Official: Battlestar Galactica Season 4 Discussion Thread **BEWARE OF SPOILERS**

Good point Ryan, I didn't think about the money. The new ship sets cost a lot and maybe they want to get their money's worth.

My problem is with so much going on, why did we have to have two episodes in a row that just dealt with the same issues and ignored the other ones? Even if they just added 3 minutes of The President or Lee or Adama, anyone else the last episode would have been a lot better.

Plus once again, the whole "Starbuck is letting a Cylon on board!" thing was lame when there was already a Cylon on board! I just can't get over that part.
Although last night was a better episode than anything in the past month, it seemed like the pacing was off.

Seems like removing the chip that restricted the centurions is coming back to bite them in the ass. I'm guessing more of that will happen in the next few weeks.

Was it just me or did the scenes with the president seem too long. It was a nice touch that they added yet another Star Trek actor in BSG(Nana Visitor, aka Major Kira on DS9).
[quote name='tangytangerine']Although last night was a better episode than anything in the past month, it seemed like the pacing was off.

Seems like removing the chip that restricted the centurions is coming back to bite them in the ass. I'm guessing more of that will happen in the next few weeks.

Was it just me or did the scenes with the president seem too long. It was a nice touch that they added yet another Star Trek actor in BSG(Nana Visitor, aka Major Kira on DS9).[/quote]

Agreed on pretty much all counts. I'm really not happy about being right about this.
Everyone can see what is coming from a mile away, and yet they need to spend several episodes showings us every damn detail.

Get on with the show already!
fucking awesome episode! Absolutely incredible.
Kara becoming the harbinger of death was a nice bombshell for me. I'd say the identity of the four known (to us) cylons is maybe 2 or 3 episodes away. :)
[quote name='daphatty']fucking awesome episode! Absolutely incredible.
Kara becoming the harbinger of death was a nice bombshell for me. I'd say the identity of the four known (to us) cylons is maybe 2 or 3 episodes away. :)

You didn't watch Razor in November? They said it in that.

I like how "them" can be humans or Cylons.
I enjoyed the episode last night, we got a lot of resolution for the Starbuck storyline that's been going on, and they set up some very interesting new plot threads (will Adama let the basestar join the fleet?).

[quote name='ryanbph']yeah the episode was very weak...when did
boomer became such a trusted person...last i checked she was a confirmed cyclon...and boomer along with some members of the rest of the crew were calling starbuck a toaster...what the fuck is up with boomer being a lead in the group cyclon hunt
She became trusted when she got the keys to ships on New Caprica right before the rescue operation, allowing everyone to escape. After that they knew she had defected.

[quote name='evanft']Yep yep yep. What did I tell you? 20 episodes=too much time to fill=boring episodes like last night's.
I agree, every season of Battlestar Galactica should of been 13 episodes, not 20. 20 just leaves room for too much filler.
[quote name='daphatty']fucking awesome episode! Absolutely incredible.
Kara becoming the harbinger of death was a nice bombshell for me. I'd say the identity of the four known (to us) cylons is maybe 2 or 3 episodes away. :)

Like BigDaddy said, welcome to November. :lol:
[quote name='evanft']Like BigDaddy said, welcome to November. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Actually, I watched Razor long before any of you. That being said, I totally forgot about that. Starbuck should not have been so shocked to hear that, especially since she's heard it before.

I need to go back and watch that show.

EDIT: Ok. Just re-watched Razor. My bad. Thrace didn't speak to the hybrid so she had no way of knowing about the prophecy. Still, that revelation hit me like an atom bomb during last night's episode.
i somewhat enjoyed last weeks was an improvement over the previous couple of episodes...yes the presidents sequences felt long, but I have always felt that whenever she is on the screen.
[quote name='HuBu']i agree, last's night was great.

i wonder whats the meaning behind gaita singing.[/quote]

Opera... Opera House... Final Cylon....
"Jump!" Totally, didn't see that one coming. Awesome episode.

[quote name='HuBu']i agree, last's night was great.

i wonder whats the meaning behind gaita singing.[/QUOTE]

Yea, was anyone able to pick out the lyrics? I couldn't quite make out what he was singing.
[quote name='SpeedyG']I think Gaeta is a touch too obvious at this point.[/QUOTE]

If it is Gaeta, both him and Tigh can get a shiny new leg and eye, assuming of course the resurrection hub doesnt get blown up.
[quote name='SpeedyG']I think Gaeta is a touch too obvious at this point.[/quote]

Yeah, I don't think it's Gaeta at all. I have a feeling it's gonna be somewhat out of nowhere with who it is. I read one decent theory that said all of humanity was the final cylon. I mean, that whole "All this has happened before..." talk combined with the centurions maybe starting to rebel, the skinjobs becoming mortal, etc. could lead one to that conclusion.
[quote name='pinoy530']If it is Gaeta, both him and Tigh can get a shiny new leg and eye, assuming of course the resurrection hub doesnt get blown up.[/quote]

