Pokemon Go

We went to a park we'd never been to before for Omanytes tonight. We got about 10 in less than an hour so that was pretty nice. My son evolved one and got the best moveset. Mine turned into the worst. Oh well.
The legacy moveset for Omastar of Rock Throw / Rock Slide is one that I wish I had, but I'll settle for my 93% IV Water Gun / Rock Slide. I keep him maxed out as I go, more fun to put him in gyms than most of my other 'mons.

I do have a Mud Shot / Earthquake legacy moveset for Golem, but I keep him low leveled around 1280 CP for friendly gym prestiging.

I'll settle for my 93% IV Water Gun / Rock Slide. I keep him maxed out as I go, more fun to put him in gyms than most of my other 'mons.
That's what my son got. I keep getting Ancient Power on them - like 3 so far :bomb:.

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Finally got a Togepi yesterday, been some time since I picked up another 10km egg.  Debating if after I have enough Dratini candies for the Dragonite evolve (only 28 more to go) whether or not I should buddy up Togepi.  Kind of want a 1km or 3km buddy to break up the 5km monotony, but I that's now my farthest from evolving.

I hatched 3 10km eggs today and finally got some 2km eggs to work on.

My post-event eggs: Magikarp, Squirtle, Lapras, Squirtle, Bellsprout, Magnemite, Growlithe, Geodude, Bellsprout, Dratini, Spearow, Ponyta, Charmander, Cubone, Growlithe, Staryu, Voltorb, Squirtle, Horsea, Oddish, Pichu, Cubone, Staryu, Psyduck

So, yeah, not much out of those 10km eggs though more Dratini candy is always welcome (the actual Dratini had bad IVs for a hatchling).  I guess the Onix is OK, too, since that put me at 37 candy so I'm closer to being able to evolve a Steelix whenever that happens.  They need to get at least some more Gen 2 stuff out ASAP.

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I hadn't went out for Gyms or many stops the last several days.  When I did last night, the game gave me four 2km eggs!  Haven't seen those in a while!

Won't be long now until I have four more Caterpie for my team!

I guess the Onix is OK, too, since that put me at 37 candy so I'm closer to being able to evolve a Steelix whenever that happens. They need to get at least some more Gen 2 stuff out ASAP.
Honestly doing a slow roll out of Gen 2 (like with the babies in December) would be ideal at this point, maybe allowing the extra evolves from Gen I candy (giving people a reason to log on without having to brave colder weather) that would add a bunch more Pokemon in that case:











Tyrogue / Hitmontop (so far they held off on Tyrouge, maybe because of candy merging between the Hitmons and their potential removal in 10km eggs)


That would add 11 to 13 new Pokemon, many of which could be active in the current gym scene as well.

But unfortunately, what makes more sense at this point is for them to do the full roll out on the genders for Gen 1 Pokemon, kind of works with the whole Valentines theme if you think about it. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was just the Male / Female Pikachu line that was already seen by some players, with maybe some candy bonuses.

If this isn't a sign of declining interest in the game I don't know what is.  During the summer we could barely keep a gym for 15 minutes.  In the Fall, we'd go around town and get 4-5 only to have the first ones taken back while we were trying to get more.  In the late Fall, we'd often be able to get 8-10 in the late evening but nearly all of them would be taken by the morning - some in the middle of the night.  The gym in our quiet neighborhood would sometimes flip 3-4 times during the night (I can see it from my house).

Well, 3 days ago we went out and got 10 gyms in town.  Yesterday at reset we were still able to claim 7.  Today at reset we were still able to claim 7.  A few hours later it is down to 6.  But that is the least amount of turnover I've ever seen.  Things are definitely in a lull now.  They really need to pop some sort of event if not some more Gen 2 stuff.  We've never had that many gyms last for 3 days.

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Things are definitely in a lull now. They really need to pop some sort of event if not some more Gen 2 stuff. We've never had that many gyms last for 3 days.
Yeah I certainly agree if they want to get more revenue for the game they have to introduce something significant, but thanks to the slow roll over in gyms I've been able to beef up my Pokemon storage with the extra coins. At this point the only driving factor for me to keep logging on is to keep walking my Dragonair and reclaiming a gym or two here and there.

Our activity in the game has definitely decreased.

