Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

[quote name='freshzen']In theory it'd be nice to have a more sophisticated method of deciding a host, but the problem is that a lot of people would never get to host, and people that could afford $100-200/mo internet would almost always get host except for possibly cheating, and there would most likely be even more of that. Really though they should just stop connecting people from different regions of the world. Basically any time the host is in Europe, Asia, or South America I lag.[/QUOTE]

Since Epic refuses to invest in dedicated servers their only other choice is to work on eliminating host advantage and revamp host selection so everyone is playing on a level field with a solid connection. I pray they intend to finally address this problem in the next update. This is the only MP title I have to worry about whether or not my team is host, how bad the next game is going to lag or check to see if my character has even spawned with their weaponry. ;\
The problem is with the netcode and it's something they can't fix with Gears 2.

If you're going to pray for something, pray that they'll revamp the netcode for Gears 3.

Not likely though, as it sells millions of copies the way it is now.
[quote name='Trakan']The problem is with the netcode and it's something they can't fix with Gears 2.

If you're going to pray for something, pray that they'll revamp the netcode for Gears 3.

Not likely though, as it sells millions of copies the way it is now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but imagine Gears with dedicated servers, or anything that makes lag a none issue, it could be the #1 most played game on XBL instead of #4. I know it would never happen but I would pay a small fee of about 400 ms points a month for dedicated servers, they might have to charge at least $10, I wouldn't know.
I cant get a match going using Guardian-Submission on map packs. And below that shows the contents of that match type and it lists them all. Anyone else having problems playing matches using "on map packs" playlists?

Edit, its working now and the contents has changed back to guardian and submission game types.
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[quote name='The 7th Number']I cant get a match going using Guardian-Submission on map packs. And below that shows the contents of that match type and it lists them all. Anyone else having problems playing matches using "on map packs" playlists?

Edit, its working now and the contents has changed back to guardian and submission game types.[/QUOTE]

It's hard to imagine Unreal Tournament 3 being more popular than gears yet it has dedicated servers.
[quote name='Callandor']Hmm, 400 XP per round of public horde...

So, who's up for some Horde this weekend? :D[/QUOTE]

If I wasn't up for some Horde this weekend, I wouldn't have posted it.

But, I just need these for DLC achievements:
Wave 30 on Allfathers Garden
Waves 6-10 on Gold Rush
Waves 1-20 on Way Station
Wave 30 on Allfathers should be easy this weekend since it's just Sires and Tickers. Sires go down in 1 hit via chainsaw and tickers can just be punched or shotgun'd to oblivion.
I am fully down to get the map pack horde achievements. PLEASE SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST. I SHOULD BE PLAYING FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND SUNDAY.
I'll be on for most of Friday till maybe late evening (9-10ish). I'll be back on Sunday afternoon.

I think I just need the wave 30 and 50 achievements on Dark Corners.
Sucks the double XP had to happen this weekend, looks like I might be moving into a new apartment tomorrow so I might be playing for a bit early Friday and that might be it since I don't have a wifi adapter to steal new neighbor's internet with.
Its double XP weekend and still some people vote for submission, a match that last a long time sometimes and gets you crap points. I love playing guardian because you almost get like 80% of the points you score, respawn a lot as long as your leader doesnt die, and its pretty quick. Im getting 1,000 - 4,000 a match in a guardian match now.
Wow double the XP, double the Lag. It seems like every game i play now has 1 second or more lag. I shoot people 3-4 times and they dont go down. Usually there is some lag, and its easy to overlook, but so far this weekend its been really bad, and it makes me not even want to play this shit.
[quote name='freshzen']Sucks the double XP had to happen this weekend, looks like I might be moving into a new apartment tomorrow so I might be playing for a bit early Friday and that might be it since I don't have a wifi adapter to steal new neighbor's internet with.[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat. I moved on Thursday, but my DSL won't be activated until Tuesday. I've got my laptop online via a random neighbor, but can't get the console online, so, no double XP for me... I'm at level 40 now, I'd love to get to 50, but I'm not sure if it's going to happen anytime soon. Or ever.
Ran into doodle while playing and we tore the other team up. LOL. I dont know why i couldnt connect with Doodle right after though, weird how we could play together randomly but when i tried to join his game i got disconnected.
I have a question, i thought my xbox 360 was breaking, because of gears of war 2 sometimes looking like THIS during a round. I thought i was going to get the E74 error, i think thats what the graphics card error is called. Anyway, is this just gears of war 2 glitching, or is my xbox really going on me? Because the article from which i got this pic from said it was a gears glitch.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I have a question, i thought my xbox 360 was breaking, because of gears of war 2 sometimes looking like THIS during a round. I thought i was going to get the E74 error, i think thats what the graphics card error is called. Anyway, is this just gears of war 2 glitching, or is my xbox really going on me? Because the article from which i got this pic from said it was a gears glitch.[/QUOTE]

