Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare - Now available on Xbox One and 360!

I'm down to my last 6 achievements in this game. Two are Soldier/ZPG specific ones where I have to get a double kill with it and another where I get 10 kills on players and potted plants. I could have sworn I would have unlocked them by now but guess I need to work on my aim.

Right now I'm rank 42 so I just need to get to 50, reach level 10 with a character (they're all 6/7), beat Garden Ops on Crazy since it didn't count the one time I did and use 10 Skip consumables which I've maybe used 3. I've been saving them for stuff that's really difficult. Mostly the challenges have been doable and I like earning them. I'm not in a huge rush. Though finishing the game before Titanfall on Tuesday might be best...
Hands down, my favorite game so far for the Xbox One. It's a "colorful" version of BF4, and I mean that in the very best way possible. I've spent more time on this game than I have in Ghosts, BF4 and Forza! Who'da thunk!? :p

My buddy's exact words, "Wow this game is really addictive, I don't think I'm going into work tomorrow." 

My buddy is a workaholic lol.

I also talked him into renewing Xbox Live for this and Titanfall.

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how do you join online games with your freinds not just the private stuff
Best way to do it is by sending everyone in your party a game invite, well that or just joining game session in progress. We had a few times where the game would put us on opposing teams but you can change teams once room opens up.

Best way to do it is by sending everyone in your party a game invite, well that or just joining game session in progress. We had a few times where the game would put us on opposing teams but you can change teams once room opens up.
How do you change teams? I just got the game a couple days ago love it. I barely made it to work on time today because I was playing it.

If you can, that there's a slot open, look for the shoulder button prompt next time you spawn and are about to pick your character.

They released the patch notes from Friday's update!

Economy Balancing
- More Coins! Yes more coins are now awarded in both Team Vanquish Mode and Gardens & Graveyards.

Sticker Packs
- Skip Star Challenge cards are now more plentiful – these are a great way to skip the harder challenges.

Mode Balance:

Gardens & Graveyards
- Zombie garden capture time decreased in all maps.

Gameplay Balance Changes:

- Increased primary weapon damage, and reduced damage falloff distance.
- Increased the Imp Punt's inner blast radius.

- Ice Trooper: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.

- Marine Biologist: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Dr. Toxic: Increased rate of fire and reduced weapon damage falloff distance.

- Mystic Sunflower: Increased projectile damage across all three charge levels.

Is it a teaser or just a clever joke? You be the judge.


Free DLC!?!  :hot:

I'm pretty impressed with the amount of stuff they're giving us. High five Popcap and EA

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Patch 1.31 Notes “Garden Variety Pack”

Major Features:

- New Map: Chomp Town – playable in Garden Ops, Team Vanquish and Gnome Bomb. Yes Crazy Dave IS riding a Chomper… Why??? Because he’s CRAAAZYYY!
- New Game Mode: Gnome Bomb – be the 1st team to destroy all three gardens or graveyards with the explosive new Gnome Bomb.
- Pirates have invaded Port Scallywag and Sharkbite Shores in Garden Ops
- New Abilities for all characters – new character abilities are tucked away in the sticker shop (hint: Crazy Pack and higher are your best bet to get them! Supremium Pack, Incredi-Plant Pack & Vengeful Zomboss Pack have the highest chances to get them)
- 125 new customization items added to the sticker shop – spread across all characters/rarities…
- Added Doom-shroom potted plant consumable for plants
- Added Barrel Pirate, Treasure Map Pirate consumable for zombies

Minor Features:
- Improved reliability for the hold (B) interaction wheel – when reviving, building turrets etc….
- Added Bonus Score for playing Garden Ops Solo or with a friend
- Added a min player requirement to each game mode
- Tweaked various hats to improve overall visibility
- Added improved audio to slow firing weapons to queue players when next shot is available

Gameplay Balance Changes:

Alternate Abilities
- Gameplay tuned and balanced all new alternate character abilities to be balanced with existing abilities

Corn Artillery
- Some slight tweaks to gameplay and vfx for Corn Artillery at end of Main Street in Gardens & Graveyards

