Official Nintendo E3 2007 Thread - DROPPENZALBOMBEN (Use MINE, Munch eats broccoli)

For some reason I thought Nintendo's conference was on Friday, and then I come home from work to find this 400+ post thread. Talk about a pleasant surprise.

Now that I'm finished reading up on the announcements, I have mixed feelings. For starters, concrete release dates on Galaxy and Smash are EXCELLENT, as is MarioKart Wii online in Q1 2008. Unfortunately, that's pretty much all I could get excited about. I'll still buy Wii Fit, but making it the focus of Nintendo's show when I was expecting a new Pikmin or even a totally new IP was setting myself up for disappointment. Let's hope we get some more surprises from third-parties before the week is over.

EDIT: I just caught the Fire Emblem announcement that was totally out of left field! Nice!
OK, no way am I reading through 23 pages of this crap, but I did notice that Super Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy have been dated. So I'm wondering where Jollydwarf is to apologize to us all and admit he was wrong about both of those slipping till Fall 2008 (or whatever). You KNOW he'd be in here gloating if Nintendo said they weren't coming until the Spring (or later) and putting us all down as slavering fanboys who like to be abused by Nintendo... Just sayin'....

And Mario Kart in Q1 2008? That is a complete surprise to me. I figured they had enough heavy-hitters this year that Mario Kart would be a Fall 2008 release. So take that! And yet it seems everyone is complaining about Wii Fit or some nonsense? I didn't watch the presentation, but I suppose it concentrated more on the "casual" stuff. Meh - big deal. The other games are there. Strikers/Metroid/Battalion Wars/Fire Emblem/Galaxy/SSBB/Mario Kart out of just Nintendo ALONE is plenty for me for the next several months. What the hell do some of you people want?? And I still see Sony fanboys in other threads saying it was disappointing and they are still waiting for "real" games to come out. fuck you, you obviously aren't being sincere and just want to Wii-bash for the hell of it. All those games within the first year+ of the Wii are awesome - couldn't have asked for more. (Yes, I want an Animal Crossing too, but couldn't expect that, also, with all the other stuff coming so soon).
[quote name='Strell'](Use MINE, Munch eats broccoli)[/quote]
[quote name='Strell']Edit: I BRING YOU COOKIES AND NERF GUNS:[/quote]
Jesus Christ, you're corny. Are you like one of those high school kids who thinks it's really funny to be "random"?

Anyways, I'm loving the Wii Zapper. Waaaaaaaaayyyy better than the old shotgun design, and I think it'll allow for more precision.

I have little doubt that WiiFit will go on to be the next big thing. MarioKart isn't a surprise, but sounds awesome, and I'm dying to play Prime 3, Mario Strikers Charged, Mario Galaxy, and Fire Emblem. Upcoming DS games look good, but there wasn't really any gigantic DS news, I thought. I was really hoping for something huge, like Golden Sun 3 for instance (that Golden Sun 3 story that's been circulating the past couple days is fake as hell).

Pretty decent show, but I tell ya, every E3 pre-show is a disappointment compared to Nintendo's 2004 show.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']MarioKart isn't a surprise, but sounds awesome, .[/QUOTE]

You don't think it is a huge surprise for it to come out so soon? We hadn't heard much about it and I figured Nov. 2008 at the earliest. No, of course, the development of a Wii Mario Kart is no surprise at all, but the release schedule is a shocker - I'd say the biggest one of the conference (yes, perhaps Mario Galaxy and SSBB actually being confirmed for this year is a slight surprise, but they did promise that before ;)).
I was really hoping for a monolith soft announcement, or a new IP other than WiiFit. Overall I am not as mad about the conference now that I have seen the trailers they have provided to the press. But boy was I feeling scorned watching it live feeling like Nintendo had abandoned the prospect of anything beyond casual games.
I guess it is just as well that I didn't watch - I haven't been poisoned by their focus on casual games. I'm just looking at the release list - it seems more "hardcore" that way :lol:.
[quote name='io'] What the hell do some of you people want?? And I still see Sony fanboys in other threads saying it was disappointing and they are still waiting for "real" games to come out. fuck you, you obviously aren't being sincere and just want to Wii-bash for the hell of it. All those games within the first year+ of the Wii are awesome - couldn't have asked for more. (Yes, I want an Animal Crossing too, but couldn't expect that, also, with all the other stuff coming so soon).[/quote]

Down, io! down! ;D

I would have just been happy with Animal Crossing... and I don't necessarily think it was unreasonable to expect it. There have been rumors of the next Animal Crossing foreeeever. It was supposed to come out on GC, wasn't it? And then they said it was being changed to Wii... and all this time later, I really thought they'd at least have some brief footage of it, or even just mention when it was expected.

