Official Nintendo E3 2007 Thread - DROPPENZALBOMBEN (Use MINE, Munch eats broccoli)

[quote name='botticus']I have a very hard time believing the biggest and brightest at Nintendo are the ones being put to work on Wii Fit. I mean... really, it's that complex a game?[/QUOTE]

Not so much that it's complex, but we cant forget that Nintendo cares about money just as much as Sony and MS, and Wii Fit = the potential for a looooot of cash.
[quote name='seanr1221']Not so much that it's complex, but we cant forget that Nintendo cares about money just as much as Sony and MS, and Wii Fit = the potential for a looooot of cash.[/quote]Well, right, but I can't imagine that it requires that many resources, unless one is going by the idea that they put three times more people than necessary to ensure that it's perfect enough to sell billions.
[quote name='Strell']
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm really tired of this so-called argument that Nintendo has apparently tricked everyone into buying a system that they weren't going to do exactly like those buyers wanted, when instead Nintendo is doing exactly what it said it was always going to do - aim for a new market, slowly adapt motion control into games, and potentially create some awesome experiences along the way. We really need to drop this whole notion that they promised us X and gave us Y, because they've pretty much stuck to their guns at an alarmingly steady rate.

I'm not saying anything of the sort. You're just a fanboy with Mario's cock so far up your ass that your breath smells like mushrooms and as such you're getting overly defensive and reading too much into my words. :D

I don't blame Nintendo for ANYTHING. They're doing what will make them they feel will make them the most money, and that's fine.

I hoped we'd get some good new IPs from Nintendo and third parties, in addition to old standby's, and that hasn't panned out for me so far. Zelda and SPM are the only two games I've played that I found worth dropping $$$ on to own.

But other's are eating it up, and loving shit like Wii Sports, the mini game collections, ExciteTruck etc., and that's great and making Nintendo a boatload of money.

So again, I don't fault Nintendo for anything.

I decided to buy the Wii based on hype for the new controller, my life long love of Nintendo first party games, and the fact that it was the only reasonably priced next gen system.

I've came to regret the purchase since, as it hasn't lived up to what I was hoping for as noted. But again, that's not on Nintendo, they're doing what's best for their bottom line. It just doesn't mesh with what I want.

As far as them doing what they said, the DS has a great blend of stupid shit like Brain Age, and hardcore stuff like Castlevania, so I was hoping for the same on the Wii. But I still don't call that "tricking me" into buying it, again they're just aiming for profits, and probably doing it wisely as MS and Sony have the hard core market cornered.

As far as selling the Wii, very likely to happen, but I want to play at least Metroid and Mario first, and give them a chance to annouce some games for 2008 before I pawn it off.

Again, I've always been a big Nintendo fan, so I have some loyalty that makes it hard for me to give up too early on them. The DS was very lackluster it's first year as well, and look how that turned out. But if 2008 isn't looking up buy Jan., I'll more than likely get rid of it.

Until then I'll keep on bitching and annoying you mushroom breath folks. ;)
[quote name='seanr1221']Not so much that it's complex, but we cant forget that Nintendo cares about money just as much as Sony and MS, and Wii Fit = the potential for a looooot of cash.[/QUOTE]
It seems like a gamble to me. It could end up printing cash like the DS Wii sports but when will Nintendo's lucky streak end?

DS was a gamble but it worked out same for the Wii and Wii Sports but Wii fit?
It could be the next phenomenon or it could end up being the next Virtual Boy. I can't see Japan giving two shits about it or will they eat it up? It seems like someone at Nintendo had jet lag at last years E3 and all they could find on TV @ 4 AM were infomercials about loosing weight. A light bulb lit up and Wii fit was born.
Could Nintendo be over estimating the demand that gamers (Yes even casual gamers) that will want this that have a Wii or willing to spend $300 to buy a Wii with Wii Fit?
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'm not saying anything of the sort. You're just a fanboy with Mario's cock so far up your ass that your breath smells like mushrooms and as such you're getting overly defensive and reading too much into my words. :D

In jest or not, the fact that you take the time to write such things proves you're pretty much clueless. I'm asking a simple question, you take it as an attack in the name of defense. I'm trying to figure out why that is, but all I keep coming back to is that you can't read.
[quote name='dmaul1114']You're just a fanboy with Mario's cock so far up your ass that your breath smells like mushrooms [/quote]Quote of the Year

Oh yeah, and all this new Japanese 3rd party support for the Wii, most of them are kiddie Garfield and George of the Jungle type crap games.
[quote name='Strell']Somehow I'm not surprised a quote about cocks in asses would bring Morgrilla into a thread.[/quote]

[quote name='Strell']In jest or not, the fact that you take the time to write such things proves you're pretty much clueless.[/quote]

[quote name='furyk']Yes, Wii Fit will sell like crazy. It's the most sure thing coming out of E3. There is no chance that it'll flop.[/QUOTE]
How can you be so sure? Did you go and pre-order it today? I haven't read any positive hype from anyone but from a select few Nintendo fanboys on Wii Fit. Gamers aren't interested as far as I can tell and will non gamers be interested enough to buy a wii for it?

