Official Trophy Thread - 4/21: Enhanced Trophy Lists Coming in Firmware 3.30

I can not believe I haven't tried this game yet.
I take my recommendation back. Go ahead and skip Crazy Market. The last 10 levels (which are actually about 40 levels) are a huge pain in the ass, and the touch controls just aren't precise enough to get things done easily. Since I am 50 levels in and so close to two golds I feel compelled to finish, but I honestly recommend don't start so you don't end up in the same position as me.

I take my recommendation back. Go ahead and skip Crazy Market. The last 10 levels (which are actually about 40 levels) are a huge pain in the ass, and the touch controls just aren't precise enough to get things done easily. Since I am 50 levels in and so close to two golds I feel compelled to finish, but I honestly recommend don't start so you don't end up in the same position as me.
After posts from you and RPG, I just deleted it from my backlog list. Thanks!

any tips for getting more balls? without paying

Honestly, you shouldn't need them. I didn't pay for any. The near thing did not work for me even though I tried. Some people claim it works without the patch still.

The bonus level was the only really hard level because you had to be pretty precise.

If you make use of the blockers on the bottom of the screen from the start of the game, you should have a ton of balls left. I did not know about that gameplay mechanic so I had lost a ton of balls. I ended up finishing with 1 ball left. I then rubber banded the analog stick to get the 24 hour trophy.

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[quote name="GamingGator" post="11468606" timestamp="1390525275"]Honestly, you shouldn't need them. I didn't pay for any. The near thing did not work for me even though I tried. Some people claim it works without the patch still.

The bonus level was the only really hard level because you had to be pretty precise.

If you make use of the blockers on the bottom of the screen from the start of the game, you should have a ton of balls left. I did not know about that gameplay mechanic so I had lost a ton of balls. I ended up finishing with 1 ball left. I then rubber banded the analog stick to get the 24 hour trophy.[/quote]
Lol same was for me with the rubber-band, by the time I finished it, I still needed ~16h or so. IIRC there was a easy level for collecting balls parts but just can't recall its name.
Got the 100% on Crazy Market, what a pain in the ass. 57-1 was where I struggled the most, with the fast exploding bombs.
Congrats! I saw you on my friends list last night playing it and I wept a little for you.

Now that I have my new ps3, I'm going on a psn binge - going to try to clear up a bunch of the little PS+ freebies and just get what trophies and accomplishment I can out of them and then cross them off my list. Going to keep plugging away on MvC Origins though - the CPU is waaaaay tougher than I remember (not that I was very good to begin with). fuck me if I run in to Spiderman late in the arcade ladder.

Platinum #23 - Gravity Rush

Trials ended up being a lot more tolerable than I expected.  I'd been putting that off for months but managed to knock them out in two short nights of half paying attention.

Now thanks to the fancy shmancy Dragon's Crown patch I should be able to cruise through the remaining classes (and hopefully take the time to finish Gourmand - blech) and have the plat on that one too.  Hooray!

Platinum #23 - Gravity Rush
dlc will never go on sale =(

Papo & Yo 100%

Super Hang-On 100% (japan+)

New #155 - Sly Cooper 4 (vita) god i hated "Apollo Wins" balancing that stupid egg took forever.

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I never had the egg fall on Sly Cooper Apollo games, but that bird that flies by always got me. I feel the most annoying was 8-bit Bently Style because there was 1 hover Bently level where you need 25k points and I kept getting 21k max. Also since I go through games before looking at trophy lists, Nathan Drake looking at all maps was super annoying to go back and do.

I never had the egg fall on Sly Cooper Apollo games, but that bird that flies by always got me. I feel the most annoying was 8-bit Bently Style because there was 1 hover Bently level where you need 25k points and I kept getting 21k max. Also since I go through games before looking at trophy lists, Nathan Drake looking at all maps was super annoying to go back and do.
on ps3 it was piss easy, on vita not so much.

Dragon's Crown is great, had a lot of fun getting the plat for that one.

Plat #50 - Shadow of the Colossus.