There were really only two things about it that bothered me, other than no AC. #1 Wii Fit as the big finish. I know they will sell the hell out of this thing... but it seems like an odd audience to emphasize it to. I could see them taking it on, say, Good Morning America, and plugging it on there... but to play it up so extensively to an audience of gaming journalists and more "hardcore gamers" watching at home struck me as odd...

#2 it annoyed me how Reggie was playing up the online aspect of things. For those who didn't watch, he went on about how the complaints people have about Nintendo doing online are unfounded... how there's Mario Kart DS that so many people play online, and how there's Pokemon on the Wii, etc. It just irritated me... I don't think a handful of good titles really makes up for the lack of online in a lot of other games - especially games where it would have made so much freakin sense to have it. I just hope this was a way for them to cover themselves, and they don't actually believe it... cause if the current types of online play are what we can look forward to in the future, I'm going to be highly depressed :p

I'm not slamming them, they're still my favorite... I just think they could do better.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Dont think I didnt chuckle tremendously when Smash wasnt on that list of online games Reggie made. ho ho ho.[/quote]

How long does it take for the discs to be mass-produced? With Dec. 3rd release date, the current state of the game could very well be final.

"But MarioColbert! They have six whole months!"

If it was always that easy.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Dont think I didnt chuckle tremendously when Smash wasnt on that list of online games Reggie made. ho ho ho.[/quote]
[quote name='evilmax17']...uhoh.[/quote]I wouldn't read into it either way, that's too big of a yes/no to throw into the casual-oriented presentation they had.
You dont think with a release within 6 months that they couldntve casually put in a word about it being online if it was? They had TWO opportunites to if that was the case - When Reggie was listing serious online ventures, and when they mentioned Smash in passing.

Sure, its not definitive evidence, but I dont think its to be completely dismissed.

Even a HINT of lack of online play in SSBB will piss off enough people here at CAG (and feed the Sony fanboy trolls something fierce). It would have been nice if they could have cleared this up if it does, indeed, have it.

Now for me personally, I don't care that much. It's mostly a play with the family game for us. But I would definitely like to play against some of you (just to see how badly I can lose :lol:).
Could they have gotten more sales with it online? Sure. But they have very high standards for the experience they want to deliver, and its possible that if they dont have it, that they couldnt get it to work up to par.

I certainly understand that a lot of people would be upset. But thems just might be the breaks. On the other hand, if you want broken online games, you've got SC4, Tekken 5/6, VF5, DOA4, Mortal Kombat, 3rd strike.

I really wasnt planning on buying it, since EVERYONE I know is going to buy it, and its a multiplayer game anyway, but I'll probably buy one if it stays offline, if only to make up for lost sales elsewhere.

I'm willing to trade your collective sorrow for a more solid game.
[quote name='io']
Even a HINT of lack of online play in SSBB will piss off enough people here at CAG (and feed the Sony fanboy trolls something fierce). It would have been nice if they could have cleared this up if it does, indeed, have it.
You would think that if they were confident SSBB would have some kind of online component, however minimal, they'd have mentioned it. They went out of their way to mention online in MK.

Who knows, though. Maybe they want it to be a surprise. ;)
So did anyone else raise an eyebrow when Reggie went on about courting older gamers? He went on and on and on during which I asked myself how can he talk such BS when Nintendo refuses to accept AO games?

He had charts about 25+ gamers and blah, blah, blah. Hey Reggie what the hell is up about Manhunt 2 you lying ass? Stop talking shit about older gamers if you aren't really going to cater to them!
That's not the point. The point is that they don't allow AO games yet he is sitting there with charts - with fucking charts - about how Nintendo is going after the older gamer.

