[OOS] Xbox 360 Premium Systems (no bundle) in stock at walmart.com

[quote name='rockhero']Yesterday morning I got an 'order cancelled' e-mail, an this morning I got an 'order shipped' e-mail. Cool![/QUOTE]

OMG, i was just saying to myself good for you and thought hey maybe i better check my email also.
I dont recall the exact time i ordered but it was around 0900 PST.

Guess what man?

Mine shipped also! :applause:
Hey, mine seems to be back from the dead as well!

No more email from WalMart but I got a "shipped" status with a tracking # on the website!

APX . . . American Packaging Express? Have people heard of them before???

[quote name='EnsignGarak']That's interesting. My Sister-in-law works at a Target store, and she says that they will definitely have 6 systems for sale on Tuesday, and maybe 12. That just doesn't sound like a whole lot of systems for a store like Target. I know, store location makes a difference - But, at launch? Even in the worst of locations, a Target store only receiving 6 units seems quite minimal to me.

Couple that with what the manager of the local EB Games told me (when she called me to tell me that my preorder would arrive in December/January) about Microsoft cutting their supply of delivered units to retail nationwide, and that concerns me enough to have wanted to pop for this today.[/QUOTE]

Target is a very good place to go . . . I got an Xbox there on launch day (ended up returning it). I bought it to play and then had second thoughts . . . wouldn't get one for 2 years.

I failed to sell the Xbox on ebay in 2001 . . . I got skunked at the start (would have made $200 but the guy was a loser but I recovered all fees plus $20 from the guy). What killed sales was that demand was weak and MS kept shipping them through to Xmas.

This time, I think demand is actually going to be strong because of Live . . . plus it sounds like the supply is just not going to be there. We'll see.

Target is a sleeper location to get a system:

1) Its off the radar for many people . . . they're at BB and CC

2) They open early -- 8 am . . . many people may not know this and arrive at 9 or 10

3) 90 day return policy is good for resellers

In 2001, I was one of 6-8 people waiting outside Target and we each got a system . . . but that was about their whole stock.

I'll likely go, I have an 8:30 class and school is about 12 min. from Target. I'll arrive about 7:40 and see where that gets me.
Just as I finished my above post, my wife flipped open the newspaper: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Big front page article with picture (1/4 of the whole page). The 360 ranks right there with an article on exit strategies from Iraq! Christ, I'm a gamer and I think the hype is out of hand!

But stoke the fire.
I originally placed an order at around noon ET for one system. Roughly 15 minutes later, I placed a separate order for another one. Several hours later, I received a 'cancellation confirmed' email for the first order, which immediately showed as being cancelled on the site. Later I received the 'order status' cancellation email for the second order, which continued to show as processing on the site (but with the option to cancel removed).

The second order has now shipped!
As of about 1am Pacific Time this morning, I hadn't yet received my "Your product has been shipped" E-mail. I wrote an E-mail to WalMart.com, asking why my order was taking so long to ship (based upon the posts some of you were making last night, about having ordered late in the day on Friday and having been notified that your hardware had been shipped). This morning, at 5:46am Pacific Time, my Shipment Confirmation E-mail was generated and sent to me. It's going through some shipping outfit called APX (which I have never heard of before), and it's only in the "Manifest Received by Shipping Partner" stage, but at least it appears to be on its way.
I can't believe it. I got my emails this morning and the first was a response to my inquiry about my order. It read that my order was cancelled because the item does not exist any more. I was pretty bummed and skipped to my next email which of course stated my order shipped. WalMart is so retarded but it's all good.
I'm still waiting to hear if anyone who ordered it when shipping was $400 will get it, and if they'll charge $400 in shipping.
About the above, my email shows this:


Date: 20-Nov-2005
Invoice: 53634980
Payment Method: VISA Subtotal: $ 399.92
Shipping: $ 12.95
Sales Tax: $ 21.06
Order Total: $ 433.93

Looks like its holding at the promised price but I ordered at the end of the Friday burst.

[quote name='flizmo007']Mine shipped as well after being cancelled... Nice![/QUOTE]

Now I have the shipped email . . . I'm guessing the emails are going out as the packages are being handled. In no particular order and when they will arrive is anybody's guess.

Still, overall good news.
I dont know I got mine cancelled and now shipped too I thiink there system fucked up and were all just getting shipped emails because I email to see if they could lift their autorization on my debit card so I had the money to buy one at launch day and they said they were sending it to the authorizations dept to remove asap ...... then I got a shipped confirmation

got the notification this morning....

