Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

I mean, she's pretty much a 20 year old NJ girl. And accurate, if I do say so.
Well, I get that, but I think it's also one of those personal (though possibly shared) hatred of those god awful Crazy Frog songs and ring tones from the mid 2000's or so is what the "yo's" bring out of me. Kinda like how Blake and Murphy's entrance video, music and camera effects just make me want to boo them nonstop. Just a bit too obnoxious a footing to start off on for my old man tastes.

And how many people from Jersey gimmicks do we need? I Mean currently we got Cass, Enzo, Carmella and Zack Ryder (though he isn't "repping it" as much as he used to).

Without a doubt she'll have to do something *very* different if she wants to stand out. This can't be her WWE persona, IMO. A crowded market already.

LOL, that'll be sure to keep her employed. That's Eva Marie's husband.
he deleted the tweet about "revealing the truth that would have everyone up in arms". Makes you wonder then what she tested positive for and if he's the supplier.

Liv Morgan is awesome, this gimmick is not. The new girls coming up are going to make the women's division really good again, just not the name recognition we're used to.

Clue that Nakamura is winning tomorrow? He gets a new (NXT-tagged) shirt and Joe doesn't get one. Completely spitballing on that one.

ROH PPV tonight, raise your hand if ROH has inspired faith in you today? Anyone? No? At least we get Castle vs Okada.

There is so much good wrestling to watch right now. WWE is very good, NXT is great, CWC is solid, NJPW is amazing, ROH is so consistent. It's hard to keep up. Evolve is wonderful as well.

I'm waiting until after my trip from Atlanta to resuscribe to the Network mostly so I can watch all of CWC. I'm pretty damn excited with how people talk of it being solid from top to bottom.

In an important update we've all by dying to know, Eva got busted for Adderall without prescription/approval. More in this link from a prestigious news organization:

In other news, who on Earth wants to watch Sheamus and Cesaro wrestle 7 times in a row? And why is this a thing?
If she's on Adderall, it isn't working. Otherwise, she'd have been able to focus enough learn something about how to wrestle by now with all the time they invested in her.

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In an important update we've all by dying to know, Eva got busted for Adderall without prescription/approval. More in this link from a prestigious news organization:

In other news, who on Earth wants to watch Sheamus and Cesaro wrestle 7 times in a row? And why is this a thing?
Dear God, you're right. That's going to go on for weeks... Free Eva Marie! It wasn't her fault! According to Total Diva's, doing paperwork is her stupid househusband's job! He's the one that should be punished! Make him get a real job or send him to his room without his PEDs! :cry:

I'm not sure why WWE places adderall in their wellness policy, but it's their policy to make and enforce. I am very sympathetic to anyone busted for adderall, however. That's not the same thing as an estrogen blocker, which is used to mask residual effects of steroid cycling. Just in my opinion.

But irrespective of whether I like the body of work Roman Reigns or Eva Marie are (or aren't, heh) putting on, I can't fault or blame them for adderall. Doesn't strike me in the same category as a lot of other controlled substances they could be using.

Another angle is if they were nailed for submitting a prescription late - then they are getting busted for a technicality, which is even more unfortunate.

Apparently adderall is banned by the NFL, MLB, NBA and the NCAA since it can be used as a performance enhancer. It's be used by models to help them stay thin.  Since the WWE models their policy after the NFL, it makes sense that it would be on the list. Still, it's all kind of silly, but we're talking about a zero tolerance here.

I'm not sure why WWE places adderall in their wellness policy, but it's their policy to make and enforce. I am very sympathetic to anyone busted for adderall, however. That's not the same thing as an estrogen blocker, which is used to mask residual effects of steroid cycling. Just in my opinion.

But irrespective of whether I like the body of work Roman Reigns or Eva Marie are (or aren't, heh) putting on, I can't fault or blame them for adderall. Doesn't strike me in the same category as a lot of other controlled substances they could be using.

Another angle is if they were nailed for submitting a prescription late - then they are getting busted for a technicality, which is even more unfortunate.
I take it you've never known anyone to abuse adderall, or become addicted to it. It's not pretty. Honestly, estrogen blockers seem much less harmful by comparison.

I'm a bit worried someone in the company has been giving performers Adderall. It seems a strange coincidence that the two people the company wants to be huge stars who have lackluster ring work got caught with the stuff.

Adderall addiction is damn near the same thing as being addicted to Meth. I personally know someone that was addicted to that stuff and my god... it gets ugly. They even described the effects of abusing it to feeling damn near the same way as when they took meth. Only difference was Adderall is "legal" and meth notsomuch.

If she's on Adderall, it isn't working. Otherwise, she'd have been able to focus enough learn something about how to wrestle by now with all the time they invested in her.
If you've seen her on NXT, then you know she can do a couple of things in the ring; after all, she's being trained by THE Brian Kendrick.

I'm not saying she's going to put out 4 star matches, but at least she knows how to go in and out of the ring through the bottom rope. Even Nia Jax's opponent from this past Raw couldn't get that right.

