Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

So the feeling is that Cesaro's draft interview was a shoot and not work. And after seeing the video myself, you can see the frustration in his voice and face.

I feel for the guy. He is amazing in the ring and all the fans are behind him. I will never understand how the companies minds work when it comes to their superstars.
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If they want even a slightly compelling women's division, slidecage is rig...ri...RIGhhh... fuck I can't say it.

Re: Slater. Yes, this could be "something for him," but I don't see it as much different than when he was challenging old guys every week. Showing up uninvited on both shows could be something to do, but there's no resolution whenever that goof has run its' course.

I thought I saw somewhere that Sasha flat out said her partner isn't Bayley? Don't know the source on that though, might not be accurate.

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If they want even a slightly compelling women's division, slidecage is rig...ri...RIGhhh... fuck I can't say it.

Re: Slater. Yes, this could be "something for him," but I don't see it as much different than when he was challenging old guys every week. Showing up uninvited on both shows could be something to do, but there's no resolution whenever that goof has run its' course.

I thought I saw somewhere that Sasha flat out said her partner isn't Bayley? Don't know the source on that though, might not be accurate.
Here's the link:

It was during a live Q&A session. She said to stop tweeting at her about Bayley because Bayley is bad luck and she doesn't want her as her partner. She was joking around obviously, so I dunno, could mean nothing.

Thanks for the Sasha clarification. That's not nearly as firm as I was led to believe, so I suppose it's not out of the question for Sunday.

Return of Santina confirmed.
I mean, at this point, they need all of the women they can get.

It's a pretty crappy damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Split the already sparse women's roster, which will make for less interesting match ups and feuds - particularly on the show lacking a championship to justify a division existing (again, this goes for tag teams as well). Or, keep them together, and have a show without women and potentially alienate a sizable demographic. There's really no winning either way.

Fingers crossed for Sasha having Molly Holly as her partner.

So initially I rolled my eyes at this but after some thought..ugh...I actually like the idea.


Kevin Nash Wants To Be Dolph Ziggler’s Diesel

– Kevin Nash recently appeared on Vince Russo’s podcast (transcript credit ), here are the highlights…
“People always say would you ever come back to wrestling and I say to myself I’d come back and be [Dolph] Ziggler’s Diesel because that’s all he needs. Number one, he’s not a face. Ziggler is a heel and I wouldn’t have to say a word because he can talk. I’ve already had mine. But for the bigger guys, he needs somebody to stomp them. He does the same thing Shawn [Michaels] did. He takes every bump in the world. He takes every beating from the guys and then usually they beat him. But to me, his in ring performance is as good as anybody’s in the business right now. He works so hard. I’d like to teach him the little things that Shawn learned. Yeah, he can fly back on every bump but every third one is kind of nice to take a punch and bounce off the ropes. I mean, the ropes are there for a reason.”
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Folks were bitching b/c Becky Lynch wasn't in the title picture, folks were bitching because there were too many matches with random tag teams featuring female talent, folks were bitching that Bayley and Asuka deserved to be called up.

Now they're bitching because they'll have room to breathe across both shows.

You can't have it both ways, guys. This is why WWE thinks the WIC are perpetual malcontents and nothing can satisfy them - because they're expressing dissatisfaction with the very thing that will get them what they were previously expressing dissatisfaction over.

There's one title for women at the moment, so put two people into that feud, build it up, make it prominent. Have segments on each show involving angles for women, not necessarily feuding over a title, but a personal vendetta, a friendly rivalry, a crossed former partner. Once the current cycle has worked around each other sufficiently, fold Bayley into the mix. Fold Asuka into the mix. If matches become stale, use local enhancement talent to help get women over.

Folks were bitching b/c Becky Lynch wasn't in the title picture, folks were bitching because there were too many matches with random tag teams featuring female talent, folks were bitching that Bayley and Asuka deserved to be called up.

Now they're bitching because they'll have room to breathe across both shows.

