Playstation Rewards program is back!

I do like not having to collect points to get the cheapest prize. Just got my Ape Escape poster today. I didn't participate in any of the House Party stuff (I'm just not comfortable posting pictures and such), so I'm glad I got something at least. Hoping the swag is at least cool. Already have A Crack in Time, so no worries there. Kind of jealous about the previous Move bundles since I joined after those were the top prizes.
I think I rented this game and didn't like it very much. My kid will, though. Too bad they can't just bundle the two together. This seems like a throwaway month again. Oh well, I'll still take it for free.

The only things I want from this program before it ends are:
*Move controller
*Uncharted 3
*Ico/Shadow of the Colossus

That may cover it, I'm not interested in Resistance (it's rated M anyway) or Ratchet & Clank, so those are the big three I'm excited about. There's probably another one or two that I'm looking forward to that are escaping me at the moment.
Hopefully the swag is good considering I already got the Platinum on A Crack in Time. I also hope this is foreshadowing All 4 One as a prize.

The only things I want from this program before it ends are:
*Move Controller(kind of)
*Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection
*The Last Guardian
*Ratchet and Clank All 4 One

I can lax on wanting All 4 One as a buddy planned to pick it up anyway.
B-b-b-but it's going to be Ico/SotC...there's no other options for this month of the program!


I never got around to buying the Ratchet & Clank game, so getting it for free interests me. As others have said, and the download code for the beta pretty much confirms; this month is just to whet the appetite for All 4 One.
I'm fine with just getting a Move Controller and All 4 One, anything else is a bonus frankly.

I just want to know what I should do with my extra Crack in Time though, Amazon's only listing it as $9 for trade-in, seems a bit low but it IS a Greatest Hits and all that.
like many others I have Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time hopefully, The swag is cool also it would be better if it was this.

0 – 330 Points: Ratchet & Clank® swag

331 – 660 Points: Ratchet & Clank® swag and a free download of the beta demo for Ratchet & Clank®: All 4 One

661+ Points: Ratchet & Clank® swag, Ratchet & Clank®: A Crack in Time game and a free download of the beta demo for Ratchet & Clank®: All 4 One.

That way we wont have to get all the points for the beta.
I love Ratchet & Clank, so I'm looking forward to the swag, but I can't say I'm excited about a game I already own. Oh well.

[quote name='Gram']I have a handful of games for PS3 and they decide to give away one of them.[/QUOTE]
Ha ha, ditto. Of all of my consoles over the years, I have the least amount of games for PS3, and I still manage to get stuck with a duplicate. Oh, if only they didn't cut the UPC's so I could just take this in to WalMart or Target for a gift card.
Can't say that I expected this as a prize, and I feel for those that already have it(most), but I'm excited. I never picked this up because I had Tools of Destruction and a large backlog spanning multiple consoles, but I've always liked Ratchet & Clank.

I'll be getting all the points this month for sure.
I've never, but have always wanted to play A Crack in Time so I'll at least enjoy the prize. Did I want a better prize? Yes, but this isn't too bad. Sucks for all the people who already have it though. There's really not much you can do with it.

As far as the swag goes, I'm not expecting much at all. We all know how shitty the low tier prizes are. Or should I remind you all of our 'aviators' and 'bracelets'.
[quote name='Tsel']I've never, but have always wanted to play A Crack in Time so I'll at least enjoy the prize. Did I want a better prize? Yes, but this isn't too bad. Sucks for all the people who already have it though. There's really not much you can do with it.

As far as the swag goes, I'm not expecting much at all. We all know how shitty the low tier prizes are. Or should I remind you all of our 'aviators' and 'bracelets'.[/QUOTE]

I wear those aviators quite often, lol. Now as far as the bracelet goes, I can't fit it so I put it on my key chain. Lol, it sucks for the people that own the game though. You could always give away the second copy as a gift. I might end up doing that with my second copy of Black Ops that I have from the prestige edition...
Swag will probably end up being a poster or something. Nonetheless, big Ratchet & Clank fan, so I'm okay with this. The weird thing is, they should have made the "beta" for All For One as the second prize, and the game as the top prize, I would think. Unless you're a fan of betas, no real reason to go for the top prize really. I'm a big fan of R&C though so I'll probably go for it.

