Official Nintendo E3 2007 Thread - DROPPENZALBOMBEN (Use MINE, Munch eats broccoli)

[quote name='PleasantOne']

I think it only makes me more upset that the Animal Crossing team is taking time off from develoment in order to work on the MII CHANNEL! :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Well, actually, I see that as a good thing because it lends more credibility to the rumors that you'd be able to use items from AC for your Mii characters. If the same team is working both, well, that's good news!

And the article says the AC team put together the Mii channel - as in past tense. They have been done for a while, so hopefully they are already on to AC.
Heres a good one, after an edit as well.

[quote name='jollydwarf']No way they'd release Mario Galaxy and Brawl in the same season. I'm not expecting those games this year at all, actually.[/quote]Maybe 3 or 4 of us should take a different quote saying the same thing.
I know there's probably a MP3 thread somewhere but it appears to be buried now. Anyway, this looks promising:

[quote name='IGN']
E3 2007: Hands-on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
It plays better than any first-person console game ever... really. And it's one of Wii's best lookers, too.
by Matt Casamassina
July 11, 2007 - For some reason, Retro Studios' anticipated first-person adventure sequel, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, doesn't photograph well. Many of the officially released screenshots of the title look bland, a complaint raised all too often by message board addicts. But we've just compiled two hours with a two-level demonstration of the title and we can tell you, it sure looks good in motion. The game runs in 480 progressive-scan and true 16:9 widescreen mode, which is a first for the series. The artistic presentation of the space stations, craft and planets that make up the universe is very impressive, seemingly more on par with the original Prime than its purple-drenched sequel. Textures are crisper and polished with extra effects such as specular highlights on Aran's ship, for example. Environments are larger and architecture more defined. And while it may seem trivial to some, the inclusion of bloom lighting goes a long way, as bright sources like lava and monitors now glow with welcomed style and realism. All of this and the title seldom dips below a fluidity of 60 frames per second.


This has moved up to be probably my most anticipated game of the WHOLE year, and it comes out so soon! I already have it preordered but this preview makes me want to preorder a few more copies ;).

(And yes, I'm aware that previews are often over-inflated in their praise, but this is beyond mere "it looks good").

I watched some of the videos last night and they were stunning - he's definitely right about the static shots vs in motion aspect of it.

DMK - Good find! I didn't remember it even being that emphatic. I'm sure there are more to find. I want one where he calls us all brain-dead fad-chasers (in his own terms of course).
[quote name='io']And where IS jollydwarf? [/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure he is simultaneously looking at himself in the mirror whilst typing about how everyone on the internet is doesn't it like him because he says stuff that they know is true. He is the master of internet forums. He is . . .*

Any news on that new Mii channel thing? I've been waiting for my Wii to glow since e3 started. We haven't had anything new since Everybody Votes in Feb, though I guess you could count the full Browser in April/May.
[quote name='io']And where IS jollydwarf? I'm still waiting for his apology after Galaxy and SSBB were dated for this year, contrary to all his high-and-mighty condescending predictions. I guess we won't get that (if ever) until the games are atcually in store :lol:.[/QUOTE]
Toots, don't worry because he's slaving and slaving in order to cook up a post designed to make you feel like shit, comprised half of italized text.

But don't fret my blue-eyed doll face he will back to eradicate any rumors of his dickery by yet another display of his repartee and his acumen in everyday life which rivals this entire board and a pack of sperm whales combined.
[quote name='io']Well, actually, I see that as a good thing because it lends more credibility to the rumors that you'd be able to use items from AC for your Mii characters. If the same team is working both, well, that's good news!

And the article says the AC team put together the Mii channel - as in past tense. They have been done for a while, so hopefully they are already on to AC.[/quote]

I hadn't heard that rumor... hmm. You know what would be neat, is if Nintendo sort of did a take off on the "Home" thing, and let each Mii have their own pad... which you could decorate with a variety of things, incluing things from Animal Crossing.

I really hope you don't use your Mii as your character in Animal Crossing, though... ugh. I like the tradtional AC characters.

I just hope, given all this time, that when AC *does* come out, it is absolutely amazing. Practically perfect in every way, with fantastic online play, and a HUGE variety of bugs and fish and items, a BIG town with lots of residents, tons of holidays and things to do, etc.

On an unrelated note - I just remembered we didn't hear anything about a hard drive... does anyone know if one has been mentioned yet outside the press conference??

Thanks for the info on Metroid, io. I wasn't thinking too much about it because it looks like something I'd suck at... but if it plays THAT well, maybe I'd do ok!
Well, although I can't speak for JollyDwarf's family, friends, or loved ones, I'm quite certain that he himself has no need for WiiFit.

While unleashing a "season finale plot twist" in his oscar-worthy performance (the plot twist was that he's putting me on ignore, and/or opening the hatch) he mentioned that "all Nintendo fanboys make me sick." It is assumed that with the curreny press love and constant Nintendo-friendly numbers JollyDwarf is constantly puking his guts out. He needs "WiiSmokeWiid" to be able to sustain food in light of all recent Nintendo fanboyism, that isn't likely to die anytime soon.

Give the guy a break, if anything, he's pretty damn funny.
I was curious to find out what kind of swag was given out at this year's E3 and it seems like not much.

This is the only interesting I found on eBbay:

Pretty neat. I already have a yellow one from the movie "Crank".
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I was curious to find out what kind of swag was given out at this year's E3 and it seems like not much.

This is the only interesting I found on eBbay:

Pretty neat. I already have a yellow one from the movie "Crank".[/quote]


Did they give you some rubber tubing and a social disease, as well?
[quote name='Tybee']Wow...That'

Did they give you some rubber tubing and a social disease, as well?[/quote]

Its a pen...why you gotta mock it, its cool.
bread's done