Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

Okay you are both good. io, I'll get you in first, what time can you be on tonight? And chubby rough estimate? So I can text my friend :D

Only thing these two helping want is to listen and communicate which I'm sure won't be an issue. Have your cards and boons on. You'll be amazed at how good they are. :D
I have to Sherpa my son around tonight in real life. I can be on around midnight or so Pacific.

Well, fuck me.  We tried 3 times to get to the Lighthouse and it didn't happen.  One time (or was it both the first two times?) we were there at 8 wins but of course couldn't quite get there.

I appreciate Vendetta hooking me up with these guys and they were very helpful, but it seems like it just isn't meant to be for me.  It is pretty frustrating because while I acknowledge I'm not the greatest PvP player, I'm certain that much worse players than me have been carried to the Lighthouse.   Part of the problem is that I'm always trying to do this stuff late at night and that's the exclusive domain of the sweaties.  I really should do it mid-day but that's hard to do with the family up and about.

What's worse was that all of this was being streamed and I can only imagine what people in the chat were saying about me.

I was really feeling much better this summer by staying away from this game.  Last night brought out all the frustration and stress that this game causes and I'm feeling like I should just stay away from it.  I know I said that last summer as well (when I seriously considered not getting Taken King) but I ended up getting back into it regardless.  So I'll probably get Rise of Iron, but, man, nights like that really have me considering wiping it from my Xbox - and for a short time I even thought of making a video of me destroying my Xbox and being done with it once and for all ;).

One of the streamers told me I could contact her today and she'd try to get me through and it is seriously tempting, but I just don't know if I want to go through all that again.  And I guess next week is the last one for Trials until after the DLC comes out.  It is so much less stressful to go out to a park and catch Magicarps...

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Well, fuck me. We tried 3 times to get to the Lighthouse and it didn't happen. One time (or was it both the first two times?) we were there at 8 wins but of course couldn't quite get there.

I appreciate Vendetta hooking me up with these guys and they were very helpful, but it seems like it just isn't meant for me. It is pretty frustrating because while I acknowledge I'm not the greatest PvP player, I'm certain that much worse players than me have been carried to the Lighthouse. Part of the problem is that I'm always trying to do this stuff late at night and that's the exclusive domain of the sweaties. I really should do it mid-day but that's hard to do with the family up and about.

What's worse was that all of this was being streamed and I can only imagine what people in the chat were saying about me.

I was really feeling much better this summer by staying away from this game. Last night brought out all the frustration and stress that this game causes and I'm feeling like I should just stay away from it. I know I said that last summer as well (when I seriously considered not getting Taken King) but I ended up getting back into it regardless. So I'll probably get Rise of Iron, but, man, nights like that really have me considering wiping it from my Xbox - and for a short time I even thought of making a video of me destroying my Xbox and being done with it once and for all ;).

One of the streamers told me I could contact her today and she'd try to get me through and it is seriously tempting, but I just don't know if I want to go through all that again. And I guess next week is the last one for Trials until after the DLC comes out. It is so much less stressful to go out to a park and catch Magicarps...
You could always "donate" to a good sweaty streamer If you're desperate to go there.
That would be even worse because I'd pay and still not get there ;).
We got you there!! Mel is good peoples. Rojo is just godly. Glad we got you there. In the future it'll be less sweaty after more people play after ROI comes out. That Cat Emblem is sexy too ;)

That's be great if we can sync up. I do appreciate it. How about 12:30 EST? Too early/too late? I'll get suited and booted prior to that. And, having sherpa'd my share of times in raids and what not, I can also appreciate how important communication is and when to follow orders. We good :D/
I'll try to get you in this upcoming weekend. I'll find out best time for them and lets try to make it happen!

We got you there!! Mel is good peoples. Rojo is just godly. Glad we got you there. In the future it'll be less sweaty after more people play after ROI comes out. That Cat Emblem is sexy too ;)
We just got a small black kitten a week ago so the emblem was very appropriate. Yesterday he was chewing on my mic cord - had to make sure he didn't cut me off there ;).

