Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

[quote name='Malik112099']Just because the 360 says your nat is open it might not be enturely true. If you are using a modem with a router the 360 only looks at the router when your modem might be restricting communication (I had this problem for a while).[/QUOTE]

Rest assured that I have UDP port 88 and TCP/UDP port 3074 forwarded to my 360.
Do you guys have any tips on using the chainsaw like a whore? I dont like using it but when that is all the other team is using, I have no choice. Roll into enemy then saw? Everytime I try to chainsaw somebody I get blown up by the shotty but when they try to chainsaw me, they always catch me. WTF?!?!
[quote name='s00pNAZi']Do you guys have any tips on using the chainsaw like a whore? I dont like using it but when that is all the other team is using, I have no choice. Roll into enemy then saw? Everytime I try to chainsaw somebody I get blown up by the shotty but when they try to chainsaw me, they always catch me. WTF?!?![/quote]

I think you just answered your own question.
[quote name='s00pNAZi']Do you guys have any tips on using the chainsaw like a whore? I dont like using it but when that is all the other team is using, I have no choice. Roll into enemy then saw? Everytime I try to chainsaw somebody I get blown up by the shotty but when they try to chainsaw me, they always catch me. WTF?!?![/quote]
Just don't think of the chainsaw as a weapon to kill. Use it when you see it suitable, don't look for chances to chainsaw in a firefight. When you are near the enemy and he is around the corner, quickly use the chainsaw. If you are a couple of feet away from him and you charging towards him with the chainsaw revving, you will be blown to powder. Just use the B button wisely.
I find that roadie running into them does work. Rolling into them is shitty too. The best way to use the chainsaw is to hold that B button and walk those last 10 feet while holding the B button. That has never failed me yet. I prefer to take out my shotty and rape them with that though.

And if anyone's looking for someone to play with add me to your friends list. Gamertag is Joementum. (Or you could click my GT to the left) I'm usually playing with 2 of my friends and we're usually short 2 people, so if I could get some people on my friend's list who are up for some 5 person parties then send me a FR.
Depending on your range, roll near your target and past him, quickly turn around and pull the chainsaw while you're turning around. If you're behind a box or behind cover and an enemy is coming up in front of you and knows you're there, roll when he/she is close then chainsaw, don't pop out and chainsaw, you'll just get blown to pieces.
Can you find all of the weapons in the multiplayer maps? I'm a couple of kills short of getting the Variety Is the Spice of Death achievement.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah I'm sitting at 14/15 on the variety is the spice of death achievement and have no idea which one I'm missing.[/quote]Ditto, and I went out of my way to use them all in the campaign. Does the ink grenade count? I don't think I've killed anyone with it. Hope matchmaking really is fixed as horde was fun when I could get in a match.
I'll have to try it when I get home tonight and get some gaming in. I've tossed a few ink grenades around willy nilly. Must've shot em to death before the gas killed them.

I'll be playing this a lot when matchmaking is good (crossing fingers it's good now for sure) and I get caught up on some shows on my DVR. Only 5% available!
Yeah, I'm hoping the matchmaking is fixed as well. I've been out of town for a week and a half and will be back tomorrow and looking to play. I will say the last time I played before I left the matchmaking was only taking 2-3 minutes playing by myself in public player's choice, so I hope it's the same or better when I get back.
I think I've played around 20 online matches (mostly flashback) and I don't really have many complaints at all. I think the shotgun is too powerful though. I find myself using it because the other team is spamming with it and the situation turns into a coin flip.

I find the lancer to be ineffective against it because shooting at a pretty good distance you can injure another player pretty well (sometimes) but if that player runs up and gets one shotty shot, it's over. You fall back and that player either downs you or shoots you to pieces. I would say if a player runs straight towards you with some distance and you could shoot that player with the lancer repeatedly before he gets to you, that player should be downed for sure. When I first played online I would do this and I'm guessing get extremely close to downing the enemy and right before downing, I would get blasted. Needless to say unless there's a large amount of space I don't do this anymore. Still, this just doesn't seem right.

So far from what I've played many people just charge with the shotty and are easy kills.
Yeah the shotgun definitely has more range than it should. I'm tired of getting downed a good 30 feet away with it.

As for the shield cheat. Clever. I hope everyone files complaints against those they see using it. And I hope it's patched soon.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Yeah the shotgun definitely has more range than it should. I'm tired of getting downed a good 30 feet away with it.

As for the shield cheat. Clever. I hope everyone files complaints against those they see using it. And I hope it's patched soon.[/quote]

What's the shield cheat?

