Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

Shotty isnt useless, but the sniper sure is there is really no reason to pickup the weapon anymore. Why did they feel the need to make the chainsaw the most powerful weapon in the game. The thing is unbeatable at close range there is no way to stop it.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Forgot to mention a bad glitch we ran into. My buddy got stuck on cover and couldn't shoot or move off from it.

I just fought on and got to the next checkpoint to warp him ahead. It did, but he was still stuck crouched down adn couldn't move or shoot even though he wasn't on cover any more. :D Just had to reload to that checkpoint I'd just hit and that fixed it.

There was also a time after a fire fight that Baird was just floating about 3 feet in the air like he was standing on a rock or something that wasn't there.

But those are pretty minor and didn't detract from the fun much at all.[/quote]

I got stuck too on sp campaign. It was on the lifts that lead to the castle was abit pissed but luckily the game is always saving .
[quote name='-BigC-']Shotty isnt useless, but the sniper sure is there is really no reason to pickup the weapon anymore. Why did they feel the need to make the chainsaw the most powerful weapon in the game. The thing is unbeatable at close range there is no way to stop it.[/QUOTE]

Wait, so if you hit someone with a bullet, the chainsaw does not stop revving?
Pretty much, I have stunned people while they were revving their chainsaw but it isnt 100% of the time its more of a rare thing for it to happen. The chainsaw rev takes nearly no time, if you have your lancer out and are shooting someone trying to chainsaw even if you hit them most of the time you will get sucked into a button mashing chainsaw duel. I havent played a game where the majority of kills werent from chainsaws.
[quote name='Trakan']What? They changed a few weapons up a bit and added a few new ones, but a majority of them are nearly identical to the way they were in Gears 1.

The torque, boom, boltok, frags, and pistol are exactly like they were in the first. The lancer and hammerburst were changed for the better. Shotty/snipes were toned down, like they should have been.

The one weapon they maybe changed too much was the dawn.[/quote]

No. How were the lancer and hammberburst changed for the better? All anyone is going to do now is throw some proximity mines up and camp with the lancer. Why did they think it was a good idea to make the shotgun one of the weakest guns now? Or when someone is running at you with the chainsaw and you shoot them it doesn't stun them? That stun/flash grenade is completely idiotic and takes the fun out of the game. I could start on how they broke the matchmaking but I'd be rambling so I guess to each their own. It takes no skill now. Throw flash/stun=Lancer/Chainsaw them=game over!
[quote name='woodcan']The damn shotgun just seems to be too powerful/accurate given that last night and this morning there were 2 people that killed me with a single shotgun blast to the head. I can understand point blank but half the time they were about 10 ft away from me.[/quote]

You were likely fighting the host. It's still ridiculously powerful with host, but I'm thinking it's something they just can't fix. It is less powerful overall than the Gears 1 shotgun, though.

[quote name='-BigC-']Shotty isnt useless, but the sniper sure is there is really no reason to pickup the weapon anymore. Why did they feel the need to make the chainsaw the most powerful weapon in the game. The thing is unbeatable at close range there is no way to stop it.[/quote]

I used to use the one-shot down in Gears 1 all the time. I know what you're saying, but they needed to take it out. It was pretty cheap. This snips is a bit easier to get headshots with than the one from Gears 1, too.

They do need to fix the chainsaw though, which I believe they will. Eventually.

[quote name='Collectorguy00']No. How were the lancer and hammberburst changed for the better? All anyone is going to do now is throw some proximity mines up and camp with the lancer. Why did they think it was a good idea to make the shotgun one of the weakest guns now? Or when someone is running at you with the chainsaw and you shoot them it doesn't stun them? That stun/flash grenade is completely idiotic and takes the fun out of the game. I could start on how they broke the matchmaking but I'd be rambling so I guess to each their own. It takes no skill now. Throw flash/stun=Lancer/Chainsaw them=game over![/quote]

I don't think the chainsaw being unstoppable was their intention. I think they will fix it.

