Official Mass Effect: Andromeda Discussion (Hype/Speculation/Anticipation)

wow. Tac cloak w/2 sec delay + turbo charge and any hard hitting weapon sounds scary.

I think the other combo mentioned earlier was Biotic shield + Charge (Ryukishinn maybe? sorry for spelling)

I just got lvl 5 so I'm still far away from any funky skill combos.

in MP I have 7/????? whatever this number is for Invasion use in challenges. Hahaha, I don't even have the Operator.

Finished my Insanity playthrough (speedrun took me just under 8 hours) and got the platinum on PS4.  Definitely taking a long break with this game before I go back on XB1.

God dang, finally beat that boss, took me three tries, I had gotten stuck on a teammate and lost my life to laser fire/ got stuck on the environment and died of extreme cold. Also gee let's make opening doors the same button as meleeing (you can see this in the video below)​! No checkpoints during those battles was a huge oversight on the developers. Yeah I'm a crybaby only on Hardcore but with this fight I'm always having to revive my teammates and wait to reload my sniper rifle. That battle was way too long. Coincidentally I leveled up after the fight, unlocking level IV items and took that time to go back to the ship and unload the 200 rewards I had waiting for me lol. Level 23 now, heading to Kadara Port.

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Just got to Kadara Port, talked to Sloane Kelly. I like it. Anyone pick up the book that's about the Uprising?

Messing around with the Sandstorm Assault Rifle IV, feels fitting on this planet too.
Just got to Kadara Port, talked to Sloane Kelly. I like it. Anyone pick up the book that's about the Uprising?

Messing around with the Sandstorm Assault Rifle IV, feels fitting on this planet too.
I just started reading it, about 7 chapters in. Been quite interesting so far to see what happened when the Nexus made it to Andromeda and the shit all hit the fan, plus seeing how things are as they are when the Hyperion makes it there.

I'm about halfway through the novel, been reading on and off while I play the game.

Just played Jaal's loyalty mission... Wow. What a great mission. Great lore, exciting fights, really made you care about what was happening... It almost feels wrong that this game's best stuff is in the loyalty questlines, while the stuff with the kett and the Archon is overall just not as interesting.

Looking at it from that perspective, DA: I had similar moments, though they were in the big set pieces (Winter Palace, Haven, Grey Wardern Fortress, etc.). 

SO throughout having the Apex HQ app I've only gotten a negative trait once, slow reflexes. I've failed a few times but that's the only time I got stuck with the bill lol.

Jaal lithograph is up for preorder, $40 and 18x24.


How do you apply a researched weapon augmentation to a weapon?

i.e. I have the Sticky Grenade modification, I researched it...I developed it. I can see it in my inventory but I can't seem to find how to apply it to a weapon.

I do know in order to get the aug back you need to dismantle the weapon for raw materials but you keep the augmentation.

Thanks in advance.

How do you apply a researched weapon augmentation to a weapon?
When you craft the blueprint, you should have a few options for mods. I believe when I started out they weren't there but as you unlock higher level blueprints you can get mod slots for the stuff you research. There's one sniper where there's four slots available, later armor you can have a few open slots on it as well. Mods for weapon and armor bonuses can be applied when you craft said device.

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The level 3 Pathfinder armor I just created had mod slots on them, which I think I've researched mods to install in them.  Just have to figure out how to actually develop them. 

Plus, I now have five strike teams, each with one of the +40 / Level 4 items.  So far, at least one of them has has the bonus item needed for specific Gold missions and they've had a high rate of success. 

Just finished Nexus Uprising this morning.  How Sloane Kelly ended up being part of the uprising was not as I expected it to be.  I've not run into her in-game yet (likely not to for a while), though it worked well as background for Andromeda, so it should make her meeting a little interesting. 

Thanks for the note, Shrike.  I'm still debating if I want to read it or not.  My overall opinion of this entry into the fantastic Mass Effect series is very very poor.  I haven't complained around these parts, because nobody likes a downer. 