The final five are not in the hub anyways.
Do any of you guys listen to the producer's podcast? He gives some insight into why they did things a certain way (it is essentially a commentary of each episode). But I do have to say he is kind of annoying because he has a "scotch" of choice and says a bunch of people's names wrong.
yeah i have listened to ronald moores podcast in the past...i am a little behind this year...

great episode this week....I would loved to see tom zarek be the 5th as his role on the show has increased some this year.
moore has new podcasts for this season up? i thought there was some complications with scifi not being able to put it up.

must check.

so far just 403-407.
yeah moores podcast are severl weeks behind the shows...but they have been going up every friday the past 2 weeks

I am pretty sure that they want caprica to do what bsg did and go from a tv movie to a tv series
Caprica will come out, most likely bomb, and then they will make more TV movies dealing with connecting Caprica to BSG.

They better not end BSG in some lame way and then make a TV movie to end it.
Reading the descriptions for the next three episodes(look on for the descriptions), it looks like they're really going to stretch revealing the final model. They don't even get to the attack on the resurrection ship until 2 weeks from now(meaning next week's episode is setting up to be a disappointment).

Hopefully there's at least one full episode before the end on earth. It would be kinda lame to end it with "oh, there's earth" and let the credits roll.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Reading the descriptions for the next three episodes(look on for the descriptions), it looks like they're really going to stretch revealing the final model. They don't even get to the attack on the resurrection ship until 2 weeks from now(meaning next week's episode is setting up to be a disappointment).

Hopefully there's at least one full episode before the end on earth. It would be kinda lame to end it with "oh, there's earth" and let the credits roll.[/quote]

Yes, that would be called Star Trek Voyager. :lol:

Earth and Cylon...
They find Earth without finding out who the 5th Cylon is. It seems that they may find Earth by episode 10 or 11, but not the final Cylon until the end.

But yeah they are REALLY dragging it out. I'm now thankful that Sci-fi didn't give them a season 5 like Moore wanted, that would have been horrible.
I dunno if they are really dragging it out or not. More then 1/2 the episodes have been solid. There were a couple that were pretty weak. I just listened to moore's podcast on one of the shows that I thought was weak, and he was talking about a long slow building up of several small plot lines. He went on to say something to the effect that several things that don't seem to make sense now, will by the end. I personally don't always like that style of storytelling on TV, as it has the chance to be horrible or great but I will give them the benefit of the doubt untill the season is over.
Didn't care for the episode. People have always seemed to act in strange and random ways on the show, but this episode brought it to a whole new level.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Didn't care for the episode. People have always seemed to act in strange and random ways on the show, but this episode brought it to a whole new level.[/quote]

It's worse than season 2.5? That's when everyone started acting like freaks. Then season 3 seemed to fix it in the beginning and then threw it out the window later.
Is the theme of those pics supposed to be "the bad girls of Galactica" or something? Where are those from anyway?

As for fridays show, I caught the UK airing(ah, the benefits of the internet). Definitely more than a filler.

I'm going to ask something now, so that people that watch friday's episode can answer it after it airs. Because it had me a bit puzzled.
WTF was the deal with the cat? It's been dead for awhile, yet it shown in some of the earlier scenes. Not to mention was he the only one that saw it or did Lee see it too?
[quote name='tangytangerine']Is the theme of those pics supposed to be "the bad girls of Galactica" or something? Where are those from anyway?

As for fridays show, I caught the UK airing(ah, the benefits of the internet). Definitely more than a filler.

I'm going to ask something now, so that people that watch friday's episode can answer it after it airs. Because it had me a bit puzzled.
WTF was the deal with the cat? It's been dead for awhile, yet it shown in some of the earlier scenes. Not to mention was he the only one that saw it or did Lee see it too?

That is indeed the theme, and they're from Interview magazine. :D
[quote name='bigdaddy']It's worse than season 2.5? That's when everyone started acting like freaks. Then season 3 seemed to fix it in the beginning and then threw it out the window later.[/QUOTE]
I'd say so, yeah. They were making even less sense than usual, and that really says something. I'm still surprised that I enjoy Galactica as much as I do, despite the fact that I hate almost every single character on the show.

The real kicker was...
Adama appointing Tigh as the new commander of Galactica and giving him the whole "You're the only man I can trust" spiel DESPITE the fact that Adama learned that Tigh was fucking the imprisoned Six in the very same episode. Oh, and then there's the fact that Tigh is a sloppy drunk and a wife-murderer. Clearly he's the perfect man to command an entire fleet.
[quote name='bigdaddy']It's worse than season 2.5? That's when everyone started acting like freaks. Then season 3 seemed to fix it in the beginning and then threw it out the window later.[/QUOTE]
I'd say so, yeah. They were making even less sense than usual, and that really says something. I'm still surprised that I enjoy Galactica as much as I do, despite the fact that I hate almost every single character on the show.

