Okami Wii - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='pete5883']Have you not been reading? Game play is also a problem.[/QUOTE]

Yes I can read and have had 0 problems with gameplay so far.

I LOL'ed at the gamecover having a plastic wrap sticker over the not-so famous Play rating, only to have a IGN logo over it. WTF?
[quote name='Monsta Mack']
I LOL'ed at the gamecover having a plastic wrap sticker over the not-so famous Play rating, only to have a IGN logo over it. WTF?[/quote]
Please elaborate. Never heard of this.
[quote name='botticus'] [pic removed]
Somebody gettin fired.[/quote]
I saw that, but what's the "plastic wrap sticker over the not-so famous Play rating"?
[quote name='Doomed']I saw that, but what's the "plastic wrap sticker over the not-so famous Play rating"?[/QUOTE]

I must be blind lol What I am seeing or not seeing?
[quote name='CombatCraig']I must be blind lol What I am seeing or not seeing?[/QUOTE]

Part of the IGN logo is a circle with four triangles in it - kind of like a D-pad. (Just look at any of IGN's pages for a million examples of their logo.) You can see it faintly in the image, right near the wolf's mouth. It's in the left-hand portion of the blow-up in the link botticus provided.

Very sloppy work, Capcom.
So I just got to play this game for about almost two hours. I am just in awe over how amazing this game is. It reminds me so much of Zelda but at the same time being fresh and new. Can't wait to play more of this game.

The IGN logo is very odd on the box art. Kinda funny though, wonder if it was one of those hey look at my scores like the play one is on the box.
I correct myself I was in a rush to make that post.
Basically there's another game magazine rating over the Play one (stickered) and one I unwrapped it the hideous Play rating was there.

Who the fuck reads Play reviews and considers them credible, for one. And for two, Capcom is fucking lazy to have that IGN print on there.
Just picked this up, put a couple of hours in and all I can is say "WOW!", Okami looks absolutely terrific for being so dated and is quite fun as well.

I think I might end up liking Okami more than Twilight Princess.
[quote name='Kendro']

A clearer image I found from one of the comments on Joystiq.[/QUOTE]

I think I see Jesus in the upper right corner.
Capcom must have put the boxart responsibilities in the hands of an intern.. armed with Google images and copy & paste abilities.

Anywho.. all of this pissing and moaning about which version looks better.. chill out. I wonder how many of the ps2 purists are playing on the ps3 (where there is upconversion). Then, I wonder how many have component cables and upconversion settings turned on with their Wii.
I lol'd when I saw that on the cover art, I wonder if batch #2 will have that mark.

IGN is probably happy for the free advertisement.... but I'd totally sue them for use of their logo.
[quote name='Skylander7']Capcom must have put the boxart responsibilities in the hands of an intern.. armed with Google images and copy & paste abilities.

Anywho.. all of this pissing and moaning about which version looks better.. chill out. I wonder how many of the ps2 purists are playing on the ps3 (where there is upconversion). Then, I wonder how many have component cables and upconversion settings turned on with their Wii.[/quote]
I don't think anyone is really a purist, or even pissing all that much. No PS3 upscaling here, and component (there are no upconversion settings for Wii, just TV scalers at best) on Wii and PS2, so in theory they should have looked the same, but they didn't. No one actually seems to dislike the game in either format though, because it is amazing. I think the point of this thread has become: "Buy Okami for whatever system you have that you have the money for. Because it is wonderful."
[quote name='mephitical']I think the point of this thread has become: "Buy Okami for whatever system you have that you have the money for. Because it is wonderful."[/QUOTE]

Unless you've got a PS2 or PS3.
[quote name='redgopher']Unless you've got a PS2 or PS3.[/QUOTE]

