Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

[quote name='The 7th Number']Couple annoying things ive noticed as of late.

- Sometimes when im in close battle with a shotty and i try to melee, even if i press the B button 10 times really quick, my guy doesnt melee. IDK why this happens but its annoying.[/QUOTE]

That's been happening to me lately when I try to chainsaw. Instead of the chainsaw revving when I press the B button, my guy steps back and ducks almost like he's been hit. It happens both online and in Horde. Sometimes firing a few shots with the Lancer will get the chainsaw working again.
[quote name='Wet Ninja']That's been happening to me lately when I try to chainsaw. Instead of the chainsaw revving when I press the B button, my guy steps back and ducks almost like he's been hit. It happens both online and in Horde. Sometimes firing a few shots with the Lancer will get the chainsaw working again.[/QUOTE]

Well it does that studder move when you get shot and try to chainsaw, i guess its supposed to stop people from just rushing people and chainsawing them. It makes no sense since being shot doesnt stop you from using any other weapon, but i see why they put that in.

I think it would be fun to get 5 guys together, play some guardian, and just use chainsaws and nothing else. Go around chainsawing everyone LOL. Plus our whole team would play as the same character, so like 4 coles running around chainsawing everyone just for fun. Id love to hear people bitch at the end of the game.
[quote name='The 7th Number']

I think it would be fun to get 5 guys together, play some guardian, and just use chainsaws and nothing else. Go around chainsawing everyone LOL. Plus our whole team would play as the same character, so like 4 coles running around chainsawing everyone just for fun. Id love to hear people bitch at the end of the game.[/QUOTE]

I thought that was already the case, pretty much, with every match. That's why I haven't played in a couple months.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I thought that was already the case, pretty much, with every match. That's why I haven't played in a couple months.[/QUOTE]

Nah, from my experience most people use the shotgun, or power weapon if they are lucky enough to grab one before other people do. Its not very often i get chainsawed.
I normally play GOW2 Midnight-3am CT. Mostly execution (but willing to play anything), and I have all map packs. Also looking to run the 1-50 dark corners horde achievement, still need to pass level 40 on Memorial (?) XBL ID: "AshDirektor"
[quote name='The 7th Number']Well it does that studder move when you get shot and try to chainsaw, i guess its supposed to stop people from just rushing people and chainsawing them. It makes no sense since being shot doesnt stop you from using any other weapon, but i see why they put that in.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that would make sense, but the weird thing is that it does it even when I'm not being shot. Ah well...this game and its glitches...
This is the second time this has happened to me. Playing Horde going for achievement (i.e. All Father's Garden) and make it to the last two levels before people drop; dropping it to myself and another guy. This also happened to me at Way Station. Maybe I should just go back to playing Annex.
7th, what are your typical hours? I want to party up with some people for Guardian (and depending maybe even try to farm) since I only have an Execution group. I'm guessing you still have no mic :cry:
[quote name='Gamer SDP']7th, what are your typical hours? I want to party up with some people for Guardian (and depending maybe even try to farm) since I only have an Execution group. I'm guessing you still have no mic :cry:[/QUOTE]

I usually play around 10pm to 3am central time. Guardian is my game i play most of the time.

what do you mean try to farm?

I have a mic and i listen to others, but i never talk lol. Dont usually like to talk with strangers cos some can be rude when i suck.
Being leader sucks. And if your team sucks and your good you always get stuck for 2 rounds. I think there should be at least 200-300 points for being a leader and surviving. Even though i rock with a meat shield as leader.

^^^7th seems to listen. I've spoke to him and mysteriously he moves accordingly. It's like speaking to a guy that cant speak. Kinda funny.
guess he didn't have one when we did horde. farming is when people don't kill the leader and just go for kills. it's hard to do if your not in a team of five
[quote name='Gamer SDP']guess he didn't have one when we did horde. farming is when people don't kill the leader and just go for kills. it's hard to do if your not in a team of five[/QUOTE]

I wouldnt mind doing that unless im host. For some reason 50% of the time im host, i get 0 XP at the end.
Wow, ive been using the hammerburst lately and i love it. The problem i was having was i didnt know you could tap the trigger to make it shoot faster. Now im getting a lot of downs, and not doing shotgun battles so often. It actually made the game more refreshing and exciting for me to play.