The smoke nades actually do something useful now. They have a purpose. My advice is to play better. I very rarely have that shit happen to me.

The shotgun was way overpowered in the first game and that's all anybody used, which is why it was toned down.

Also, please explain how matchmaking is broken. If you're talking about how it kicks you back to the room, I'm going to kill myself.
All that really needs to be done to fix this game is the chainsaw, make it so you can actually stun people when they are revving like Gears 1 was. I have friends ranked in top of the leaderboards who all they do is chainsaw, why promote the cheapest part of the game?
[quote name='-BigC-']All that really needs to be done to fix this game is the chainsaw, make it so you can actually stun people when they are revving like Gears 1 was. I have friends ranked in top of the leaderboards who all they do is chainsaw, why promote the cheapest part of the game?[/QUOTE]

That really is all the need to do. And maybe scale back the radius of the smoke nades. I don't like getting knocked down 30 yards away behind two corners and a wall.
[quote name='Collectorguy00']No. How were the lancer and hammberburst changed for the better? All anyone is going to do now is throw some proximity mines up and camp with the lancer. Why did they think it was a good idea to make the shotgun one of the weakest guns now? Or when someone is running at you with the chainsaw and you shoot them it doesn't stun them? That stun/flash grenade is completely idiotic and takes the fun out of the game. I could start on how they broke the matchmaking but I'd be rambling so I guess to each their own. It takes no skill now. Throw flash/stun=Lancer/Chainsaw them=game over![/quote]
Lancer: the Lancer was given stopping power and the Hammerburst got a tiny bit of a damage boost and taken down to single shot - that's how they are better.

Shotguns: They didn't make the shotgun weak, people just say that because they are so used to how overpowered it was in the first Gears (especially if you liked being host last time around). They balanced that weapon out with the rest of the lineup to make the fighting/kills more varied and more exciting, rather than the same shit over-and-over. Try two-piecing more people (instead of just running up and firing) if you are in rooms where you're not host.

Smoke Grenades: I feel like Epic was giving the smoke grenade a purpose in this game, which is why they went with the concussion/disorienting view path with it in Gears 2. Sometimes the radius it has is a little questionable, but I think that just depends on the connection of the room. When you're playing in non-Elimination matches, especially, the smoke grenade is a great tool to use to clear out Annex/KotH zones or to knock the meatflag out of the enemy's hands. Although I hate getting hit by it, it's definitely a good thing that they added to the game - and, of course there are gonna be people who like to abuse the smoke to try and get "cheap" kills or whatever, but it's just part of the game.

Grenades as proximity weapons: what's wrong with these? Yes, they are frustrating at first because you're used to charging up to people and taking them down quickly - but when you get used to where people plant the grenades and expect them, you realize that it adds a bit of strategy to the game that was missing from Gears 1. You curse them now, but if you're ever in a situation where it's you versus two or three enemies then those planted grenades will become your best friend.

I will admit that the chainsaw is a bit more overpowered than they wanted it to be, that's why I expect a patch on it. To remedy the enemy chainsaw, though, there's all sorts of options to choose from to avoid those lousy deaths. All the complaints that people are throwing out - the chainsaw, the shotgun, weather effects, the grenades, etc. - are usually pretty easy to overcome once you get your mind off Gears 1 and into Gears 2.
[quote name='Trakan']You were likely fighting the host. It's still ridiculously powerful with host, but I'm thinking it's something they just can't fix. It is less powerful overall than the Gears 1 shotgun, though.

I used to use the one-shot down in Gears 1 all the time. I know what you're saying, but they needed to take it out. It was pretty cheap. This snips is a bit easier to get headshots with than the one from Gears 1, too.

They do need to fix the chainsaw though, which I believe they will. Eventually.

I don't think the chainsaw being unstoppable was their intention. I think they will fix it.

The smoke nades actually do something useful now. They have a purpose. My advice is to play better. I very rarely have that shit happen to me.