Yep. Then you can retain your smugness about not buying it on the Wii and still claim you think it's such a tragedy the game didn't sell well in the first place.
[quote name='mephitical']I don't think anyone is really a purist, or even pissing all that much. No PS3 upscaling here, and component (there are no upconversion settings for Wii, just TV scalers at best) on Wii and PS2, so in theory they should have looked the same, but they didn't. No one actually seems to dislike the game in either format though, because it is amazing. I think the point of this thread has become: "Buy Okami for whatever system you have that you have the money for. Because it is wonderful."[/QUOTE]

So true. You can't go wrong either way. If you have a Wii or ps2 this is a must own game.
[quote name='redgopher']I have something like 3 fucking posts AND a pair of images that CLEARLY show the difference between the two, so when I say that the PS2 version is notably sharper and sticks to Clover's original vision of the game, IT IS NOT OPEN FOR fuckING INTERPRETATION. Kindly read the thread!

You don't deserve to play this game if you don't understand what the filter was for. Then again, you can't teach art to stupid people, so go ahead and enjoy the mediocre Wii version. It'll be a fun diversion from Wii Sports. Congratulations on buying your first game for your Wii Sports system. Honey, did you get the milk out of the minivan? Don't ever let me catch you calling yourself a gamer.[/quote]

Whoa there. Settle down, Sparky. I'm sure in your mind, your word is law, but frankly EVERYTHING is open to interpretation, regardless of where you come down on the subject.

And for the record, I understand what the paper filter is and the aesthetic motivation behind it. But even if I didn't, it doesn't mean I drive a minivan or am somehow less of a gamer than you or anyone else.

Please refrain from resorting to personal attacks in the future. I could have very easily reported your post.
I just got a chance to play this today for about an hour. I don't understand the complaining at all. The graphics still look beautiful, in my opinion. But, I am normally more forgiving on the subject of graphics. I was mostly afraid of the controls, but I'm completely fine with them so far.
i just got this today... it clearly says ign on the cover. Looking at the picture online, i wasn't sure, but there it is. I couldn't care much less about the cover art, it's just kinda funny.
I can't wait to play this game. i haven't tried the ps2 version, so i have high hopes.
Tybee: You're right, that was a bit much. Sorry about that. I'm a retard for arguing on the internet... now I have to use the Internet fuckwad Theory to describe myself. *sigh* damn you overly defensive genetics.

And on minivans... well, at least they're better than SUVs and trucks.
Hmm...I do want to buy the Wii version so I can support the game again and get widescreen but it sounds like the visuals have been manipulated in a bad way and that the Wii controls suck.

I might as well go finish my PS2 version that I never finished. I'm ashamed I never beat the game, just like a bunch of others I haven't beaten. I fall into the buy a new game before you finish the previous game trap too much.
[quote name='Razzuel']Hmm...I do want to buy the Wii version so I can support the game again and get widescreen but it sounds like the visuals have been manipulated in a bad way and that the Wii controls suck.[/QUOTE]

I take great offense to this unwarranted, unproven, and unprovoked attack on the greatness of the Wii. I am completely insulted. YOU SIR, HAVE BEEN REPORTED TO THE PROPER WII AUTHORITIES!!! REPORTED I SAY !!!
I'm not sure if certain reviewers are stupid or something but this game is more accurate and better control wise then the PS2 version.

As for the straight line thing. Press the Z button if you can't draw a straight line for some reason and it makes the brush only move straight. I personally can't understand why someone couldn't do this well but I like to draw so that might be why I don't have any trouble.

Other then that this game controls pretty much the same as Zelda TP did on the Wii so far, i'm pretty far and have about half the brush techniques. For me personally having this game in 480P Widescreen on my set looking so nice more then makes up for getting it twice. Add on to that these controls which to me make the game easier, much faster paced, more immersive, and fluid then you have a really great definitive version of the game.

SInce i've already played it i'm clicking past all the story and finding the gameplay a lot more satisfying then I remember when I went through it on my PS2.

Plus the paper filter is on there as well. I think some people were talking about earlier versions of the game that werent final.

