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Hey, Could someone invite me back to the clan i got out for no reason, I was gonna join my friend but i didnt accept his request so if anyone can invite me thx. Sorry for the inconvience :(
Alright, I'm going to play a little bit right now. It's just not Christmas without Halo 2. :D
[quote name='rywateska']Don't you just hate holidays and family? In the past three day's I've had a Duke controller & a live headset ruined by a damn dog. Does anyone know if the Halo 2 headset is any good? Worth it's weight compared to the standard one? Also, where can I find a cheap breakaway cable, I've lost one of those as well.[/quote]

I bought it from CC with the 20% sale from earlier in the week, used it for 2 days, and turned it back in. It was a giant PITA to get it situated right on my ear, and when I did have it sitting right, I didn't get nearly as much volume and I did on the old Microsoft headset. Plus, I seemed to have issues with trying to get the right spot for the mic to sound correctly. I could've ended up with a bum one, but I'm not quite sure. It was light as a feather to wear, yes. No question there.

Now that I'm an owner of a Logitech Precision Wireless Controller (Xmas present from the GF), I need to go track down the Wireless Headset to go with it. Someone around here tried it and said it rocked the house.
ugh, i HATE playing with random people. still, some good games with you guys tonight. most improved player award goes to ZeroSupport. he went from good to unstoppable.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']ugh, i HATE playing with random people. still, some good games with you guys tonight. most improved player award goes to ZeroSupport. he went from good to unstoppable.[/quote]

I was just about to say the same thing. Dear god those people, that matt x guy just wouldnt shut up. It pissed the hell out of me
[quote name='spyhunterk19']
You can call 1-800-4-MY-XBOX

They will ship you out one for free no questions asked.[/quote]

Honestly? What should I tell them?
[quote name='rywateska'][quote name='spyhunterk19']
You can call 1-800-4-MY-XBOX

They will ship you out one for free no questions asked.[/quote]

Honestly? What should I tell them?[/quote]

Tell them that you have a breakaway cable that doesn't function. You've checked with all the other controllers you have and the problem is with the breakaway cable.
[quote name='murcielago77']i might be going on soon, anyone else comin on?[/quote]I might be on in less than an hour but I'm not really sure. If I don't get on before 6 central, I'll be playing later tonight.
I'll probably be on in about 10 minutes depends how much longer my brother hogs the Xbox. My GT is in my Signature send me an invite.
[quote name='murcielago77']Ill be goin on again in about an hour or 2[/quote]

Cool, I might be on in a couple of hours as well.
Christmas Day was a blast! Zewone, Zero Support, murcielago77, and I won like 5 out of 7 minor clan matches. Took our clan level from five to six. We even beat a group of guys with rankings of 10. Woohoo, go CAG!!
[quote name='jughead']Christmas Day was a blast! Zewone, Zero Support, murcielago77, and I won like 5 out of 7 minor clan matches. Took our clan level from five to six. We even beat a group of guys with rankings of 10. Woohoo, go CAG!![/quote]

Yea Jughead/Jugsta it was great
Good times except for when Jugsta said I was cheap for getting kills from the scraps and when Zero Support won that way he said he pulled a "zewone". :( Some nice clan matches, but remember we only won because we are "lucky pieces of bitch!" :lol:
[quote name='zewone']Good times except for when Jugsta said I was cheap for getting kills from the scraps and when Zero Support won that way he said he pulled a "zewone". :( Some nice clan matches, but remember we only won because we are "lucky pieces of bitch!" :lol:[/quote]

yea, zewone cleaned up "scraps" and it feels great being "pieces of bitch" :lol:
Scrapping is part of the game, as it has been a part of any fast-paced FPS. You must simply adapt and try to get the kill before they do. You can't blame another person for shooting the enemy, regardless of who shot first. Adapt, or be left in the wake.
[quote name='Ledhed']Scrapping is part of the game, as it has been a part of any fast-paced FPS. You must simply adapt and try to get the kill before they do. You can't blame another person for shooting the enemy, regardless of who shot first. Adapt, or be left in the wake.[/quote]

I know, it just felt good calling someone a "cleanerupper of scraps". I was just aggitated (? spelling) that he cleaned up like 3 of my kills and won the slayer match over me by like 3 or 4 frags.
My connectioned sucked so I decided to just leave for the night instead of putting you guys at a loss of a guy. Sorry, dont' know whats going on.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Good game playin with you guys tonight....look forward to more....[/quote]

Great playing with you tonight. I was glad to have you on my team.
I dropped out of the clan. There's just not enough spaces on a team as shown by murc booting guys so they could go into matchmaking which I really didn't understand since I think 13 players were there so we just needed 3 more to have the original 8, including the sacred Arikado, and 8 other people most of which were in the clan. :?