If I was in the crowd I would have yelled something about Manhunt 2 to make him look like the ass he was acting like.
Yea and you would have looked like the ass shouting that out.

As DMK pointed out, no one else allows AO games. There are a ton of ways Nintendo can court to an older crowd before allowing AO games on their system.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']You dont think with a release within 6 months that they couldntve casually put in a word about it being online if it was? They had TWO opportunites to if that was the case - When Reggie was listing serious online ventures, and when they mentioned Smash in passing.

Sure, its not definitive evidence, but I dont think its to be completely dismissed.[/quote]

I'm waiting for a Smash Bros. Dojo update to pass that info. It will explode the internets.

He gave us what they said they would give us all along: a release date.
[quote name='MarioColbert']How long does it take for the discs to be mass-produced? With Dec. 3rd release date, the current state of the game could very well be final.

"But MarioColbert! They have six whole months!"

If it was always that easy.[/QUOTE]

Disc duplication is pretty quick. Once a game goes gold, I believe it takes just a few weeks (maybe 2-3) to arrive in stores, if I recall correctly. Someone else might be able to find a definitive answer.
I guess there is also a slight lag while the ESRB has its way with it before it can be certified to be printed for reals, but I reckon thats not long.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I guess there is also a slight lag while the ESRB has its way with it before it can be certified to be printed for reals, but I reckon thats not long.[/QUOTE]

That's true; I hadn't thought of that. The ESRB certification can probably overlap with beta testing/bug fixing, given that there shouldn't be much content change during that time period. I'm not sure if the ESRB will allow development (including beta testing) to overlap with the final rating of a game, though. Also, recent legislation trying to require the ESRB to play through every game it rates may add a delay. So, it could be longer than a few weeks between going gold and release.
[quote name='Wet Ninja']Disc duplication is pretty quick. Once a game goes gold, I believe it takes just a few weeks (maybe 2-3) to arrive in stores, if I recall correctly. Someone else might be able to find a definitive answer.[/QUOTE]
I don't know if this is a good example for how quickly big titles hit the shelves, but I know that the "Gears of War goes gold" announcement came on 25 Oct. The game released on 7 Nov. I know this because I just looked it up.

Then again, this is most likely the exception to MarioColbert's vast experience in game development and publishing. He's out there among the industry bastards, reporting back with informative quips when he can slog his way out of the hired bullshit.
[quote name='MarioColbert']
"But MarioColbert! They have six whole months!"

If it was always that easy.[/QUOTE]
Online is probably still up in the air. Better to under-promise and over deliver, and all that. They've gotta have some artillery left for TGS. That's when I think we'll get confirmation.
[quote name='Scrubking']That's not the point. The point is that they don't allow AO games yet he is sitting there with charts - with fucking charts - about how Nintendo is going after the older gamer.

If I was in the crowd I would have yelled something about Manhunt 2 to make him look like the ass he was acting like.[/quote]
Big fucking whoop. An AO rating does not make a game "adult." Certainly not the "adult" demographic Reggie was talking about.
After taking a quick nap, I decided my favorite part from today was when Miyamoto was walking off stage and left his shoes, and the translator stuttered back and picked them up.
[quote name='CouRageouS']After taking a quick nap, I decided my favorite part from today was when Miyamoto was walking off stage and left his shoes, and the translator stuttered back and picked them up.[/QUOTE]

I saw hat too... poor Treehouse guys. I bet they have to translate Myamoto's snot onto a kleenix.
[quote name='spiwak']Big fucking whoop. An AO rating does not make a game "adult." Certainly not the "adult" demographic Reggie was talking about.[/QUOTE]

If an "Adult Only" rating doesn't make a game adult then, seriously, what the hell does?

And for the last time the charts on the screen were clearly labeled 25+ not just 75+

I know this is the internet, but damn people at least try to comprehend what someone is trying to say. Anyway, this is what I get for talking about a game that is at the moment cool to hate on.
[quote name='Scrubking']If an "Adult Only" rating doesn't make a game adult then, seriously, what the hell does?