[quote name='Corvin']Is there a way to view which weapons you have used in Variety is the Spice of Death? Count me as another at 14/15.[/quote]

As far as I know , there is no way to view which weapons you've used for the achievement already. Only way to know is the use the weapon and see if it registers or not.

As I've mentioned before , try the less common weapons , like the torque bow , boomshot and the ink grenades (and the hammer of dawn , if you don't use it on anything except the final boss) since they are most likely the least used and most easily forgettable ones.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Yeah the shotgun definitely has more range than it should. I'm tired of getting downed a good 30 feet away with it.

As for the shield cheat. Clever. I hope everyone files complaints against those they see using it. And I hope it's patched soon.[/quote]

Regards to that, you are probably getting downed by someone who did a perfect active reload. On a CQB map or a zone control mode, I dump every round in the shotgun and go for a complete and perfect active reload because it increases the range and power (it changes the tightness of the spread and changes the spread pattern). It changes the gun from a 3 shot down/kill to a one shot gun at about 20 feet (with upper torso/head shot placement).

So I don't think the range is the issue but, from my experience, I think the active reload might need to be slightly dialed down.

The shotgun is also devastating with one or two stray shots from an additional enemy, also firing at you, makes a huge difference.
[quote name='StarKnightX']What's the shield cheat?

[/quote]Just saw a video of some dude shooting every weapon while holding the meatshield. I imagine it works with the boom shield, too.
[quote name='thamaster24']I think I've played around 20 online matches (mostly flashback) and I don't really have many complaints at all. I think the shotgun is too powerful though. I find myself using it because the other team is spamming with it and the situation turns into a coin flip.

I find the lancer to be ineffective against it because shooting at a pretty good distance you can injure another player pretty well (sometimes) but if that player runs up and gets one shotty shot, it's over. You fall back and that player either downs you or shoots you to pieces. I would say if a player runs straight towards you with some distance and you could shoot that player with the lancer repeatedly before he gets to you, that player should be downed for sure. When I first played online I would do this and I'm guessing get extremely close to downing the enemy and right before downing, I would get blasted. Needless to say unless there's a large amount of space I don't do this anymore. Still, this just doesn't seem right.

So far from what I've played many people just charge with the shotty and are easy kills.[/QUOTE]

I didn't play Gears 1 online so this might be common knowledge, but it seems like the mid-range weapons (Lancer, Hammerburst) are nearly worthless when playing online. It's not that the shotgun/chainsaw are overpowered, it's that you can't prevent players from getting close to you due to the tiny amount of damage that the mid-range weapons do. Maybe I just haven't played enough but it seems to me that there's two ways to get kills in Gears 2:

1. Find a high-powered weapon such as the sniper rifle, torque bow, boomshot, etc...
2. Get in close with the shotgun or chainsaw
[quote name='NTolerance']I didn't play Gears 1 online so this might be common knowledge, but it seems like the mid-range weapons (Lancer, Hammerburst) are nearly worthless when playing online. It's not that the shotgun/chainsaw are overpowered, it's that you can't prevent players from getting close to you due to the tiny amount of damage that the mid-range weapons do. Maybe I just haven't played enough but it seems to me that there's two ways to get kills in Gears 2:

1. Find a high-powered weapon such as the sniper rifle, torque bow, boomshot, etc...
2. Get in close with the shotgun or chainsaw[/QUOTE]

Well I almost exclusively play with the hammerburst now, and here is why:

First, I absolutely refuse to use the chainsaw, it feels cheap and makes me feel like a dirty whore. Besides, the lancer doesn't do enough damage, as you said, and it's so-called stopping power is very questionable.

Second, I absolutely refuse to use the charge/roll to get close use shotty tactic (Flavor of the moment), because not only is it boring and cheap, like others have said here - it's really just a coin toss, and one that I usually lose.

So most of the time I play I'm just shooting folks with the hammerburst. I down an awful lot of people, but rarely finish them off. I also like to play with grenades and pistols sometimes.

I don't do nearly as well as I could using chainsaws and shotty's all the time, but I'd rather have fun playing than just winning all the time in cheap ways. Downing someone with the hammerburst and then running up to execute them is a challenge, and when it works, it feels awesome.

