Official Mass Effect: Andromeda Discussion (Hype/Speculation/Anticipation)

Just raged quit again at, you guessed it, the Architect fight. God, they really need checkpoints on these boss fights. Got stuck on a A.I. teammate, on the 3rd segment, and died from the boss's AoE attack.
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Dumb question for the day.

Squadmates' weapons aren't changeable, right? If so, what do you guys do with extra weapons? Sell them or break them down for raw materials?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Played w/randoms again, got housed in Kett/Gold again...not even a chance. Our group synergy was just off. Havoc Trooper, 2 Asari Sentinals, and a Duelist. 2 players more or less going solo rambo in different parts of the maps. You'd think the other Sent would take the hint and team up w/the other player so each had their own wingman. Nope. (I think we were playing the APEX missions where shotguns got a big damage boost)

Once 2 Anointed show up and start firing it was lights out for the entire party. I've been using more cobra missiles when there's a bunch of shielded or armored in a room lately just because I'm a time saver.

On the other hand...Vanquisher IV (from last night's pack).

Squadmates' weapons aren't changeable, right? If so, what do you guys do with extra weapons? Sell them or break them down for raw materials?
I break down unneeded weapons. I don't feel like I use credits for much of anything, and you can get some otherwise rare materials like eezo and vanadium.

well...I'm 200/200 in Apex resource boxes or whatever it is you get from doing the App missions. Might be time to wake up my sister and make use of some of these rewards.

...unless of course we're full on gold farming tonight!

Dumb question for the day.

Squadmates' weapons aren't changeable, right? If so, what do you guys do with extra weapons? Sell them or break them down for raw materials?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
I break down unneeded weapons. I don't feel like I use credits for much of anything, and you can get some otherwise rare materials like eezo and vanadium.
Yeah I do a combination of selling them and breaking them down depending on what I need.

So with that in mind, am I right in that squadmates have their own weapons and there's no changing them out? Didn't we have that in ME3, if memory serves?
Yeah, they have their own weapons and armor that are out of your control. Your only input is their skill allotments.

In ME3, they had assigned weapon skills, but could use different ones.

Yeah, they have their own weapons and armor that are out of your control. Your only input is their skill allotments.

In ME3, they had assigned weapon skills, but could use different ones.
I thought I was going crazy for missing that aspect of changing squadmate weapons. I'll just keep one of each around and break down / sell the rest, depending on what I need.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Do you get anything for retiring a Strike Squad? i.e. Apex rating, etc.

Granted you'd probably want to if they started getting too many penalties and your new teams were getting up there in levels.

Do you get anything for retiring a Strike Squad? i.e. Apex rating, etc.

Granted you'd probably want to if they started getting too many penalties and your new teams were getting up there in levels.
Nope nothing.

As for negatives and equipment, they don't matter imo. My suicide squad has 4 positives, 10 negatives, and no equipment. However, they only seem to fail a gold attempt once (maybe twice every now and then) before clearing all gold missions.

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Nope nothing.

As for negatives and equipment, they don't matter imo. My suicide squad has 4 positives, 10 negatives, and no equipment. However, they only seem to fail a gold attempt once (maybe twice every now and then) before clearing all gold missions.
Thanks for the heads up. So far I'm current w/all the MP armors offered in the item store...I might even use the AR armor w/my Havoc Trooper, who knows.

Cool new things:

Last night we saw some @#$%. A Turian Soldier w/Turbo + Fortify, tearing it up w/the Inscisor sniper rifle on Gold. Inspiring. In the lobby I was inspecting the squad and saying "check this out, this guy has an insicor sniper rifle..." then...pew pew pew. amg, he's kicking ass.

Tooled around w/the Angaran Insurgent. YEAH!? Trip mine in cray cray. I'm hoping you can get it powerful enough to take out red bars on silver. On bronze, it's just boom, [Trip Mine]. Oh yeah, Shield boost is awesome too but no one talks about the healer until they need him. Reminds me of yee ole TF days w/the engineer setting up and then holding an area.

Premium Pack: Asari Duelist I, Hesh shotgun I...woo hoo!

Not Cool new things:

2 - Human Kinecticist do not synergize well. She's a Diva in her own right. My score was tops for most of the night until..."She" joined the party. Now both of us were competing for red bars and 1/2 the time I'm throwing biotics down a lane w/no target.