We found two Kabuto last night next to each other. I'm 2 candy from Kabutops! 8 candy from Dragonite!


Cross Kabutops off the list! I went back to where we got Kabuto yesterday, and there was another one!
My town might actually have a couple nests now finally.

I still need 82 candies for Gyarados, 19 candies for Dragonite, and just a Lapras hatch from Gen 1.

I need Elekid, Smoochum and Cleffa from the Gen 2 babies. So far I've hatched four Igglybuffs...

Also I caught Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee within the same walking trip late last week, about 5 minutes apart. If I ever found / hatched a good IV Hitmonlee with Rock Smash / BB I would consider pumping him up for fun, I have plenty of candies.

I do have a good IV Low Kick / Stone Edge Hitmonlee that isn't too bad at taking down Lapras, but since the last CP revision change I don't see them in gyms much anymore.

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I'm in Atlanta and the Magikarp parking lot is still going strong.  It does seem to have less karp and more Psyducks now though.  I got one screenshot with SEVEN of them all clustered together.  I did get one Dratini there today and there is something new.  By one of the two stops there is a spawn point that almost always has an Onix.  That is definitely new.  I got three there just today.  Before today I had only ever caught one in the wild (and hatched 3 or 4).  So I should be very close to 50 candy now - ready for gen 2. (Edit - yep, have exactly 50 now)

Unfortunately my only recent baby hatches have been 2 Pichus and a Magby.  I still need Igglybuff and another Togepi.  I haven't gotten a 2kn egg in a while now and as you can see below, when I do, they are almost always either Squirtle or Geodude for some reason.  But I've hatched 5 5km in a row and have 9 more in my inventory - so that's 14 straight 5km eggs.

The gyms here seem pretty stagnant and are mostly level 10.  I managed to find one at level 9 and I powered it up and got my highest mon (3106 Dragonite) on top of it.  So we'll see how long that lasts.

My post-event eggs: Magikarp, Squirtle, Lapras, Squirtle, Bellsprout, Magnemite, Growlithe, Geodude, Bellsprout, Dratini, Spearow, Ponyta, Charmander, Cubone, Growlithe, Staryu, Voltorb, Squirtle, Horsea, Oddish, Pichu, Cubone, Staryu, Psyduck, Onix, Magby, Geodude, Growlithe, GeodudeHitmonlee, Krabby, Machop, Meowth, Pichu, Ponyta, Diglett, Oddish, Weedle, Paras, Ponyta, Tentacool

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A city nearby has an Onix nest this week. Funny to see him out wild.

We caught a Lapras in the wild the other night! Just two blocks from my home. 21XX CP with poor IV's. I liked the extra candy for my good Lapras though.
A city nearby has an Onix nest this week. Funny to see him out wild.

We caught a Lapras in the wild the other night! Just two blocks from my home. 21XX CP with poor IV's. I liked the extra candy for my good Lapras though.
Yeah but does it have an ice super? That is the key thing. Both of the ones I hatched are Ice Shard / Dragon Pulse. I was using them both to prestige that level 9 today and yeah, they kind of suck. Ice Shard is good, but Dragon Pulse is slow and useless. At least from just those 2 hatchings I have 45 candy. So if I ever do get a good one I can power it up. The ones with an ice super just wreck once they are powered up as they have a ton of health too. My 1661 CP one has 161 HP. My 2960 Snorlax only has about 80 HP more.

Funny thing about this Onix spawn site - it could be a nest, I suppose, but it isn't a park like nests usually are (it is the parking lot of some fast food place I think called "Crystal" - I dunno, one of those weird southern places ;)). And I never saw this spot being a nest during any of my other trips. I guess I'll find out next time I come if it changes. But if it is a nest, it is a very small one as it is literally just a single spawn point. All 3 were in the very same spot.

I also caught a random Kadabra today - don't see those too often.

Edit: WTF!? Well that didn't last long. That gym I powered up from 42,000 to 50,000 and dropped my best Pokémon into at the top spot already got beaten. It didn't even last 4 hours. But I still have 4 gyms back home left over from Saturday. Go figure.

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I've seen 27 and caught 24 of those wild Onix, none of those were nest ones either, and I've never hatched one if you can believe that.

