Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

Rousey vs HHH main eventing WrestleMania would be exciting. For me anyways, I am sure many would hate it, but for me its different and would get people talking. It would easily be better than Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns. Its a shame that UFC likely wouldnt let that happen :(

Rousey vs HHH main eventing WrestleMania would be exciting. For me anyways, I am sure many would hate it, but for me its different and would get people talking. It would easily be better than Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns. Its a shame that UFC likely wouldnt let that happen :(
I don't know, after what Dana White said to a WWE fan on twitter about wrestling being fake. It pissed a bunch of people off including Sheamus, Joey Styles, Bully Ray, Tazz and Mick Foley. It will probably hurt chances that Rousey would show up at next year's Wrestlemania, if they had something planned.

Here's the story:
UFC President Dana White took a shot at WWE to a fan on Twitter when the fan complained about the price of a UFC pay-per-view event and compared it to WWE. The fan mentioned to Dana that WWE has got UFC beat with the 9.99 price tag. White was quick to say that WWE is "fake shit" and should only be priced at $9.99. Here is the exchange:

@RKORollins I hear u bro but fake shit should be 9.99

— Dana White (@danawhite) August 1, 2015

Dana continued to point out to the same fan that WWE is fake:

@RKORollins trust me my friend..... IT's FAKE

— Dana White (@danawhite) August 1, 2015

@RKORollins not disrespecting what they do. All the WWE guys I have met are awesome people but yes it's fake.

— Dana White (@danawhite) August 1, 2015

Bully Ray's comment made a good point:

Good thing you had "FAKE" @BrockLesnar in @ufc to be your biggest PPV draw of all time.

— Bully Ray (@REALBully5150) August 1, 2015

Bully Ray continued:

.@danawhite Sir, "do the right thing" and apologize to THE industry that laid the groundwork for YOUR industry. Have a great show tonight.

— Bully Ray (@REALBully5150) August 1, 2015

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Yea, Dana had said it wouldnt happen already (he said women would never fight in the UFC before too so...) but it would be cool if for whatever reason it did happen. Dana White is a lousy head of a company and him always acting like an angry teenager makes him look foolish.

I would imagine that while being better for WWE, having her in a match at Mania, that it would also benefit UFC as well. Extra publicity is never bad. Rousey doing a match with a guy wont make UFC look bad as if she came in and had a hard time beating Stephanie or some other Diva. And having her go over in the main event at WrestleMania will certainly make anyone who doesnt know who she is interested in seeing her next UFC fight.

Good lord it's annoying when wrestlers (and fans) get all fucking sensitive about wrestling being called fake.

So because some low-card dipshits post pictures of themselves bleeding all over the place and tweet it to Dana, that means wrestling isn't fake?

Dana is right. It's still fake. Entertainers that get hurt while fake-fighting are still just entertaining, not participating in legitimate competition. Whining about it doesn't change that fact. Instead of the futile effort of proving it's "not fake," they should be proud that a lot of people (including most UFC fighters) can't do what they do.

But what they do is most definitely NOT real, no matter what injuries they sustain while doing it.
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God, next you're going to say ballet is fake because the dancers know all the songs beforehand and have rehearsed with each other for hours before their shows. But if a ballerina is cut, will she not bleed?
I didn't even know he had health problems. He was one of my favorites and it's beyond me why he never had a World Title reign.

Also, Seth Rollins was on the Daily Show again. This time he also awarded Jon his greatest honor (or at least according to his son based on his excitement about the whole thing).

Has anyone heard anything about John Cena? His broken nose looked particularly nasty and I hope it's not too serious. I kind of wonder if that injury will play into Cena's decision to stick with the WWE for a while longer or jump into doing more movies. The guy isn't getting any younger and I'm not really sure how much more his body can take week after week.
what did he die from. knew he had cancer but thought that was gone.

Went to a local show last night in Indy. It was for an NWA affiliate called Circle City Wrestling and it featured two former WWE superstars, one of which is a hall of famer. So I saw Rikishi and some fat old Gangrel looking guy take on "The Diceman" Ronnie Vegas and some jobber in a pink shirt. It was a terrible match, but Big Kish got in a couple of stinkfaces! I also saw Rob Conway vs. Dru Skillz, which was a pretty decent match and Conway is in great shape, he's still as bland as ever though. 

On a side note, tonight at Raw the community at Squared Circle are planning a huge Cesaro section takeover tonight. Should be interesting to see if they can pull it off and show the love for the Swiss Superman tonight in San Jose. 

When it comes to what "superstars" do to get in trouble it's so weird and random.

I honestly thought Cole was going to be fired or suspended for calling Matthews a fag on Twitter. Nope, nothing. Same with Rollins and the nude photos popping up on WWE's homepage. 

When it comes to what "superstars" do to get in trouble it's so weird and random.