- Increased damage radius for pole slam

Mystic Flower
- Some improvements to aiming

Bug Fixes:
- Various stability & performance improvements
- Toned down some vfx that were making things hard to see
- Fix for players that were sometimes not getting their level up card packs and re-awarded those card packs to any impacted by this
- Fix for characters able to spawn as a character on the opposing team but still be assigned to the previous team
- Disabled 2 players able to spawn garden at same time in Garden Ops
- Fixed Engineer default Handlebars not being selectable once changed in customization
- Fixed Peashooter smiley tattoo not being able to be acquired in sticker packs
- Some general UI cleanup and polish
- Fix for AI Engineers not building teleporters properly in Garden Ops
- Fix to prevent Crazy Dave & Zomboss from flying through shark teeth in Sharkbite Shores
- Various Map fixes to prevent players getting stuck and getting incorrect out of bounds messages when in bounds
- Some Chomper animation clean up and polish
- Added proper title to boasts on leaderboard
- Fix for not getting extracted in Garden Ops when piloting drone standing in extraction circle
- Fix for tallnut cannon not vanquishing players directly in front of it
- Toned down challenges requiring players to plant Rare and Super Rare Consumables
- Fix to disable other items able to be worn at same time as Astronaut Scientist helmet
- Fix in split screen for zoom getting momentarily stuck when using abilities
- Zoom fix issue when near potted plant or grave dirt that would kick players out of zoom when exiting range of pot/grave dirt
- Fix for bossmode counting as player slot - allowing players to switch teams making teams unbalanced
- Stats fix for total coins earned not tracking properly on individual characters
- Fix for out of bounds message sometimes not disappearing if player dies out of bounds in split screen
- Fix for potato mines sometimes still being active once destroyed for a few seconds
- Fix for tombstone looping zombies forever when playing coop in single player and the tombstone challenge failed
- Fixed exploit in bossmode where a player could collect infinite suns before the garden was planted in Garden Ops
- Fix for Engineer Jackhammer that would stick out of engineer when chomper eating engineer gets vanquished before animation was complete
- Fix for some characters not playing their reload animation client side
- Fix for Camera sometimes detaching from character when being shot from cannon in Driftwood Shores Gardens & Graveyards mode
- Fix for Bags of Coins and diamonds coming up in slot machine in Garden Ops sometimes not awarding correct amount
- Fix for Black screen sometimes being displayed joining at a specific point during post round cinematics
- Fix for when character select screen would go under the world and look bad
- Fix for vanquish icon sometimes displaying inconsistently
- Fix for interactable yellow sparkles sometimes not playing on the correct item and generally being unreliable
- Garden Ops fix for Bossmode player looking like unassigned player in leaderboard
- Prevent player from being able to revive when vanquished out of bounds
- Southpaw button layout option did not work properly for drones and has been corrected
- Fixed responsiveness of weapons/abilities after spawning (there were a few seconds of limited input)
- Fixed video audio sometimes not getting turned off when skipping initial videos before reaching title menu

Those are some nice fixes! I look forward to trying out the new Gnome mode and the DLC. It's interesting that those new abilities are cards. I'll never collect everything lol. But I'm glad they increased the amount of coins given so that'll make it somewhat better. Increasing challenge skip cards is funny since I had so many. I try to do as many as I can which is most.

I'm not sure how much DLC they have planned but I'd like to see them add more challenges and/or achievements since I have them all.
- Improved reliability for the hold (B) interaction wheel – when reviving, building turrets etc….- Fixed responsiveness of weapons/abilities after spawning (there were a few seconds of limited input)
Yaaay, much appreciation on those two and all-around update.

Just played with my friend and the server kept booting us out of every MP match. Horde mode was uneffected.

Go to titanfall. No problems.


Just played with my friend and the server kept booting us out of every MP match. Horde mode was uneffected.

Go to titanfall. No problems.

Why do you think they have the same servers? Titanfall is running on Microsoft's big Azure server farm and I'm pretty sure they didn't ink the deal for PvZ, which is like every other game using the servers of yesteryear.

So I'm in a lobby with a dude who's level 153... another at 139 lol. I'm at 37 something!

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I keep losing my connection since the update.  Worse was in G&G when I got kicked off just before the last zombie got into the mansion.  I think I might have gotten a lot of coin and possibly an achievement if I had completed the match.

Had some problems the day of the update but things have been normalized now.

It's pretty funny playing Gnome Bomb in Plants vs Zombies because it's got the same siren, I swear, sfx from Battlefield when you play Rush mode. It's pretty much influenced off that I'd say. It's a lot of fun though, I quite liked Rush mode in Battlefield so that's not surprising.

Almost got all my characters to level 7 now, level 40 overall!

I was so pissed yesterday.  Tried out that Gnome mode. It was 2-2 and after about 3 minutes of back & forth my team was 5 seconds away from setting off the gnome and then I got disconnected.

I went back to playing Dark Souls 2 after that.

Saw they were experiencing technical difficulties on the main menu, although I see this a lot and can play fine. ?

FB post

The team has been powering through, working on improving game stability further. We have a server fix scheduled for early morning (PDT). These server fixes will further improve game server stability as well as restore the latest gameplay and economy tuning to multiplayer modes.