On another note, for those of you that don't mind chainsaw and shotgun kills to up your rank and stats, you should probably add me and play me, because I'll be an easy win.
[quote name='NTolerance']I didn't play Gears 1 online so this might be common knowledge, but it seems like the mid-range weapons (Lancer, Hammerburst) are nearly worthless when playing online. It's not that the shotgun/chainsaw are overpowered, it's that you can't prevent players from getting close to you due to the tiny amount of damage that the mid-range weapons do. Maybe I just haven't played enough but it seems to me that there's two ways to get kills in Gears 2:

1. Find a high-powered weapon such as the sniper rifle, torque bow, boomshot, etc...
2. Get in close with the shotgun or chainsaw[/quote]

If you hang back in cover with a wing-man the mid-long range Lancer and HB are great, I get tons of kills with it (as it seems much stronger now than it did in 1; most GoW1 vets I play with think they are over powered now). If you get TB'ed or sniped your usually get only downed (save HSs) and your buddy can revive you. If you go running into the mix with just the Lancer or HB your going to get slayed by the shotties or sawed because they take multiple hits even for a down.

With the lancer, I can easily down (if not kill) the enemy heading for the sniper-rifle in River before he can even get to it. If I only down him, I usually can reload for the kill or if I have someone else covering it they are toast everytime. It certainly puts a stop to the sniper whoring on that map.

It defnately takes co-ordination and a different more cover-oriented styole of game-play than what I typically see when I watch people play the multiplayer. You certainly can't run and gun with them.
Speaking of River, am I the only one that is really tired of it? Seriously, it gets voted on almost every time it's up. In contrast, I have 400 matches under my belt and have only played Stasis twice.
I haven't played it lately or since the matchmaking is fixed. I usually play of the night. Anyone can add me If they would like. I enjoy gears alot,but last time I played I ran across someone really hateful so I thought I would take a break from it a while.
Is there a regular CAG night for Gears2? I'd like to play some MP, but would prefer to get in a party with some CAGs and play that way. I'm an average player, I won't rack up a 5-1 k/d ratio, but won't run out and die in 10 seconds either (well at least not most of the time ;)). So if anyone wants to play sometime shoot me a FR or msg over XBL.
[quote name='javeryh']Is there a skull marker (or any other marking) for the war journal stuff like in the first game?[/quote]

Nope, not that I could see. The collectibles flash every few seconds though. You just gotta look in every nook and cranny or use a guide.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']Is there a regular CAG night for Gears2? I'd like to play some MP, but would prefer to get in a party with some CAGs and play that way. I'm an average player, I won't rack up a 5-1 k/d ratio, but won't run out and die in 10 seconds either (well at least not most of the time ;)). So if anyone wants to play sometime shoot me a FR or msg over XBL.[/quote]

Someone was hosting one every Wensday. They done it for two weeks so far as I know of. Yet last week the host decided to play Call Of Duty World At War instead. There should be a main CAG night of some sort it would be great.
[quote name='jman619']Someone was hosting one every Wensday. They done it for two weeks so far as I know of. Yet last week the host decided to play Call Of Duty World At War instead. There should be a main CAG night of some sort it would be great.[/quote]

This, i would be up for hosting a CAG party for some match-making of all playlists. Anyone that wants to play and communicate/teamwork is welcome to add me. I play essentially every evening.
[quote name='BackInBlack']This, i would be up for hosting a CAG party for some match-making of all playlists. Anyone that wants to play and communicate/teamwork is welcome to add me. I play essentially every evening.[/quote]

I might play some tonight I haven't decided yet or know what time I can.
Somehow I've gotten a ton of lancer kills today. Doing nothing too different from the first few I've played. Probably longer range.

[quote name='thrustbucket']Well I almost exclusively play with the hammerburst now, and here is why:

First, I absolutely refuse to use the chainsaw, it feels cheap and makes me feel like a dirty whore. Besides, the lancer doesn't do enough damage, as you said, and it's so-called stopping power is very questionable.[/quote]

Yeah I know what you mean I find myself using all of the pistols but I still stubbornly use the lancer like it's a battle rifle or something.

I usually don't chainsaw unless the person doesn't see me and no one else on the team is too close.
I really hope the matchmaking is fixed. I can't test it now because I'm at school, but I hope to be playing online a lot when I go home for Christmas. So far, I haven't been able to get into a single game without being invited...

[quote name='Corvin']Is there a way to view which weapons you have used in Variety is the Spice of Death? Count me as another at 14/15.[/quote]

I got stuck at 14/15 for a while. It was the Boltok Pistol for me...