I'm sitting on a lvl 28, 82% IV, CP 741 Onix with 94 candies waiting for the evolve option button.  I have a lvl 29 75% IV one as a back up in case I get the bad moveset on the first.

So I am at my hotel in suburban Atlanta and I can just barely see the stop from here that has the strange Onix spawn.  But that spot also has other stuff.  I got a Slowbro there the other day and I've seen other uncommon things.  Well just about an hour ago there's a fuck ing Gyarados there (first ever I've seen in the wild)!  I put my shoes on and headed to my car and it fled.  There were others still on the nearby and still a few open slots so I thought maybe it was really gone.  But the stop is at the edge of the screen so I knew there was a chance it just went out of range.  I drove over there and sure enough it showed up.

400 CP.  Used a berry and an Ultra Ball/curveball shot.  It ran.

Oh well ;).  I then drove around the parking lot and caught 6 Magikarps though.

And earlier in the day my Pokémon Go Plus caught me my highest Golbat to date (higher than 4 or 5 I had evolved before) with 82% IV.  So that will be good if we ever get the Gen 2 evolutions.

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Game has definitely fallen off a cliff.  I am back home after spending the week in Atlanta.  We haven't even bothered going out to get gyms (and for the first time yet I let my stop spin bonus lapse).  And yet we still have 3 gyms left over from last Saturday - so we've had them for like 9 days which is just unheard of around here.  As usual (and unlike everywhere else, apparently) Instinct is the dominant team here and they used to wipe our gyms out hourly, then daily.  Now it isn't even weekly.  But what few other gyms I was able to glance at all seem to be level 8-10 Instinct gyms.  The 2 of 3 that we have that I've seen are only level 5 and level 7.  That level 5 one hasn't changed since before I left last Monday.  I wonder if it is just some sort of unspoken truce -- Instinct gets the majority, we get a few crumbs (and Valor seems to have the outer/rural reaches of town - at least last time I checked).  We'll find out when we go out at some point this week to take over more gyms.

I saw some news snippet that today is Mewtwo's birthday.  Niantic?  Anything?

We did see another Snorlax spawn at the park on the edge of our radar and went up there to get that which is all the Pokémon Go activity we've had since I've been back.  It was 2000 CP but bad IVs.  As expected, it ran from my son anyway ;).  We did see another car pull up and a kid ran to the back of the park to get it as well - so I guess at least one other person is still playing around here.

But they are absolutely hurting for an event now, if not new Pokemon.  Valentine's Day maybe?  It almost seems like we would have heard something by now.

Meanwhile my streak of only getting 5km eggs continues.

My post-event eggs: Magikarp, Squirtle, Lapras, Squirtle, Bellsprout, Magnemite, Growlithe, Geodude, Bellsprout, Dratini, Spearow, Ponyta, Charmander, Cubone, Growlithe, Staryu, Voltorb, Squirtle, Horsea, Oddish, Pichu, Cubone, Staryu, Psyduck, Onix, Magby, Geodude, Growlithe, GeodudeHitmonlee, Krabby, Machop, Meowth, Pichu, Ponyta, Diglett, Oddish, Weedle, Paras, Ponyta, Tentacool, Growlithe, Krabby, Magenmite, Staryu, Slowpoke, Psyduck

So that was 8 in a row with all 8 of my current eggs also being 5km.  16 5kms in a row and 23 out of the last 24 being 5kms...  If I could only get a Togepi, that would be fine.  But I'm not on track to get Igglybuff this way, that's for sure.

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I've gotten another Igglybuff since last post, and I finally got a Cleffa.  Also hatched a Smoochum, leaving only Elekid left. I hatched a bunch of 5km garbage as well, that I'm basically just numb to the results for the most part.

I'm in the position now where I need to decide if I want to buy more lucky eggs for mass evolve sessions. After just using my last one today, I told myself that from this point on I would just evolve as I go, as I'm level 31 with about 175k XP to the next level.

In my mind I would rather spend the coins on more incubators, but seeing the big XP jump is still (to an extent) exciting.  Not sure if you guys are still buying them or not, as I don't really need the extra levels at this point.

I used my last one the other night. I don't plan on buying anymore...maybe someday in the future when Gen 2 exists...