I decided to go back and finish max stamina and hard mode time attacks since I never beat them all on PS2 version for the Queen's Sword, love Ico. Anyway, now I remember why I set the game aside originally a while back...they nerfed Wanderer. He is so damn clumsy now and flops around if Agro sneezes a mile away. I literally tripped and fell before I even got to Colossi #3. I was running up the ramp to him, and tripped for no reason.

Oh, they also removed the resting steps on the way to the Secret Garden. I went up there after 1st playthrough on my PS2 game, not possible on PS3 version. You need max stamina for the trophy still, but why would they change that? Still, the Wanderer slippy-grip-can't-charge-hits was the worst.

I did make a new 'discovery' playing through the game again, always see new stuff. I found a Turtle. My arrows bounce off, and sword clinks and bounces off, and if you get too close he huddles into his shell. Then I stepped back and shot a flash arrow and he just sat there not moving, and wouldn't hide in shell anymore.

So after having all but one trophy pop from my ps3 to ps4 version of DCUO, i finally got to level 30 mentored by superman. The last trophy I needed....

And it never came up. Glitched on me it seems? Ugh.
Anyone here has platted Souls Sacrifice? Im in the later harder Avalon pacts of the games and in need of better weps.

Anyone here has platted Souls Sacrifice? Im in the later harder Avalon pacts of the games and in need of better weps.
Yep! I just drudged through (basically) the last avalon pact chapters with randoms. A lot of people get irritated when you're not farming some DLC for some weapon which was fine by me since they generally quit right away and all I was left with were people that also hadn't finished those chapters.

I soloed probably a third of them (the ones I could as a 1/99) with nothing more than standard projectiles and a summon. It just takes forever. I wasted waaaay too much time trying to solo stuff like the werewolf (not happening when I can get one hit killed) or the duo of Ilecebra or whatever they're called.

p.s. Anyone want to do the 25 online vs trophy for LBP vita with me? Purportedly only takes about 15 minutes of that ever so shitty online play. I'm only missing that, the 4 player one and the grindy 'hold-the-screen-for-24-hours' one.

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p.s. Anyone want to do the 25 online vs trophy for LBP vita with me? Purportedly only takes about 15 minutes of that ever so shitty online play. I'm only missing that, the 4 player one and the grindy 'hold-the-screen-for-24-hours' one.
If the game ever gets added to Plus as we seemingly all expect it will, I would be willing to help. I would imagine you will find someone sooner, but if not I can be your backup plan.

[quote name="handsomepete" post="11496902" timestamp="1391441932"]Yep! I just drudged through (basically) the last avalon pact chapters with randoms. A lot of people get irritated when you're not farming some DLC for some weapon which was fine by me since they generally quit right away and all I was left with were people that also hadn't finished those chapters.

I soloed probably a third of them (the ones I could as a 1/99) with nothing more than standard projectiles and a summon. It just takes forever. I wasted waaaay too much time trying to solo stuff like the werewolf (not happening when I can get one hit killed) or the duo of Ilecebra or whatever they're called.
Yeah Ive been soloing pretty much till 9*pact quests with my Chaos-being-build and I got nailed pretty hard w 1 hit kill. By digging through gamefaqs Ive heard about a DLC offering is way too overpowered and its better to have build of 50/50 rather than 1/99 unless you are pro.
Cool, never really checked this thread before, or knew it existed. I actually tripled my plat count this year from 1 to 3, despite having a PS3 since launch (and definitely since they began the trophy program). I liked being definitively done with these games though, so may continue this trend.

I don't know what I would target next though. Maybe I should finally go back and plat some of the UC or MGS games, since they are two of my favorite series.

Cool, never really checked this thread before, or knew it existed. I actually tripled my plat count this year from 1 to 3, despite having a PS3 since launch (and definitely since they began the trophy program). I liked being definitively done with these games though, so may continue this trend.