APEX APP Talk: Gold & Echo Strike Teams, both lvl 20s (has Electronic Countermeasures & Quick Response Vehicle IV) always go for the Gold. I saved up a bunch of mission points and swapped out the equipment (now has Empowered Shields II) for Kilo, now a lvl 18/used to be the dedicated Bronze & Silver squad. They had a better % for the Gold and with something like 73%, compared to 38%, are now running on a Gold mission. Sniff, they grow up so fast.

I'm not sold entirely on Quick Response Vehicle IV, as it's not the best equipment with others getting bonuses more often than not.

Haven't really been able to get into ME: A, too many good hockey games going on right now. The app is perfect for that lol.

Think I'm going to have the story finished this weekend, only have the last 2 missions left.  Done with all the loyalty missions and all the side quests worth doing.  Up to level 57.

Think I'm going to have the story finished this weekend, only have the last 2 missions left. Done with all the loyalty missions and all the side quests worth doing. Up to level 57.
57? Damn, sounds like I have a long way to go, just being level 8.

I finally had the combat just click and it just worked. I was
fighting the fiend at Site 2 on Eos and was dashing / jump-jetting all over the battlefield, firing non-stop disruptor rounds at it to slow it down. Finally, it all fell into place and just worked.

Now, I just need to take the leap and use the finger-paddles on my Elite for it and I think it'll work even better.

Finished up the main story.  Just under 75 hours, 96% complete.  I liked the ending overall although the last fight felt kinda weak and there is some clear sequel bait set-up too.  Now just an Insanity speedrun and I should get the plat on PS4...

Got into some random Gold MP last night.

Wow...2 Turian Soldiers & an Angara Insurgent huddled up one of the rooms near the spawn point on Firebase Icebreaker (I think).

They shredded the Outlaws. Everyone had a Revenant equipped except me with my scorpion pistol. Fortiy, Turbo Charge, Shield Boost, and 2-3 trip mines stacked at the entrances. I'm noticing more and more decent random groups on Gold be more successful holding a point, sticking together, and just crushing it.

Asari Sent X to 20 & Havoc Trooper 20 to X last night.

Played about an 1 hour of single player. I think I'm spoiled from previous games that give you a mini map. Looking fwd to cashing in on some of the Apex rewards. I'm also guessing you can't attach a mod to your guns unless you're at a station that allows it. Picked up something for the AR but can't seem to find the option to equip the mod to the Avenger.

you can color your armor in the pathfinder's quarters, but to equip armor you go to the bridge and it's the room on the left where you'll find the loadout station.

Or you can change armor, weapons/mods, or squadmates at any forward station on a planet.

I'm on PS4 and playing on gold mostly with friends. I love using my human infiltrator and novaguard, but mostly trying to level up kits. Hoping to get the Human Kineticist soon. :pray:
I have the game on PS4 as well strictly for MP that some co-workers pressured me to double dip but then haven't played with me so if you see me on PS4 (PSN/XBL same as CAG) then shoot me a message.

Finished up the main story. Just under 75 hours, 96% complete. I liked the ending overall although the last fight felt kinda weak and there is some clear sequel bait set-up too. Now just an Insanity speedrun and I should get the plat on PS4...
You can get unwavering easily by playing 5 gold matches in the multiplayer. I will admit that it felt too easy as that Insanity run was always something of a special capstone on any ME game. But, if time is limited, go the MP route.

You can get unwavering easily by playing 5 gold matches in the multiplayer. I will admit that it felt too easy as that Insanity run was always something of a special capstone on any ME game. But, if time is limited, go the MP route.
Doesn't s/he have to get a multiplayer character up to level 20 or so first before doing gold? That'll take a lot of time. I went with the Insanity route, New Game plus so I had all my points and gear, and just did a speedrun through the main story missions. Only took me two days of casual playing.

Doesn't s/he have to get a multiplayer character up to level 20 or so first before doing gold? That'll take a lot of time. I went with the Insanity route, New Game plus so I had all my points and gear, and just did a speedrun through the main story missions. Only took me two days of casual playing.
I don't think you need to be lvl 20 to complete a gold difficulty mission, 20 just helps you not get kicked out of the lobby. You can lobby surf and look for games already in session to sneak in. I usually try to do that for silver missions with lower level characters. I know I'm going to give it effort and use missiles, but most randoms will see lvl 8 and say no. Insurgent up to lvl 10 now.

You can beat Insanity in 2 days of casual playing?

...but Avenged too 75 hours to beat it on less than Insanity but with 96% completion?

How you do dat?