I still need Igglybuff, and I hatched my second Elekid the other night.
Go to Vegas in mid March. Really excited to be in another region. Hoping we have more to hunt by then!
My son and I finally went on a gym run today.   Yep, Instinct has our town locked down now.  I didn't survey every gym but all the ones they had were level 7-10.  Valor had a couple of level 10's mid town.  We had our 3 off to one edge, but there were no other Mystic gyms.  So they seem content to let us have crumbs while they dominate at least 8 gyms.  We found one gym that was mysteriously empty so we took that.  Then we beat the easiest Instinct gym we could find, which was level 6.  This was a gym we used to take all the time and often spent a day or two in it.  While we were going to get another one, we lost it.  So they are active and on lockdown apparently.  We did get the other gym closer to us which was also Instinct, but not the same group of players that was in all the others.

So we started with 3, took 3, but had to redeem at 5.   We'll see if we can hold on to these or if they will retaliate.  We apparently have no help here any more.  It used to be that the 4 gyms right downtown would switch over constantly and never get leveled up past 5 or so.  So our usual strategy was to take those last to get ourselves to 10 gyms and then count on losing them pretty quickly.  Now they are a hassle because they were all level 8-10, split evenly between Instinct and Valor.  We'll probably randomly raid a level 10 gym here and there just to make them work for it.  The problem is my son never has potions so he never wants to fight high level gyms - and I sure don't want to do it by myself.

We may have to retreat to the 3 gyms closest to our house and hold the line there and take them back as soon as they get beat.  2 of those we've held for the last 10 days though so they may be content to leave us those.

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Pokemon Go now has an update. Its something new to me that "Eevee is created using a “friendship” element in original Pokemon games. We might see some love themed action to push a real valentines updates. It is confirmed too that Pokemon GO is coming to poke bank!

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With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we couldn’t think of a sweeter time to double the amount of Candy you’ll earn every time you catch, hatch, and transfer Pokémon. Your Buddy Pokémon is also getting into the Valentine’s Day spirit and will find Candy twice as fast!

Throughout the celebration, you’ll notice that Chansey, Clefable, and many other adorable pink Pokémon will be encountered more frequently in the wild. Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Smoochum will also be more likely to hatch from Eggs. And to help you paint your town pink this Valentine’s Day, Lure Modules will last for six hours for the entire duration of the event.

This limited-time celebration will only be available from 11:00 A.M. PST on February 8, 2017, to 11:00 A.M. PST on February 15, 2017, so grab your valentine, get out, and explore the world around you!

—The Pokémon GO team

Maybe I will hatch that Igglybuff finally.  And, I love the double candy.  Need to hatch another Togepi during this...

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I've already caught two Chansey (seen two more on my nearby that I couldn't get to) two Jigglypuffs and saw a Lickitung on nearby (didn't even bother with it). Supposedly Porygon will be more common too, as well as the Clefairy / Clefable line.

With the rate of these Chansey I'll be able to bring up my high IV one to max level, but now I have a feeling we'll be seeing a ton of Blissey in the gyms when they decide to turn on the update...

I almost forgot the half candy buddy distance requirements, my Dragonite will be finished up in no time, not sure what I'll switch to next.

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I've already caught two Chansey (seen two more on my nearby that I couldn't get to) two Jigglypuffs and saw a Lickitung on nearby (didn't even bother with it). Supposedly Porygon will be more common too, as well as the Clefairy / Clefable line.
Holy hell! Seriously?

I went out for a quick run with my son and we saw Exeggute everywhere - like more common than Pidgey normally is. Jigglypuff was the next most common, followed by Lickitung. We saw at least 6 Lickitung in our 30 minute drive through town. We didn't see anything else pink though - not even a single Clefairy and certainly not a Chansey or Porygon.

From what I gathered from the reddit sites, it only increases what would normally spawn near you anyway. So since we never get Chansey or Porygon to begin with we won't see them now. Licktung was certainly an uncommon, but we've caught plenty, so it is no surprise we are seeing so many here.

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Also major egg changes apparently.  Much of the 5km egg pool has been moved down to 2km, and a few 10km (like Pinsir and Scyther) have been moved down to 5km.  It doesn't look like any were removed from 2km though (so, yeah, still Caterpies and Spearows in there).

So we should start seeing a lot more 2km eggs from now on.  At the very least, the big shift down to lower distance eggs means it will be faster to get through them than it was before.  I'd say that this is to get ready for Gen 2 things to be in eggs where more of them will be in the 5km and 10km category.

