Official Nintendo E3 2007 Thread - DROPPENZALBOMBEN (Use MINE, Munch eats broccoli)

[quote name='dmaul1114']The zapper could be cool. The wheel not so much as it's just silly holding a wheel in the air to steer. Same reason I didn't like Excitetruck as I just hated the controls with holding the Wiimote in the air. I'd rather buy a full wheel and pedals if I was going to bother with a wheel for a racing game. Otherwise I just prefer traditional analog controls for racers.

If you played through the whole entire training sections you will find out quickly that you don't have to hold it in the air. I rest it on my lap and tilt it left or right to steer. I love that game for exactly what it is an arcade racer.
[quote name='lebowsky']It was better IMO because Micorosft "confirmed" nothing. We knew all of those games were going to be released in 2007. Nintendo's games, specifically Brawl and Galaxy, were both rumored to be pushed back into '08. The fact that Nintendo is releasing all 3 if its big IPs this year was worth the 40 mins I spent watching multiple YouTube montages.

Rumored where? I thought it was pretty much a given that both would be out this year, and I'd assumed we'd get Mario in Nov. and Brawl in Dec. so the confirmation didn't excite me at all.

Though I am excited to play Galaxy, and at least interested in Brawl.
[quote name='Snake2715']If you played through the whole entire training sections you will find out quickly that you don't have to hold it in the air. I rest it on my lap and tilt it left or right to steer. I love that game for exactly what it is an arcade racer.[/QUOTE]

I know. I just meant I didn't like just tilting the Wiimote to steer, and that it's even worse with the Ubisoft wheel attachment and this new wheel as a wheel is pointless without it having resistance etc. I'd rather use a real wheel or traditional controls.
[quote name='lebowsky']
People seem disappointed that '08 games were not talked about but no one is talking about games that are coming out next year at this E3.

See I think its because all the big companies have a lot coming out now... They dont need to show a zelda or halo that is 2-3 years away to impress its all hitting in the next 6 - 12 months or so.
Am I the only one not excited about the Zapper. It looks very awkward to hold for long gaming sessions.

Playing RE4 and Call of Duty 3 with the nunchuck and remote is pretty darn comfy.
I agree, Microsoft basically announced a bunch of games we all knew about (Halo, GTA, Assassin's Creed etc), and they threw out the Halo 3 Xbox.

Nintendo dated games that were possible for delay (SSMB was the big date announcement, albeit a weird one), the Wiizapper (which is mediocre if you ask me), Mario Kart Wii (which was the most exciting part of the presentation) with the wheel (crap), and WiiFit (which is something my gf wants but I am meh about).

So I think the Nintendo conference is like a small sliver above the Microsoft, but I'd say the Microsoft presentation was about a C, and the Nintendo one like a C+
[quote name='lebowsky']It was better IMO because Micorosft "confirmed" nothing. We knew all of those games were going to be released in 2007. Nintendo's games, specifically Brawl and Galaxy, were both rumored to be pushed back into '08. The fact that Nintendo is releasing all 3 if its big IPs this year was worth the 40 mins I spent watching multiple YouTube montages.

Mario Kart Wii with online was just icing on the cake.[/quote]until you get beat online by grandma, who is using the idiot proof control scheme. Goodbye skill!
What I don't get is all the more-of-the-same bitching about Nintendo "losing focus" or whatever. We knew this E3 was going to pretty much suck, right? It was kind of a big deal when the changes were announced, because it pretty much killed E3 as we knew it. You were all standing around with me when it happened, yes? SO WHY IS THIS fuckING DISAPPOINTING NOW?

At this point, it looks like the only things I give two shits about are Marathon on XBLA, Online Mario Kart, and a PS3 price drop. It's a weak E3 across the board, but I'm not surprised, because my memory actually fucking works. So now if the rest of you bitches would cowboy up and slap some icyhot on those sore vaginas of yours, maybe we can see if anything interesting comes out of the third party announcements. God damn.
Pretty lackluster, yes, but since we know Mario Kart is on the way (and so soon) and have solid release dates for Brawl and SMG, I'm not complaining.
Nintendo had the best conference. They at least announced new stuff.