I don't think you need to be lvl 20 to complete a gold difficulty mission, 20 just helps you not get kicked out of the lobby. You can lobby surf and look for games already in session to sneak in. I usually try to do that for silver missions with lower level characters. I know I'm going to give it effort and use missiles, but most randoms will see lvl 8 and say no. Insurgent up to lvl 10 now.

You can beat Insanity in 2 days of casual playing?

...but Avenged too 75 hours to beat it on less than Insanity but with 96% completion?

How you do dat?
Ah, that is sneaky. In all my playing, I've only once been put in a multiplayer game in progress.

By "beating Insanity," I meant just to get the achievement/trophy. All you have to do is beat the final boss. So just speedrun the main missions and skip all the side and companion missions. The main missions are fairly quick, and for a good chunk of them you can avoid combat by just speedrunning to the next checkpoint.

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Ah, that is sneaky. In all my playing, I've only once been put in a multiplayer game in progress.

By "beating Insanity," I meant just to get the achievement/trophy. All you have to do is beat the final boss. So just speedrun the main missions and skip all the side and companion missions. The main missions are fairly quick, and for a good chunk of them you can avoid combat by just speedrunning to the next checkpoint.
Good to know.

We've had gold games where gottdott dropped due to connection and we got some randy bob join in. After we beat it we see in the recap screen..."oh lvl 8 guy." etc. Remember, ppl still kick you for being lvl 1 on Bronze. If i'm hosting a silver match I don't really care what level the others are unless it's an Apex mission w/Kett. After Kett got the upgrade they're more like silver++

I'm enjoying the single player so far. I found a Black Widow already in the Nexus...not sure if that's RNG or if you actually can find it that early.

Yeah, I'm just doing an Insanity speed run on NG+. This will be just the priority missions only. Already up to Eos and just started it last night. I keep having connection issues in the MP and don't really want to miss a Gold extraction at the end cause my connection dropped.
^ Saw that posted on the Mass Effect group page on FB and a lot of us agree that article is full of shit. No, it's not good advice, let Bioware be Bioware and stop telling them what to do.

I don't understand why people kick whomever if they're not the level they think you ought to be, can't they still see your Apex rating?!

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let Bioware be Bioware and stop telling them what to do.

A PERFECT example of this is the new Horizon. Guerrilla made Killzone, pretty solid shooters. They broke out of the mold and made something they truly wanted and it is one of the best games we have gotten in years now. Games are at their core are a piece of art and so to tell someone to just do what they always do it like sentencing them to jail and means we would never get any sort of breakthrough or new gameplay.

^ Saw that posted on the Mass Effect group page on FB and a lot of us agree that article is full of shit. No, it's not good advice, let Bioware be Bioware and stop telling them what to do.

I don't understand why people kick whomever if they're not the level they think you ought to be, can't they still see your Apex rating?!
I think of the points that came out of the article was that there's been a shift of Bioware over the years from the Planescape, Icewind Dale, and Baldur's Gate from the 90s, into KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect and Dragon Age into the 2000 and 2010s. With ME3, DA: I and now ME: A, things have changed from the "core" from back then mainly since EA took things over.

There's never too much DA and ME for nerds like us and having filler quests isn't bad when it doesn't seem like it's time-wasting for time-wasting's sake. I'm not dropping ME: A since I know it's going to be a huge haul to the end to try and do everything, though I think we all can admit that there were some quests in DA: I that seemed like filler for filler's sake.

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What if Mass Effect was in Real Life, Immersion.

[customspoiler='Mass Effect Immersion'][/customspoiler]


Eh.  Open world sort of worked for Dragon Age Inquisition.  I am let down by it in Andromeda.  I have a lot of gripes about this game, but I'm trying to not be whiny.  The overall experience would have been 10x better from the perspective of a Mass Effect story-telling experience if they cut out 75% of the side quests OR linked them in a much more linear way. 

arks are a side mission?  WTF is that?

Open world basically just means "fill the world with shit to keep people busy" and I'm finding that 9 open world games out of 10, it's just stupid stuff that means nothing other than increasing some arbitrary number.  Andromeda is a really bad offender of this. 

I agree that we should let Bioware be Bioware, but I fear that today's Bioware is a tattered remnant of the Bioware that made KOTOR, Dragon Age 1 and 2 and ME 1 and 2.  I'm about 50% through Andromeda and I just know that I won't be as excited for their next release. 