  1. Boltok Pistol (Locust)
  2. Snub Pistol (COG)
  3. Gorgon Pistol (Rapid-Fire)
  4. Hammerburst (Locust Assault Rifle)
  5. Lancer (COG Assault Rifle)
  6. Boomshot
  7. Shotgun
  8. Hammer of Dawn
  9. Longshot Sniper Rifle
  10. Torque Bow
  11. Mortar Launcher
  12. Mulcher Chain-gun
  13. Scorcher Flamethrower
  14. Frag Grenade
  15. Ink Grenade
[quote name='thrustbucket']Speaking of River, am I the only one that is really tired of it? Seriously, it gets voted on almost every time it's up. In contrast, I have 400 matches under my belt and have only played Stasis twice.[/quote]

I feel like blood drive is another map that gets over played
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I really hope the matchmaking is fixed. I can't test it now because I'm at school, but I hope to be playing online a lot when I go home for Christmas. So far, I haven't been able to get into a single game without being invited...

I got stuck at 14/15 for a while. It was the Boltok Pistol for me...

  1. Boltok Pistol (Locust)
  2. Snub Pistol (COG)
  3. Gorgon Pistol (Rapid-Fire)
  4. Hammerburst (Locust Assault Rifle)
  5. Lancer (COG Assault Rifle)
  6. Boomshot
  7. Shotgun
  8. Hammer of Dawn
  9. Longshot Sniper Rifle
  10. Torque Bow
  11. Mortar Launcher
  12. Mulcher Chain-gun
  13. Scorcher Flamethrower
  14. Frag Grenade
  15. Ink Grenade

Thanks. I'm thinking it's one of the pistols or the HoD. Is there a good single player spot to hop in and test the HoD?
[quote name='Corvin']Thanks. I'm thinking it's one of the pistols or the HoD. Is there a good single player spot to hop in and test the HoD?[/quote]

You're better off loading up a bot match on Jacinto or Day One. It'd be faster.
Matchmaking sucked last night, both solo and in a full party with cags. Solo it was all over the place, one match got going in a minute or less, some took 5 minutes or more and others I had to give up after close to 10 minutes of waiting.

With a full party the match making was taking a while then putting us up against teams that were all 3 or 4 bar ranks when we had one high rank player and 4 one bar players most of the time. After a couple matches we were'nt getting matched up after 5+ minutes of waiting despite resetting, trying different people as party host etc. so we called it a night.

They really need to get this shit straightened out.
so i only play wth friends. either wingman when one is on or in a party with a group of us. always with party chat. its AWESOME. i hear no other pricks ever at any time for any reason. the absence of douchebags blabbing has really made this game for me. if we by chance play a 5man game with less than 5 we invite the first guy that doesnt play like rambo and stick with him/her. works out pretty well.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Matchmaking sucked last night, both solo and in a full party with cags. Solo it was all over the place, one match got going in a minute or less, some took 5 minutes or more and others I had to give up after close to 10 minutes of waiting.

With a full party the match making was taking a while then putting us up against teams that were all 3 or 4 bar ranks when we had one high rank player and 4 one bar players most of the time. After a couple matches we were'nt getting matched up after 5+ minutes of waiting despite resetting, trying different people as party host etc. so we called it a night.

They really need to get this shit straightened out.[/quote]

Yea this matchmaking is stull FUBAR. We had a full CAG team and got into one game, then sat around while matchmaking tried to figure out what was going on. I had an easier time getting into matches when I was playing solo, but it was still slow as hell. BackInBlack and I had a little more luck playing wingman, although the first game wouldn't let him in the match so I had to drop out. The second match we put together a nice come from behind win and before the match registered the Effing host quit and it kicks us back to the main menu. :bomb:. Why do they set up a system that lets babies quit out of matches and not let people get credit for kills/achievement/rank/etc?

No wonder Gears dropped from the top XBL spot so quickly. If matchmaking doesn't work people won't play especially when it takes 20-30 seconds to find a Halo or CoD4/WaW match.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']No wonder Gears dropped from the top XBL spot so quickly. If matchmaking doesn't work people won't play especially when it takes 20-30 seconds to find a Halo or CoD4/WaW match.[/quote]

Its sad when they've supposedly fixed it and the volume of players should be down and its still so poor.
I try out gears online every few days to see if they fixed it, and its still PISS POOR. Epic, get rid of this crap matchmaking or make it an option. I want the old way of setting up a match and just playing through the various maps one after another. If i have to re-team up with people after every match, id rather play something else that doesnt waste my time.

Seriously, i really think this is the biggest blunder that epic has ever done, the online is so utterly broken that its so useless. The fact that when people drop from a game and no one can take their place again is so useless. Pathetic on so many levels. Give us the gears 1 style as an option epic. I played so much gears 1 its insane, i hate gears 2 online so badly.
bread's done