Yep, so we hit a couple of sweaties early on and reset our card once or twice before we got too far. Then it was going to be pretty much the last run since Mel had to go soon. All that hardship finally paid off though! On that last run we went truly flawless (didn't even use the mercy boon). I think it helped that half way through, after getting some moderately tough early teams, we switched hosts to Rojo who is on the West Coast. So instead of serious East Coast gamers playing at 1am, we got slightly less serious West Coasters at 10pm. The last 3-4 matches went pretty smoothly. While I didn't do much overall relative to the other two, I did save a round, and I think maybe even a victory, with a well placed Titan smash on a self-rezzer and his friend. Thanks to the change to video capture (I know it changed from "Xbox Record That" to something else but I couldn't remember it in time) I missed out on getting video of it. So sad. I'm kind of pissed they changed that as it worked so well before. I fuck ing hate having to say "Cortana".

If I do this again I definitely want to try it mid-day to see how it differs.

From the Lighthouse chest I got the cat emblem Vendetta mentioned, which is pretty damn cool. But best of all I got an Adept Doctrine of Passing, which I can't wait to use in Iron banner against all those people who killed me with it there before! Afterwards, I took it into Doubles to get my last Sterling Treasure for the week (finally got the Hunter cloak!) and was wrecking pretty good with it, even without most of the upgrades. My third item was the Titan mark. I wasn't even aware there was special armor just from the chest, so I guess it is just as well I got the mark since I'll never put together a full set of the armor pieces. I also got the regular Trials chest piece (from 5 wins) for the Titan which is pretty cool since I never even got that in Year 1. I got the ship (or one of them) yesterday during the failed runs, so they weren't a total loss. The drops overall from even the higher rank matches were pretty poor though - I seem to remember getting a lot more stuff from it in Year 1. Other than that all I got were duplicate standard Trials bonds and marks (and the rank 7 weapon which was a meh rocket launcher). Unfortunately my gold tier bounty turned into an artifact, which happened so many times to me early on when I played Trials via LFG just to get the bounties done. Would have liked another piece of Titan armor instead.

I think I played a little better on my Titan than on my Warlock. If I try it again next week (and Melody offered to run me then as well) I might try my Hunter.

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After reading all this Trials stuff and watching some videos online about it and seeing people carrying gear that I think came from it, I would love to go through it.  But is it mandatory to be good at shotguns to do it? :D

After reading all this Trials stuff and watching some videos online about it and seeing people carrying gear that I think came from it, I would love to go through it. But is it mandatory to be good at shotguns to do it? :D
It would probably be better to be good at snipers, which I am most definitely not so I run shotgun. I'm not great at that either, really... So you either need to be able to pop people quickly in sniper lanes or run in and handle yourself out in the open with a shotgun (and knowing the map well is key to both). I would often get twisted around and have no idea where the enemies were when we ran out in the open (by that middle cube in Pantheon). I play better with my primary, which apparently is not so important in Trials (though I was also much better once I switched from Red Death to Grasp of Malok - so using the right primary for your playstyle and the map is also key). But it seems like most kills are with secondaries and abilities. I'm also pretty decent at placing lightning grenades which is why I think I did better as a Striker than as a Voidwalker (though Axion Bolts can be useful too, and both have similar supers).

It's all about your team being able to pick one guy off first and then putting the other team on the defensive. And, if not that, being able to get revives quickly and effectively (without letting them get rez sniped for example). Meanwhile you are building supers and need to use them effectively and counter what the other guys have (for example using my slam to kill off an Bladedancer or Stormcaller).

So Vendetta told me afterwards that the beastly guy who helped me last night was only 14. He certainly didn't sound or act like it. I'd say he didn't play like it either, but I'd personally love to have the reflexes of a 14 year-old so I won't go there ;).

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The final Shaxx bounty can glitch out to show partial completion/completed.
Remember a friend telling me about it and it is possible to replicate the glitch each week. Not sure on the steps, but you can probably bing for the answer ;)

Never bothered to really try since I'm usually gonna play anyway and get the bounties done. So I just take it as a bonus if some of it shows completed, lol. Gives me an extra Shaxx bounty to carry over into the next week.
I actually just ran into an issue with this (carrying his bounties into the next week). He had two of the same bounties as last week, so I couldn't pick them up until I turned in the old ones. Once I did that, I didn't have the option to pick up those two bounties anymore and could only pick up four total. The same thing happened with the Crucible Quartermaster.
I actually just ran into an issue with this (carrying his bounties into the next week). He had two of the same bounties as last week, so I couldn't pick them up until I turned in the old ones. Once I did that, I didn't have the option to pick up those two bounties anymore and could only pick up four total. The same thing happened with the Crucible Quartermaster.
Isn't that how it is supposed to behave?