I'm now with a clan called pizzbreak (it fits me so well :D) and we only have 4 guys in it, so if this clan doesn't ever do anything, I'm probally going to join the DCR ( ) if they can get things going.

It was fun playing with you guys. Hopefully if you guys ever don't want to have a clan members only game, then I can play too.

Just remember the ham will live on. :p
[quote name='sj41']I dropped out of the clan. There's just not enough spaces on a team as shown by murc booting guys so they could go into matchmaking which I really didn't understand since I think 13 players were there so we just needed 3 more to have the original 8, including the sacred Arikado, and 8 other people most of which were in the clan. :?[/quote]

I don't quite understand what you are saying here. There were originally 13 people when Murc started booting people? Was he only booting people who weren't in the clan? If he was botting clan members, was someone else starting another room? I don't think a clan member should ever be booted unless there are simply too many people to do match-making AND someone is starting another room, as we've often done in the past.
Last Night Gaming was a work of art. We may not of won every game...but you can see that we're starting to get comfortable with each other's playing style and using it to our advantage. We can hold our own and (most of the time) at worst force a tie. Our Offense could use some wok, but our defense is a thing of beauty.

To JimmieMac: murcielago77 reminded me that I started the whole issue between us (I completely forgot) and so with that, I'm a dick.... sorry about that. ;-)

I realized that I have a "Perfect" group last night...a “Personal CAG Dream Team" if you will....

Now this is my“Personal CAG Dream Team”, by no means does this mean the best players.... just that I play the best with these guys and look forward to playing with the whole team one day.

1. Zewone: This guy is "Greased lightning.... he has an amazing talent of getting out of the most fucking atrocious of situations and coming out with a flag or bomb in hand. fucking amazing.... Kicks ass in Offense, Unstoppable in defense. I’d say more, but he knows he rocks…. and people have said it better before.

2. CheapyD: I've mentioned this to him before and I'll mention it on here.... in game, this man is ALL business. This guy is probably my top pick for defense...Sometimes I wonder if he's hiding our flag from the opposing team.... He takes touching the flag seriously, and I don’t even recommend the teammates get anywhere near it. ;-)

3. Murcielago77: All around kick ass, fucker has like 7 arms with all Rocket Launchers in them. Snipers can't touch him, cause he moves like a 14 year old Cambodian whore on smack trying to work an extra $10 bucks out of a fat American. Either he's cheating or he knows a "Speed Boost" in the maps and he's not telling. Good for Offense and Defense equally. Not to mention that this guy is my good luck charm, whenever I need someone for back up or to drive the hog.... he always seems to be right there. Thanks Murc….

4. Trakan: I've only played with him a few times, but the man is good. And in any type of "King of the Hill" match he's a GOD. I swear this guy grabs 3 overshields and bolts his feet to the floor in the hill...cause this man is a perment fixture. The only thing that moves him is an accidental TK. Pretty good with the Ghost as well. Great Defense….

5. JimmieMac: We played a good game last night, I would say it's safe to say that our feud is over.... either way.... he’s on my dream team weather he likes it or not. ;-) This man has a built in "Flag/Bomb Homing Beacon" in his helmet's HUD that the rest of us don’t, cause he always know where either one is...ALWAYS. Super Aggressive player, I've never seen such insane rage with a pump shottie. I straight up HATE playing against him now. Oh yeah, and my first pick for gunner on the Hog....

6. rywateska: He can have some iffy connection issues, but the man is so good that I'll take his skills anyway I could get them. If he logs in with a 2400-baud connection.... he’s still my 1st pick on the team. The "Realist" on the team, he's always first to bring the team back into reality and make us protect the flag on defense with 110%. All around awesome player, and ALWAYS has some good strategies to use.

7. Ledhed: The "Offensive Hurricane" of the team. Some of the best offensive support I've ever seen in the game. This guy ALWAYS aims for the head, and can scrap like a Drunken Irish.... This guy can snipe a man inside the opposing team's base with a needler from inside his base.... I’ve seen him do it. I think he practices Voodoo magic before each game and puts a curse on all who touch the flag.