I don't know what I would target next though. Maybe I should finally go back and plat some of the UC or MGS games, since they are two of my favorite series.
I try to only plat/100% things I really enjoy with some minor exceptions (the Trivial Pursuit game was cool, I just wanted to see if I could actually plat it with the ps3t guide before having to send it to amazon). Right now I'm on a mission to squeeze as many trophies as I can out of fighting games I enjoy since I have two ps3s right now (making it painfully quick and easy to tear through most online requirements).
I try to only plat/100% things I really enjoy with some minor exceptions (the Trivial Pursuit game was cool, I just wanted to see if I could actually plat it with the ps3t guide before having to send it to amazon). Right now I'm on a mission to squeeze as many trophies as I can out of fighting games I enjoy since I have two ps3s right now (making it painfully quick and easy to tear through most online requirements).
u have 2 vitas?

u have 2 vitas?
Nope! Although I have a very patient and understanding Stellar Inertia which has been my partner in crime on MK Vita. I don't know if I'll be able to finish the 100% on Guilty Gear because I suck at that, same for BlazBlue. SFxT will come eventually except for that blasted adhoc trophy. It'll be fun to try to get plat on the ps3 version of umvc3 though - those challenges are brutal but I've done it once, I can probably do it again?
Nope! Although I have a very patient and understanding Stellar Inertia which has been my partner in crime on MK Vita. I don't know if I'll be able to finish the 100% on Guilty Gear because I suck at that, same for BlazBlue. SFxT will come eventually except for that blasted adhoc trophy. It'll be fun to try to get plat on the ps3 version of umvc3 though - those challenges are brutal but I've done it once, I can probably do it again?
Lol speaking of MK you good for later today?

Edit: Plat #38 Oddworld Strangers Wrath. Great game! :D

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Yep, should be good for tonight. Only 50 tower challenges left and I'm done with the two towers! They could've been half as long and been just about right.
Yea they are pretty long. (thats what she said…Iknow) I got bored of MK and gave it a break for now. Been trying to 100% all my Vita games but I have a few that are a grind like Dead Or Alive Plus, Killzone Mercenary, and Dynasty Warriors NExt. :drool:

MvC2 100% now too, that went pretty quick.  Having a second ps3 allows for some stupid quick trophy action.  Burned through like 9 or 10 trophies for SSFIV in about 30 or 40 minutes this morning, some of which would've probably taken me a year to get legit.  Right now I'm just trying to shore up my ps3 collection trophywise as best I can so I can be prepared for 2015 which will likely have a heavier focus on ps4 titles.

If anyone is up at 5am central and wants to snag the SSFIV team battle trophies shoot me a PM, only need two with my punching bag sidekick I think.  This game is disturbingly active at 5am - when I setup ranked matches with any settings (1 round/3 rounds/30s/60s) a random always joined in less than 2-3 seconds.

yep, got it during that cheapo digital sale a while back but haven't had a chance to play it much yet. Actually my very first DOA game.
I will say this. Its the only fighter thats different from the rest. It relies on counters and throws a lot. Its a triangle of sorts. I forget how it goes but its like paper rock scissors. ALso its a fun series. hopefully you like it I bought it Day 1 nearly a year ago. Never though it would of went on sale that cheap. And yes we can tackle that slowly (500 matches) if you'd like. :D/

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Has anyone gotten the King of the Skies trophy in Big Sky Infinity? I'm a little obsessed with it now - I manage to get through three bosses sometimes but then I either get boss repeats or endless screens of non-boss nonsense. I'm sure there's a good reason there's a completion percentage of under 0.4%, but I like playing the game so it's not a chore to try for it. I'd just like to know if it's actually possible.

And I have deleted the patch and started over with minimal upgrades which has helped with boss frequency immensely.
#157 - Disney•Pixar Toy Story Mania!
If you had one less trophy that plat would have also been your 9k one as well. That game has to be one of the easiest plats there is, but at least it was kind of fun as well.

I just finished the story on Puppeteer. It seems like the clean up for the rest of the trophies is going to be a lot of work. How many hours of playing do you think you put in after finishing the story?

If you had one less trophy that plat would have also been your 9k one as well. That game has to be one of the easiest plats there is, but at least it was kind of fun as well.

I just finished the story on Puppeteer. It seems like the clean up for the rest of the trophies is going to be a lot of work. How many hours of playing do you think you put in after finishing the story?
I am interested in knowing this as well. I am getting into the game finally and can see myself chasing the Plat.

bread's done