That tag match had me on my feet yelling after working all day. That's an accomplishment. Once again, Summerslam has a lot to live up to.

Any word on whether NXT Takeover Brooklyn 2 will be on Hulu? The first one wasn't but the last two Takeover's outside Full Sail/on weekends (London & Dallas) were.
Any word on whether NXT Takeover Brooklyn 2 will be on Hulu? The first one wasn't but the last two Takeover's outside Full Sail/on weekends (London & Dallas) were.
They have all of them on Hulu as far as I can tell and have always put them on the following day, I don't see why this would be any different

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Best Buy put some WWE blus on sale for 9.99^currentoffers_facet=Current%20Deals~On%20Sale&list=n&iht=y&usc=All%20Categories&ks=960&keys=keys&ref=199&loc=FKSJxY2VJAk&acampID=1&siteID=FKSJxY2VJAk-dSTJ7zPtvKXC9ay.djUaDg

Sting - Into the Light

Ultimate Warrior - Always Believe

Daniel Bryan - Yes! Yes! Yes!

Owen Hart - Hart of Gold

Monday Night War Vol 1 - Shots Fired

Destruction of the Shield

Jerry Lawler - It's Good to be King

WCW Greatest PPV Matches Vol 1

History of the WWE

Triple H - Thy Kingdom Come

Macho Man - The Randy Savage Story

Shawn Michaels - Mr Wrestlemania

Wrestling's Greatest Factions

True Giants

Kliq Rules

John Cena's Greatest Rivalries

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They have all of them on Hulu as far as I can tell and have always put them on the following day, I don't see why this would be any different
Well the Tokyo/Toronto split specials with the main roster & Takeover Brooklyn 1 were not put on Hulu. I started watching NXT when Owens debuted so I just thought that was how it was until the Takeover's at Full Sail, London, & Dallas showed up on Hulu.

Checked this morning & Brooklyn 2 is NOT on Hulu. :(
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I don't watch NXT much like I used to, but I did catch Takeover II: Brooklyn. I'm sure this is the general consensus of the IWC... 

Simply stated? Glorious.

Pre-Summerslam hype for Balor's entrance, hoping they go all out.

Added it up, and WWE will have put out 17+ hours of wrestling content (that's including pre-shows and whatnot) over five consecutive days by Wednesday. That's pretty ridiculous.

I don't know if this is the most brilliant thing I've ever seen or the dumbest. Leaning towards brilliant.

I don't know if this is the most brilliant thing I've ever seen or the dumbest. Leaning towards GLORIOUS.

I'm really enjoying that WWE is taking guys from other companies and letting them keep their gimmicks and characters that got them noticed.

I'm really happy for Bobby Roode. I honestly didn't realize that he's been at it since 1998 or that he's 39. Hopefully he has a good run and he's able to make some money doing it. If last night is any indication of his run then it certainly looks promising. 

Wow Cena/Styles was outstanding
I am a little biased as AJ has been my favorite wrestler since I first saw him compete in NWA: Wild-Side in 2000, but he may just be the greatest wrestler of all time and John Cena is right up there with him, that was a hell of a match and a highlight for both guys storied careers.

My reaction to the end of Ambrose/Ziggler:

Now let's see an Dean Ambrose-AJ Styles series.

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I think I'm either getting too old to watch this much wrestling in one sitting, my La-Z-Boy is just too comfy or I'm not getting enough sleep during the week... I did enjoy the PPV, but I did miss a couple of matches due to napping. 

It was a good Summerslam overall. Cena-Styles was easily the match of the night that they basically took the crowd with them and never came back with them until Orton-Lesnar. Speaking of which, it was just such an odd way to end Summerslam and possibly the most perplexing ending of any WWE show ever. You watch Orton get legit destroyed with at least some level of approval from all parties involved, but it just blurred the lines too much into uncomfortable territory. That beatdown with those legit shots from Lesnar and Orton just pouring blood all over the ring just felt there was no regard for safety and (at the risk of sounding hokey) crossed the line from "well choreographed dance in sportsmanship" into just hurt the guy just to hurt the guy. I Mean, they tried doing the "hey it's still scripted! Look! Shane is taking an F5!", but it just pushed it way too far over. I Like the PG era for the overall athleticism and not having to go with shock gimmicks like this.

I think I'm either getting too old to watch this much wrestling in one sitting, my La-Z-Boy is just too comfy or I'm not getting enough sleep during the week... I did enjoy the PPV, but I did miss a couple of matches due to napping.
There is a LOT of wrestling right now. Thing is, it's all mostly very very good. I'm just luckily too busy to even realistically think I'll be home enough to watch shows live.

I did get to watch Zack Sabre, Jr. take on DUSTIN (nee Chuck Taylor) at Chikara's first live streaming event in some time yesterday afternoon. Having the Wrestle Factory so close to my house is an absolute blessing some days.

bread's done