More of a sure thing then Mario Kart? SSBB? GTA4? Halo 3?
It is a gamble to spend so many resources on such a nongame on a video game console.
[quote name='spoo']Could Nintendo be over estimating the demand that gamers (Yes even casual gamers) that will want this that have a Wii or willing to spend $300 to buy a Wii with Wii Fit?[/quote]

Considering it costs me $76 a month for a family membership to the YMCA (and that's significantly cheaper than a gym membership), no, I really don't think they are.
I don't think it's too much of a gamble. Assuming they're making it work as well as planned....and you know they are....then it should be guaranteed pretty solid support from the non-gaming community. Hell, the fact the media is already talking about it only spells profits in the future, since that's what'll draw people towards it in the first place.

EDIT: And really, the Balance Board IS pretty cool. I don't think I've ever see something that could use your weight shifts to determine overall body position. Pretty cool technology. And if Wii Fit takes off as much as it seems like it will, expect to see it in used in other games.
I see Wii Fit being huge everywhere. Parents buying it for their kids and all. My wife wants it, so I'll probably get at least one.
Is whether or not its a gamble relevant? I'm willing to concede that anything that hasnt come out yet is technically a gamble.

Now that I think about it, Janauary rather than December seems like a better date. Thats when people get serious about fitness and crowding the gyms for a few weeks before giving up. AFTER Christmas.
[quote name='spoo']How can you be so sure? Did you go and pre-order it today? I haven't read any positive hype from anyone but from a select few Nintendo fanboys on Wii Fit. Gamers aren't interested as far as I can tell and will
non gamers be interested enough to buy a wii for it.[/QUOTE]
Wow. You really haven't been paying attention the last 8 months, have you? Mark my words, WiiFit is going to be huge, and one of the defining moments for Wii.

[quote name='Zen Davis']Wii Fit will sell millions in Japan. In America, not so much.[/QUOTE]
I'll bet you thought the exact same thing about Brain Age.
Looks like I'm the minority on this subject. I hope for the best but I just can't see it since every other attempt with something like this has had less a less than stellar welcoming and performance.

I have been wrong before, I would have bet good money that MS was going to have a price drop this week...
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Wow. You really haven't been paying attention the last 8 months, have you? Mark my words, WiiFit is going to be huge, and one of the defining moments for Wii.

I'll bet you thought the exact same thing about Brain Age.[/quote]Iwata has already scolded Reggie about Brain Age's US performance.
[quote name='spoo']How can you be so sure? Did you go and pre-order it today? I haven't read any positive hype from anyone but from a select few Nintendo fanboys on Wii Fit. Gamers aren't interested as far as I can tell and will non gamers be interested enough to buy a wii for it? [/quote]

They aren't targeting gamers with it, that is the whole point... though there will be some gamers who will buy it, myself included. I thought some of the mini game sorts of things looked fun, and I appreciate games that are a workout (I can only play so much DDR and Wii Sports :p)

More importantly, though... was the inclusion of the Yoga type stuff they had the girl doing on stage - because of that, every soccer mom in America who has a Wii in their household will be all over this. If their house doesn't have a Wii, they'll hear about it from their neighbor, over some fluffy Starbucks drink... and then they'll remember hearing about the Wii from their kids... and then Nintendo will have sold a system and a game - assuming anyone can find a Wii by the time the game comes out ;)
[quote name='botticus']Iwata has already scolded Reggie about Brain Age's US performance.[/QUOTE]

What did he say? Is there a link?
My two cents, that nobody cares about.

1. WiiFit controller demo impressed me from the technological point of view. (modeling of a center of mass based on a few things, etc, all speculative, because I have not felt it yet.) Both my wife and I need to find out more to figure out whether or not it is for us. Sure, getting more exercise is good for everyone, and more power to Nintendo if they can provide an actual fitness alternative in a video game format that is both fun and enjoyable, all in the privacy of my own home. But how "fit" can WiiFit actually make someone? Is it a game in a fitness setting or a fitness program in a game format?

2. Where were you during the GDC? Miyamoto's Wife-O-Meter and Reggie's 1% of the system was purchased by people over 60 years of age. That is unheard of in this industry. I think that Nintendo pretty much showed their cards to what's their media image is going to be. I am tired of saying the same thing over and over again, so this is the last time:

You found all the announcements and release dates online, the DS and Wii forums are hopping with news about new games, and you've been reading everything for the longest time. Explain to me, why should Nintendo waste their time on catering to your obsessive-compulsive asses instead of telling the media to deliver the message to their "casual" audience who do not look up such things and who are much less patient than us when it comes to waiting for new media for their console?