And for the last time the charts on the screen were clearly labeled 25+ not just 75+

I know this is the internet, but damn people at least try to comprehend what someone is trying to say. Anyway, this is what I get for talking about a game that is at the moment cool to hate on.[/quote]
If you really think an AO rating makes a game better suited for adults more than any other rating, in fact, if any rating automatically equates to any specific age group, then I'd say you're pretty narrow-minded.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Nintendo wins E3 according to the mass media

Gaming sure had a good run, didnt it? ;)[/QUOTE]
I thought they did pretty decent. I mean the fit pad could be awesome if used right (petals for mario kart wii PLEASE) and they have a good stable of games for this year, online is finally here (albeit with 16 digt friend codes abound) it'll at least last them another year
[quote name='TFA']
The rock-star simulation game Guitar Hero has built its success on a true-to-life model of games. In addition to its original plastic guitar, the game's designers this year showed off a version featuring a drum-kit component and also a microphone that measures the pitch of a singer's voice.

At first glance, a team of four people playing the new Guitar Hero set looks like a real rock band -- at least until someone makes a musical mistake that brings the game to a halt, as Microsoft Vice President Peter Moore did a couple of times this week during his demonstration.[/quote]
Heh, Guitar Hero = Rock Band? :lol:
[quote name='mykevermin']I remember when they ALL did:


I have that thing!

I remember my buddies and I getting ripped and trying to play SMB back at my apartment in college a few years ago. Good times. :lol:

Anyone heard of any other Nintendo games NOT mentioned at the press conference besides these?

-Advance Wars 2
-Mario Party DS
-Fire Emblem Wii
I have to say, I thought Nintendo won as well, and I gave them like a C+ for their presentation. Sony and Microsoft did absolutely nothing to appease the gamers.
[quote name='lordwow']I have to say, I thought Nintendo won as well, and I gave them like a C+ for their presentation. Sony and Microsoft did absolutely nothing to appease the gamers.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo failed to impress me. I wanted to see some DS games besides Zelda and NG.
The new PSP peeked my interest with Sony, if it comes out with a price drop I will buy it. Nothing else stood out for me.
This is Bizarro world and MS won me over reminding me that I need to clear my schedule this fall/winter with the great RPG games coming out. I just need more free time. MS failed by not showing anything interesting that we didn't already know about.

MS and Sony are spoiling us gamers with new franchises that look good mixed in with the sequels. Nintendo showed us that they are recycling all their franchises once again. Not that having more of the same is a bad thing but every 1st party wii game besides Wii Sports has been more of the same.

If you ask any Nintendo fan why they love the Wii and they will tell you because of the "revolutionary" way to play games. All Nintendo is showing us is how they can give us the same games but with a slight control modification.
I beat Zelda TP about 2 weeks ago, it was a good solid game but I couldn't help having deja vu throughout the whole game. It was nothing more Ocarina of Time 10 years later with slight control modifications with the same frustrating camera.

Yes the Nintendo games are great games but I can only play the same game x amount of times before It becomes stale. Nintendo needs to stop with the franchises and give us (me) something with a new face. The only game that has me excited is Super Mario Galaxy.

The reason I'm so harsh on Nintendo is that I don't want to go through N64 and GCN years again.

I was hoping that Nintendo would go this new direction and start giving us "New" games. I don't consider a fitness pad a new game.

I am not starting a flame war I'm just stating the opinion of a 27 year old that has been playing Nintendo games for the past 20 years.
I dunno, I thought that Sony did very little to impress me. The new PSP? Meh.

I do agree that XBox has some great games coming out, and they certainly highlighted that, but as many others have said, they really have a cocky attitude like "look we're #1 (for the moment)!" Their keynote just didn't impress me, it was "more of the same," but I think that they may have the edge in terms of games and the rest of the conference (non-keynote stuff).

I think it's fair to say none of the conferences impressed me. The only announcements that got any reaction out of me were Mario Kart Wii and dating SSB. That's the only reason I have Nintendo ahead.
[quote name='spiwak']If you really think an AO rating makes a game better suited for adults more than any other rating, in fact, if any rating automatically equates to any specific age group, then I'd say you're pretty narrow-minded.[/QUOTE]

I'd agree. A lot of M-rated games (and presumably the same would be true for AO games if they were allowed to come out) are aimed more at teenage boys than adults.