For those interested, this was the part of the game that put me from "eh, it's okay" to "f this shit game!" was when

Sloane asks you to help her confront the Charlatan and if you choose to let them shoot her, you side with Reyes and the Collective.  Well, leading up to this I must have strung this Reyes asshole along by my dialogue choices, trying to be friendly, and after they shot Sloane, this prick shoves his tongue in my mouth!  WTF?  I'm not homobophic at all.....I'm "asshole shoving their tongue in my mouth phobic". 

I really wish Bioware spent less time concerning themselves about who you can sexy time with and more time putting together a more coherent sequence of events instead of making everything optional.

chubby, Nexus Uprising was a good look into what happened when the Nexus made it to Andromeda and how things ended up as they did before the game.  It gives you a look into Sloane Kelly, Kesh, Jarun Tann, Foster Addison, William Spender and Tian Kandros.   For that, I'm glad I read it, as it helped with backstory.  If you're in such a dislike of the series at the moment, then maybe wait for the book to go on-sale on Amazon, wait until it hits Kindle Unlimited or find a secondhand copy / borrow someone else's copy. 

chubby, Nexus Uprising was a good look into what happened when the Nexus made it to Andromeda and how things ended up as they did before the game. It gives you a look into Sloane Kelly, Kesh, Jarun Tann, Foster Addison, William Spender and Tian Kandros. For that, I'm glad I read it, as it helped with backstory. If you're in such a dislike of the series at the moment, then maybe wait for the book to go on-sale on Amazon, wait until it hits Kindle Unlimited or find a secondhand copy / borrow someone else's copy.
That's probably what I'll do. I mean, I read the fourth book in the previous series and didn't hate it. So I expect I'll appreciate Nexus Uprising for the backstory.

Looks like Apex rating tops at 300 unless you do multiplayer. All I've done for Apex rating is strike teams and I've been sitting at Apex rating of 300 for multiple days.
Finished the game today.  The ending was pretty good from a gameplay and action standpoint.  Kind of reminded me of elements of ME1 and ME3, for sure.  You can tell Bioware took some lessons learned from what worked well in the previous games.  I'm still digesting and processing what my end opinion is on this game.  But, after 87 hours between the campaign and multiplayer, and 100% Viability, I certainly got my money's worth of playtime. 

And now Mass Effect is on the same life support, or worse, as Dragon Age. Say goodbye to finding the Quarian Ark. :(

Still that's not good news.

Edit: I guess the devs finally put in the X5 Ghost Assault Rifle, the weapon that was in the trailer lol.
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And now Mass Effect is on the same life support, or worse, as Dragon Age. Say goodbye to finding the Quarian Ark. :(
This is the right move for both franchises. They are not in good hands right now, if you ask me. I enjoyed Inquisition, despite some flaws. Andromeda....not so much.

Everything comes to an end, I suppose. First Fable, now Mass Effect. At least Final Fantasy came back (and strong AF), so maybe ME and DA can find new life in a couple y ears.

Question then is, do we think they're going to let it sit for a year or two for a sequel, work out the remaining issues with ME: A, hopefully work on supposed SP and MP DLC and then it'll all be better? 

Question then is, do we think they're going to let it sit for a year or two for a sequel, work out the remaining issues with ME: A, hopefully work on supposed SP and MP DLC and then it'll all be better?
There really hasn't been much word on SP DLC, has there? I always expected some, but I can't recall anything tangible confirming there will be. They did confirm a team remaining to work on the game to sustain the MP.

Ah, they've acknowledged that there's a problem, are fixing it, and people just complain more (not talking about you, it's all over the internet at this point). A sequel for Andromeda could still happen but we'll have to let time take it's course.

