Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

Yeah, it's terrible. With my limited gaming time I don't want to spend so much of it just sitting in the lobby and waiting to get matched up. And it seems worse now as last night it was slow as hell both by myself and with a full five person party as noted above.

I may hop on some tonight, but if it's still sucking it's going on the shelf and I'll go back to playing Oblivion until it's fixed.
I do agree that I prefer the Gears 1 style of matchmaking where dropped players can be instantly replaced and maps cycle, etc....

But I have to say my experience since the patch has been night and day. Same with my friend that plays 10x more than me. We get into matches almost instantly since the patch. But that doesn't address the over-all shitty design of the matchmaking.

I know Epic claims that people that drop out get their rank dropped too, but I've had multiple people tell me during games that it's not working and that a lot of the people with the best ranks are dropping out all the time. Anyone have any input on this?
Yea mostly my squad and I get matched up vs all rank 4s and 99% of the time they quit when we are about to win. Im the lone 4 rank the rest are rank 3, because it seems we arent getting anything from these matches due to the host quiting
[quote name='Gamehead']I don't see how matchmaking is fixed. I still wait forever for matches. It's ridiculous.[/quote]

It sits there FOREVER. It's as if theres like 15 people in the whole world playing this...
[quote name='zewone']You don't lose any rank if you quit.[/QUOTE]

Really? I swear one time I did quit out to dashboard and when I got back in the game I was lowered a rank.

That's sad if true though, and Epic lied.

[quote name='shnizzle66']It sits there FOREVER. It's as if theres like 15 people in the whole world playing this...[/QUOTE]

I'm convinced it has something to do with your NAT. I have an open NAT and I get right in now. Occasionally I will get right in and only like 3 people will be there though. I assume that's because the host had an incompatible NAT setting with other folks.

Not that there isn't something that can be done, perhaps, on Epics end, especially if Halo handles it ok.
I'm still having issues and my NAT is open. Sometimes it works great and I get right in matches, other times it's slow as hell.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'm still having issues and my NAT is open. Sometimes it works great and I get right in matches, other times it's slow as hell.[/quote]

I have found that after waiting for 5-minutes max, it is best to cancel and start over. Every time I have done this I get matched up in less than 2-minutes (this is my experience with Horde).
I usually get straight in 4 out of 5 times, the 5th time I just cancel and try again. However, 1 in 4 of those times one team is missing 1-3 players, .5 in 4 of those games are so laggy everyone quits, .5 in 4 of those games it will disconnect everyone.
[quote name='Zyzomys']I have found that after waiting for 5-minutes max, it is best to cancel and start over. Every time I have done this I get matched up in less than 2-minutes (this is my experience with Horde).[/QUOTE]

Yeah I usually do the same. The other night it was a lost cause though. But there were some posts about people having Xbox live problems Wednesday night so that may have been more than just Gears issues (I didn't try any other games).
[quote name='zewone']You don't lose any rank if you quit.[/quote]
When Epic explained the whole ranking system, they said quitting does affect your rank. It counts as a loss in your stats, so it can affect your rank. You don't immediately drop a rank, but you will if you do it consecutively.
Tell all of the people who are rank 4/5 and quit everytime they are about to lose that lol. Quitting does not effect your rank much if at all, Epic lied.
I was rank 3 and got disconnected from Live when it was getting screwy around the time NXE came out and I got dropped to rank 2...
[quote name='shinryuu']When Epic explained the whole ranking system, they said quitting does affect your rank. It counts as a loss in your stats, so it can affect your rank. You don't immediately drop a rank, but you will if you do it consecutively.[/QUOTE]

Well, than Epic sucks as programmers, because quitting neither counts as a loss or loss of rank.
Then it is true. Many of those rank 4 and 5's are quitting if they are about to lose. I'm starting to notice this too. At the end of game screen there are often a couple of missing players on the losing team.
The 'Sticky Shield' glitch is annoying. Considering that glitch, and the Invincible and Invisible glitches, it makes Gears 2 a lot less fun.

And I got in quicker into games of Call of Duty 4 than Gears 2, and my NAT is open.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, the match making is far slower in this than in CoD4, Halo 3, CoD: WaW (at least from the beta) etc.[/quote]

I meant to say "I got in quicker into games of Call of Duty 4 last night than Gears 2 a day ago, and my NAT is open."
Haha, I got in a 2 v 5 warzone match tonite. I was on the 2 man team and I told the other guy to just run around and not to focus on shooting unless he was absolutely sure no one was around.