In today's gaming landscape, when my limited time is being competed for by the likes of Horizon Zero Dawn (2017 GotY frontrunner) and Zelda BotW?  I won't be doing multiple Andromeda playthroughs, or am I likely to go for a 100% playthrough.  Maybe something will click in me later in the game, but so far....this game is just okay.  And, this isn't based on the technical issues, which are many, this is based on a very weak story and terrible plot progression.  Luckily it's a hell of a lot of fun to play.

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I don't mind there being a lot of side quests, but they are not well organized at all.  Take Peebee's loyalty mission for example, which has you go to about fourteen different places before something interesting happens.  That isn't good design at all.

Can someone help me understand the crafting/research/development?

From the posts I'm reading (just not the one that clicks with me yet), this is how I think it works.

- You research an item, use RD points, and then you get the blueprint for it.

- You develop an item, based on blueprints you have an use materials you have...and ta da! you now own the physical object to use.

--- After you research and item, you can now find it in the game as loot.

I found a Black Widow I from a crate, I'd like to get it higher level. Do I need to research it to get it to I, then again to get it to II, and if I find it again in the wild, it'll be III?

Thanks in advance.

Can someone help me understand the crafting/research/development?

From the posts I'm reading (just not the one that clicks with me yet), this is how I think it works.

- You research an item, use RD points, and then you get the blueprint for it.

- You develop an item, based on blueprints you have an use materials you have...and ta da! you now own the physical object to use.

--- After you research and item, you can now find it in the game as loot.

I found a Black Widow I from a crate, I'd like to get it higher level. Do I need to research it to get it to I, then again to get it to II, and if I find it again in the wild, it'll be III?

Thanks in advance.
In terms of levels (Black Widow I vs. III), that depends on your character's level. The higher you are, the higher the level of the drop. It's not necessary to craft a level II in order for a III to drop. Your character just has to be high enough in level to be able to craft a III, then if one drops, it should be III.

I found it better to craft my own rather than depend on drops because when you craft, you can add augmentations that make your weapon significantly better. And the augs will return to you if you deconstruct a weapon. So I have an aug that increases the amount of mods I can put on my Black Widow. When I got high enough level to craft a VIII, I just deconstructed my VII and reused the augs to craft the VIII.

Thanks gogomo.

You actually answered one of my questions I didn't ask yet in editions to my posted question(s).

After all that MP, I finally cashed in all my loot boxes and I haz a few UR augmentations I'm looking to try out. I'm glad to know that when you deconstruct you get the aug back.

other newb questions: When they give me the option to (X) Sell all Salvage...should I do that?

Also, apparently strike team rewards don't work so well in NG+. I went to open items last night (well under the item limit) and they just disappeared. Super frustrating.
I wouldn't mind all the side quests as much if the main map wasn't such a piece of junk. The open world maps look like they were made during the Apollo program, not by a spacefaring group of people who just literally flew over the area being shown.

...And can do it again to increase the fidelity if you want to have them crappy prior to activating a vault as some kind of plot point.

At least in Inquisition, the map was intuitive, clean, and you could clearly identify what areas you haven't explored.

Andromeda looks more like they found someone who has an unhealthy fascination with topographical maps to create something to plop icons on.
I chuckled a few times when I jumped outta the nomad and tried to scan some bugs that were attacking us...meanwhile my squad mates are firing and yelling all sorts of things.

Between life, the fact my save file is right before the
Architect on Voeld boss fight
, Stanley Cup Playoffs right now I haven't been able to just jump in on Mass Effect. So I'm at 200/200 collectible rewards and I dread once I get to my APEX terminal on my ship lol.
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I finally got around to playing SP for once since my Apex Rewards reached 200 again. I only collected 50 from last time and got a good haul as far as rewards went. 
After playing MP so much and learning what abilities were good, I broke SP with my current build. O:)  I went with Infiltrator profile for Tactical Cloak, Turbo-Charge, and Invasion to power up a bio-converter augmented Black Widow. It's pretty much headshots for days and my squad always spamming "great shot!, one in a million!, impressive! etc" phrases during every encounter.  :lol:
I finally got around to playing SP for once since my Apex Rewards reached 200 again. I only collected 50 from last time and got a good haul as far as rewards went.

After playing MP so much and learning what abilities were good, I broke SP with my current build. O:) I went with Infiltrator profile for Tactical Cloak, Turbo-Charge, and Invasion to power up a bio-converter augmented Black Widow. It's pretty much headshots for days and my squad always spamming "great shot!, one in a million!, impressive! etc" phrases during every encounter. :lol:
Sounds like you need to up the difficulty lol.

bread's done