As part of stabilizing the game experience this week, the team has had to disable some maps in multiplayer playlists, but we will be able to re-enable Port Scallywag and Sharkbite Shores for play in Team Vanquish and Gnome Bomb game modes following this latest update. Unfortunately, the team is still investigating issues with Main Street and Driftwood Shores Gardens & Graveyards maps on the Xbox 360, so these maps will remain disabled for the time being. These specific maps may take much longer to re-enable, so please bear with us. Thank you for your constant feedback on game performance, it helps the team make your game experience better.

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Feel like I haven't gotten a real good chance to dig into this yet, but I have spent a fair amount of time in small chunks with Team Vanquish.  I have most of my characters up to level 5 now and just hit level 30 overall.  What I love about it is that each character class grows on you, even the Engineer which I despised at first.  

Haven't touched this in a while. I need to get on and check the update. Just lately I've been playing too much Titanfall.

There are soooo many stickers for this game! Whyyy do I care about all of them?!
Why did Pokemon become a cult addiction. Gotta collect 'em all!

I'm just more interested in unlocking the extra characters and new skills. Sadly that seems like it would be a massive grind to even come close to doing that. Surprised they didn't add in micro transactions in the order update.
Interestingly enough I don't have that motivation with Pokemon but in Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare I want to get all the stickers because it's a lot of fun to unlock stuff and the sense of progression ties to the dopamine feedback that PopCap Games is well known for. Currently working on getting my characters to Level 10, think I'm around average of Level 8 atm.

Interestingly enough I don't have that motivation with Pokemon but in Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare I want to get all the stickers because it's a lot of fun to unlock stuff and the sense of progression ties to the dopamine feedback that PopCap Games is well known for. Currently working on getting my characters to Level 10, think I'm around average of Level 8 atm.
10k coins at level 11 (completion of 10) was a nice surprise
I think it's probably the equivalent to Titanfall challenges, there's always something to strive for, I love the objectives to shoot for.

Just unlocked Agent Pea, lol has a tux. He's got the usual different rate of fire thing, more potent, fires slowly gameplay going on.

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Anybody else have problems downloading the DLC?  When I tried tonight it kept giving me an error.  I deleted the file, retried and it just wouldn't work.  I'm hoping it's a server problem and when I try tomorrow it'll be working again.  If not, I'ma be pissed off!

Last night I ran into a weird issue.

When I spawned in the game I couldn't move from the spot I spawned. I would be trapped in a small area where I spawned and when I tried to move it would rubberband me back to the spot of spawn. I could use special moves but they would reset instantly. IE I could use the chomped goop infinitely and it would hit people. Any prolonged ability would reset instantly like pea hyper or Chomper Burrow and not do the effect of the ability.

I thought Internet at first but everyone else in the game was moving fine. No one else on my screen not in kill replays stuttered, rubberband we or showed any lag. So I quit PvZ and restarted it. Same thing. Reset system. Same thing. Hard reset system, same thing. Restarted router and modem, same thing. Check upload speed from router and it was fine.

Played titanfall and it was fine. Didn't try to play PvZ today but worried its a corrupted file. Meaning a 10 GB DL again.
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Last night I ran into a weird issue.

When I spawned in the game I couldn't move from the spot I spawned. I would be trapped in a small area where I spawned and when I tried to move it would rubberband me back to the spot of spawn. I could use special moves but they would reset instantly. IE I could use the chomped goop infinitely and it would hit people. Any prolonged ability would reset instantly like pea hyper or Chomper Burrow and not do the effect of the ability.

I thought Internet at first but everyone else in the game was moving fine. No one else on my screen not in kill replays stuttered, rubberband we or showed any lag. So I quit PvZ and restarted it. Same thing. Reset system. Same thing. Hard reset system, same thing. Restarted router and modem, same thing. Check upload speed from router and it was fine.

Played titanfall and it was fine. Didn't try to play PvZ today but worried its a corrupted file. Meaning a 10 GB DL again.
I recently ran into an issue where I could move around and jump, but I couldn't fire or use special abilities. I definitely sure could be fired at though...that only lasted the one match, thankfully.

On a different note, does anyone know if there is a limit to how many pre-order booster packs you can redeem into this game? Also, are the different stores' pre-orders the same booster packs?
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On a different note, does anyone know if there is a limit to how many pre-order booster packs you can redeem into this game? Also, are the different stores' pre-orders the same booster packs?
Pretty sure each store gave out a code for what amounts to the same thing - an unlock for 3 random boosters. Inputting a second code wouldn't work because Xbox Live would consider it the same digital item.

bread's done