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I'm just going to throw my hat in the ring here. If anyone is on late at night and sees me on xbox one or 360 feel free to send me an invite or friend request GT genegritz.
My usual fireteam is in bed asleep by the time I jump on anymore and it's getting boring running strikes by myself and playing pvp.
I still having been able to complete kings fall, but I'm decent for the most part.
I also like to run trials for bounties, but win about 1 in 20 matches, so I'll probably never get to the lighthouse.
Isn't that how it is supposed to behave?

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
I've never paid close enough attention to know that. :)

But that goes counter to what he mentioned about saving carrying bounties to the next week, but I guess only if both weeks have the same bounties.
I've never paid close enough attention to know that. :)

But that goes counter to what he mentioned about saving carrying bounties to the next week, but I guess only if both weeks have the same bounties.
You carry the bounties forward if you already got your 5 Shaxx bounties done and got his special reward. There's no point redeeming any other weekly bounties so you save them for the following week. If he has the same one again that week you won't be able to get it twice but at least it is already done.

So I've been playing the last few nights to grab some more ghosts and other grimoire I missed out on all this time.  A good portion of the ghosts I hadn't gotten were in Vanilla Destiny (2 in Summoning Pits strike - still have 1 to get there - and 2 in Black Garden).

And I'm still far from getting the Hydra grimoire.  That one is ridiculous given how much I've played this game.  Also need sidearm kills - no surprise there since I never use them.  Unfortunately with the Taken spawning, Hydra farming at the Black Garden gate is kind of spotty.  I got 3 in a row, then once the Taken spawned, they never came back, even when I left the area and returned.

The Lighthouse trip pushed me to 4800 and I wanted to try to get over 4900.  I'm at 4885 right now.  Apparently I just got my last "Crucible Kills as a Hunter" recently as I am at exactly 5000 out of 5000 for that.

What I'm still missing:

-15 pts: 3 Salvage wins for rank 1 (and 5 more Grimoire).  Then 25 more for rank 2 and 50 more after that for rank 3 - will probably never hit that.

-15 pts: I only have 2 Rumble wins all time.  So I doubt I'll ever get to rank 1, let alone 2 or 3.

-10 pts: Clash playlist.  I assume Iron Banner Clash counts here?  I only need 6 more for rank 2 (then 50 more for rank 3) so I'll probably get there eventually.

-10 pts: Skirmish playlist.  I'm surprised I'm at 26 here, so just over rank 1.

-10 pts: Doubles playlist.  I am just at rank 1 (25 wins).  I think most, if not all, of this was from the Valentines Crimson Doubles event.

And apparently I've played more Trials than I ever thought.  I have 783 Elimination wins, most of that from Trials.  Damn.

So I have 60 points left from Crucible, of which I'll probably never get more than 30.

-10 pts: Sidearm kills.  I'm at 1736 after spending about 2 hours doing more of this last night.  I need to get to 5000!

- 5 pts: Hydra kills.  I'm at 159 out of 250.  Like I said, it is ridiculous that I'm so far from this when I'm so far past some of the other marks.  For example, you only need 2500 Goblin kills and I have 21,262!  Even on Ogres, which a lot of people farm along with the Hyrdas, I'm at 715 (only needed 250).

-15 pts: Summoning Pit strike.  I got the hard one here, but didn't know there was a second one in the boss room.  I had to play the strike all the way through twice the other night to get the one.  The first time I was by myself till the very end, then while I kept trying to jump up to get the ghost, the other guy killed the boss.   So I'll have to run it again like that unless anyone here also wants to try to get it (and we can take our time at the boss).

So it looks like I'm just about 90 points short of the max possible on Xbox (there are a few PlayStation-only ones).  But to hit 4900 all I need is that Summoning Pits one.  So I'm going to do that tonight ;).