I have not played on the 1.06 patch though if I read the patch notes correctly, it's not all facial animations that were fixed. They made more than a few fixes to MP and SP combat items, which is more of an impact.
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Ah, they've acknowledged that there's a problem, are fixing it, and people just complain more (not talking about you, it's all over the internet at this point). A sequel for Andromeda could still happen but we'll have to let time take it's course.
Count me among the complainers. The game is technically broken, the visuals are poor for a 2017 release, the story is at best a disjointed mess and a waste of a decent premise, and worst of all the quest system is atrocious! There are an insane amount of meaningless side quests that have no substantial story or gameplay pay-off, and you have to so many grueling steps to complete these meaningless side quests, that you can spend an hour and not accomplish anything.

Or, worse yet, you skip one of these dull quests only to find out it leads to something actually cool, like an Architect battle. This release is a mess, a disgrace to the N7 designation and I regret investing 87 hours into it. And that comes from a certified Mass Effect freak, as you guys well know.

I have not played on the 1.06 patch though if I read the patch notes correctly, it's not all facial animations that were fixed. They made more than a few fixes to MP and SP combat items, which is more of an impact.
There was also some dlc included, like casual outfits and that one AR that was missing from the game. But, they didnt touch the game breaking bugs or the broken achievements. :wall:

Count me among the complainers. The game is technically broken, the visuals are poor for a 2017 release, the story is at best a disjointed mess and a waste of a decent premise, and worst of all the quest system is atrocious! There are an insane amount of meaningless side quests that have no substantial story or gameplay pay-off, and you have to so many grueling steps to complete these meaningless side quests, that you can spend an hour and not accomplish anything.

Or, worse yet, you skip one of these dull quests only to find out it leads to something actually cool, like an Architect battle. This release is a mess, a disgrace to the N7 designation and I regret investing 87 hours into it. And that comes from a certified Mass Effect freak, as you guys well know.

There was also some dlc included, like casual outfits and that one AR that was missing from the game. But, they didn't touch the game breaking bugs or the broken achievements. :wall:
Patches that fix game breaking bugs or broken achievements? Do they actually make those?

Well in all fairness the game wasn't called Mass Effect 4 and ME1's, which Andromeda is 1 of its series (hopefully), side missions have always been fairly monotonous. Collect the Turian insignia, survey all the minerals, scan all the keepers, check out the distress signal, grab all the Asari writings, etc.
I gotta agree with Chubby on this one, after sinking over 80 hours on PS4 and 10-15 on Xbone this was the most disappointing game since No Man's Sky.  The story is a mess, quest system is awful, combat is decent but the profiles/powers are awfully implemented, the galaxy doesn't feel very alien, etc.  Hopefully they can get it right in a few years...

Well in all fairness the game wasn't called Mass Effect 4 and ME1's, which Andromeda is 1 of its series (hopefully), side missions have always been fairly monotonous. Collect the Turian insignia, survey all the minerals, scan all the keepers, check out the distress signal, grab all the Asari writings, etc.
Thing is, with ME1, even though there were the random fetch quests mixed in with bigger non-major quests, the main story in ME1 was pretty tight and well-written. Plus, Bring Down The Sky was a great piece of DLC off of the main story. Plus, the major plot points had real weight to them. I'm still digging my way to them.

I gotta agree with Chubby on this one, after sinking over 80 hours on PS4 and 10-15 on Xbone this was the most disappointing game since No Man's Sky. The story is a mess, quest system is awful, combat is decent but the profiles/powers are awfully implemented, the galaxy doesn't feel very alien, etc. Hopefully they can get it right in a few years...
I'm still holding out some hope, though I'm far enough in to see that the questing system is a mess with it being hard to tell what's active, what's not active and what's major or minor quests.

I had 155 hours into DA: I before I hit the end, with still some bits to finish up in Jaws Of Hakkon, plus do all of Descent and Trespasser. That did also have its moments with quest fatigue as you made your way through the game, IMO.

Thing is, with ME1, even though there were the random fetch quests mixed in with bigger non-major quests, the main story in ME1 was pretty tight and well-written. Plus, Bring Down The Sky was a great piece of DLC off of the main story. Plus, the major plot points had real weight to them. I'm still digging my way to them.