Microsoft was a snorefest, and Sony was a theatre of already announced games and blu-ray hype. 11m sold by end of the year? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
[quote name='tsg2005']anybody know where i can watch Nintendos press conference since i missed it?[/quote]IGN and GameSpot usually have them up for download at some point.
I enjoyed Nintendo's conference the most, but Sony's was better, since they had way more games and Nintendo focused on the Wii Fit too much.
Nintendo should have shown more of Mario Galaxy, more of Brawl, more of Mario Kart, and some games like Battalion Wars 2, Project Hammer, and Disaster weren't even there.
The release dates on SMG and MK both meet or exceed the expectations I had when I bought the Wii at launch, which I purchased basically for access to Mario platforming and karting. Now if the VC will quit dragging ass and throw SMB3 and SMW2 up there, I'll have everything I desired out of the Wii. If they do it before MK is released, I'll be impressed: all of the "big" titles that I expected pre-launch within a little over a year of launch. That's good for me, I guess.

To answer a point raised earlier, yes, we all saw motion control creeping into anything and everything when the Wii was announced so long ago. What we weren't sure about is whether or not Nintendo was going to force motion control onto EVERYTHING, including games featuring favorite IPs. We're still learning how it's going to influence the essence (game play, game control, depth, challenge) of big IPs that are 5+ titles deep.

If LoZ:TP is any indication, the addition of Wii controls can only take away from a given title. This generalization may change with Metroid 3, but it may change again with SMG or MK. We'll see. I think concerns over this are warranted, especially if you're in the camp of Wii owners who pretty much purchased a Wii exclusively to have access to the big IPs that we grew up with.

All I know is if I ever have to control Epona using the WiiFit footboard, I will personally hunt down Shigeru Miyamoto and fuck him in his ass. There are still a great deal of interesting, useful things that can be done with an analog stick and a few buttons--let's not give up on them quite yet.
[quote name='dothog']The release dates on SMG and MK both meet or exceed the expectations I had when I bought the Wii at launch, which I purchased basically for access to Mario platforming and karting. Now if the VC will quit dragging ass and throw SMB3 and SMW2 up there, I'll have everything I desired out of the Wii. If they do it before MK is released, I'll be impressed: all of the "big" titles that I expected pre-launch within a little over a year of launch. That's good for me, I guess.

To answer a point raised earlier, yes, we all saw motion control creeping into anything and everything when the Wii was announced so long ago. What we weren't sure about is whether or not Nintendo was going to force motion control onto EVERYTHING, including games featuring favorite IPs. We're still learning how it's going to influence the essence (game play, game control, depth, challenge) of big IPs that are 5+ titles deep.

If LoZ:TP is any indication, the addition of Wii controls can only take away from a given title. This generalization may change with Metroid 3, but it may change again with SMG or MK. We'll see. I think concerns over this are warranted, especially if you're in the camp of Wii owners who pretty much purchased a Wii exclusively to have access to the big IPs that we grew up with.

All I know is if I ever have to control Epona using the WiiFit footboard, I will personally hunt down Shigeru Miyamoto and fuck him in his ass. There are still a great deal of interesting, useful things that can be done with an analog stick and a few buttons--let's not give up on them quite yet.[/quote]

Good post but I disagree about the LoZ:TP controls. I thought they worked great, especially for the bow/slingshot/hookshot aiming. Some of the gestures didn't quite work the way they were intended (I found workarounds) but overall I would rather play with Wiimote/nunchuk than the GC controller.

I have a feeling that MK Wii is going to feature multiple control options. When Reggie announced the wheel, he mentioned it in the context of allowing anyone to compete. I think he meant that newbies would know how to turn a steering wheel to steer their kart. I'm betting that there will also be a "traditional" wiimote/nunchuk option as well.
[quote name='dothog']The release dates on SMG and MK both meet or exceed the expectations I had when I bought the Wii at launch, which I purchased basically for access to Mario platforming and karting. Now if the VC will quit dragging ass and throw SMB3 and SMW2 up there, I'll have everything I desired out of the Wii. If they do it before MK is released, I'll be impressed: all of the "big" titles that I expected pre-launch within a little over a year of launch. That's good for me, I guess.

