Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

That's a huge disappointment. His tweets seem to suggest that this was discovered in a pre-employment health screening WWE did, so good thing they caught it and that he's going to get it fixed. Hope for a healthy and full recovery - the ring can wait.

Never thought too much of Austin as an interviewer, and this sort of reinforced that. Sometimes a guy doesn't want to talk about certain things. Move along. It was like he'd never met the guy before. Maybe he hadn't, shrug.

That father-to-son "step up" speech at the end was especially out of place.

Raw was pretty meh, I'm tired of seeing Sheamus although I like[d] the lads together. Weird that they're keeping Finn away and not having any matches at all after the first night. Maybe build your [possible] champ against someone else too?

Never thought too much of Austin as an interviewer, and this sort of reinforced that. Sometimes a guy doesn't want to talk about certain things. Move along. It was like he'd never met the guy before. Maybe he hadn't, shrug.

That father-to-son "step up" speech at the end was especially out of place.
At one point I was certain they were just pretending to be The Dude and Walter, and Heath Slater was gonna pop-in as Donny any minute.

Tonight is likely the best episode of CWC yet, with two excellent matches. I hope they show the after-match with Cedric, it was emotional.

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That Kota Ibushi/Cedirc Alexander match was a MOTY candidate, and I loved Triple H coming out and all but confirming that Cedric is gonna get signed. That guy's got a bright future ahead of him.

G1 today, they are nuts. Amusing right after reading the Cageside preview of "who needs what to win" they talk about NJPW being sensible and there's no way Okada and Tanahashi will be a draw. 

He's going up top again!

How much time is left?!

Not much!

*hits Hi-Fly and covers*




Saw it coming around the 20 minute mark when they really amped up mentioning it.

Kenny's post-match promo was pure gold and the press conference was damn funny as well. Literally calling out NXT, actually speaking Japanese, effective f-bombs. Like he said, why would he go anywhere else when he can do what he's doing right now?

Omega vs Naito:

Omega vs Goto:

Victory celebration (if you're subscribed):

I Don't understand the Roman Reigns-Rusev/Lana feud at all. Like I can totally justify Rusev's dislike of this country when the supposed all-American standard, good guy goes out and constantly insults his wife or just publicly humiliates her. Really, how am I suppose to think Roman is the good guy in this or worth cheering when he comes off as total asshole and gets all the benefits and title shots he wants despite failing a drug test?

I Don't understand the Roman Reigns-Rusev/Lana feud at all. Like I can totally justify Rusev's dislike of this country when the supposed all-American standard, good guy goes out and constantly insults his wife or just publicly humiliates her. Really, how am I suppose to think Roman is the good guy in this or worth cheering when he comes off as total asshole and gets all the benefits and title shots he wants despite failing a drug test?
I don't know, but they put on more of a decent match last night than I ever thought they could produce together.

It was a decent match, no arguments here especially considering the venue and the silent crowd, but then again I consider Rusev to be one of those guys that WWE has no idea how good he is overall. Just the whole basis of their feud makes no sense to me in any context. I Think if role reversal and Rusev was the face in this feud as a changed married man and Roman as basically an asshole jock heel, it'd make total sense. Though the fact it isn't just confounds me. Especially in them wanting people to cheer for Roman still.

It was a decent match, no arguments here especially considering the venue and the silent crowd, but then again I consider Rusev to be one of those guys that WWE has no idea how good he is overall. Just the whole basis of their feud makes no sense to me in any context. I Think if role reversal and Rusev was the face in this feud as a changed married man and Roman as basically an asshole jock heel, it'd make total sense. Though the fact it isn't just confounds me. Especially in them wanting people to cheer for Roman still.
That is just what this feud has evolved into. It started with Roman saving the day cause Rusev was just beating people down mercilesly. Instead of keeping the fued going in those lines they melted it down to the lowest common denominator, ie; dick jokes cause thats the mentality they feel we all have.

Has anyone been watching Talking Smack? I thought it sounded pretty stupid at first, and an obvious ripoff (which it is). But man, it's actually really good. Tonight's was great.

That is just what this feud has evolved into. It started with Roman saving the day cause Rusev was just beating people down mercilesly. Instead of keeping the fued going in those lines they melted it down to the lowest common denominator, ie; dick jokes cause thats the mentality they feel we all have.
"A human being capable of showing emotion outside of anger? HE MUST BE DESTROYED!"

Has anyone been watching Talking Smack? I thought it sounded pretty stupid at first, and an obvious ripoff (which it is). But man, it's actually really good. Tonight's was great.
I actually watched it for the first time tonight and agree with you. It does a good job of blurring the line between the real world and the wrestling world.
Shane & Bryan continually clowning on the "Universal Title" continues to be good.

I actually watched it for the first time tonight and agree with you. It does a good job of blurring the line between the real world and the wrestling world.
Yeah, definitely. I loved when Bryan was just casually talking about Cena not actually running his own twitter, and Cena got all huffy about it. Then Bryan says something like, "I don't run my own Twitter, I'm terrible at technology!" Too good.

Also Becky's little rant/shoot/promo-thing was A+.

The voiceover kills me every week. I was laughing my butt off when he announced Eva
was stuck in traffic.

I'm glad I renewed Network in time to watch Talking Smack. Becky's an A+ indeed.

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Eva's gimmick is great. Even the payoff where she finally does wrestle will be good...for that one match. I'm less confident about her value after that time has come and gone though.