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I'm just going to throw my hat in the ring here. If anyone is on late at night and sees me on xbox one or 360 feel free to send me an invite or friend request GT genegritz.
My usual fireteam is in bed asleep by the time I jump on anymore and it's getting boring running strikes by myself and playing pvp.
I still having been able to complete kings fall, but I'm decent for the most part.
I also like to run trials for bounties, but win about 1 in 20 matches, so I'll probably never get to the lighthouse.
I missed this post earlier. We ought to be able to get you through the Raid at least. I haven't run it myself in months, and I won't be on next week, but some time before the DLC hits we should be able to get a group together for that. Hopefully some of the CAG regulars return before Rise of Iron and we can give it a shot. Vendetta has friends that still play regularly and they might be able to Raid - but they'd probably want to run it on Hard and that might not be best if you haven't cleared it on Normal yet. Though it you are close to 335 it shouldn't matter too much, especially if it is with 5 other people who know it well.

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I missed this post earlier. We ought to be able to get you through the Raid at least. I haven't run it myself in months, and I won't be on next week, but some time before the DLC hits we should be able to get a group together for that. Hopefully some of the CAG regulars return before Rise of Iron and we can give it a shot. Vendetta has friends that still play regularly and they might be able to Raid - but they'd probably want to run it on Hard and that might not be best if you haven't cleared it on Normal yet. Though it you are close to 335 it shouldn't matter too much, especially if it is with 5 other people who know it well.
I'm between 332-334 on all three characters and I understand the mechanics of most sections, but haven't been able to get past totems. I have pretty much any weapon I might need and take direction well
I'm between 332-334 on all three characters and I understand the mechanics of most sections, but haven't been able to get past totems. I have pretty much any weapon I might need and take direction well
If you haven't gotten past Totems then you haven't seen most of the raid. Or have you done the other parts from checkpoints perhaps? No matter - at that light level you should be OK.

As for Grimoire, apparently the Xbox One max is 4980, at least according to this site:

My rank in Grimoire is 47,182 which is top 2%.

Other interesting stats. My overall Crucible K/D is the very definition of average at 0.95, which is top 52%. But given that I never played any multiplayer shooters before Destiny and most of the people I play against are half my age (or less) I'll take it! My KA/D is much better though - 1.40 or top 36%. So I help more than I hurt a team so that's good ;).

Trials really hurts my K/D though. I'm 1.06 just in Iron Banner (and I'd wager much better in the last year than the previous one).

My Trials stats are interesting. I don't quite understand what ELO is but apparently I'm top 5% at 1378. Yet my K/D is atrocious at 0.57. A lot of my stats are skewed towards year 1 though since it shows my highest number of kills being with a hand cannon and that would have been Thorn in year 1. My highest number of kills is from grenades though - interesting. I also have 11 "Relic" kills - don't even know what that means for Trials. Pulse is my second highest weapon kill but by far my best precision. I've been using Red Death and Grasp of Malok (mostly Red Death) for year 2 Trials.

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If you haven't gotten past Totems then you haven't seen most of the raid. Or have you done the other parts from checkpoints perhaps? No matter - at that light level you should be OK.
Between checkpoints and joining groups I have tried and failed at Totems, warpriest, golgoroth and sliding walls. Sisters and oryx I would be a total newb though. Most of those were when I was around 290 light

I've played the KF Raid on Normal only a few times and miserably failed on the Sisters every time, but I would love to complete that on any difficulty.  In my comfy clothes I'm at least 334 and I'm pretty obedient, plus I can maybe bring another into the Raid just like me (he might be better than me but I'll never tell him that).  I don't expect to get all 50 CFs but I sure wouldn't mind hitting 7/8 on my Year 2 Moments of Triumph! :D

I just pre-ordered Rise of Iron.  I haven't played since they released the KF Hard mode raid. Should I start playing again now to get ready for the new expansion or will the Rise of Iron make everything before it worthless like the Taken King?

I just pre-ordered Rise of Iron. I haven't played since they released the KF Hard mode raid. Should I start playing again now to get ready for the new expansion or will the Rise of Iron make everything before it worthless like the Taken King?
I don't know about worthless, but you can probably look forward to a new max light level. I got pwn'ed last night in Crucible by a Year 1 Thorn and that didn't feel very worthless. :D

Woot got my last shader. Now have them all including Blacksmith and Nepal :D

Now one more Emblem to go (that's obtainable in Game ;) )
Which ones (shader and emblem)? I was looking and I'm still missing some of the rares from Vanguard strikes. What is the best way to get those? They seem to be much more "rare" than the legendaries!