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The egg shifts makes the most sense, honestly they should of done this a long time ago.  Getting an Ekans or Meowth will be much less painful when you only had to walk 2km and you cleared through your current inventory much faster.

I'm still getting Chansey on a regular basis now, and even caught another Porygon.  It certainly is different from the Halloween / Starter event, just drastically increasing the spawn rate for the areas they would normally spawn, but not changing their spawn areas.  This means I won't get the extra Clefairy / Clefable spawns, as I have never seen those spawn outside of nests around here.

For Gen II eggs, I really think they should come up with three new colors for the 2km, 5km, and 10km egg ranges rather than just mix them up together with Gen I.  That line of thinking would be a problem though when Gen III would come along, but in the short term I would prefer the color coding.

Its just been crazy with Chansey here, I started off the event with around 50 candies, now I'm at 171 with plenty of time left to go.  Still catching a fair amount of Exeggcute and Jigglypuff, an occasional Lickitung, and now two Porygon so far.  I saw one Clefairy on the nearby that I didn't get to, so hoping to catch the odd one here and there.

But I can say the first world problem here is that I exhausted my previously decent supply of Razz Berries, Ultra Balls and Super Balls on all the Chansey I've seen, that I'm banking on the standard balls for capture now.

I've gotten 2 Chansey - but only by watching the nearby park like a hawk while doing other stuff at home.  I got one yesterday morning at 2am and the other this morning at 4am.  Both times I had to hop in the car (after grabbing my wife's and son's phones) and drive up there to get them.  Otherwise we haven't seen any.  But at least I'm back to walking my Dragonaire now.

Then tonight my son and I went to a neighboring town were there is a Rhyhorn nest.  As we were checking that out we saw a single Porygon at a nearby stop so we went to get that.  So we've gotten 2 Chansey and 1 Porygon, and countless Eggs and Jigglypuff.  We went to the lake we used to walk around in the summer and didn't find much there besides more Eggs and some Slowpoke.  We were hoping, at least, for Magikarp to build up our candy.  We only found 1 though - it seems the Eggs and Slowpokes took their usual spawn locations.   Meh...

My son hatched a second Togepi, though, and beat me to evolving a Togekiss or whatever it is you get from that.

Eggs since Christmas event: Magikarp, Squirtle, Lapras, Squirtle, Bellsprout, Magnemite, Growlithe, Geodude, Bellsprout, Dratini, Spearow, Ponyta, Charmander, Cubone, Growlithe, Staryu, Voltorb, Squirtle, Horsea, Oddish, Pichu, Cubone, Staryu, Psyduck, Onix, Magby, Geodude, Growlithe, GeodudeHitmonlee, Krabby, Machop, Meowth, Pichu, Ponyta, Diglett, Oddish, Weedle, Paras, Ponyta, Tentacool, Growlithe, Krabby, Magenmite, Staryu, Slowpoke, Psyduck, Drowzee, Nidoran (F), Meowth, Diglett, Bellsprout, Exeggcute (first "new" egg), Krabby, Staryu

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My son and I went on a small run this evening and finally found a 3rd Chansey.  So we've seen 3 of those and 1 Porygon.   And about 1000 Exeggcutes.  This event sucks.

My little ones didn't even get that Porygon because they weren't with us and they have yet to get one for their Dex.   I guess all of this ends after tomorrow night?   We might try to go to a different town again and see if we can find something - but really, it is all just starting to feel like a waste of time now.

We've found one random Chansey, and seen it in Sightings once or twice. 

Mostly Jigglypuff and Lickitung here.  We went to a nearby town to stock up on Clefairy. 

It's a huge Porygon nest on a college campus a little bit away from us (30 miles).  We were down there anyway, so we swung over for 30 minutes.  In 30 minutes, we caught around 12 Porygon, with a couple running from us.  (They are pretty easy catches.)

That was a new one for my wife.  She and I both have 147 caught, although we each have a couple the other doesn't.

She and I both have 147 caught, although we each have a couple the other doesn't.
I'm at 147 as well, just evolved to Dragonite, got Dragon Breath / Dragon Claw, that sucker is fun to take on gyms with (about as quick as my Alakazam Psycho Cut / Psychic on offense).