Del Rio just got popped for a Wellness Policy violation. 30 day suspension.

edit - I guess Paige also got a 30 day suspension. Weird coincidence since they're supposedly dating.

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Oh shit, who's going to be boring a fuck now? Someone better step up!
Not sure if you're referring to Paige or Del Rio. whynotboth.jpg

My guess is Paige posted videos of them doing drugs on instagram. Don't worry, Paige's mom will swoop in to save the day.

Somewhere, Orton and Lesnar are having a good laugh about the whole situation.

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Not sure if you're referring to Paige or Del Rio. whynotboth.jpg

My guess is Paige posted videos of them doing drugs on instagram. Don't worry, Paige's mom will swoop in to save the day.

Somewhere, Orton and Lesnar are having a good laugh about the whole situation.
I think it might go back to that ambulance deal in June after Money In the Bank and Paige was handcuffed.

Not sure if you're referring to Paige or Del Rio. whynotboth.jpg

My guess is Paige posted videos of them doing drugs on instagram. Don't worry, Paige's mom will swoop in to save the day.

Somewhere, Orton and Lesnar are having a good laugh about the whole situation.
Are Orton and Lesnar dating?

What triggered this effective/enforced testing policy? I would say the Lesnar UFC failed test but I think Roman got popped before that?
Is this some new genius segment of Eva Marie not being to compete:

They gave her the easiest job in the world where she doesn't wrestle and she can't even do that. Buh-bye.

Maybe they were all taped at a Total Divas party? I dunno, the whole thing does seem a little odd... I guess if another Total Diva gets suspended tomorrow we'll know...

LOL, that'll be sure to keep her employed.  That's Eva Marie's husband.

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Maybe they were all taped at a Total Divas party? I dunno, the whole thing does seem a little odd... I guess if another Total Diva gets suspended tomorrow we'll know...
I'm calling it now: Natty sponsored a "passion party" where Paige, Eva, and one yet to be named cast member purchased some imported sexual enhancement pills/lube/lotion that is laced with drugs. Shortly after the passion party ended the Total Divas cameras caught a full on orgy going on between ADR, Paige, Eva, and one yet to be named cast member which was fueled by the drug laden sexual enhancements purchased at the party. This episode with only be included on the collectors edition Bluray/DVD for this season.

Well, let's take a step back for a second before we start putting scarlet letters on these wrestlers.

a) we're no saints ourselves.

b) Roman Reigns was suspended for adderall.

c) We know WWE doesn't test everybody the same way (e.g., Lesnar) and we know WWE is diplomatic in when they suspend (see Reigns being suspended but not missing any PPV time.

If we look at the whole wellness policy in practice, maybe we could all empathize a bit more with how it is administered and who becomes a victim of it.

Eh, I can't imagine many people's views of them actually change because of the violations.

But WWE's policies and how they act on them are definitely super strange. They announced Del Rio's and Paige's suspensions at different times (on her birthday no less), but didn't have the suspensions begin until the following day (today). This hasn't happened before to the best of my knowledge, they always begin the day they're announced. Why is this instance different?

Anyhow, in actual wrestling news: NXT and CWC were both fantastic last night. Loved the interview segment and women's tag match. I was worried about the NXT Women's division going forward, but that tag match made a great introduction for the new women. I'm really excited for Daria. She seemed great in the ring, and allowing her to use her MMA background as a gimmick and work style is genius! Liv Morgan continues to bother me, but I can't quite put my finger on it beyond her awful gimmick and "STAY BRUTAL" shirt.

Bummed Gallagher got knocked off the CWC bracket, but man was he entertaining. Also pretty sure Kendrick is going to die by the end of this tournament. I find myself constantly cringing with enjoyment during his matches.

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I just HAAAAAATE Liv Morgan's music. Mostly just the nonstop "yo's" at the beginning, otherwise I enjoy her ring work, but goddamn does that sour me on her after hearing that.
Well, let's take a step back for a second before we start putting scarlet letters on these wrestlers.

a) we're no saints ourselves.

b) Roman Reigns was suspended for adderall.

c) We know WWE doesn't test everybody the same way (e.g., Lesnar) and we know WWE is diplomatic in when they suspend (see Reigns being suspended but not missing any PPV time.

If we look at the whole wellness policy in practice, maybe we could all empathize a bit more with how it is administered and who becomes a victim of it.
First I will say this; I think PEDs, steroids, whatever should be legal. It makes all sports better, and everyone in pro sports uses them anyways. You may not agree with me and that is okay.

Also, I know how WWE tends to forget to test certain stars. HHH will never be busted for steroids. Lesnar WAS busted, but its ok because he doesnt wrestler every day. All of that is nonsense.

With that said, saying that these people who are tested and did fail are victims is absurd. Is adderrall on the banned substance list? If so then Reigns should have known he could get in trouble for using it. He is no victim. I know we live in a country where everyone thinks they should be able to break any law they dont like and be rewarded for doing so, but that is just ridiculous. A victim would be if Vince went and drugged these guys the day before the testing and then busted them. Someone willfully taking a banned substance and being caught sucks for them, but doesnt turn them into a victim.

I mean, she's pretty much a 20 year old NJ girl. And accurate, if I do say so.

Omega's promo was good. His Japanese enunciation is excellent - basically he said he wants Omega, and love him or hate him, Japan/New Japan is his home and he doesn't want to go back "over there" (North America). He said something that I loosely understood as praising his own Japanese language skills over that of Okada, but I'm probably misunderstanding what he's saying there (or not, and gloating is part of the heel promo).

bread's done