The shotgun was way overpowered in the first game and that's all anybody used, which is why it was toned down.

Also, please explain how matchmaking is broken. If you're talking about how it kicks you back to the room, I'm going to kill myself.[/quote]

I'm talking about how they took ranked games away, how I can't play the game type I want or the map I want and I'm not fond of this crawling around. Playing bad isn't my problem and the smoke was useful in the first one, now it's overkill. I agree the shotgun was a LITTLE overpowered in the first but I would rather have it that way then this garbage it is now. It seems that the only people who are happy with it are the people who couldn't get kills in the 1st one.
[quote name='Collectorguy00']I'm talking about how they took ranked games away, how I can't play the game type I want or the map I want and I'm not fond of this crawling around. Playing bad isn't my problem and the smoke was useful in the first one, now it's overkill. I agree the shotgun was a LITTLE overpowered in the first but I would rather have it that way then this garbage it is now. It seems that the only people who are happy with it are the people who couldn't get kills in the 1st one.[/QUOTE]

I'm not trying to play devil's advocate, but some of the people that you're referring to were some of the best Gears of Wars players I ever saw. They're just providing you with Epic's logic.

Sorry that the shotgun was toned down (and only slightly, as it's still a viable weapon.) Play Gears 1 if you have all these complaints.

Smoke was fairly crappy in the first one, I only ever used it to stick people in order to be a dick.
[quote name='Collectorguy00']I'm talking about how they took ranked games away, how I can't play the game type I want or the map I want and I'm not fond of this crawling around. Playing bad isn't my problem and the smoke was useful in the first one, now it's overkill. I agree the shotgun was a LITTLE overpowered in the first but I would rather have it that way then this garbage it is now. It seems that the only people who are happy with it are the people who couldn't get kills in the 1st one.[/quote]

Public games are ranked games now. The way the first game was set up was severely flawed. You would have to wait forever for a room to fill up, and you couldn't play with friends the way you should have been able to. This game fixes both of those. Matchmaking works like every other game that has ever had it. It assigns host to the best connection (although that's not good if the people you're playing are from another country) which is better than the first game too. If you want to play the map/gametype you want, play private matches. That's what they're there for.

Oh, and I can guarantee I'm better at both Gears games than you are.
[quote name='Littlefields']Here's what I want to know: Have they changed the god awful searching for rooms system?[/quote]

It's now a Party system inferior to that of Halo 3's.
[quote name='zewone']It's a party system superior to that of Halo 3's.[/quote]

Then how come I can't party up with complete strangers and continue to play with them?
[quote name='KingBroly']Then how come I can't party up with complete strangers and continue to play with them?[/quote]

I have to side with Broly on this. If you don't have a party of 5, then this really needs to be an option so you can get more than 1 game every 20 minutes in.
And as someone else said, there needs to be a "mercenaries" mode like in Cod4, so that those that play not in a group don't get stuck with strangers playing against a group.
The thing is the shotgun is still fine you just dont notice it because of how great the chainsaw is. I did fairly well with a shotgun vs people who actually tried to shoot me with their lancer/hammerburst at CQC but when they decided to do the insta rev chainsaw I lost everytime.
The people here defending the match making system are the people with nearly full friends lists and have their usual elite clicks they play with. If they had to play alone sometimes, spending as much time waiting for matches as playing, they might feel our pain more.

I do not understand, at all, why they could not allow all the features of the private match but be publicily joinable. It makes absolutely no logical sense other than to ensure the clickish folks described above always have meat for their grinder, because we are all forced to play ranked quick matches.

There was nothing quite like just hopping into quick matches on Gears 1, cycling maps for hours, and playing strangers casually. Amazing they got rid of that in Gears 2. A massive mistake on Epic's part.

Even more annoying is the fact that most of the time you join private matches of people on your friends list they cry and whine that it's a private party (Richlough). But there does not seem to be a way to truly create a private match for only those you want to play with for people like that.