I'm still holding out some hope, though I'm far enough in to see that the questing system is a mess with it being hard to tell what's active, what's not active and what's major or minor quests.
Well I knew the writing wasn't going to be as good as the first game because that whole staff has changed. R.I.P. Drew, please come back to the Mass Effect world.

Yeah the DLC Bring Down the Sky was very good but that's again after the main game got all the praise and congratulations for coming out of nowhere (this was the first Mass Effect game, and aside from technical issues, "not-as-tight" combat, baren maps to explore, and delayed dialogue, it stoked the fire for a brave new beginning with tons of lore and a great epic story) so they're going to have the manpower and resources to put into such a DLC to make it top notch. Andromeda, compared to ME1 in my opinion I'm not counting DLC for ME1 because Andromeda doesn't have it. I'm also not comparing one game to three, that were made in a 5 year timeframe.

The way they have the quests, and many developers do this with codex for some reason, eliminate the New or read this item as soon as you move over onto it is such an easy fix right. I mean, throw in a press Y to mark as read or oh I don't know put a delay on that you looked at that quest or codex entry so just scrolling through them doesn't negate that they're new. Halo Wars 2 recently is hugely guilty of this. Heck, you get new horns in Forza Horizon 3 and they don't get cleared just by navigating over them until you preview each one. I guess it depends on the developers...

Spin offs are usually not as great as the originals so I guess I wasn't as disappointed as others. I still think with the amount of things to do (set up an outpost, upgrade the Nexus, craft weapons and armor, etc), lore, and relations with your crew members that ME: A is a very good game. I enjoy the combat a lot, the jump jets is a neat addition and I think it works well. I have enjoyed researching and crafting weapons and armor a lot and it makes sense why you're scavenging for material all the time. The crew is also, I hate to say it, a lot better molded than the original cast. Now I'm not saying I don't miss the original ME crew but the new additions for the spinoff fit my bill just fine. Like how the Asari we get is not so "Liara" and more fun/lighthearted. Just my 2 cents.

I finally beat the game! The final couple of missions were VERY cool.

When Andromeda is good, it's really good. I just wish it didn't make you waste so much time traveling, and that the story wasn't so focused on your AI buddy magically solving every problem.

I'm in the middle of running around on Havarl and even though there's some fetch quests that have been not so enjoyable, I've been enjoying it more than not. 

Though, that sequence in
the Remnant Abyss where you run into the Destroyer that was taking 9 Disruptor-laced Black Widow III shots to the guts to kill off was rage-controller-throwing at more than a few points.

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I find roaming in the Nomad between places to be very satisfying instead of fast-travelling, assuming there are no unclimbable mountains. Mixing up your companions really fleshes them out when they talk to each other. A couple of times, I've laughed out loud. It's also interesting to see which characters have friction (usually Liam and just about everyone else).

And they got me to laugh at the Krogan version of Reddit/Craigslist.

I finally decided to make a sixth strike team so I can give them Superior Human Intelligence (+20) when they get to level 10, so they can get a bonus on missions that don't get bonuses from the five kinds of +40 gear. 

Also, it looks like you can get more than 300 Apex rating, as I now have 301 Apex rating from doing my first mission with my sixth strike team.  I guess it's 60 Apex rating max per strike team, so it looks like 360 Apex rating for six strike teams is all you get once all six teams have done 60 missions. 

So are you guys going to be starting MP soon? The reason I ask is with single player DLC likely dead & no desire to play as Male Ryder, Andromeda trades in for $33.75 at GS this weekend with the various trade promotions.

I still have several hours of my Access trial to play MP & I can get a physical copy to play MP with limited trouble so I would have access to it, but I also need trade credit for something that will be $20 to reacquire after Black Friday, or free on EA Access.
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I don't think single player DLC was ever dead. They would have been working on the first one before the game even came out. But one may be all we get.
bread's done