I got the last ghost last night so I'm an even 4900 Grimoire right now. I can always grind sidearm kills and Hydras later. RoI will increase the max Grimoire anyway.

Which ones (shader and emblem)? I was looking and I'm still missing some of the rares from Vanguard strikes. What is the best way to get those? They seem to be much more "rare" than the legendaries!

I got the last ghost last night so I'm an even 4900 Grimoire right now. I can always grind sidearm kills and Hydras later. RoI will increase the max Grimoire anyway.
36 strikes


Emblem codes being given away at PAX. A friend hooked it up :D

I just pre-ordered Rise of Iron. I haven't played since they released the KF Hard mode raid. Should I start playing again now to get ready for the new expansion or will the Rise of Iron make everything before it worthless like the Taken King?
There are a few things you might want to do. You'll probably need lots of glimmer, legendary marks, and armor/weapon materials ready for when the new content drops so you can do infusion. I had been maxed on marks all summer but I just bought one of the 145 mark sparrows since I was tired of wasting them on planetary materials. So I need to build them back up myself. And running strikes and such will give you lots of engrams to turn into armor and weapon materials. I am always low on armor materials - it is the limiting factor for me on what I can infuse. And with an increased light cap I imagine everyone will want to do lots of infusion. (Weapon parts you can just buy from the gunsmith).


Emblem codes being given away at PAX. A friend hooked it up :D
Oh, man, nice. I kind of wish I was at PAX this year but it is just too busy at home right now. I went like 3 and 4 years ago. And of course this time they are doing the CAG panel and all. I'm going to see what I can do to acquire one of these ;).

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Congrats to io on the lighthouse and vendetta on your collection accomplishments!

I guess it is probably time to throw down my pre order on rise of iron.  I still haven't read up much on it, but it's more Destiny so I'm sure i'll get my moneys worth.  I'm pretty sure someone said they were adding achievements too.  Wonder if they will ever leak the list this week before release.  Unfortunately I think I will be out of town when the RoI comes out so I might be stuck not playing until the weekend unless I want to try to take a system with me.

io if you are going to work on the Hydra kills for grimoire let me know.  I wouldn't mind knocking that one out since it is one of the last grimoire cards I need.  Well, I mean out of the ones I can reasonably get, I figure the lighthouse and the 100 rumble wins are out of my reach.  

io if you are going to work on the Hydra kills for grimoire let me know. I wouldn't mind knocking that one out since it is one of the last grimoire cards I need. Well, I mean out of the ones I can reasonably get, I figure the lighthouse and the 100 rumble wins are out of my reach.
Yeah but probably not until next weekend or the week after. I should probably preorder RoI too. Is there any bonus for doing so?

The people that ran me to the Lighthouse had offered to do it again maybe today (during the day so it's not so sweaty). But I have to get ready for yet another work trip and I'm running around with my family today to get both them and me ready. One of the reasons I haven't been playing as much recently is that my work has been sending me out to Atlanta every 2-3 weeks. But hey, it's all in the name of job security ;). On the plus side, I'm playing more 3DS games now!

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Hi everyone.  Lapsed-CAG here.  Been steadily playing Destiny, but haven't chatted with any of you in a while.

I'm at a weird place right now.  Ton of materials, ton of coins, ton of engrams in the vault.  Other than nudging my faction rep up to a hair shy of ranking up, I feel like there isn't much I can do until RoI drops.  But I'll be playing anyway.  i'm curious as to what exactly my 30+ exotic engrams will do once 9/20 arrives.  The comments from Bungie were a bit cagey on that subject.  I don't expect Y3 exotics, but hopefully they at least de-crypt higher than 335.

Aren't the engrams tied to what year/expansion they dropped from?  Feel like I have hoarded them pre-expansion in the past but they were locked to be old drops.  Maybe I'm wrong though,  have definitely not played as much this past year so maybe they changed it.

Everyone gets the iron gjallarhorn/sparrow pre order stuff no matter where you preorder it from what I can tell.  Haven't seen anything else listed anywhere else.  Since this is digital only I don't think you can get the best buy gcu discount on it either if you bought it there.