I honestly thought Cole was going to be fired or suspended for calling Matthews a fag on Twitter. Nope, nothing. Same with Rollins and the nude photos popping up on WWE's homepage.
Cole really did that? If they erase Hogan for what he did, you would think Cole would be erased for that from WWE history. In fact, Ive already forgotten him. WWE seems to think its ok to make fun of homosexuals and Mexicans though.

As for Rollins, they probably just felt embarrassed for him and thought that God punished him enough.

"It was obviously not meant the way it was taken."

What other way could it have been taken? Was he calling Mathews a loud and obnoxious Harley biker? Or perhaps insinuating that he was a bundle of sticks? Hmm.

The Piper tribute stuff was glorious - the video was especially good. Neville vs. Seth got quite great - not a classic, but damned if they didn't possibly make a star in Neville here with the near-falls. 8-man tag had some fun lines on commentary, but nothing in the ring. Divas tag had nothing on commentary that was good, but did have some awful lines from each guy. Charlotte beating Nikki was a good move. Rusev beat Henry and Barrett squashed Ryder.

Heyman then cut one of his best promos ever calling Taker-Brock too big for WrestleMania, saying that Taker will need Last Rites afterwards and then ACTUALLY READING HIM HIS LAST RITES. This was so great. Paige-Naomi was a match. Main event 6-man tag was fun for the last five or so minutes - first half or so was boring though. Great show overall though - first two hours were well worth the time.

Screens - 





Miz greatness -

Viva la Revolution

Piper tribute highlights -

His entrance is longer than most matches.

Now imagine that entrance when he has to get down the longer RAW/PPV ramps.

Maybe he'll make a surprise appearance at Summerslam so they added an hour to account for his and the Undertaker's entrances.

When it comes to what "superstars" do to get in trouble it's so weird and random.

I honestly thought Cole was going to be fired or suspended for calling Matthews a fag on Twitter. Nope, nothing. Same with Rollins and the nude photos popping up on WWE's homepage.
The funniest one was JBL doing the Nazi salute in Germany and getting canned from his cable news job. That one was especially awesome because you know it drove him (and Vince) fucking INSANE that they were powerless to sweep it under the rug since it fell outside of WWE's control.

I didn't know he was fired. He's still (back?) on Fox News, typically Saturday mornings with the gelatinous specter of what used to be character actor Ben Stein.

The funniest one was JBL doing the Nazi salute in Germany and getting canned from his cable news job. That one was especially awesome because you know it drove him (and Vince) fucking INSANE that they were powerless to sweep it under the rug since it fell outside of WWE's control.
Then there was that moment where he taunted Joey Styles until Styles knocked him out...after of course the whole Blue Meanie debacle. Then the Jericho kicking the flag moment in Brazil and Finlay getting canned for having Miz interrupt the national anthem at a military base.

How the hell did Slater duck the rape allegations, by the way?

Speaking of stuff like this, whatever happened to them reopening the case where Jimmy Snuka killed his girlfriend? Did anything ever come from that? I am guessing not since I havent heard about him going to jail or anything for it. A shame for the poor girls family.

I didn't know he was fired. He's still (back?) on Fox News
Yeah that brought him back after a while. Was just hilarious to see him all bent out of shape over actually having to answer for being a fucking prick for once.


Apparently New Day is doing a "HEYYYYY WE WANT A NEW DAY" call out during their matches now. They group just keeps getting better (go look up "We Want Some Pussy" on YouTube if you don't get that reference).
Yeah that brought him back after a while. Was just hilarious to see him all bent out of shape over actually having to answer for being a fucking prick for once.


Apparently New Day is doing a "HEYYYYY WE WANT A NEW DAY" call out during their matches now. They group just keeps getting better (go look up "We Want Some Pussy" on YouTube if you don't get that reference).
Vince must've just heard about 2 Live Crew.

Then there was that moment where he taunted Joey Styles until Styles knocked him out...after of course the whole Blue Meanie debacle. Then the Jericho kicking the flag moment in Brazil and Finlay getting canned for having Miz interrupt the national anthem at a military base.

How the hell did Slater duck the rape allegations, by the way?
Wasn't rape, was simple assault. Statute of limitations expired.
Guess WWE didn't check before naming Paige's group the "Submission Sorority" and are now looking to change it.   As there's a porn site with that same name that's had increased traffic since the group started using the name.  

Submission Sorority = SS (As pointed out by someone on Reddit)

One of the members is "genetically superior"

But the porn site is what's getting them to change the name.

It was a stupid name so whatever it takes.

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I went to Monday Night Raw this week. Good times. Would have been better if they had a Cesaro match instead of having Brock just stand there, wasting time.

At least his entrance is theatrical and fun to watch. All Taker ever does is walk so slowly a glacier whizzes past him.
I think his entrance is even longer than Taker's is. I know it is in the new WWE game(which is roughly 3 minutes for his).