Yes the chainsaw is getting very old. I keep running into groups of people (oddly enough they are usually speaking spanish) that seem to only run around the maps with the chainsaw out, hoping to sneak up behind someone - the entire game. It's really gay, even if you manage to win, it's boring as shit.
[quote name='thrustbucket']The people here defending the match making system are the people with nearly full friends lists and have their usual elite clicks they play with. If they had to play alone sometimes, trying repeatedly find games, they might feel our pain more.

You should step up your social skills. :cool:
You can't blame the game for not having friends.

Start up a GOW2 thread like the H3 one with the friend's list shit.
how far am i?


I'm taking some tram to the locust palace but i keep getting knocked off.

I stopped playing for now, ill probably start playing again later at night.
In my opinion the matchmaking sucks and I think should of left the old system of public games in but just change the ranked games setup to matchmaking. If I cant get 4 people to join me I cant play online right now, it just takes to long for the 5-10 minute game. I have a full friendslist last I checked, but shit people are playing in other parties/horde/campaign and it sucks to not be able to play when I cant get 4 people with me
[quote name='zewone']You should step up your social skills. :cool:[/QUOTE]

It's laughable to defend this match making system with the argument that anyone who wants to enjoy the SEQUEL to a game as much as the FIRST, should get more friends with Xbox 360's and/or more friends on friends lists.

[quote name='Trakan']You can't blame the game for not having friends.[/QUOTE]

Oh I absolutely can. Especially when things "worked" in the first game, and now don't unless you alter your social gaming habits quite a bit. That's not a "feature". That's not progress. That's a problem.

And for the record, I have plenty of friends/family on my friends list I can play with. But now it's far more annoying to have to schedule/hope everyone is on at the same time to get as high a quality gaming session as Gears 1.

And I really pitty new Xbox owners, they have little reason to stick around as newcomers in Gears 2.
[quote name='-BigC-']In my opinion the matchmaking sucks and I think should of left the old system of public games in but just change the ranked games setup to matchmaking. If I cant get 4 people to join me I cant play online right now, it just takes to long for the 5-10 minute game. I have a full friendslist last I checked, but shit people are playing in other parties/horde/campaign and it sucks to not be able to play when I cant get 4 people with me[/QUOTE]

Exactly. There is absolutely no explainable reason why the new changes couldn't have just applied to ranked matches. It's like the completely left out Player Matches, thus an entire feature.
[quote name='Trakan']Public games are ranked games now. The way the first game was set up was severely flawed. You would have to wait forever for a room to fill up, and you couldn't play with friends the way you should have been able to. This game fixes both of those. Matchmaking works like every other game that has ever had it. It assigns host to the best connection (although that's not good if the people you're playing are from another country) which is better than the first game too. If you want to play the map/gametype you want, play private matches. That's what they're there for.

Oh, and I can guarantee I'm better at both Gears games than you are.[/quote]

I stated my opinion on why I don't like it and I won't be playing it unless I'm playing with my brothers or something so you can go ahead and stop with your little pissing contest. I think when the hypes over the community won't last as long as GoW and it might even beat out GoW2.
I do agree that it shouldn't take as long to find a game when you have less than 5 people. The system takes a while to find other people for you to play with. Do the friend's list thing until it gets fixed.
The only flaw of the first game was the ranked setup, the public match setup was great. Quick games, playing with random people can be fun as hell, and most of all it was QUICK! Waiting for 20 minutes because my friends dont always play at the same time as me makes the multiplayer unplayable. Defending that system is for people who have yet to try and find games by themselves.
I just recieved my LE edition GOW2 game and I was looking through the extras, but I don't see that little picture with Dom + his wife. Is it included in the little hardcover book, or did I just not get it?

Also, do I use the code with for the 5 maps to also get the golden hammerburst?