But one thing i hate about hammerburst is usually when i get someone down, i have to reload. That gives time for people to pick them back up, or worse.... team mates to steal your kills. Now i dont usually bitch about people stealing my kills, because most of the time its by accident. But WOW this one dude on my team ended the game with 8 kills, and 4 of them were from my downs. He even had the nerve to kill the last guy left from the other team after i downed him while avoiding the torque bow.
Once you get good with the hammerburst you won't even really shotgun fight very often, which is why when a lot of people who are bad at this game call it a "shotgun fest" I end up laughing and ignoring them.
But don't worry about your kills, winning is a lot better then losing with good stats. I have had 20 down games with 2 kills and one guy on my team who I ended up labeling my personal janitor had 11 kills and was in 3rd place. Reloading is a timed strategy, you will eventually learn to bait people into picking up someone just to knock them down for trying to be a hero.
Soon after Gears 2 came out I resigned to never use the Lancer; too disgusted with all the hide-n-chainsawers. I only use the hammerburst. It was quite fun for several months but all the shotgun charging and dancing got really old. I don't like using the shotgun but you have little choice when most players just charge you with shotguns. That's why I haven't played since May.
Hammerburst is a solid weapon and counter to most of what is going to be thrown at you in MP but honestly...

Competent Wall Bouncer > Hammerburst

Competent Close Quarter Shotty > Hammerburst

Hell... most of the guys I play with can usually close the gap with anyone in seconds and make them look ridiculous. Simply put, you can't kill what you can't hit. HB is a fine weapon but relying on it (unless you're host...) alone is dangerous. At some point everyone has to have a decent grasp on the shotty or saw in this game to stay alive.

All of those "bad players" are dead on the money when the average scuffle ends in close quarter combat and what is the standard/ideal/preferred weapon to defend and attack with? Gears 2 still revolves around the Shotgun. It's just not as blatantly obvious as it was in the original MP, but still... close enough.
Anyone who doesnt pick the hammerburst is at a disadvantage. I think there is no argument there.

"Competent Wall Bouncer > Hammerburst

Competent Close Quarter Shotty > Hammerburst"

um, thats why you switch to the shotgun. Nothing like a guy bouncing into you as you blow him back the way he came. You know, it's okay to switch weapons. Can't just stay with one the whole game.

Ugh... you're missing the point here. By the time you've switched weapons you are already at a disadvantage because your opponent would have started shooting back at mid-range. There still a good chance you'll be downed or dead in seconds unless Lady Luck is on your side. Regardless you sort of proved my initial point of Gears still revolving around the shotgun.
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Fan of the hammerburst too, but I never understood why all the hate on chainsawers. If it's just some rook with a chainsaw there's numerous ways to destroy them before they even have a chance. If he hid from you and caught you around a corner, you were outsmarted. I mean seriously, not everything is supposed to be run and gun.
I feel saw hate is justified when the vacuum or lag is to blame for dying. Otherwise I agree. It wouldn't be in the game if it wasn't supposed to be used and is only semi-broken for latter reasons.
I think there is saw hate because its cheap. Just hold the B button and walk into a guy. Sure you can avoid it sometimes, but there are times i run away a few rolls and i turn around and they are right there behind me chainsawing me or it sucks you in. But it doesnt take much skill to get a kill with a chainsaw, just luck you dont get blasted first. Thats probably why people complain, the skill involved is very little.

In mansion i can almost always get a kill with a chainsaw every round within 10 seconds from the start. All you have to do is run through the door ahead of you, dont go up the stairs but go through the hole on the opposite side, make your way across the bottom floor of the mansion and run up the opposite staircase to the 2nd floor where the longshot/torque bow is, and almost always there is a guy right near that corner. They almost never see me coming, but you have to be pretty quick. Can even get leaders really fast in guardian if you are lucky.