I mean when I was 13 or 14, the Mortal Kombat games were awesome. Now at 28, I really don't have much desire to play such ultra violent games.

Same with all the gratuitous T&A in many of the games. That's that for teens hitting puberty. Not adults.
[quote name='lordwow']
I think it's fair to say none of the conferences impressed me. [/QUOTE]

Very true for me as well. Only thing I can say after this conference is: "Man this geneeration STILL sucks."
[quote name='Scrubking']So did anyone else raise an eyebrow when Reggie went on about courting older gamers? He went on and on and on during which I asked myself how can he talk such BS when Nintendo refuses to accept AO games?

He had charts about 25+ gamers and blah, blah, blah. Hey Reggie what the hell is up about Manhunt 2 you lying ass? Stop talking shit about older gamers if you aren't really going to cater to them![/quote]
Let's be honest. AO games appeal to 15-year-olds, not "older" gamers. It's always been like that. It's the forbidden fruit factor. When you're a teen, you're spending all your time trying to score porn and sneaking into the R-rated action/horror movies at the theater. But once we mature a bit, most of us come to realize how shallow that shit is and crave something with depth. Mario Galaxy suddenly becomes more interesting than Manhunt 2. Full frontal nudity and three kill levels do not a good game make, my son.
hay guyz, please stop talking about Manhunt 2 and AO ratings and "adult games." Because seriously, as soon as Scrubking is involved in any such discussion, it instantly becomes retarded enough to drop your IQ by 30 points just by reading it. Even if the rest of the discussion is civil and intelligent, as soon as he posts on the subject, it becomes mind-melting.

And all three press conferences were mediocre. Woo hoo, slightly smaller PSP with Darth fucking Vader on. Big deal. And watching Peter Moore embarrass himself playing Rock Band and Madden wasn't amusing for very long. And that other Microsoft dude, I forget his name and position, but the one guy who was talking about Scene It (which sounds awesome by the way. I'm hoping they use that Trivia controller for more stuff eventually. Online You Don't Know Jack, anyone?) and stuff, he was creepy. He seemed like a late-night infomercial host, right down his tone and language. At one point, he actually said "but that's not all," in the same tone that every other infomercial says it. I think someone a bit more personable would have been a better choice.
I don't have a problem with the way things went yesterday. The "hard-core" gamers got confirmation that three of the biggest franchises are being released before Christmas. That mean 4 of the BEST franchises on the planet are available for the Wii roughly one year after launch (Zelda, Mario, Metroid, SSB). That is sick. And you all are complaining?

Now, I can understand being pissed about spending the majority of the time on something like Wii fit. I'm not one-hundred percent sold on it. You still have 3 HUGE games coming out in the next months. I think the problem is no one will be satisfied. Do you really think Nintendo would announce another franchise, like Pikmin, would come out soon? Hell no. No way. There's already to much good stuff going on before the end of the year.

Nintendo's Conference was just like everyone else's. It kind of sucked and told what we already knew. That's because E3 ISN'T the place to drop the bomb anymore.
[quote name='munch']I don't have a problem with the way things went yesterday. The "hard-core" gamers got confirmation that three of the biggest franchises are being released before Christmas. That mean 4 of the BEST franchises on the planet are available for the Wii roughly one year after launch (Zelda, Mario, Metroid, SSB). That is sick. And you all are complaining?

1. As you said latter, many were just dissapointed that they didn't drop any bombs as we falsely hoped the new E3 would still have some big announcements. Now we know it won't and I'll just ignore the pointless thing next year.

2. While those are big games, to be honest it's hard for me to get excited about these franchises anymore. Especially Metroid as the MP2 left a bad taste in my mouth, and SSB as I've never been a huge fan of the series. Even Mario I"m not sure about as the small planets as opposed to large open worlds has me a bit concerned. But it does look great none the less.

3. I'm worried that with all the talent and resources being given to stuff like Wii Fit for the non-gamer crowd that we'll see less games for us hardcore gamers from Nintendo that we could get otherwise.

