NO MORE HEROES Discussion - FS/FT Pure White Giant Glastonbury LE Pink Cartridge

i will definatly get this. that is if i can find a wii to buy by feb. :(

i hope its popular here and not just a sleeper hit because i like what suda 51 does with their art style. I mean the game just look beautiful and very artistic.
I play with the idea of putting cards reading "I fucking hate you." and "You're suffocating me, you rotten bitch." in between the Hallmark greeting cards in stores.
[quote name='CouRageouS']We should ask Cheapy to go pick up the game. Maybe when they see big whitey playing it, they'll be intrigued to do so as well. It would be funny if he made a video trying to find a copy of it as well, then stumble upon stacks and stacks at every store. :lol:[/quote]

ya cheapy should buy this game and see if its good!
Ubisoft confirmed the new date:

Need an update thread title. Famitsu score of 8.5.

Here's also an image of the game's comic book style game manual:

[quote name='EXStrike']It's not going to be a comic?[/quote]I don't recall the last time an instruction manual with a cool design was actually localized as-is for the US release. Can't find pictures of the Zack & Wiki manual, but I seem to recall in Japan they got a nice map-like manual, while we got... you know, the usual.
On the latest On the Spot at GameSpot, they run through one of the levels of the game. It looks hell of a lot of fun, I can't wait to pick it up.
A lightsaber gift as a preorder? That beats the shit out a coin, dunno if id prefer that over a $25 gift cert though. If it was a real, functioning, actual lightsaber I would definitely take the lightsaber but if its one of those shity flashlights with a colored tube onthe end you can keep it.
Now I really have to get to the store and preorder this. I guess I'll have to wait on Burnout Paradise for a couple extra weeks now.

Oh well, I'm not really liking the changes to the series, and I really want to be able to spend time on No More Heroes and AWDS2 anyway.
Hmm I almost want to preorder this because I am worried that this game will get censored like manhunt 2, but since there are no bonuses I think I should be fine if I get it launch week. I really wish we got the toilet paper as a preorder bonus though, that would be so cool.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Hmm I almost want to preorder this because I am worried that this game will get censored like manhunt 2, but since there are no bonuses I think I should be fine if I get it launch week. I really wish we got the toilet paper as a preorder bonus though, that would be so cool.[/quote]Preordering won't help any if it's censored. ;) But I don't think it will be, just over-the-top blood that's in every other M-rated game.

And the toilet paper was actually a freebie when you picked up the game (but no one did :whistle2:() The preorder bonus was a little beam katana keychain.
[quote name='botticus']Preordering won't help any if it's censored. ;) But I don't think it will be, just over-the-top blood that's in every other M-rated game.

And the toilet paper was actually a freebie when you picked up the game (but no one did :whistle2:() The preorder bonus was a little beam katana keychain.[/quote]See I am that paranoid that I am afraid that somehow my stores will sell out of this game and by the time they get stock back in the game has been censored :lol:. Besides Mario Galaxy and Brawl this is the game I was most looking forward too in 07 and I just can't wait to play this.
So it is a sanbox title right? where you go around in a GTA type world and just select random missions and assignments (some part of the main story and some not)?
Which version is better? PS2 or GC? Keeping in mind that I've never had any trouble with the GC controller - even on games like Soul Calibur.
It at least started development on the Gamecube, being that it was originally part of the Capcom 5 exclusive deal.

I cant imagine the PS2 version being better. On par at best, but not better.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']It at least started development on the Gamecube, being that it was originally part of the Capcom 5 exclusive deal.

I cant imagine the PS2 version being better. On par at best, but not better.[/quote]

I've played through both and the GCN version is just 'crisper' all around. Slightly cleaner models, textures, and very slightly faster load times. If you've got both systems available, go for GCN.
From the GameSpot review of Killer 7: Numerous other interruptions abound in the form of fairly brief but noticeable loading times that crop up in between all the bite-sized portions of the game's missions. These are noticeably longer in the PlayStation 2 version of the game, and that difference alone is enough to make the GameCube version the superior of the two. It's also marginally better-looking, and the aiming controls feel a little more responsive on the GameCube as well.

Can't wait to play this, I'm not sure if I'm going to buy it blindly though. Might have to wait for a few reviews, I don't want it end up being complete trash and I'm out $50.00... I rarely buy games at release, so when I do I want it to be good.
I've bought more games at release this generation than any other. And we're only a year in. Ow.

Well, I won't be getting any new games after February for some time. Might pick up Geometry Wars, Trauma Center, Ghost Squad, etc. at some point used, but that's it.

Unless SSBB gets delayed again. *shudder*
I have a hard time seeing how a blind buy of this will be bad. The Wii is really lacking solid non first party titles, and this one seems to be the most solid of the bunch (aside from Zack and Wiki).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I have a hard time seeing how a blind buy of this will be bad. The Wii is really lacking solid non first party titles, and this one seems to be the most solid of the bunch (aside from Zack and Wiki).[/quote]
You forgot Nitrobike:

I understand that but if I only have $50.00 in my pocket, I'm getting Smash Bros. Brawl over No More Heroes. That, and I haven't bought Zack and Wiki yet. Don't worry, I'll probably pick up No More Heroes on day one regardless... I've been waiting long enough.
I'll get it, maybe not new but as some other people mentioned, the great non-first party titles on the Wii could be more abundant so I'll take an opportunity for a more mature/darker game like this when I can get it.
[quote name='Strell']If I have $50.00 in my pocket, I'm getting your mom over Smash Bros.

10 times over even.[/quote]
I'll be getting your mom... 20 times over!


So what are you guys doing to save money on this? I was hoping to trade in the copy of Brawl from Wal-Mart's price fuck-up, but to no one's surprise they're not honoring those orders. So I'm probably gonna use my Mario Galaxy gift card if I can't find something else.
bread's done