Taking advantage of the half buddy candy requirements and speed collecting Magikarp candy (only 18 more to go), and then just left with Lapras, Elekid and Togetic.

Also up to 279 Chansey candy, though I've only caught two Clefairy so far. They really should of balanced out all the event 'mons, advertising Chansey for those that don't happen to be in the biome is just disheartening when they only find one or two during the whole time frame.

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Also up to 279 Chansey candy, though I've only caught two Clefairy so far. They really should of balanced out all the event 'mons, advertising Chansey for those that don't happen to be in the biome is just disheartening when they only find one or two during the whole time frame.
Yep, I went from about 200 Exeggcute candy to about 1200. Useless though as I already have an armada of Exeggutors. Also caught a lot of Jigglypuff and Lickitung, and a decent amount of Slowpoke and Clefairy. All useless - would have traded all of that for just 4 or 5 each of Chansey and Porygon.

I had a 10km egg that I strove to hatch on this last day to get the double candy. Just hatched it and was severely disappointed (Smoochum). At least my son and I hit up a big Rhyhorn nest a few times during this event so I now have a Rhydon maxed at 2943 and enough candy to evolve about 4 more, though I don't have a good candidate to evolve after that first one (which was 89% IV).

We caught a total of 3 Chansey and 1 Porygon - and my little kids who have yet to get a Porygon missed out on that one. At least I took advantage of the double candy to clear out my little kids' Pokémon box. They had tons of extras so I got them a lot of extra candy by transferring stuff. I need to go through mine tonight as well.

I didn't even hatch an Igglybuff. All 3 of the 2km eggs that I got during the event turned into, of all things, Exeggcutes. I did get an Onix from a 5km egg. I guess that was an OK hatch.

Eggs since Christmas event: Magikarp, Squirtle, Lapras, Squirtle, Bellsprout, Magnemite, Growlithe, Geodude, Bellsprout, Dratini, Spearow, Ponyta, Charmander, Cubone, Growlithe, Staryu, Voltorb, Squirtle, Horsea, Oddish, Pichu, Cubone, Staryu, Psyduck, Onix, Magby, Geodude, Growlithe, Geodude, Hitmonlee, Krabby, Machop, Meowth, Pichu, Ponyta, Diglett, Oddish, Weedle, Paras, Ponyta, Tentacool, Growlithe, Krabby, Magenmite, Staryu, Slowpoke, Psyduck, Drowzee, Nidoran (F), Meowth, Diglett, Bellsprout, Exeggcute (first "new" egg), Krabby, Staryu, Onix, Exeggcute, Pichu, Exeggcute, Smoochum, Igglybuff, Machop, Machop, Doduo, Doduo, Nidoran (F), Meowth, Vulpix, Stantler, Staryu

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Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, and many more Pokémon are nearly here! Starting later this week, you’ll have the opportunity to catch more than 80 Pokémon originally discovered in the Johto region in the Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games. We’ve also implemented some new features to enhance your Pokémon GO experience.

Additional Pokémon: More than 80 Pokémon that were originally discovered in the Johto region in the Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games, as well as Pokémon with gender-specific variations, will start rolling out in Pokémon GO.

New Evolutions: There are now more opportunities to evolve your Pokémon in Pokémon GO than ever before. Some Pokémon originally discovered in the Kanto region will soon be able to evolve—into Pokémon that inhabit the Johto region! Be on the lookout for new Evolution items at PokéStops, which you’ll need to evolve some Pokémon.

New Encounter Gameplay: When you encounter Pokémon in the wild,don’t be surprised if they react in new ways as you’re trying to catch them. You’ll also notice the addition of new item carousels that allow you to select Berries and Poké Balls directly from the encounter screen. Hone your skills and catch those elusive Pokémon!

New Berries: Pokémon enjoy eating Berries, and you’ll have the opportunity to get two new Berries by spinning the Photo Disc at PokéStops—Nanab Berries and Pinap Berries! Giving a Pokémon a Nanab Berry will slow its movements, making it easier to catch. The Pinap Berry doubles the amount of Candy you’ll receive if your next catch attempt succeeds.

New Avatars and an Expanded Wardrobe: Now you’ll be able to give your avatar a complete upgrade! Customize your look with a whole new selection of hats, shirts, pants, and other items.