In the end, it all boils down to being a bit disappointed due to being a life long Nintendo fan, but now seeing far more games that interest me on the other consoles.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
2. While those are big games, to be honest it's hard for me to get excited about these franchises anymore. Especially Metroid as the MP2 left a bad taste in my mouth, and SSB as I've never been a huge fan of the series. Even Mario I"m not sure about as the small planets as opposed to large open worlds has me a bit concerned. But it does look great none the less.

In the end, it all boils down to being a bit disappointed due to being a life long Nintendo fan, but now seeing far more games that interest me on the other consoles.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure I've asked you this before, but why in the hell did you buy a Wii if you don't care about games like Metroid and Smash Bros, which were undoubtedly going to be given major attention? Because I think I see these sorts of comments from you every other month or so, which boil down to "I don't like 95% of what the Wii offers," and then using that as a springboard to "Nintendo doesn't do anything I like anymore."

Which is like going to a concert for a band on the hope that they will play the one song you like, even though you hate every other song they'll play.
[quote name='Strell']I'm pretty sure I've asked you this before, but why in the hell did you buy a Wii if you don't care about games like Metroid and Smash Bros, which were undoubtedly going to be given major attention? Because I think I see these sorts of comments from you every other month or so, which boil down to "I don't like 95% of what the Wii offers," and then using that as a springboard to "Nintendo doesn't do anything I like anymore."

I care about such game and still enjoy them. They just don't excite me as much anymore as they've lost their novelty and magic to some extent due to playing so many of them from the NES to present.

The Wii has a fancy new controller, so I was hoping Nintendo would bring out some new IPs for the hardcore gamer designed around it to supplement the semi-stale franchises I grew up on. But instead we're getting mini-games and crap like Wii Fit for the non-gamers to supplement them.

As such it's thus far failed to deliver on what made me buy the Wii--hopes for exiting new franchises along with my old favorites.
Then we're at a pretty simple juncture here.

1) Nintendo is going to continue making stuff you don't care about - WiiFit for example. So you either accept that or you don't. You don't.

2) The franchises you have grown up with no longer excite you as much as they did.

3) You're blaming Nintendo for not bringing out games for the hardcore gamer, when you already don't really like the games you claim to like (Mario) due to playing them for so long, and also don't like hardcore franchises they have also established (Smash Bros). So really you don't care at all for any of those titles, and equate this to "there's no hardcore franchises I like," whether you realize you are saying it or not.

4) For some reason you are ignoring third party software in two ways. The first is that you're not buying it. The second, though, probably causes the first, which is that a good portion of those games are either ports, badly programmed for motion, or "non-gamer crap." So I guess we're just assuming third parties are out of your spectrum too.

If all of the above is true - and it appears to be - then I still can't figure out why you have the system. Do you honestly think you're going to wake up tomorrow and find a dozen new awesome games, all new IPs, that implement motion controls in awesome ways?

Seems like you'd be better selling it off right now and coming back in a year or two when all the third party software really starts to take off.

I mean I don't own a 360, and if I did, I'd be bored to tears with it. Which is exactly why I don't own one.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm really tired of this so-called argument that Nintendo has apparently tricked everyone into buying a system that they weren't going to do exactly like those buyers wanted, when instead Nintendo is doing exactly what it said it was always going to do - aim for a new market, slowly adapt motion control into games, and potentially create some awesome experiences along the way. We really need to drop this whole notion that they promised us X and gave us Y, because they've pretty much stuck to their guns at an alarmingly steady rate.

Edit: Just since I'm curious, are there PS3 owners the same way? Sony shows off Socom and Killzone and Ratchet and Clank, and they bitch "omfg where's my Shadow of the Colossus 2?" Are 360 owners hating on Halo 3, Dead or Alive, and Splinter Cell?

Which brings up a fun tangent point - don't you think it puts Nintendo in a unique situation in that you've been able to play Mario for over 20 years, yet the same cannot be said for Sony/Microsoft? It kinda adds a layer of gamer-whine that MS and Sony are currently exempt from because they simply haven't been around as long.
I think we should all see how this plays out before we make too many assumptions.

I'll admit, I'm getting a bit nervous with how much the mass media is already loving wii fit...but I suppose time will tell.
I have a very hard time believing the biggest and brightest at Nintendo are the ones being put to work on Wii Fit. I mean... really, it's that complex a game?
bread's done