Anybody know whats up with this APX company? Has anyone ordered from WM before and gotten something through this shipper?
Strange. I got a cancellation e-mail and had a hold on my credit card, then I got a shipped e-mail and now the hold is gone and I haven't been charged. Maybe it just won't show up until tomorrow.
I have also got the "your item has shipped" email! 7:45am today (sunday). I placed my order on 11/18/05 at 11:00am central time. Never had any issues with canceled or held payment.

Looking closer at the shipping info. The item was recieved to "manifest" at 2:45pm central time on 11/19/05. Sounds like it was already on its way before i got my conformation email! It is going APX as well.
I looked online this morning. They have it listed as "instock" again with a $400 shipping. I called the online service. They said it is a mistake. They do not have them in stock and if I ordered I WOULD BE CHARGED THE $400 SHIPPING. Yeah...no thanks.
[quote name='flizmo007']Mine shipped as well after being cancelled... Nice![/QUOTE]

Same with my order. I got my shipment confirmation e-mail this morning.
I just called again. Got a new rep on the phone. According to her I need to check back later... :whistle2:( when they have the shipping problem fixed. I asked if I could order over the phone, she said no. It needs to be fixed or I will incure the nasty $400 shipping charge... dam I think overnight from china wouldn't cost that much!
[quote name='Snoozer']Looking closer at the shipping info. The item was recieved to "manifest" at 2:45pm central time on 11/19/05. Sounds like it was already on its way before i got my conformation email! It is going APX as well.[/QUOTE]

Hey Snoozer: I looked a bit more closely at my shipping information, too. Mine says, "MANIFEST RECEIVED BY SHIPPING PARTNER", and it's dated 11/19 (Saturday) at 2:10pm Pacific Time. So, it's unclear to me from this information if an actual package has yet been generated for delivery to me, or if APX has simply been notified to expect one. In addition, in checking my credit card account, I find that my card still hasn't been charged.

So, in my opinion, this issue still isn't resolved just yet. I will be much more relieved when I see an actual package working its way through the system.
So, in my opinion, this issue still isn't resolved just yet. I will be much more relieved when I see an actual package working its way through the system.

If you look at your email shipping notice, you'll see that the invoice date associated with your credit card is 11/20 (i.e. today). I doubt you'd see an actual charge yet for that. They probably all get processed at midnight of the next business day or something.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Weird, my order was cancelled yesterday morning, but my X360 shipped. Sweet....[/QUOTE]

Did they charge your card?
my creditcard company called me last night to make sure the charges werent fraud (i ordered 2 premiums). after confirming all was good, this morning i got the confirmation email say that both have shipped, despite having received cancellation email on the one of them from walmart. so both have been charged to my card, and appearently both have shipped.

i have also called the walmart rep who said that the orders did go through and that i should expect them within the week. for nyone wondering, the confirmation email i got today also says, "MANIFEST RECEIVED BY SHIPPING PARTNER", and it's dated 11/19 (Saturday) at 2:10pm Pacific Time, just like many others here.
[quote name='mmercer13']When my wife orders from Disney.com it ALWAYS comes APX. We've never had a problem with them, but their tracking isn't always up to date.[/QUOTE]

That's good to know. I guess a few of us will be putting the folks at 1-866-SHIP-APX through their paces over the next few days...
Wow, it would be fucking awesome if we get these. I want that thing pretty bad.

Mine is a UPS tracking number, anyone else have that? I read about APX a lot...mine is UPS.
[quote name='mer71']How did anyone go about changing the $400 shipping charge?[/QUOTE]

Initially there was no $400 shipping charge.
So there is no way around? No phone call to make? Maybe they are just like the guys on Ebay that charge $29.95 shipping for a $2.99 buy it now game on Ebay.
I called Friday (2 times actually) about the 400.00 shipping and both people told me that if I bought it with the 400.00 shipping that I WOULD NOT be credited later for it. Now that was Friday and maybe they have changed the policy but I'd call first before buying.
To those of you who ordered from Wal-Mart and have received shipping notices, did any of you receive your order confirmation e-mail after 12:30pm EST? Although I received the canceled e-mail, mine still says processing. I really don't wanna camp a Wal-Mart.
when I ordered there where 3 options for shipping:

1. ground $12.95
2. 2nd day $400.00
3. overnight $400.00

Then after I ordered, I checked it again and all 3 options where $400.00 strange...:hot:
bread's done