Be sure to use the hashtag #PokemonGO on Twitter to share your experiences as you explore your local neighborhoods with family and friends. We can’t wait to see the Pokémon you catch!

—The Pokémon GO team

Happy that they are adding Gen 2 in bulk, but somehow I think they could of gotten away with smaller, monthly updates instead (that would of been spread over the past couple of months as well).

At the absolute least I'm looking forward to a shake up in the gym scene, even though that means I'll lose some of my static lvl 10 gyms I have now due to the returning player influx.

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This supposedly starts on Feb. 18th and hopefully that means UTC time so that really means 4pm Pacific on Friday the 17th.

Also, apparently the 6 hour lures got extended until the end of the day on the 18th UTC.  So we might have 1 day (4pm Friday - 4pm Saturday Pacific) with the 6 hour lures PLUS the Gen 2 Pokémon.

The Exeggcutes and Jigglypuffs promptly disappeared from my Nearby and Sightings right at 4pm today so other than the lures, apparently, the Valentines event ended right at midnight UTC time.

Edit: Oh, forgot to mention that I finally hatched an Igglybuff - just today right before the event ended!  So, yay, I have everything but the regional exclusives and Togetic right now.

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Edit: Oh, forgot to mention that I finally hatched an Igglybuff - just today right before the event ended! So, yay, I have everything but the regional exclusives and Togetic right now.
Congrats on the complete NA Pokedex for Gen 1! I was hoping to hatch a Lapras and consider Gen 1 done myself (walking towards Togetic now), but with the Gen 2 taking up the eggs, not sure how this is going to work in terms of probability.

It would be wise if Niantic just straight up replaced some of the lesser Gen 1 pokemon no one cares about (Ekans, Venonant, Meowth, Goldeen, Caterpie, Spearow, Weedle, etc.) with Gen 2 equivalents.

It would also be wise if they didn't lower the overall global probability of the big three from Gen 1 (Dratini, Snorlax, and Lapras), and instead share the probability with some of the other 'mons for Gen 2. I'm sure there will be other sought after Pokemon in Gen 2, but even the die-hard fanbase is not 100% complete with what is currently available.

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They are out now.  My kids and I went on a little run but unfortunately we have band concerts to go to tonight.  Dammit ;).

It seems like there are already some commons we'll get sick of with Sentret being number one.  They are everywhere.

In about half an hour we caught: Sentret, Sunkern, Furret (evolved Sentret), Crocnaw (I guess an evolved form of something we didn't otherwise find), Ledyba (also common), Hoothoot, Murkrow, Natu (common), Wooper, Chikorita, Spinarak (super common).  The very first thing we saw was a Teddiursa at our house.  We didn't see any more when we drove around though.

We got lots of the two new berries, but none of the evolution items that so many things need.  I did evolve my a Chansey and a Golbat.  I'm going to try some Eevees now.

Also Pokémon storage upgrades are half price now.  I'd max out if you can.

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My wife got a King's Rock, and got her Slowking.
Aipom is prolly the most uncommon I saw and caught.
Haven't seen that yet. It is definitely Sentret, Spinarak, Ledyba, and possibly Murkrow here as the most commons. Thought right at this very minute the 5 things are the stop are: Rattata, Rattata, Exeggcute, Eevee, Paras. So like things never changed ;).

We ran out for 5 minutes because we had some shadows on our radar. Caught Ledian (evolved Ledyba) and Sudowoodo.

After my son's band concert we are going to the mountain biome town where we've caught Dragonites in the past to see what spawns there.

I'm evolving Eevee's now: Flarion, Jolteon... Ok, stopped and looked at Reddit. If you name them Sakura and Tamao you get the new ones. Just got Espeon and Umbreon that way!

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Hoothoot is fairy common here, plus Hopip and Murkrow.
Yeah right now my only nearby are a Hoothoot and a Rattatta. Also, earlier, the only Yanma we saw turned into a Ditto.

Some notes from Silph road:

- Lapras nerfed

- Bunch of moves changed, none are more than 3-bar now

- 50xp catch bonus if you do it with first throw - if you miss, you lose it.