But I guess when you got 3 hour Raws, you need to pad out the entrances.

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On one level, I get it. Entrances are almost *more* important than the match itself. Long, bombastic entrances with lights, pyro, fog and the perfect music set the stage.

There are a few guys who are *all* entrance. Sandman was dogshit in the ring, but he was over as fuck because of his entrance. There's someone currently who I think is that way, but I just can't recall who it is (or what promotion they're in). Enzo and Cass may be in this category as well - Enzo has the potential to be a GREAT bumping machine, but right now, their intro is more important to the crowd than their matches are. But it gets you to watch and helps sell t-shirts, so that's important to WWE.

Maybe in Balor's case it's that his music takes nearly an entire minute just to get started. Anticipation is a huge part of generating a big pop from a crowd, but I think there's a point to which it can be overdone. Balor's entrance makes me think that the build to an entrance shouldn't be more than 20-30 seconds, roughly speaking. A minute is overkill.

Personally I think Balor's music should be changed, edited or shortened when he's not "The Demon". 

P.S. For no reason I am finding myself missing The Big Boss Man. What an asshole heel and a great babyface.

I think entrances are very important in wrestling, especially in WWE. They can be a huge help with less talented guys (Sandman, Gangrel) but they can also hurt guys too, like Cesaro for instance. His music is just godawful and seems to take away some of the crowd cheers as soon as the realize what the fuck they're listening to.
Personally I think Balor's music should be changed, edited or shortened when he's not "The Demon".
About 80% agreed. When he's "The Demon," it doesn't seem *as* special because everything is the same but the facepaint. Counterargument is that perhaps fans feel cheated (or perhaps it harms familiarity) if he gets two entrances. Maybe meet halfway and cutout the minute long buildup for non-demon matches?

(counter-counter argument - Mankind circa 1996 certainly got away with 2 themes...)

100% agreed on Cesaro's music. It's fucking terrible beyond comprehension.

Sold out the limited amount of seats they were offering, which was much less than that of SummerSlam?

IGN announced 12 more wrestlers for WWE 2K16. 2 of them were General Adnan and Colonel Mustafa. Ugh.
13,000+ is nothing to sneeze at, even if it's less than Summerslam. It's still more than Battleground, Money in the Bank, Beast in the East, Payback, etc. If I'm not mistaken, I don't think TNA has ever gotten close to drawing that kind of a crowd.
Last years WWE 2K15 soundtrack was so bad I had to turn off every song in the Jukebox
Same here, first thing I do is turn the music off in the menus. 2K and WWE manage to license some of the worst music humanly possible every single year. I wish they'd just reuse the No Mercy menu music instead, "Dig, dig, diggity, dog!"

I read they limited Barclay's to 5,000 for NXT.

Which, if you've ever been to any indy show *ever*, you ought to know damned well that 5,000 is nothing to scoff at, and everything to be impressed by.

Same here, first thing I do is turn the music off in the menus. 2K and WWE manage to license some of the worst music humanly possible every single year. I wish they'd just reuse the No Mercy menu music instead, "Dig, dig, diggity, dog!"

Triple H announced the sell-out on Twitter and said 13,000+. It would be pretty sweet if they were able to release more seats.
Oh, well, that's nothing short of remarkable, then. Make a weekend of SS, I guess.

I feel bad for ROH - their show is outdoors at the Brooklyn Cyclones' ballpark on Coney Island, which would be a great show to go to. Even if I were in town that weekend (I'm not), I'd probably have bought NXT tickets in any case.

When I said the audio was garbage in 2k16 I didn't just mean the licensed music. I mean the audio in general is dogshit every single year. The crowd does not react where they'd react in a real situation - especially during entrances - the announcers sound like they're overdubbed live from a large closet, and the crowd/music/announce volume balance is fucked. How have they been doing these games for THIS LONG and not figured it out is astounding to me.

Yea the audio is bad in these games but that can lead to some enjoyment. I always love when out of the blue Jim Ross randomly shows up to say something and then is gone again.

When I said the audio was garbage in 2k16 I didn't just mean the licensed music. I mean the audio in general is dogshit every single year. The crowd does not react where they'd react in a real situation - especially during entrances - the announcers sound like they're overdubbed live from a large closet, and the crowd/music/announce volume balance is fucked. How have they been doing these games for THIS LONG and not figured it out is astounding to me.
You are right, I think with the entrances they do a fine job, but the crowd and announcers are always terrible. When you think about it though, it's pretty realistic since the announcers and crowds in real life are also usually terrible. The addition of JBL this year though will give us several new out of place announcing moments. If they manage to capture some vintage JBL comments like "Maggle" and "Big Match John" I'll be satisfied.

bread's done