8. Me, of course.... this is MY Dream Team! (Once "Hamakhet", [roommate's XBL account], now "NarnianCrusader" me "Mooky" or "NC" if you like. Not the one to "toot my own horn", well...fuck it, I AM... I can ALWAYS throw a flag outside an opposing base for pick up. ALWAYS! If you play with me, you'll always hear me say this "Flag is outside the base!" before I get slaughtered by five opposing team members. I'm probably more suited as the "Wheelman" of the team.... I drive more than everyone else and I can land a hog on all fours after hitting a rocket blast while jumping a hill 40 (Halo Feet) feet in the air. Very Rarely do I ever "flip the hog" (mostly flip for stupid reasons or just tired at 1am in the morning), but I can say I NEVER flip with precious cargo like a Flag or a Bomb...Believe it Fool!

Anyways...that’s my "Personal CAG Dream Team" and I'm sure I've left out a key player or two.... nothing personal, just haven’t played you recently. (And they're is only room for 8!) I know a lot of you are awesome players.... (RockSolid, jughead, ZeroSupporT) I just never really play with you guys. Sorry!!! :)
[quote name='sj41']I dropped out of the clan. There's just not enough spaces on a team as shown by murc booting guys so they could go into matchmaking which I really didn't understand since I think 13 players were there so we just needed 3 more to have the original 8, including the sacred Arikado, and 8 other people most of which were in the clan. :?

I'm now with a clan called pizzbreak (it fits me so well :D) and we only have 4 guys in it, so if this clan doesn't ever do anything, I'm probally going to join the DCR ( ) if they can get things going.

It was fun playing with you guys. Hopefully if you guys ever don't want to have a clan members only game, then I can play too.

Just remember the ham will live on. :p[/quote]

Im part of the dream caster clan we could really use someone who plays a lot. If we have about three more constant players we would be a force to be reckoned with
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='sj41']I dropped out of the clan. There's just not enough spaces on a team as shown by murc booting guys so they could go into matchmaking which I really didn't understand since I think 13 players were there so we just needed 3 more to have the original 8, including the sacred Arikado, and 8 other people most of which were in the clan. :?[/quote]

I don't quite understand what you are saying here. There were originally 13 people when Murc started booting people? Was he only booting people who weren't in the clan? If he was botting clan members, was someone else starting another room? I don't think a clan member should ever be booted unless there are simply too many people to do match-making AND someone is starting another room, as we've often done in the past.[/quote]

Actually, (If this was last night) I dont think Murc77 was doing the booting.....people were being booted cause more than 8 is too many to start a Major Clan match.

On a more personal note, you could of just told someone that this was bothering you before you dropped out of the clan. Why whine about it now that you're out? Not only that but try to get Murc77 in trouble when I dont think he even was in control of the match.

Personally, I dont think you were very good, in're Horrible and I see our clan rankings going up already. Have a good time on the outside... ;-)
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='sj41']I dropped out of the clan. There's just not enough spaces on a team as shown by murc booting guys so they could go into matchmaking which I really didn't understand since I think 13 players were there so we just needed 3 more to have the original 8, including the sacred Arikado, and 8 other people most of which were in the clan. :?[/quote]

I don't quite understand what you are saying here. There were originally 13 people when Murc started booting people? Was he only booting people who weren't in the clan? If he was botting clan members, was someone else starting another room? I don't think a clan member should ever be booted unless there are simply too many people to do match-making AND someone is starting another room, as we've often done in the past.[/quote]

What I think happened was there were 7 of us waiting for Arikado to enter matchmaking, and then another 5 people joined. There was already another room with custom matches going. I don't really know what happened.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Actually, (If this was last night) I dont think Murc77 was doing the booting.....people were being booted cause more than 8 is too many to start a Major Clan match.[/quote]

There's nothing wrong with slimming a party down in order to do clan matches. I just want to know if clan members were being booted without another party being started. I don't care who was doing the booting, that's inconsequential. But, if there are enough actual clan members playing to make this necessary, then another room should be started. That way, no clan members are being left out of the loop.
With as many people in the clan as you have this is going to happen every once in a while. I dunno if quitting the clan over it was necessary
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='sj41']I dropped out of the clan. There's just not enough spaces on a team as shown by murc booting guys so they could go into matchmaking which I really didn't understand since I think 13 players were there so we just needed 3 more to have the original 8, including the sacred Arikado, and 8 other people most of which were in the clan. :?[/quote]

I don't quite understand what you are saying here. There were originally 13 people when Murc started booting people? Was he only booting people who weren't in the clan? If he was botting clan members, was someone else starting another room? I don't think a clan member should ever be booted unless there are simply too many people to do match-making AND someone is starting another room, as we've often done in the past.[/quote]Nobody ever had another room set up (as far as I know) or anything but Shrike hosted a game that ended up only getting me, him and a guy I met Friday called OnlyBIGDADDY.