I hate when i shoot a boomshot or throw a frag right before i get downed or smoked, when this happens, my shot or frag doesnt register and its like it never happened.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Hammerburst is a solid weapon and counter to most of what is going to be thrown at you in MP but honestly...

Competent Wall Bouncer > Hammerburst

Competent Close Quarter Shotty > Hammerburst

Hell... most of the guys I play with can usually close the gap with anyone in seconds and make them look ridiculous. Simply put, you can't kill what you can't hit. HB is a fine weapon but relying on it (unless you're host...) alone is dangerous. At some point everyone has to have a decent grasp on the shotty or saw in this game to stay alive.

All of those "bad players" are dead on the money when the average scuffle ends in close quarter combat and what is the standard/ideal/preferred weapon to defend and attack with? Gears 2 still revolves around the Shotgun. It's just not as blatantly obvious as it was in the original MP, but still... close enough.[/QUOTE]
Sorry but your wrong, have you played any good people at this game? Besides the rare fight where people actually get within 2 feet of each other the whole game is a Hammer burst fight. Maybe when you play bad players that are new to the game you can use that shotgun, but face some real teams and you won't get close. Which is why I guess my experience is different then those "bad" players, because when I play I would go against real teams, they would play vs other noobs like themselves.
[quote name='-BigC-']Sorry but your wrong, have you played any good people at this game? Besides the rare fight where people actually get within 2 feet of each other the whole game is a Hammer burst fight. Maybe when you play bad players that are new to the game you can use that shotgun, but face some real teams and you won't get close. Which is why I guess my experience is different then those "bad" players, because when I play I would go against real teams, they would play vs other noobs like themselves.[/QUOTE]

I suppose I'll have to fight these actual teams in private and find out, eh?
Not really, play with friends that are ranked high and you will get matched up with some good teams every now and then. If you and your team is good enough the game will turn into a conservative Hammer burst fest, the reason it is not the weapon for MLG anymore.
If you don't mind me asking what rank are you in public and what's your Live tag? If you are or have played with real MLG in the past (not just the randoms that claim to be in public) I'd like to go a couple rounds 1v1 in the future to gauge my progress and step my game up. Of course I'd assume by your standards I'm considered a bad/strictly casual player, but if you're ever down then hit me up.
MrMagikJeff is my xbl tag, I pretty much have stopped playing Gears because of a couple of issues with the problems Gears has online that they wont fix.
I was using the hammerburst for some time, but it only seems to be very effective if you are not lagging. I use the lancer because if we are lagging the chainsaw seems to work the majority of times.

If people are going to bitch about being chainsawed, don't come rushing with the shotgun.
[quote name='jdeluis']I was using the hammerburst for some time, but it only seems to be very effective if you are not lagging. I use the lancer because if we are lagging the chainsaw seems to work the majority of times.

If people are going to bitch about being chainsawed, don't come rushing with the shotgun.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on both counts. I always select the Lancer because it provides a backup in laggy games. No matter how bad the lag is, I can at least run around revving my saw and hoping to connect with someone. And the shotgun rushing is really common on random public matches, so I don't feel bad about sawing.

Well, I felt sort of bad last night. I was playing a match of Annex on Ruins, and got 44 kills - I was #1 out of both teams, and wasn't host, which is an unusually good performance for me. The other team had 4 players who were over level 40 (I'm exactly 40), so it's not like I was picking on new players. Anyway, out of my 44 kills, about 30 were from the chainsaw. :D It was absolutely ridiculous, but surprisingly nobody complained, and the kill count was pretty high all around, so I don't think the other team was lagging badly. My other kills were all frags and the Scorcher, I'm not sure if I even fired any bullets in that game. :shock:
Does anyone want to unlock some of the Dark Corners horde achievements? I would like to start both Memorial and Nowhere somewhere in the 20s and I also have a few others, War Machine is one I'm pretty sure. I also need to do the deleted scene in co-op still, cause I have no friends =(
[quote name='freshzen']Does anyone want to unlock some of the Dark Corners horde achievements? I would like to start both Memorial and Nowhere somewhere in the 20s and I also have a few others, War Machine is one I'm pretty sure. I also need to do the deleted scene in co-op still, cause I have no friends =([/QUOTE]