I think the reason a lot of people are complaining about the matchmaking is because they have a closed NAT. I know I do, and I CANNOT, under any circumstances find any matches. If I jump into someone else's game who does have an open NAT, then immediately we will find people to play with.

I guessing most people have a moderate NAT and that is why it is slow, but does eventually find a game. This isn't a issue on Epic's side, this is because of your router, but nobody seems to get that.
I wish Horde was drop-in/drop-out. That'd be so sweet.

WHAT? Your NAT bullshit is golden. My NAT is open, and always has been.
[quote name='-BigC-']The only flaw of the first game was the ranked setup, the public match setup was great. Quick games, playing with random people can be fun as hell, and most of all it was QUICK! Waiting for 20 minutes because my friends dont always play at the same time as me makes the multiplayer unplayable. Defending that system is for people who have yet to try and find games by themselves.[/quote]

I hated the way the first was set up. I don't give a shit about player matches. Only people who didn't know how to play the game went into that with guests. Ranked matches were people who were somewhat skilled at the game. I stuck strictly to ranked games. I had to wait 20 minutes for rooms to fill up. Now I get into games in seconds.
How come no one has created a Party System/Server-based setup? I'd love to enter a server with 4 friends and play against another group of 5 players. That, to me, is an ideal setup for online gaming competitively.
Because you know that for a fact? Maybe you didnt have any good friends to play public matches with? Normally I would be in rooms filled with people who I knew, and that were all better then most people you find in ranked matches. Then when I jumped into random games I quit and found other games if the people sucked. You for some reason think you are the god of gears of war and your opinion is fact when it seems you never even played both settings of the multiplayer in part 1. Kind of funny but keep thinking your the best maybe you will convince yourself one day.
[quote name='Layziebones']I just recieved my LE edition GOW2 game and I was looking through the extras, but I don't see that little picture with Dom + his wife. Is it included in the little hardcover book, or did I just not get it?

Also, do I use the code with for the 5 maps to also get the golden hammerburst?


I didn't get the LE so I don't know about the picture, but the hammerburst code is given to you on a separate card by the store.
So whats the word on the single player. I really could give 2 shits about the MP. I hated GoW 1 GP and so I am not really holding out much hope for this one.

But the SP was pretty good and I would like to finish the story.......also....for the love of god dont stretch this out like halo.
[quote name='-BigC-']Because you know that for a fact? Maybe you didnt have any good friends to play public matches with? Normally I would be in rooms filled with people who I knew, and that were all better then most people you find in ranked matches. Then when I jumped into random games I quit and found other games if the people sucked. You for some reason think you are the god of gears of war and your opinion is fact when it seems you never even played both settings of the multiplayer in part 1. Kind of funny but keep thinking your the best maybe you will convince yourself one day.[/QUOTE]

How does his opinion not equal fact, but yours does?
[quote name='Soodmeg']So whats the word on the single player. I really could give 2 shits about the MP. I hated GoW 1 GP and so I am not really holding out much hope for this one.

But the SP was pretty good and I would like to finish the story.......also....for the love of god dont stretch this out like halo.[/quote]

The Campaign was excellent, way better then first IMO. It feels very epic and varied.

Honestly, the campaign and horde mode are worth the price of admission. The multiplayer is then an excellent bonus.
I can show you my Gears stats right now, if you'd like.


What I say is going off what I learned playing Gears for the past 2 years.
There are three codes on the card. One is for the maps, one is for the gold Lancer, one is for 48 hours of Gold. If you break the shrinkwrap on your art book you'll find the photo tucked in there.

The gold Hammerburst was given away at midnight events.
Note to self: Never play against Trakan, lest I wish to get raped.

Anyhow, I'm loving this game so far. I waited to get Gears 1 until June since I had beaten the campaign on a friend's system and didn't dig the multiplayer at the time. But I got Gears 2 last night and played for 8 hours straight. Campaign is awesome so far, Horde (got through level 37) is amazingly fun, and I really like the multiplayer in general.
bread's done