When you see that your Graphics card is toast, or its on its last legs
Finally reached level 25... Seems like it took forever. I actually played a round of submission for the first time ever last night. To be honest no wonder people never pick it. Its ok,but it really could last forever, and isn't as much fun as the other modes.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Ran into doodle while playing and we tore the other team up. LOL. I dont know why i couldnt connect with Doodle right after though, weird how we could play together randomly but when i tried to join his game i got disconnected.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, i think it happened once before too. Whenever your on throw my an invite, ive been kicking ass lately.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I have a question, i thought my xbox 360 was breaking, because of gears of war 2 sometimes looking like THIS during a round. I thought i was going to get the E74 error, i think thats what the graphics card error is called. Anyway, is this just gears of war 2 glitching, or is my xbox really going on me? Because the article from which i got this pic from said it was a gears glitch.[/QUOTE]

Mine did that right before it got the E74 error, or at least something very similar. I remember more horizontal lines across the image.
Haha, tonight i was playing and a couple games where the team going against us wasnt even trying to kill the leader. So i caught on and as the leader i just ran out there and was blasting guys away. When they seen me they started to run. haha it was pretty fun seeing them try to avoid my chainsaw. The other game i had to message the leader and tell him to kill himself. Then all the guys on the other team tried to kill themselves, so we would win and it would go another round. LOL Funny stuff.
Got my Allfathers Garden achievement. Still need 7-10 on Gold Mine and 1-20 on Way Station, though. So I guess if someone wants to help me this afternoon with it, send me a FR. Wave 10 is really this weekend as it's just Sires. I find Tickers to be a bit harder in Horde, especially at higher difficulties.
Broly: You have a friend request (Relbomb). If we could get two more people, I could help you with some of that tonight.

Now, if you want to return the favor, I could use Subway 1-10, Gridlock 1-10, Flood 1-10, Allfathers Garden 11-30, and Nowhere 15-50. Also, 48-50 on any of the snowblind maps.

Anyone else need/want reliable help on some maps?
[quote name='The 7th Number']I have a question, i thought my xbox 360 was breaking, because of gears of war 2 sometimes looking like THIS during a round. I thought i was going to get the E74 error, i think thats what the graphics card error is called. Anyway, is this just gears of war 2 glitching, or is my xbox really going on me? Because the article from which i got this pic from said it was a gears glitch.[/QUOTE]

I'm actually pretty sure that is a lag glitch that happens when you press LB, sometimes it stays gray sometimes it looks all trippy like that. I've seen it before, a few times, pretty sure its just a lag glitch.

I just hit 59 this morning, got 1,12x,xxx XP now and I am kind of ready to cheat to get my rank 100 =P
[quote name='Callandor']Broly: You have a friend request (Relbomb). If we could get two more people, I could help you with some of that tonight.

Now, if you want to return the favor, I could use Subway 1-10, Gridlock 1-10, Flood 1-10, Allfathers Garden 11-30, and Nowhere 15-50. Also, 48-50 on any of the snowblind maps.

Anyone else need/want reliable help on some maps?[/QUOTE]

I sent you both a FR, Ill be able to do some hording all day till about 9est or so.
7th Number, I've had that glitched tv screen thing happen to may several times in Gears 2. Just tap LB a few times and the screen should be back to normal (the discoloration also happens if you use tac-com a bit much like me)

A FYI, any of the 1-10 horde maps are easy to do solo on casual especially now with the event (1-20 too if you're decent :D).
If anyone needs Allfathers, Memorial, or Nowhere Horde achievements, I'm in. Set a time and FR and I'll see if i can set time for horde then. I'll be setting up a session later tonight if you're interested.
Just hit level 62 :D

I wish there was an in game stat that showed me how many points i need to upgrade. I might be slow, cos the numbers they flash at the end of games isnt enough time for me to see.
Ok, I'm going to play a bit more of GH5 and then I'm going to get on gears. If anyone wants to run through the nowhere map, boost exp on security or play some multiplayer send me an FR or invite if you are looking for someone and I'll jump right over.

Also if you are playing horde on other maps I'll help you out.
Apparently there is a way to glitch off the map on Jacinto. Was just in a game where the other team's leader was off the map kind of between the spawn and the grenade tower. Not sure how he got in it but my guess it that its similar to one of the Subway glitches.
Ive heard a couple people now act like just because you are a higher level that you are supposed to get more kills. But your rank doesnt mean much, except you play a lot. Those comments just dont make sense to me. A level 10 could be a lot better than level 70, just depends on how much each person has played.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Ive heard a couple people now act like just because you are a higher level that you are supposed to get more kills. But your rank doesnt mean much, except you play a lot. Those comments just dont make sense to me. A level 10 could be a lot better than level 70, just depends on how much each person has played.[/QUOTE]

You would think though the people that are high ranked, and played it so much would be better than the lower ranks. I've seen a couple of people that is ranked 100. I bet they all used that cheat because they suck worse than I do, and I'm only at 27.
Has anyone been playing Horde today? Just wondered if the labor day double XP is still in effect today?