3. Slashdot is questioning the new E3, as am I: (I added the bold text where I found it most appropriate)

[quote name='Slahsdot']This year's E3 is substantially different than events of the past, with an easily navigated show floor just one of the signs of the changing times. There are a number of questions up in the air as to what the new face of E3 means. Hideo Kojima (creator of the Metal Gear series) went on record at the Konami conference saying that he considers the new format a waste of time. Game|Life's Chris Kohler has a piece up on this subject, and he says that the new E3 is all about the status quo: "Yes, there were press conferences. But when Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony all decide to only show their 2007 games (for the most part) and hold back on announcing huge news (entirely), you know something's up with the venue. At any rate, gamers hoping for some kind of shift in momentum, no matter which direction, didn't get their wish. This year's E3 is all about maintaining the status quo. Typically, it's been the 'battle of the press conferences' to see who 'wins E3.' This year, everybody surrendered."[/quote]
4. I know that half of the forums will give me shit for this, but I don't mind pointing out why I don't belong to my own criticism.

Other people have opinions that are just as valid as yours. You don't have to love the Wii to enjoy two or three games on the console, and it's okay to believe that Wii's price point does not justify the hardware you're getting. Whether you are dissapointed with Nintendo or not (dmaul) is the last thing that should be on anyone's mind, and if they argue with you: let them be. Your opinion, for what it is worth to you and to anyone else, is a valid one. Whether people feel that your opinion is based on ignorance or capricious demands does little to change your opinion.

In vain, I urge you to keep this thread free of cockthirsty arguments regarding others' response to Nintendo's Press Conference.
[quote name='Strell']In jest or not, the fact that you take the time to write such things proves you're pretty much clueless. I'm asking a simple question, you take it as an attack in the name of defense. I'm trying to figure out why that is, but all I keep coming back to is that you can't read.[/QUOTE]

You're just jealous you're not so witty, though you try so damn hard to be. ;)

I wasn't getting defensive. I could careless what loser fanboys on CAG have to say about anything.

I was just clarifying that I never said Nintendo tricked me, went back on promises etc.

I was just saying they've went in a different direction that I anticipated (or rather went further in the non-gamer direction that I expected) and as such I'm hugely let down by the Wii thus far.

Nothing to blame them for, they're after money like all companies. And no big deal to me either way. They put out more games I want, or a sell the console. Nothing to lose sleep over.
[quote name='MarioColbert']
Explain to me, why should Nintendo waste their time on catering to your obsessive-compulsive asses instead of telling the media to deliver the message to their "casual" audience who do not look up such things and who are much less patient than us when it comes to waiting for new media for their console?

Again, they are doing what THEY should from a business standpoint. MS and Sony have the hardcore gamer market cornered--mushroom breathed nintendo fanboys aside anyway. They can't win that market.

However, many of us are just dissapointed at how FAR they are moving away form hardcore gamers. I was hoping they'd throw us a few more bones aside from just the standard rehashes of the popular franchises (which again, I still love these rehashes, just want some new shit too). But that hasn't panned out yet, and the lack of announcements of anything new for the hardcore crowd at E3 doesn't give me much hope for the Wii to stop being a $250 paperweight/dust collector in my home theater set up anytime soon.

So while I agree they are making the right moves, that doesn't mean I can't be dissapointed at what looks like to be a continued lack of games that interest me.
[quote name='dmaul1114']You're just jealous you're not so witty, though you try so damn hard to be. ;)

I wasn't getting defensive. I could careless what loser fanboys on CAG have to say about anything.

Goodness. Allusions to anal sex, "loser fanboys." You're right. That is witty. If you are trying to impress VanillaGorilla. Which is kind of like thinking you are awesome because you can melt ice cream with a hair dryer.

Excuse me while I make a joke at the expense of your whore of a mother, since that would be right in line with your reasoning.
I love how someone tosses your own medicine back at you, then you berate them for making the types of low brow insults you throw around, and then follow that up with your own low brow insults.

Pure internet forum gold, my friend. Pure gold. :D
[quote name='dmaul1114']Again, they are doing what THEY should from a business standpoint. MS and Sony have the hardcore gamer market cornered--mushroom breathed nintendo fanboys aside anyway. They can't win that market.[/quote]
The difference between you and many others posting here is that you actually have an answer for my query. And for that, I say "thanks."