The real kicker was...
Adama appointing Tigh as the new commander of Galactica and giving him the whole "You're the only man I can trust" spiel DESPITE the fact that Adama learned that Tigh was fucking the imprisoned Six in the very same episode. Oh, and then there's the fact that Tigh is a sloppy drunk and a wife-murderer. Clearly he's the perfect man to command an entire fleet.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']I'd say so, yeah. They were making even less sense than usual, and that really says something. I'm still surprised that I enjoy Galactica as much as I do, despite the fact that I hate almost every single character on the show.

The real kicker was...
Adama appointing Tigh as the new commander of Galactica and giving him the whole "You're the only man I can trust" spiel DESPITE the fact that Adama learned that Tigh was fucking the imprisoned Six in the very same episode. Oh, and then there's the fact that Tigh is a sloppy drunk and a wife-murderer. Clearly he's the perfect man to command an entire fleet.

Wow that does sound bad.

The thing with the show is when it's good it's GGGGOOOOOODDD, but when it's bad it's like "I'm watching this trash?". The first season and a half was near perfect, then they lost there way. Every once and awhile they get it right, but I don't know. I think I'm still watching just because Doctor Who is on around the same time, and I want to see how crazy it will end.
[quote name='bigdaddy']Wow that does sound bad.

The thing with the show is when it's good it's GGGGOOOOOODDD, but when it's bad it's like "I'm watching this trash?". The first season and a half was near perfect, then they lost there way. Every once and awhile they get it right, but I don't know. I think I'm still watching just because Doctor Who is on around the same time, and I want to see how crazy it will end.[/quote]

I agree with most of what you said...I don't agree with the first season and a half being perfect....I think they have had some really shitty episodes all along, but they have also had a ton of great episodes.
I said near perfect. :p

The episode where Tigh's wife just magically shows up is over the top.

I actually figured out when the show started to go to hell, it's when they stopped saying how many days after the attack it had been. I think the writers needed that to figure out where to go next.
Boxing episode, and then that 3-4 episode run in the middle of season 3 where everything went to shit. You can lose a couple from this season as well.
I can't fucking believe that
tigh got the 6 pregnant! Now we KNOW cylons can reproduce. I wonder if it had something to do with the resurecction ship being destroyed? I'm also looking forward to Deanna 3's return. That should be one hell of an episode. Hello Colonel Tigh...

You know, the more that I think about it, the more I realize that
I should have listened to my suspicions about Tigh being a cylon. Remember when Deanna apologized to one of the final five? I always imagined Deanna was apologizing to Tigh since he was the most physically affected by the occupation of New Caprica.
In regard to your spoiler,
I think that they can reproduce when they're in love (remember she asks him if he loves her?) and none of the cylons (at least it hasn't been shown) have been in love together before this.

Also, did anyone else have the preview of next week showing the cylon that was "boxed" telling Laura Roslin she was the final Cylon??? That's got to be wrong right? They wouldn't give away something that huge in a preview for next week... :bomb:

[quote name='daphatty']I can't fucking believe that
tigh got the 6 pregnant! Now we KNOW cylons can reproduce. I wonder if it had something to do with the resurecction ship being destroyed? I'm also looking forward to Deanna 3's return. That should be one hell of an episode. Hello Colonel Tigh...

You know, the more that I think about it, the more I realize that
I should have listened to my suspicions about Tigh being a cylon. Remember when Deanna apologized to one of the final five? I always imagined Deanna was apologizing to Tigh since he was the most physically affected by the occupation of New Caprica.
[quote name='Shan82']In regard to your spoiler,
I think that they can reproduce when they're in love (remember she asks him if he loves her?) and none of the cylons (at least it hasn't been shown) have been in love together before this.

Also, did anyone else have the preview of next week showing the cylon that was "boxed" telling Laura Roslin she was the final Cylon??? That's got to be wrong right? They wouldn't give away something that huge in a preview for next week... :bomb:
I'm sure that was just creative editing, aren't Tyrol and Sam on the basestar?
[quote name='Kirin Lemon'] People have always seemed to act in strange and random ways on the show, but this episode brought it to a whole new level.[/QUOTE]

People have always seemed to act in strange and random ways in real life too :lol:

For better or worse, that's what makes things interesting.
[quote name='Shan82']In regard to your spoiler,
I think that they can reproduce when they're in love (remember she asks him if he loves her?) and none of the cylons (at least it hasn't been shown) have been in love together before this.

Also, did anyone else have the preview of next week showing the cylon that was "boxed" telling Laura Roslin she was the final Cylon??? That's got to be wrong right? They wouldn't give away something that huge in a preview for next week... :bomb:

RDM's said that the Final Five work fundamentally different than the Original flavor Cylons. Everything is out the window, from no reproduction to if they even could download. (I doubt they have spare Final bodies sitting around for the D'annas to oogle anyway :p)
bread's done