Already beat both R&C games on PS3, so this one will likely go to a friend who hasn't played it.
Personally, I think having the beta as the top-tier prize makes plenty of sense. It's for a brand new game that R&C fans are really excited about. For most of us, it's certainly more exciting than a game we already have. Considering how long the game has been out, I'm sure they probably figure that a lot of us have already played it. It's just a bonus, really.
Yes! I'm a huge Insomniac fan, so this is awesome! Looking forward to the swag more than anything else, since I got ACiT before it even released and I'm already getting early access to the beta anyways lol

I have a bad feeling the swag is going to be this:

Or something along those lines (it is housePARTY after all...). Hopefully it's a poster though. Preferably one I don't already have :D
[quote name='Devil May Cry']
I have a bad feeling the swag is going to be this:

Or something along those lines (it is housePARTY after all...). Hopefully it's a poster though. Preferably one I don't already have :D[/QUOTE]

Am I the only one that would be thrilled if that was it? It'd be a blast at my next house party (I actually regularly have board/card/video game nights).

If it's a poster, hopefully better than the tiny adver-poster pos Ape Escape one...
[quote name='Zmonkay']Am I the only one that would be thrilled if that was it? It'd be a blast at my next house party (I actually regularly have board/card/video game nights).

If it's a poster, hopefully better than the tiny adver-poster pos Ape Escape one...[/QUOTE]

Since HP likes to make me wrong... Im going to just assume they're something stupid like stickers. Cant be worse than the mayhem pack...
[quote name='Gram']I have a handful of games for PS3 and they decide to give away one of them. Whatever.
Hopefully the swag is good.[/QUOTE]

I can't beleieve all of this whining about getting a game that some may already own ? I didn't say anything when I got inFamous 2 for free. I already had 3 copies from the Subway contest. I'll just take what they give me and be happy.
[quote name='SnQQpDon69er']I can't beleieve all of this whining about getting a game that some may already own ? I didn't say anything when I got inFamous 2 for free. I already had 3 copies from the Subway contest. I'll just take what they give me and be happy.[/QUOTE]

I don't have 3 copies of this game. I only have one that I bought. If I was getting another free copy of a game I got for free already, I wouldn't be that upset.
The whole reason I joined this program is because I thought they'd give away new games based on June's prize. By the time I was accepted, InFamous 2 had already been given out and they started giving away game codes and old games instead. That's what I'm upset about. Bait and switch.
[quote name='Gram']I don't have 3 copies of this game. I only have one that I bought. If I was getting another free copy of a game I got for free already, I wouldn't be that upset.
The whole reason I joined this program is because I thought they'd give away new games based on June's prize. By the time I was accepted, InFamous 2 had already been given out and they started giving away game codes and old games instead. That's what I'm upset about. Bait and switch.[/QUOTE]

well dont earn the prize
free is free. I already have ACIT but never even played it, damn you backlog! lol
but yeah, not much you can do with it, but complaining about free stuff is so silly ;)
It is indeed silly to complain about free stuff, but you can't blame people for being disappointed. When you go in with certain expectations and those expectations aren't met, it typically results in disappointment. Expressing that disappointment isn't necessarily the same as complaining. Some are complaining, but some are merely expressing their disappointment in not getting something else.

I too am disappointed to be getting a game I already have. I am, however, looking forward to the beta and the swag (even if it's paper plates). That alone is enough incentive for me to earn the points.
[quote name='ZombieToast']It is indeed silly to complain about free stuff, but you can't blame people for being disappointed. When you go in with certain expectations and those expectations aren't met, it typically results in disappointment. Expressing that disappointment isn't necessarily the same as complaining. Some are complaining, but some are merely expressing their disappointment in not getting something else.

I too am disappointed to be getting a game I already have. I am, however, looking forward to the beta and the swag (even if it's paper plates). That alone is enough incentive for me to earn the points.[/QUOTE]

I don't see how people can be surprised. I recall inFAMOUS 2 being brought up earlier and to that I say... what do you lose getting another copy? By the time you got the HP one the TiV at gamestop should have been 28 usd. This was also a new title for most people as they assumed it would be free with Houseparty. Now I2 was given out a month after release (if I recall), but a crack in time is VERY DIFFERENT.