Oh, and mooky, just looking at my rankings I'm obviously bad. :lol:

I wasn't going to leave the CAG clan at all, but a friend of mine wanted to start a clan, and asked me to join so I accepted. It doesn't really have anything to do with being booted out of that game since I got over that quickly once I started playing again.

If my posts sound too whiny I'll edit them out to just say: "Congragulations. Now your clan is better because you guys don't have me." And all of you know it's true. :wink:

Maybe my eyes were just completely screwed up last night bause I never saw words clan match on the screen and I thought I heard murc say something about wanting Arikado,that's when I got booted. I completely understand if you guys want your best (most deserving) players in the clan matches. That's fine. I thought it was just matchmaking, which kind of made me wonder why he was booting everyone and why he didn't give any explanation.
[quote name='jlarlee']With as many people in the clan as you have this is going to happen every once in a while. I dunno if quitting the clan over it was necessary[/quote]I'm not quitting the clan over getting booted, guys. That had little to do with this. A friend needed people in his clan and you guys have plenty of fantastic players to cover for the CAG clan. You guys have all areas covered by different players such as Arikado and his great sniping ability.

Maybe this is just all coming out wrong, but I'm breaking up with you guys. We had a good time together. But it's over. :wink:

EDIT- And I hope it doesn't sound like I was angry at murc. I love murc. Murc's a great guy. Everybody loves murc. :D He may not have even been the party leader, so nobody be haten on murc.
Have fun in your new clan Sticky. I'll miss screaming at you for throwing the flag out the window in Zanzibar. :wink:

I just realized: with both you and Jake now gone, there's no "guy who really enjoys killing Ledhed" anymore. Or maybe there is and he's simply not as vocal about it as you two were. :lol:
[quote name='Ledhed']Have fun in your new clan Sticky. I'll miss screaming at you for throwing the flag out the window in Zanzibar. :wink:

I just realized: with both you and Jake now gone, there's no "guy who really enjoys killing Ledhed" anymore. Or maybe there is and he's simply not as vocal about it as you two were. :lol:[/quote]

I didn't know Jake left. What happened there?
[quote name='Ledhed']Or maybe there is and he's simply not as vocal about it as you two were. :lol:[/quote]That would be pretty much every guy in the CAG clan except for maybe Arikado. :)

EDIT- And thanks, Led. I'll have alot of fun telling stories about the CAG clan. :)
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='Ledhed']Have fun in your new clan Sticky. I'll miss screaming at you for throwing the flag out the window in Zanzibar. :wink:

I just realized: with both you and Jake now gone, there's no "guy who really enjoys killing Ledhed" anymore. Or maybe there is and he's simply not as vocal about it as you two were. :lol:[/quote]

I didn't know Jake left. What happened there?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure jake is in the DCR clan and has been since the release of the game
[quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='Trakan'][quote name='Ledhed']Have fun in your new clan Sticky. I'll miss screaming at you for throwing the flag out the window in Zanzibar. :wink:

I just realized: with both you and Jake now gone, there's no "guy who really enjoys killing Ledhed" anymore. Or maybe there is and he's simply not as vocal about it as you two were. :lol:[/quote]

I didn't know Jake left. What happened there?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure jake is in the DCR clan and has been since the release of the game[/quote]

Oh, okay. He played with us the other night, and I must have just figured he was in the clan. Oops.
[quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='Trakan'][quote name='Ledhed']Have fun in your new clan Sticky. I'll miss screaming at you for throwing the flag out the window in Zanzibar. :wink:

I just realized: with both you and Jake now gone, there's no "guy who really enjoys killing Ledhed" anymore. Or maybe there is and he's simply not as vocal about it as you two were. :lol:[/quote]

I didn't know Jake left. What happened there?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure jake is in the DCR clan and has been since the release of the game[/quote]

I dunno as to his current whereabouts, but he used to be in the CAG clan (his tag is JakeT18blah-blah-something). He played alot the week of release, but I haven't seen him on in quite some time.
sorry for not being on that much in the last week guys - work, life, etc. has been getting in the way. i should be on several nights this week though. i read every post in the thread, so don't think your feedback and requests go unheeded.

as far as booting people from a game, i don't see it being necessary unless there are non-clan people there. if it's larger than eight, just do a custom game, or split it into two groups for some matchmade stuff (just make sure everyone agrees to this beforehand).

sticky, sorry to see you go, have fun in your new clan (though i won't miss the singing :p ).

nice dream team list mooky - very true and very entertaining. i think the only game i've played with you was when I flipped the hog on coag when we had the flag in it and ended up costing us the game. probably my worst halo 2 moment yet, not a good way to impress :wink:
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