To answer a point raised earlier, yes, we all saw motion control creeping into anything and everything when the Wii was announced so long ago. What we weren't sure about is whether or not Nintendo was going to force motion control onto EVERYTHING, including games featuring favorite IPs. We're still learning how it's going to influence the essence (game play, game control, depth, challenge) of big IPs that are 5+ titles deep.

If LoZ:TP is any indication, the addition of Wii controls can only take away from a given title. This generalization may change with Metroid 3, but it may change again with SMG or MK. We'll see. I think concerns over this are warranted, especially if you're in the camp of Wii owners who pretty much purchased a Wii exclusively to have access to the big IPs that we grew up with.

All I know is if I ever have to control Epona using the WiiFit footboard, I will personally hunt down Shigeru Miyamoto and fuck him in his ass. There are still a great deal of interesting, useful things that can be done with an analog stick and a few buttons--let's not give up on them quite yet.[/QUOTE]

WTF do people like you have a Wii? Seriously? Was their direction and intent not clear to you before you bought the console?

Also you are dead wrong about TP controls. They were great. You are clearly a controller whore so again I ask why you bought a Wii?
Now that I think about it, there is no credibility to the claim that Nintendo is changing their focus. Their development into their core franchises has not changed, and has actually increased.

Releases in nearly all their major franchises within the first 18 months, and thats a focus shift?

What they are doing is expanding the market on the side which makes it easier for 3rd parties to do their own business.

All that "non-game" stuff like Brain Age, you can thank them directly for having Dragon Quest 9
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Now that I think about it, there is no credibility to the claim that Nintendo is changing their focus. Their development into their core franchises has not changed, and has actually increased.

Releases in nearly all their major franchises within the first 18 months, and thats a focus shift?

What they are doing is expanding the market on the side which makes it easier for 3rd parties to do their own business.

All that "non-game" stuff like Brain Age, you can thank them directly for having Dragon Quest 9[/quote]

Thank you for making the exact same point I made 10 or so pages ago. ;)
[quote name='dothog']If LoZ:TP is any indication, the addition of Wii controls can only take away from a given title. This generalization may change with Metroid 3, but it may change again with SMG or MK. We'll see. I think concerns over this are warranted, especially if you're in the camp of Wii owners who pretty much purchased a Wii exclusively to have access to the big IPs that we grew up with.[/quote]

If LoZ:TP is any indication, Nintendo's new control scheme wins because my arms hurt less at the end of a full day of gaming. My position is more comfortable, my aiming is more precise, and my forarms no longer form a triangle of Carpal Tunnel Fate.

Wiimote + Nunchuck combination is, quite literally, the most comfortable way to play, second only to mouse and keyboard.
Damn, 21 pages, and here I was wasting my time in the general gaming discussion forum...

I feel disappointed in the conference because I expected more, I think...mainly Animal Crossing.

Also, why oh why couldn't they have announced some surprise VC games for today, like Microsoft did... only with, you know, games that aren't crap like their two were :p It seems like it would have been a very nice and very simple shout out to fans.

At least they showed Mario Kart, though...

Still, I'm disappointed. I don't feel like I was even expecting a lot... just figured we'd hear something about AC.
This conference could have been so much better. GoNintendo's got shit about Advance Wars 2, Fire Emblem trailer, all sorts of shit that should have been at least mentioned to balance the non-game nonsense. What a waste.
[quote name='botticus']This conference could have been so much better. GoNintendo's got shit about Advance Wars 2, Fire Emblem trailer, all sorts of shit that should have been at least mentioned to balance the non-game nonsense. What a waste.[/quote]

Sorry, but your post alone points out that they should not have.

Nintendo's necessity to secure the new market is behind their consistent publicity behind those. As you've pointed out, you did not need their conference to discover the new announcements. Yet the "Wii Scale" is getting a lot of press already in non-gaming press, and it hadn't been much time yet.

So far, of course, it's all the gadget and techie sites doing write-ups. Although they cover other E3 Press Conferences, the Wii Scale gets a full article (Gizmondo, Techcrunch) while the new trailer for MGS4 gets nothing more than a mention in their "liveblogging E3" page.

You, however, seemed not to have any issue discovering all the hardcore announcements (see the DS forum for a similar amount of goodness being thrown your way) without Nintendo spoon-feeding it to you in their press conference. Seems they are as frugal with their stage time as they are with the moneyz.
Oh, I'm well aware of that, its actually what I posted before. I think its the excessively long Wii Fit demo that has me soured on how much time they needlessly pushed on it, without even a video montage of the other titles they would announce.