There ended up being 5 draw rounds in a row and 2 of their 5 quit. I got so bored of it I just stopped running. The final round totals ended up being us 3, them 5 in a total time of 54 mins. I wonder if more would've quit if we just kept doing that.
[quote name='Owen']Don't you need to play the game before you could be shorted out on a code?[/quote]
Bought my copy on eBay, no code included (or lancer either). I haven't had the chance to play it yet (waiting for HotShotX to get his copy so we can go through the campaign).
[quote name='DarkNessBear']So... is it possible to play 1999 games? And kill 1,000,000 npcs?[/quote]

Yes it is possible. You realize the party like its 1999 achievement is for rounds.

Edit: lmao a million kills?
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Matchmaking was very good for me tonight. Played 5 or so matches bymyself. Longest wait was about 2 1/2 minutes, shortest was around 10 seconds where it pretty much immediately went into another game.
I think I will be giving this game a break for a while. The matchmaking is too broken, teams are always unbalanced, people are constantly dropped or leave, etc.
The massive problem Im always getting is LAG! Every match I played last night and Saturday night was 90% lag. I think the patch/update really spiked up the severs to where it is nothing but laggy matches
[quote name='BackInBlack']Yes it is possible. You realize the party like its 1999 achievement is for rounds.

Edit: lmao a million kills?[/quote]

Yea, but it takes forever even finding a game.
Matchmaking was ok tonight, a bit slower than last night, but still only 2-4 minutes most of the time. Though a couple I rebooted after 2-3 mintues of not finding any teammates.

Most of the matches I got in sucked though. Had some annoying little kids shouting obscenities in a match, then got matched up with them again the next match (needless to say filed reviews to avoid them after that).

Then ran into someone using a modded controller to fire the hammerburst super fast, had a couple matches where people dropped out and left us 5-3 (one was 5-1 but the other team quit), and had one match where one guy didn't drop but wasn't playing so the end of the first few rounds the other team one were just watching them run around looking for the last person untilt they found him just standing in the spawn point.

Did get a couple of good matches in, including a 5-4 nail bighter in the last execution match.

The game's ok, but I'm not sure it's for me. For someone like me who is terrible at online games there's just too much waiting around in the Gears games. Waiting in the lobby before and after every match. Waiting to respawn after you die (which sucks if you're the first one killed in a long round, though I'm not usually as I tend to hang back). I prefer the score based death matches with respawns so at least if I'm getting owned I'm playing the whole match and just have a terrible K/D ratio. :D
You are right dmaul, Epic needs to address this stuff fast. The issues you pointed out with waiting are making it so Gears 2 is not nearly as popular as Gears 1.

And they REALLY need to punish quitters. I file complaints on every single one of them.
[quote name='thrustbucket']You are right dmaul, Epic needs to address this stuff fast. The issues you pointed out with waiting are making it so Gears 2 is not nearly as popular as Gears 1.

And they REALLY need to punish quitters. I file complaints on every single one of them.[/quote]
SO wait, is online in Gears 2 as shitty as COD? By that i mean, is there no penalty for quitting? Because if so, i'll just stick to the campaign and then shelve this.
[quote name='SynGamer']SO wait, is online in Gears 2 as shitty as COD? By that i mean, is there no penalty for quitting? Because if so, i'll just stick to the campaign and then shelve this.[/quote]

Horde is still somewhat fun in my opinion.
The online is a complete joke at this point, its no surprise that its no longer the #1 game on live. I played COD5 online for hours and it was wonderful, not a single hiccup and really played so freakin smooth, game after game, kept on going. GOW2 is a true example of what a online disaster is.
[quote name='SynGamer']SO wait, is online in Gears 2 as shitty as COD? By that i mean, is there no penalty for quitting? Because if so, i'll just stick to the campaign and then shelve this.[/QUOTE]

That's what I've been told by numerous people, including zewone. Apparently Epic is outright wrong that quitting will not drop your rank.

I know one guy that plays religiously every day and he says the way it works is you only drop rank if the host quits. But if you aren't the host, you won't get a penalty. That's why more, that's all people do, quit after losing a round.
[quote name='Draekon']Horde is still somewhat fun in my opinion.[/quote]

I agree, I really enjoy the Story, Co-op, and horde. The online is only good to me about 1/3 of the time because of the reasons stated throughout the thread, although I haven't really had any problems getting in a match quickly.
bread's done