That came out November 2 years ago (if I recall correctly) and the theme is "family" which it's a good game for the family. Most than likely if you have younger kids they probably played it. The game hit Greatest Hits too with 26,350 played on YGC. The TiV is 8 and the price at amazon is 21. Some Sears have it for 5 - 10 usd (as stated earlier) and I mean in no way is this that interesting of a title. At the very least with Ape Escape it was newer so less people had it.

While I get where Sony is coming from I would much rather get some cool swag than the game.
I'm just really hoping for the Team Ico collection or Uncharted 3. Those would be super sweet. I'm actually excited for the Ratchet and Clank game, having not played any.
[quote name='lydon']I'm just really hoping for the Team Ico collection or Uncharted 3. Those would be super sweet. I'm actually excited for the Ratchet and Clank game, having not played any.[/QUOTE]

Either one would be awesome! I never got around to finishing Ico so doing it now and in HD would be awesome!
[quote name='admiralvic']I don't see how people can be surprised.[/QUOTE]
I suppose it's not terribly surprising, but it was still unexpected. Of all the guesses that were thrown around, I certainly don't recall a single person mentioning A Crack In Time.

I'm just hoping the swag will be decent. I'm sure a poster will be involved...maybe we'll also get some stickers or even a figurine of some sort (I don't expect action figures, although that would make my day). Pogs would also be nice. Ha ha. I'll likely send the game to a friend up in Canada so he can see why I'm crazy about this series.
[quote name='ZombieToast']I'm just hoping the swag will be decent. I'm sure a poster will be involved...maybe we'll also get some stickers or even a figurine of some sort (I don't expect action figures, although that would make my day)[/QUOTE]
You and me both. I'm not expecting anything much past a poster and a keychain/bracelet/stickers/whatever but if we did manage to get a figurine, even one of the action figures, then I would be happy.
[quote name='ZombieToast']I'm thinking we'd get a PVC toy at best, but I'd even be happy with that. Not gonna hold my breath, though. Heh[/QUOTE]

I'd be very happy with a figure.
I don't feel like that's going to happen though, considering the point value they assigned to the swag.
[quote name='Gram']I'd be very happy with a figure.
I don't feel like that's going to happen though, considering the point value they assigned to the swag.[/QUOTE]

Though im 100% sure im wrong. I see a plush Ratchet toy.
[quote name='admiralvic']Though im 100% sure im wrong. I see a plush Ratchet toy.[/QUOTE]

That'd actually be pretty cool. The ladies, they love the sackboy from the LBP2 LE, so a plush ratchet might be well received as well :D
[quote name='Zmonkay']That'd actually be pretty cool. The ladies, they love the sackboy from the LBP2 LE, so a plush ratchet might be well received as well :D[/QUOTE]


lol I got a little army of them =P (the open one is from the CE)
New month is up and running.

Two polls instead of three also. Didn't bother to read the announcement, so a heads up in case anyone is wondering.
[quote name='4thHorseman']New month is up and running.

Two polls instead of three also. Didn't bother to read the announcement, so a heads up in case anyone is wondering.[/QUOTE]

Question...Do you guys actually post photos of your family playing games? From what I've seen the picture folder includes a lot of random stuff. Random pictures of cats, etc. Seems like you could google something and slap just about anything in the folder.
[quote name='mariska']Question...Do you guys actually post photos of your family playing games? From what I've seen the picture folder includes a lot of random stuff. Random pictures of cats, etc. Seems like you could google something and slap just about anything in the folder.[/QUOTE]
Nope I put random crap.
[quote name='mariska']Question...Do you guys actually post photos of your family playing games? From what I've seen the picture folder includes a lot of random stuff. Random pictures of cats, etc. Seems like you could google something and slap just about anything in the folder.[/QUOTE]

I usually post screenshops of the game that will be the prize.
I post funny pictures from my pictures folder.
If possible, I try to make it themed to whatever the theme of the month is.
[quote name='admiralvic']

lol I got a little army of them =P (the open one is from the CE)[/QUOTE]

Hey, maybe you can help me with something. The Sackgirl on the right, with the pink hair... Is that based on an actual anime/manga/game character? I spent an excessive amount of time trying to figure this out the other day and I found nothing conclusive. The closest matches I come up with are a chick from Persona and a character from some random show, but neither of them look quite like this doll/plush.
[quote name='admiralvic']

lol I got a little army of them =P (the open one is from the CE)[/QUOTE]

Hah, I think you mentioned on Twitter once that you had several LBP plushes.
Nice collection.
bread's done