and kisses it (the blade), causing the retractable laser to extend. The battery meter for Travis's sword is always represented by a cartoon-like penis icon in the upper-right corner of the screen: as battery power runs out, the icon starts to shrink—a sad face appears.
The battery meter for Travis's sword is always represented by a cartoon-like penis icon in the upper-right corner of the screen: as battery power runs out, the icon starts to shrink—a sad face appears.
fuck yes. Even Suda 51 celebrates Cocksmas!
I'm not going to lie, I've been looking forward to this (and Bayonetta) so much that I completely forgot that RE: Darkside Chronicles came out.
i just saw the preview for the Sequel the other day and I am so excited. I love it when Nintendo puts on the big boy pants and works with Rated M
Does anyone have any thoughts on whether it would be wiser to preorder this or wait a while for price drops? The first one went pretty low, but I don't know if they are planning as large a print run for the sequel.
Considering it's pretty much fact that third party games will bomb on the Wii, I can't imagine Ubi is going to be going with a large print run. But then you have to remember that pretty much every Ubisodt game over the last 2-3 years has dropped $10-$20 within 3 months of release and even more a few more months down. Honestly, imo, it's a crapshoot. There's the chance that it sells better than anyone is anticipating and that it sells out until Ubi can get another print going. Or is can follow the mold Ubi has set with it's other stuff.
Apparently, there was a NMH2 press event on the first week of December, and the embargo lifts December 16th. In the meantime, it seems that Ubi is trickling out these short teaser videos to different web sites. Their style is to look seemingly harmless, yet judging by some of the posts in the GAF topic, these videos may hide a potential wealth of information about storyline, potential assassination targets, and gameplay mechanics.

So far, my favorite of the bunch is IGN's combat trailer*
GameSpot Workout
1up Shinobu Master
GamesRadar Sultry Sylvia

Embedded teasers (Youtube & GameTrailers):
Travis' Jobs
"Fresh Air"

If you notice, at two points in the IGN combat video, there is a tiger. Something peculiar about this tiger: it's attacking enemies, henchmen to be precise, judging by the geyser of blood and money. This leads me to look at two possible theories, either you play as some kind of tiger at some point, or this is meant to be a new power/replacement for the super modes from the first game.
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[quote name='Chronis']Considering it's pretty much fact that third party games will bomb on the Wii, I can't imagine Ubi is going to be going with a large print run. But then you have to remember that pretty much every Ubisodt game over the last 2-3 years has dropped $10-$20 within 3 months of release and even more a few more months down. Honestly, imo, it's a crapshoot. There's the chance that it sells better than anyone is anticipating and that it sells out until Ubi can get another print going. Or is can follow the mold Ubi has set with it's other stuff.[/QUOTE]

Not only do you clearly know nothing about Wii sales you don't even now that NMH was a successful game on the Wii and Grasshoper Ent. best selling game.
bread's done