You and Strell should both drop pants and bust out the rulers. There is no other way of settling the argument. And that, sirs, is weak sauce.
You act as if what you said was the end-all be-all of "wit," when there are much more unique and clever things to say.
[quote name='Strell']You act as if what you said was the end-all be-all of "wit," when there are much more unique and clever things to say.[/QUOTE]

That, my friend, was a joke designed to ruffle your smart ass, snarky feathers. Mission accomplished. :D
What happened was simple - I asked you if you like the system, and you gave me about 10 reasons why you didn't. So I asked you why you still own it, and you didn't really have an answer.

You responded with something I'd hear on XBL, and got a high five from the audience of VanillaGorilla.

To assume you annoyed me is hilarious, especially when I'm just asking questions on why you'd own a system you clearly aren't enjoying.

I'm sitting at work with nothing better to do, might as well make conversation. It's too bad you think your comments are worthwhile.
Dude, you went on a tanget about how myself and others blamed Nintendo for not liking the Wii.

That's what I responded to. I don't blame Nintendo. I blame myself. I'm the one that let my loyalty to Nintendo, and hype for the new controller, persuade me to early adopt the Wii when the GC gathered a fuck ton of dust the prior generation.

And I answered both why I bought it, and why I haven't sold it yet. *shrug*

And like you, I'm sitting at a desk getting paid QUITE well to sit here and berate you. So I can't complain. :D
Strell, I just wanna know what your problem with broccoli is? Huh? Got a clever answer for that one?

Funny, only vegetable I hate with a passion is the mushroom - can't stand those squeaky/squishy dirt-tasting things. I don't know how Mario does it.
[quote name='io']Strell, I just wanna know what your problem with broccoli is? Huh? Got a clever answer for that one?

It reminds me of your FACE.

[quote name='io']Funny, only vegetable I hate with a passion is the mushroom - can't stand those squeaky/squishy dirt-tasting things. I don't know how Mario does it.[/quote]

Man, you must have had bad ones. I love mushrooms as much as any Hobbit does.
[quote name='Strell']It reminds me of your FACE.


Now THERE'S the stinging Strell wit we all expect! :applause:

Mario - I dunno, man, just had an intense dislike since childhood. They just utterly ruin the taste of pizza when people accidentaly put them on there :puke:.
I think Strell and dmaul are putting on this elaborate drama to distract us from the fact that they are madly, desperately, sweatily in love.

Don't be ashamed, fellas.
[quote name='Tybee']I think Strell and dmaul are putting on this elaborate drama to distract us from the fact that they are madly, desperately, sweatily in love.

Don't be ashamed, fellas.[/QUOTE]

Blah... My attempt to sidetrack them didn't conjure up nearly as horrific an image!

Disaster coming along, Project H.A.M.M.E.R. on hold, Smash online not confirmed, and Kirby!
July 12th, 2007

Our very own Lube had a chance to sit down with Beth Llewelyn, and came away with some interesting info. I will have to edit the entire interview over the weekend, but for now we have some quick tidbits.

Disaster: Day of Crisis is still in the works and is “looking very good”

Project H.A.M.M.E.R. has been shelved, but not canceled. No one is working on the game right now.

Smash Bros. Brawl online play can neither be confirmed or denied. Sounds pretty fishy to me!

Kirby has not been abandoned on the Wii. We were told not to forget about Kirby when asked where the Cube version went.
I'm starting to believe that E3 for Nintendo really did suck. Some of the games I was really looking forward to have turned to shit.

- RE:UC looks and plays like a piece of crap. It's hard to believe these people made RE4 after seeing this game.

- DDR Hottest Party has turned into a kiddie party with super deformed characters that look like they belong on EA Playground and a bunch of new arrows that have absolutely nothing to do with dancing.

- Spielburg announces his BIG Wii game which, to no surprise, is a puzzle piece of crap called blocks while the PS360 gets an action/adventure game.

- The zapper which I thought looked great initially has turned into a turd because it's backwards with the trigger on the FRONT of the damn gun and developers don't seem to care to try and fix it.

- The Wii Wheel which I thought had two buttons on the back doesn't have shit and is nothing more than a piece of plastic. At least its FREE.

- DQ Swords is like 5 hours long with crappy controls

- Rygar is a port and NOT a new game

etc, etc, etc

I hope things get better by November. /rant
[quote name='MarioColbert']Man, you must have had bad ones. I love mushrooms as much as any Hobbit does.[/quote]
Shitake mushrooms FTW.
[quote name='munch']Methinks dmaul1114 is somehow related to jollydwarf.*

*edit-yes, that must be the case.[/QUOTE]

And where IS jollydwarf? I'm still waiting for his apology after Galaxy and SSBB were dated for this year, contrary to all his high-and-mighty condescending predictions. I guess we won't get that (if ever) until the games are atcually in store :lol:.
bread's done