Also a guy was telling me last night that if you leave your 360 on and Gears loaded up when the double XP ends you will still be able to get double XP until you exit to the dash so if anyone is trying to grind out a few more levels in private horde matches it might be worth a shot to extend double xp a few more days.
I'm like have way through 49. I want rank 50 already. I started at 46 at the beginning of double exp. I've been pulling some good points through guardian. Saw 7th on again. Im surprised we usually end up on the same team. Without mic you're still vicious.
I thought double exp was to last through the 8th. It was shut off earlier today... aw shucks :( At least I made it from level 12 to 23 during this weekend playing horde.

At least bring back all sires on level 10s for horde... that was so much fun.
[quote name='doodle777_98']I'm like have way through 49. I want rank 50 already. I started at 46 at the beginning of double exp. I've been pulling some good points through guardian. Saw 7th on again. Im surprised we usually end up on the same team. Without mic you're still vicious.[/QUOTE]

Haha yeah seems like whenever we connect we are on the same teams and i always end up doing good. Though i have games that make me look like a noob sometimes. I finally got to level 64 at 7am this morning, then i went to bed LOL. I think im giving gears a rest for now, i want to play mad world on the wii.
Might as well put this out there. I want someone to play the whole campaign with, and that one deleted chapter. Maybe Horde as well since I never got around to playing Horde until last night.;)
[quote name='jman619']Might as well put this out there. I want someone to play the whole campaign with, and that one deleted chapter. Maybe Horde as well since I never got around to playing Horde until last night.;)[/QUOTE]

I am game. Just let me know. I still need to complete Insane campaign, deleted chapter, and have been working on Horde/Leveling achievements.
[quote name='jman619']Might as well put this out there. I want someone to play the whole campaign with, and that one deleted chapter. Maybe Horde as well since I never got around to playing Horde until last night.;)[/QUOTE]

I'm done with campaign, but I'd be up for the deleted chapter and some Horde (I only need Allfather's Garden 1-30 and Nowhere 1-50, but I'll play anything for fun!)
[quote name='lordopus99']I am game. Just let me know. I still need to complete Insane campaign, deleted chapter, and have been working on Horde/Leveling achievements.[/QUOTE]

I'm game for any of those. Just let me know when you want to play. I think me you, and Callandor could all play the horde maybe even find two more people.

[quote name='Callandor']I'm done with campaign, but I'd be up for the deleted chapter and some Horde (I only need Allfather's Garden 1-30 and Nowhere 1-50, but I'll play anything for fun!)[/QUOTE]

I think I need some of the same Horde ones as you do. Just let me know when you want to play.
[quote name='jman619']I'm game for any of those. Just let me know when you want to play. I think me you, and Callandor could all play the horde maybe even find two more people.[/QUOTE]

I am good anytime normally after 4pm. I am usually on between 4-6pm. Let me know if what time you want to play.

Hopefully we can get 2 more for horde..
[quote name='lordopus99']I am good anytime normally after 4pm. I am usually on between 4-6pm. Let me know if what time you want to play.

Hopefully we can get 2 more for horde..[/QUOTE]

We could play Horde only or that deleted scene as well or campaign. It doesn't matter to me. I'm game for any of the 3. Yeah around that time will be fine. I'm usually on around 9 till 12-1 at night,but I'll be able to pay around 4 with you since that's what time your usually on. Just wondering. Is that eastern time your talking about or something else? ;)
[quote name='jman619']We could play Horde only or that deleted scene as well or campaign. It doesn't matter to me. I'm game for any of the 3. Yeah around that time will be fine. I'm usually on around 9 till 12-1 at night,but I'll be able to pay around 4 with you since that's what time your usually on. Just wondering. Is that eastern time your talking about or something else? ;)[/QUOTE]

Yep Eastern. I am also in North Carolina. Whichever mode is fine with me as well. They are all things I need to do at some point.

Note I am good with any other times as well especially if we can get people together for horde.
Weeknights I could pop on after 8pm central (busy work life these days...). Weekends, pretty much anytime.

Also, if we can get a full Horde group going, I could use 48-50 on one of the Snowblind maps. I would return the favor in spades. :D
Couple annoying things ive noticed as of late.

- Sometimes when im in close battle with a shotty and i try to melee, even if i press the B button 10 times really quick, my guy doesnt melee. IDK why this happens but its annoying.

- Sometimes when i go to chainsaw the leader, i warp to someone else even though i wasnt even looking in their direction.

Also i think you should get more points for killing the leader in guardian, and also if you win a round as the leader you should get maybe 100-200 points. Its boring being the leader, and would reward us for hiding.
bread's done