Hahah if I was running a yard sale and saw someone with a scanner I would quote them a stupidly high price saying something like "I paid $50 for this and only played it a few times so its $30".
There isn't any substitute for knowledge since there will be stacks of games without barcodes, I wonder what they do when they find some of those.
Moreover, I would rather give my stuff away to people who I know could use it rather than let one of these people get to the stash. Any games I didn't want could be donated to the local library since my library rents video games where the entire community would then get to enjoy it.
I wonder what it is with Dance central for the Kinect, must be a pretty bad game if people are willing to dump it for $3 and $10 when the amazon trade in value is still high.
Most of the games around here are lame PS2 games, but that is good if you want something to play because there are some good titles in the mix its just the titles don't have much value on the secondary market. I have a feeling the PS2 dumping will be huge this year. But I haven't found a PS2 game that is worth anything more than $5 on ebay in the wild so they aren't gonna make much on reselling them if any.
Again a lot of games are worthless at sales so you have to look for other stuff at the sales, if the scanner isn't looking and is only relying on his scanner for books, games, dvd's and other media then he is really losing out on the real gems of the yard sales.
There isn't any substitute for knowledge since there will be stacks of games without barcodes, I wonder what they do when they find some of those.
Moreover, I would rather give my stuff away to people who I know could use it rather than let one of these people get to the stash. Any games I didn't want could be donated to the local library since my library rents video games where the entire community would then get to enjoy it.
I wonder what it is with Dance central for the Kinect, must be a pretty bad game if people are willing to dump it for $3 and $10 when the amazon trade in value is still high.
Most of the games around here are lame PS2 games, but that is good if you want something to play because there are some good titles in the mix its just the titles don't have much value on the secondary market. I have a feeling the PS2 dumping will be huge this year. But I haven't found a PS2 game that is worth anything more than $5 on ebay in the wild so they aren't gonna make much on reselling them if any.
Again a lot of games are worthless at sales so you have to look for other stuff at the sales, if the scanner isn't looking and is only relying on his scanner for books, games, dvd's and other media then he is really losing out on the real gems of the yard sales.