You can't have it both ways, guys. This is why WWE thinks the WIC are perpetual malcontents and nothing can satisfy them - because they're expressing dissatisfaction with the very thing that will get them what they were previously expressing dissatisfaction over.

There's one title for women at the moment, so put two people into that feud, build it up, make it prominent. Have segments on each show involving angles for women, not necessarily feuding over a title, but a personal vendetta, a friendly rivalry, a crossed former partner. Once the current cycle has worked around each other sufficiently, fold Bayley into the mix. Fold Asuka into the mix. If matches become stale, use local enhancement talent to help get women over.
Same with the world title, "people that produce editorial content" are both calling for a world title split and complaining about it at the same time. I know WWE screws up a lot, but I'd like to at least see what they were planning before we condemn them for it. If everyone got called up, there would be no suspense in NXT and the main roster feuds would be incredibly convoluted and nobody would have room to shine.

Folks were bitching b/c Becky Lynch wasn't in the title picture, folks were bitching because there were too many matches with random tag teams featuring female talent, folks were bitching that Bayley and Asuka deserved to be called up.

Now they're bitching because they'll have room to breathe across both shows.

You can't have it both ways, guys. This is why WWE thinks the WIC are perpetual malcontents and nothing can satisfy them - because they're expressing dissatisfaction with the very thing that will get them what they were previously expressing dissatisfaction over.

There's one title for women at the moment, so put two people into that feud, build it up, make it prominent. Have segments on each show involving angles for women, not necessarily feuding over a title, but a personal vendetta, a friendly rivalry, a crossed former partner. Once the current cycle has worked around each other sufficiently, fold Bayley into the mix. Fold Asuka into the mix. If matches become stale, use local enhancement talent to help get women over.
I agree with most of this, however, having women (or tag teams) on a show without any sort of women's (or tag team) championship present is silly. Obviously not everyone needs to be feuding for a title all of the time, but if it's not even an option or goal then the division itself is pointless.

This is all just speculation at this point, but if that is the direction they choose to go, it's easy to see why people would be upset with it.

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New Raw and Smackdown logos:



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Folks were bitching b/c Becky Lynch wasn't in the title picture, folks were bitching because there were too many matches with random tag teams featuring female talent, folks were bitching that Bayley and Asuka deserved to be called up.

Now they're bitching because they'll have room to breathe across both shows.

You can't have it both ways, guys. This is why WWE thinks the WIC are perpetual malcontents and nothing can satisfy them - because they're expressing dissatisfaction with the very thing that will get them what they were previously expressing dissatisfaction over.

There's one title for women at the moment, so put two people into that feud, build it up, make it prominent. Have segments on each show involving angles for women, not necessarily feuding over a title, but a personal vendetta, a friendly rivalry, a crossed former partner. Once the current cycle has worked around each other sufficiently, fold Bayley into the mix. Fold Asuka into the mix. If matches become stale, use local enhancement talent to help get women over.
Spot on with this my friend. These women will have room to breathe now. People tend to forget they have on title for all of the women, you can't all have them in programs on a show that has an even larger roster of men who compete for multiple titles. Splitting the women up makes room for a potential second title for the division, tag title? NXT has a ton of women most of which we haven't seen on TV yet, that performance center is a true wrestler factory.

Is anyone else annoyed that WWE ended Sasha's unpinned/unsubmitted streak this past week in a nothing handicap match, with zero acknowledgement or fanfare?
Glad to see Creative has faith in Ambrose and are letting him have a good title run with clean wins. Also, bravo for protecting Dirty Deeds so well. He puts someone away whenever he hits it.

Happy to see Ambrose win with basically no shenanigans, although the downside of this for me is they just want to save the title change for a bigger/more important show next month.

As emotionally un-invested as I generally am for wrestling stuff, it was so fucking cool to see the Bayley reaction. That smile that Sasha had when she walked out wasn't fake. The Twitter posts from both faces and heels was cool to see. I guess it was just a one time thing since the commentary made reference to it being just for this one match (and Bayley did the same in a post-match interview), but if this doesn't show the company that she's ready to be on the main show the minute they need her, nothing will.