I have been travelling for work during the week all year long too so that has been really cut back my gaming time in general.   Is the new XB1 slim small enough that you could travel with it in a laptop bag?   

Ah, yeah, I forgot about the Gjallarhorn preorder skin bonus.  I had $60 sitting in my account anyway (from some Fred Meyer stacked sale/discounts a few months ago) so I just went ahead and preordered now.  I probably only paid $15 for the $30 in MS monies I used.

Simosaurus, Vendetta knows about these things.  He told me any engrams I had would decode into Taken King-only items.  I had asked him in the context of exotics, though.  But I'm guessing you will probably end up with sub-335 stuff from any older engram - though maybe he can clarify. 

But I'll assume it will be like it has always been and that we'll get plenty of engrams, loot drops, and faction packages in the first few days that will get us to the pre-Raid cap pretty quickly.  The thing to find out is whether new exotic emblems will decode at the new max, or if they'll do the same sort of tiered thing (320 / 335) like before.

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Target has a 20% off cartwheel on Destiny Mega Bloks. This was a fun build and the finished model is nicer than I expected.

Edit....pic isn't coming thru. I got the Acadia ship.
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Yeah but probably not until next weekend or the week after. I should probably preorder RoI too. Is there any bonus for doing so?
Everyone gets the iron gjallarhorn/sparrow pre order stuff no matter where you preorder it from what I can tell. Haven't seen anything else listed anywhere else. Since this is digital only I don't think you can get the best buy gcu discount on it either if you bought it there.
Also, there is a token included with the pre-order that will let you immediately rocket a toon up to level 40. That was a pleasant surprise.

Actually, I don't see mention of that token from the RoI pre-order page, but the version I bought is the Destiny - The Collection Upgrade. For $40 it gives me a digital copy of the base game (so I don't need my disc anymore - FINALLY), RoI and the two Gally pre-orders. the product page says for :360: owners, but I don't own any :360: content for Destiny and it works just fine for me.

Well, it turns out I have to be out of town at least every other week this month (though my company would like more).  I'm away now and would normally come home next week, then travel the week after.  But THAT means I'd miss the week of the 20th!  So I offered to come back out here (cross country) right away again next week (I don't get home till late Friday night).  Then I can come back again the week after the expansion drops.

So how's that for arranging my life around Destiny ;).  It better be worth it!

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Go ahead and order the fastest internet speed you can get, there's a 12 GB update for Destiny :xb1:! The expansion is real! :Whee:
Finally started reading a bit about the expansion and getting hyped up.  Say they finally released the achievement list as well.  Either way had some expiring funds so got my pre order in. (speaking of that but why did they start making ms funds expire?)

Did they say there is going to be some type of "pre-expansion" event next week to build up to the release?

After yesterday's update, exotic engrams are dropping The Trespasser exotic sidearm (Bungie confirmed it's intentional) and armor can drop at over 335 light level.

I was super excited at how amazing that sidearm looked, but now that it's dropping early, I'm not as excited anymore.  It can't be that amazing if Bungie is giving us all a go at it so early.  I'm saving up my engrams until after I'm a much higher light level.

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Was able to purchase through the console but not through the web.

Anyone know what happened to the upgrade?

Finally decided it was time and now when I click the link it says coming soon

Also, there is a token included with the pre-order that will let you immediately rocket a toon up to level 40. That was a pleasant surprise.

Actually, I don't see mention of that token from the RoI pre-order page, but the version I bought is the Destiny - The Collection Upgrade. For $40 it gives me a digital copy of the base game (so I don't need my disc anymore - FINALLY), RoI and the two Gally pre-orders. the product page says for :360: owners, but I don't own any :360: content for Destiny and it works just fine for me.
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I wanted to see what the re-worked Boolean Gemini and NT2E felt like, so I tried both out on patrol, in the crucible, and in the KF raid.  Meh.  While both are improved, there are still many better options available.  I could see myself using BG during the RoI story campaign.  Maybe.

Also, wow, Oryx was rough with ToM getting nerfed.  Definitely took some trial and error, but we got through it.  Ended up putting two hunters on plates so they could tether Ogres 3 & 4.  That helped a lot.  Thankfully, though, that might have been our last time running KF anyway.  