- Critical catches

- You get 5 candies for an evolved form and 10 for a secondary evolved form (about time)

- Togetic and babies are found in the wild now

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Went out at night and caught some new stuff in the other town.  Plus it seemed like Sentret was not there, which is the total opposite of our town where they are everywhere.

So in less than half a day we caught almost half the new ones: Chikorita, Meganium (ran from me but I caught it for both my kids), Croconaw, Sentret (already at 16 caught), Furret (3 of these - haven't even evolved a Sentret yet), Hoothoot, Noctowl, Ledyba (second most common after Sentret), Ledian, Spinarak (tied with Ledyba), Ariados, Crobat (I evolved this, though we did see one on the Nearby), Chinchou, Lanturn, Natu (also super common), Xatu, Marill, Azumarill, Sudowoodo, Hoppip (also pretty common), Sunkern (also common), Yanma, Wooper (common), Espeon (evolved), Umbreon (evolved), Murkrow (common), Misdreavus, Pineco, Snubbull, Teddiursa, Slugma, Swinub, Piloswine, Remoraid, Houndour, Phanpy, Blissey (evolved).

So that's 37 of the 80+ new ones.  Not bad for half a day.

The ones that we only saw one of, and thus might be somewhat rare, are (not counting evolved forms): Sudowoodo, Pineco, Snubbull, Slugma, Remoraid, and Phanpy.  We also hit lots of different stops and none of the 3 of us got any evolution items.

Also, they seriously nerfed a lot of the quick moves.  My Gyarados with Bite was a super fast attacker.  They made Bite about half as slow now (or so it seems).  My son also said his Dragonite attacked much slower.   Even Mud Slap on the Rhydon was slowed down.  But it appears Lapras was the only Pokémon with a CP nerf.  My 1600+ ones went down to 1400.

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We have only seen (and caught) one Sudowoodo and two Pineco.  Also seen Sunkern in the Sightings, but haven't actually found him.  He might be a smidge uncommon in my area.  Quagsire was probably the coolest we found in the wild last night.  Gonna hunt in a college town tomorrow.  I've now seen and caught three Aipom.

Yeah we're heading to a water biome tonight I think.  We'll see what's different there.  I'm somewhat surprised we held our 6 gyms from yesterday.  I thought a surge of new players would result in more gym turnover.

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So we went to that water biome.  Not much different there other than some Aipom and Mantine.  And being able to use a Pinap on Magikarp to get more candy.  Now that Twister is actually a good move I'm powering up my Gyarados with that.  And to think he was trash just last week.  Oh and we also caught a Dragonaire and Dratini, and an oddball Electabuzz - I hadn't seen one of those in wild in several months.

New Pokémon today: Mantine (3 of them), Aipom, Totodile, Girafarig (there's a nest for this in our town apparently), and Quagsire (first thing I've evolved from the new Pokémon - got lots of Wooper around here).

FYI, these are now in 10km eggs: Gligar, Miltank, Larvitar, Mantine, Mareep, Pineco, Skarmory, and Sudowoodo.  I've already found 3 of these in the wild (3 x Mantine, 2 x Sudowoodo, and 1 x Pineco).

Having already found 2 Sudowoodo and 3 Mantine, I can say that those will be pretty disappointing to hatch, especially since they do not evolve.  Larvitar turns into Tyranitar, right?  THAT is the hatch you want!  Hard to believe they have that in 10km eggs since it has 2 evolutions to get through. (Here's the evolution chain: Larvitar -> Pupitar -> Tyranitar)

Still have not seen any of the Cyndaquil -> Quilava -> Typhlosion chain here, whereas we've seen 2 of the 3 evolutions of the other Gen 2 starters (Chikorita, Meganium, Totodile, and Croconaw).  But Charmander et al are the least common here so that makes sense I guess.

Oh yeah, and I was the only one of the 3 of us to get an evolution item.  I got "Up-Grade" which is for the ONE Pokémon I don't have enough candy to evolve.  I'm walking my Porygon now but only have 20 candy.  I am ready to evolve every other one that requires an item, so of course I get that one...  I just got it from a normal spin.

And my Blissey has been knocked out of 3 gyms so far.  People don't like seeing that in a gym I guess - most of my other gyms have been left alone.  I'm trying to decide if I want to power it up, or save my 18 left over candy to evolve another one later.  Mine is only 2251 right now (but with 350 HP).

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bread's done