Usos cheering with Ambrose at the end of the show HAS to be leading to something with Roman. Possibly something boring, but still - something.

*EDIT* - legit forgot about the draft when I wrote this, so now I'm scratching my head who they'd put the belt on from Smackdown. I wouldn't be surprised if Ambrose held it for a little white. It's too early for a match with Cena, and Orton is tied up with Brock for at least a month. I guess Bray is the most obvious choice since he "won" his prior feud with Ambrose and has been built up over the last month with some clean wins.

...which ain't saying much, but for a guy who had a win-loss record in 2015 that was just barely above his brother's, it's better than nothing. Dean needs to beat him if they go that route, but I'm not thrilled about Wyatt starting to lose again already.

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Happy to see Ambrose win with basically no shenanigans, although the downside of this for me is they just want to save the title change for a bigger/more important show next month.

As emotionally un-invested as I generally am for wrestling stuff, it was so fucking cool to see the Bayley reaction. That smile that Sasha had when she walked out wasn't fake. The Twitter posts from both faces and heels was cool to see. I guess it was just a one time thing since the commentary made reference to it being just for this one match (and Bayley did the same in a post-match interview), but if this doesn't show the company that she's ready to be on the main show the minute they need her, nothing will.

Usos cheering with Ambrose at the end of the show HAS to be leading to something with Roman. Possibly something boring, but still - something.

*EDIT* - legit forgot about the draft when I wrote this, so now I'm scratching my head who they'd put the belt on from Smackdown. I wouldn't be surprised if Ambrose held it for a little white. It's too early for a match with Cena, and Orton is tied up with Brock for at least a month. I guess Bray is the most obvious choice since he "won" his prior feud with Ambrose and has been built up over the last month with some clean wins.

...which ain't saying much, but for a guy who had a win-loss record in 2015 that was just barely above his brother's, it's better than nothing. Dean needs to beat him if they go that route, but I'm not thrilled about Wyatt starting to lose again already.
Usos and Reigns are on different shows now, so I'm not sure what you think will happen.

How was roman treated?
If you mean crowd reaction wise, I was there, and the boos were VERY loud and seemed pretty unanimous. I say this as someone that doesn't mind Roman Reigns.

Show was great live, though. Crowd was hot basically the whole time.
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Usos and Reigns are on different shows now, so I'm not sure what you think will happen.
Brand split means zero. Cena, Styles, and Ambrose are all advertised for tonight's show. They did the same thing the last time they split the the week immediately following there were people on the "wrong show."

Fully expect Roman to make some pissy comment about the Usos. If not this week, then soon.

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Brand split means zero. Cena, Styles, and Ambrose are all advertised for tonight's show. They did the same thing the last time they split the the week immediately following there were people on the "wrong show."

Fully expect Roman to make some pissy comment about the Usos. If not this week, then soon.
They could just be there to tie up loose ends. The brand split isn't even a week old yet and we just a had a co-branded PPV last night, give it some time before you shit all over it.

They could just be there to tie up loose ends. The brand split isn't even a week old yet and we just a had a co-branded PPV last night, give it some time before you shit all over it.
Don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't shitting on it at all, just saying that if the need arises, the brand split is not like some hard-and-fast rule that they follow no matter what. On the very first show after the original brand split, HHH showed up to attack Undertaker.

But, to be fair, the Cena, AJ etc advertising may even be outdated/"card subject to change."

Interesting show tonight. Seems like they're trying some new camera angles and stuff. Too bad they didn't do a new set to go along with the new logo and theme, other than the Nitro announce table which Raw did for years already.

The disdain for Roman tonight is really something. It's not even that he's being booed, it's just like a "ugh fuck this" reaction.
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I'm so pumped for Rollins vs Balor. I've been anticipating this match for a long time. 

I really enjoyed RAW tonight. The new set was nice, and the camera work was pretty neat too. I'm into it.

bread's done