I am always up for the Dark Corner Horde achievements.
hit me up sometime tag is BigPopov

IDC what kind've player you are but you better know the basics of horde. If it's wave x7+ and you don't have a shield or grinder you have issues.
I (try to) pick hammerburst only when I have decent connection in a game. Also it heavily depends on what map is chosen (I always bring lancer on River). Game mode and party members also influence my decision but not as much.
Aside from 2.0., 100th Rank and Annex the DC Horde achievements are all I have left to do in this game so PLEASSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEE count me in. I'd like to get them done as soon as humanly possible. Send me a FR or a message of when you want to attempt it and I'll try to scrounge up some people if necessary.
[quote name='lordopus99']I am always up for the Dark Corner Horde achievements.[/QUOTE]

I am too. But a priority for me is Way Station. I can never get a game for that map.
I finally got my new hard drive so I have room for the dark corners maps and played gears2 for the first time in months.

Needless to say, nothing has changed with it being a one weapon game, in fact it seems worse. I don't think I will pick up dark corners.
Anybody have an idea of why I just lost 1500 pts when I finished a game of annex and my team won?? I thought you only lost those when you quit a game early...
[quote name='lordopus99']Anybody have an idea of why I just lost 1500 pts when I finished a game of annex and my team won?? I thought you only lost those when you quit a game early...[/QUOTE]

Sometimes it glitches I think, doesn't happen often.
So, I've got a question about the "Suicide Missionary" achievement, for completing all acts on insane. I completed acts 1-3 on insane in co-op with a friend, but I never finished; he was host, and the the save was on his console. Do I have to start over and complete insane mode on a single save, or does the system track my progress from game to game, like it counts stats for other achievements? I'm really hoping I can just start a new game and play acts 4 & 5 to get the achievement.
[quote name='elmyra']So, I've got a question about the "Suicide Missionary" achievement, for completing all acts on insane. I completed acts 1-3 on insane in co-op with a friend, but I never finished; he was host, and the the save was on his console. Do I have to start over and complete insane mode on a single save, or does the system track my progress from game to game, like it counts stats for other achievements? I'm really hoping I can just start a new game and play acts 4 & 5 to get the achievement.[/QUOTE]

No you don't. I played my insane playthrough by myself and during co-op.
Lately when I play I get some minor lag. I honestly can't remember if it always did that or not. Although sometimes the lag is really bad where the character skips around,but that is rare. I finally got 1999 rounds of multi-player. Seems like it took forever.
[quote name='lordopus99']No you don't. I played my insane playthrough by myself and during co-op.[/QUOTE]

That's a relief - thanks!
Double XP this weekend for Halloween, also a new title update is live. Roadie run is different, supposedly fixed some exploits.
[quote name='DJP519']Double XP this weekend for Halloween, also a new title update is live. Roadie run is different, supposedly fixed some exploits.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully Sires for Level 10,20,30,40,50 in Horde
[quote name='lordopus99']Hopefully Sires for Level 10,20,30,40,50 in Horde[/QUOTE]

Actually they increased boomers. But i dont think ill be playing. I want to play Ballad of gay tony. plus i havent played in a month or so, and its so weird when you havent played in a while and first get back on.
Yeah, I hadn't played in almost two months until tonight. The roadie run now is blurrier, more like Gears 1. Sounds like Horde might be harder than usual this weekend, instead of easier. But I'll try to get some double XP out of guardian and annex matches. Not a big fan of execution. I missed the last double XP weekend around Labor Day because I was moving.
bread's done