Scored the last piece of Desolate gear for my Warlock so got the taken emote finally!
Did you get that this week? I was finally back home for the weekend before I head out Monday for another week across the country and thought I'd log on and grab my 3 sterling treasures since I'm still short a few pieces for my Warlock and Hunter. There was no Sterling treasure in my mailbox! I played the weekly crucible - no sterling treasure there either. What is this bullshit? I've gotten every one available since they first had them (3 x week for however many weeks) and still don't have a full set and now they take them away!?

After yesterday's update, exotic engrams are dropping The Trespasser exotic sidearm (Bungie confirmed it's intentional) and armor can drop at over 335 light level.

I was super excited at how amazing that sidearm looked, but now that it's dropping early, I'm not as excited anymore. It can't be that amazing if Bungie is giving us all a go at it so early. I'm saving up my engrams until after I'm a much higher light level.
OK, so I had read about armor possibly dropping at higher levels and this sidearm. I played a bit last night and all I noticed was armor dropping at significantly lower levels than before. I'm getting lots of green stuff at 150 or so. Even my blue engrams didn't come out to anything over like 250-275, when before I was regularly getting 300+ stuff. This is strange. I also did several strikes with 3 of coins, and didn't get a single exotic engram drop.

Also, wow, Oryx was rough with ToM getting nerfed. Definitely took some trial and error, but we got through it. Ended up putting two hunters on plates so they could tether Ogres 3 & 4. That helped a lot. Thankfully, though, that might have been our last time running KF anyway.
What the hell did they do to Touch of Malice? Why do they screw with things that are perfectly fine? My play last night (with the crappy emblems and no sterling treasures) and this news has me down on the game again. Meh.

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Did you get that this week? I was finally back home for the weekend before I head out Monday for another week across the country and thought I'd log on and grab my 3 sterling treasures since I'm still short a few pieces for my Warlock and Hunter. There was no Sterling treasure in my mailbox! I played the weekly crucible - no sterling treasure there either. What is this bullshit? I've gotten every one available since they first had them (3 x week for however many weeks) and still don't have a full set and now they take them away!?.
You can only get one free sterling treasure each week now in poe. Otherwise you have to pay at ever verse.
You can only get one free sterling treasure each week now in poe. Otherwise you have to pay at ever verse.
Yeah I had noticed they didn't take them out of Eververse so if it was just that they were gone this week in preparation for the DLC (for some reason) that wasn't a valid excuse. If this is a permanent change, it sucks they made it two weeks before the expansion drops.

I did everything but the PoE because it seemed like they weren't there any more and I didn't want to waste time in the PoE only to not get one ;). But I guess I'll run through that tonight just so I can say I've still been getting every possible one and not getting all the gear. Because I know I'll just end up with another pair of Spektar gloves...

And I suppose they'll also do the bullshit of not having the expansion go live till middle of the day Tuesday instead of at reset, right?

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Yeah I had noticed they didn't take them out of Eververse so if it was just that they were gone this week in preparation for the DLC (for some reason) that wasn't a valid excuse. If this is a permanent change, it sucks they made it two weeks before the expansion drops.

I did everything but the PoE because it seemed like they weren't there any more and I didn't want to waste time in the PoE only to not get one ;). But I guess I'll run through that tonight just so I can say I've still been getting every possible one and not getting all the gear. Because I know I'll just end up with another pair of Spektar gloves...

And I suppose they'll also do the bullshit of not having the expansion go live till middle of the day Tuesday instead of at reset, right?
Should be live at reset.
Sterling treasure change is permanent. But desolate gear seems to have been a higher percentage drop. I ended up with a full set on my hunter and Titan. But I dont really enjoy poe, so I'll probably never get a warlock set
I didn't hear about a ToM nerf.  That really blows, but like Sim said, how anxious are we going to be to run that again once we have a new raid? 

I did get a Trespasser from my one stashed secondary exotic engram.  I like it.  I've never been big on sidearms, but this one is fun, packs a punch and has a nice, easily accessible perk. 

Got Spektar cloak and Spektar boots from my Sterling Treasure ;).  Still missing 3 Desolate items - it may be a while before I get them at just 1 chance per week!

bread's done