That's my word. Get this game it's amazing and just as good as Zelda Twilight Princess and well worth playing. Plus if you haven't played it the water color animation is breathtaking. Especially on my Widescreen tv in 480P.
[quote name='j.elles'] Plus if you haven't played it the water color animation is breathtaking. Especially on my Widescreen tv in 480P.[/quote]

Did you just invite the entirety of the Wii forum to your house?

PARTY AT J.ELLES HOUSE! Someone needs to order pizza!

But I agree with you on all points. Though I only played the PS2 version for, like, two minutes, I still feel it's more natural on the Wii. Even if the drawing is a tad awkward, it's easy enough to adjust to.
I finally got a chance to play this for a little while longer today. I'm loving it.

I have a couple questions though. What exactly does the travel tag do? And, what is the little thing in the bottom left hand during battle that seemingly goes from red to yellow to green?
[quote name='bmulligan']I take great offense to this unwarranted, unproven, and unprovoked attack on the greatness of the Wii. I am completely insulted. YOU SIR, HAVE BEEN REPORTED TO THE PROPER WII AUTHORITIES!!! REPORTED I SAY !!![/quote]

Haha alright...Hmm? maybe I should of thought of something witty to say, oh well.
I just ordered all three. One to my house, one to my office and one to my garage apartment address.

...hey, I was really upset about the IGN watermark, okay! I mean Really!!!
Does anybody here have a flatbed scanner? If somebody could scan in the IGN watermark cover (at 300dpi), I'd really appreciate it. When I do get this, it will definitely have the fixed cover., and I want to preserve Capcom's huge mistake.

Scanning guide - be sure you scan it at 300dpi!

You could upload it at thecoverproject.net's upload section. Just click the check box for "this is a raw scan". No sign up needed. Places like photobucket reduce quality, so don't upload it at a place like that.
"Does anybody here have a flatbed scanner? "
I do, I happen to have a HP 6310, but i don't have the game yet. What's the cheapest price on this? If i can get it lower than $39 new, it's time to buy and scan.
[quote name='Strell']Capcom agrees to replace botched cover art with either fixed original OR one of two new art pieces[/QUOTE]
Haha. This whole situation is hilarious.

"Thank you for purchasing Okami for the Nintendo Wii! To better reflect the artistic nature of the game, we're proud to offer you new art for the outside of the box."

Oh, yes. It's because they want to better reflect the artistic nature of the game. Funny that there is no mention of this charitable gesture anywhere else on their website.

It's also kinda funny that all of the quotes they are using for the marketing of the game are from the PS2 version, even though the site is clearly for the Wii version.
Which alternative cover are you guys getting? I like the second one, but the first one is great too. Decisions, decisions.
Getting the Second one I think. The first one is just the original without the waternark. And the third one is alright but I prefer the second.
Looks like Brady Games got hit too, watermark is on the guide as well
[quote name='CombatCraig']Looks like Brady Games got hit too, watermark is on the guide as well

:rofl: Man, they screwed this up hardcore...
For those Okami vets out there, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how the game tracks deaths? I saw there was
a reward for no deaths in the game (outside of the astral pouch)after finishing the game
, but I'm not sure if it keeps track of deaths if you choose not to continue from them (i.e. it saves from the moment you die, regardless if you continue)? I've looked around various gaming boards and couldn't find an answer, so I was hoping someone here might now.

[quote name='wjhard63']For those Okami vets out there, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how the game tracks deaths? I saw there was
a reward for no deaths in the game (outside of the astral pouch)after finishing the game
, but I'm not sure if it keeps track of deaths if you choose not to continue from them (i.e. it saves from the moment you die, regardless if you continue)? I've looked around various gaming boards and couldn't find an answer, so I was hoping someone here might now.

You can die? I've put almost 50 hours into the PS2 version and never come close to dying. Did you know you can retreat from battles?
bread's done