They did a similar thing last year, so it was sort of what I expected, but at least we heard about a few new games last year.
[quote name='botticus']Oh, I'm well aware of that, its actually what I posted before. .[/quote]

My apologies if I came accross as a patronizing tool. With 24 pages in this thread, I kind of forget what's what.

Tybee definitely wins "my favorite post," though, when he rains fire and brimstone on the swamp of cry-baby bitches circa page 15. I was going to mention it earler, but I think I saw something shiny....

That said, I have yet to see the actual conference. On paper (live blogs, images, news, etc.) it fared quite well, and reads better than PS3 one. Seeing the PS3 one, however, is crucial for understanding what was good about it. (Just as seeing the PS3 price tag is crucial to understanding what wasn't/isn't.)
I just got done watching it, and the Wii Fit segment was great. Definately the most entertaining segment of all of the press conferences.

The balance board can mean big things in the future. I bet you could simulate walking, which would eliminate the need for an analog stick in some games.
[quote name='evilmax17']I bet you could simulate walking, which would eliminate the need for an analog stick in some games.[/quote]

::head asplode::
[quote name='Scrubking'].[/quote]

That looks super comfortable, as I position my hands in how it'll be held.

Hopefully several games are made specifically to support that positioning (like, for a game like Red Steel it wouldn't work obviously, but hopefully others will minimize nunchuk gestures to such a way that the Zapper can be utilized most of the time).
[quote name='evilmax17']I bet you could simulate walking, which would eliminate the need for an analog stick in some games.[/quote]

No.... no!
Although this feature in the new Zelda would make me very fit indeed.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Maybe not neccesarily walking on it, but shifting weight around like one of those doo-hickeys that have wheels.[/quote]So it's the old NES floor pad with slightly more analog sensors...
[quote name='Clemenceau']Anyone see the article on Joystiq about the new Golden Sun? SWEET![/quote]It would have been totally awesome if you had totally linked to it!!!!!!!

[quote name='dallow']No.... no!
Although this feature in the new Zelda would make me very fit indeed.[/quote]

Link covers HUNDREDS of miles within Dungeons ALONE (by someone's clever estimate on an old OoT website). How can you be discussing this with a stright face?

I'm hoping that the push-up system can be adopted for Wii Fertile, a game that will give a whole new meaning to "family entertainment." Pressure sensitivity will make sure your loved one and you can enjoy a sountrack that is always on-the-beat with your love. Guest Starring the Ravving Ribbids, because why the fuck not?
Mario Kart Wii:

The new version of Mario Kart, due in early 2008, features new vehicles and lets players near and far compete using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, Nintendo’s wireless gaming service. Mario Kart launches with the Wii Wheel (name not final), a steering wheel housing for the Wii Remote that brings new controls and challenges for veteran gamers, while making getting into a race easy and intuitive for newcomers.

Mario Party DS! Why wasn't this part of the announcement:


Any word on Project H.A.M.M.E.R.?
To me it seemed Nintendo wants all the non gamers to play the Wii and doesn't give a damn about the others.

Plus the whole point of the wheel is the controls are different with the remote. Yet they have a Wii Gun, Wii Wheel, and exercise pad. Stop with the add ons, it's insane.

Nintendo really dropped the ball.
[quote name='bigdaddy']To me it seemed Nintendo wants all the non gamers to play the Wii and doesn't give a damn about the others.[/quote]

Except that they have releases in nearly every major core franchise in the first 18 months. Yea.
But that's not what they showed most of, it's "Here are some quick videos of the "core" Nitnendo games and then just moves on to games with add-ons.
Right, but this show is for the media. We know our stuff. We keep track of things. Something like a Wii Fitness needs a bit more of a demo for the mass media.
As long as no more peripherals are added for the remainder of the Wii lifespan I'm good. Too much, too early will kill what Nintendo has going on.
You know, we should wait for some hands-on impressions (or feet-on?) before we start blasting stuff. I mean, just because Wii Fit wasn't what most people were looking for or expected, doesn't mean "its shitty because its not a real game".
bread's done