Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

I think having two themes (a la Mankind) would also give a "coolness" to Finn when he isn't the Demon. Perhaps give him an entrance attire that isn't just his wrestling gear, something a tad flashier.

I hate saying this but I think WWE should consider a partnership with Beats by Dre. While I'm not a fan of overpriced shit and subpar sound, it would surely be an upgrade to the audio quality that has been in recent games and they could cross promote Straight Outta Compton to earn some bucks on the side. A limited-edition run of WWE Beats would sell well and they could have Cesaro be a front runner (Straight Outta Switzerland) since him and Kid wear them to the ring. (Even though they were forced to put tape over the logos for a few weeks, which was odd). 

Just gotta be careful and not issue Beats for a superstar who, ya know....

Also, even though the timestamp is old, this made me chuckle for some stupid ass reason.

Also, Sheamus may or may not have suffered a concussion. While I don't wish injury on anyone this could be a chance to let him heal and take the briefcase off of him.

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I suspect it's not a matter of "not figuring it out" as much as it is about focusing on what players want (updated roster/attire/themes/arenas/CAW items) on a title that's released every single year.

i.e., I suspect they have a long list of what they want to change, balance their budget against what they can afford, what they have time for, and what is high priority and what is low. I agree with you on the audio, but I also suspect it gets continually pushed to the low priority position.

Partner with Beats? Talk to Apple. WWE isn't the same place wrestling used to be in, but it's still considered lowbrow entertainment. I suspect Apple wants to be associated with high(er) culture than WWE.

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I suspect it's not a matter of "not figuring it out" as much as it is about focusing on what players want (updated roster/attire/themes/arenas/CAW items) on a title that's released every single year.

i.e., I suspect they have a long list of what they want to change, balance their budget against what they can afford, what they have time for, and what is high priority and what is low. I agree with you on the audio, but I also suspect it gets continually pushed to the low priority position.

I always thought WWE All-Stars was good fun that was really underrated. Sad that it doesn't seem like it'll ever get a sequel.
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Pretty good show overall - not amazing, but it felt like they've at least settled Cesaro into that Finlay high mid-card/low-end main eventer role. Enjoyed the Ryback-Miz stuff with Bryan and Show - shame they kinda wasted Bryan, but whatever - they'll be doing a lot more of that. Speaking of which, NO STING in the Shield vs. Wyatts match sucks. Bray's a cult leader - have him bring in SOMEONE NEW. Amell was new, and awesome doing a hop over the ropes and a spear - Arrow threw a better one than Edge. 

Rusev stuff was all great. Rusev having his own flag is a perfect heel move, and Summer doing the camel clutch led to a hilarious visual. Main event was a match - hurt by it being a rushed match in concept and in execution. The fake tease has been done WAY too much, and they've added so many rules that the whole "OH MY GOD, HE'S CASHING IN" thing means nothing. He's cashing in...if the other guy is awake, the bell has rung, yada yada yada.

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Please, allow the Force to save me

I always thought WWE All-Stars was good fun that was really underrated. Sad that it doesn't seem like it'll ever get a sequel.
We may not get another WWE All-Stars, but the WWE video games sell pretty well and All-Stars didn't do bad. I feel like the arcade style is something that they tend to revisit often. I hope we get something similar soon, but who knows when or if that will happen.

13,000+ is nothing to sneeze at, even if it's less than Summerslam. It's still more than Battleground, Money in the Bank, Beast in the East, Payback, etc. If I'm not mistaken, I don't think TNA has ever gotten close to drawing that kind of a crowd.
I think they've done close to that a few times on their UK tours.

I think they've done close to that a few times on their UK tours.
I think the only reason they're pulling 13K for NXT is because it's the night before Summerslam and most people who are going to it on Sunday are going to go to NXT the night before. If this was a stand alone show not in the same town before the PPV it would be a different story.

I think the only reason they're pulling 13K for NXT is because it's the night before Summerslam and most people who are going to it on Sunday are going to go to NXT the night before. If this was a stand alone show not in the same town before the PPV it would be a different story.
hahahaha. "if this show wasn't anything at all like this show, it might not draw the same."

Thanks for the deep insights, captain analytics.

Someone needs to teach vermin what quotations are used for. You put something that someone else said between the marks, not something you pretend they said to make your point.
No way this is true, especially with THAT name, but this made me laugh so I'm posting it anyway:

In unrelated news, WWE reportedly is considering a new talk show for WWE Network that deals with sexual issues. Hosted by Jimmy and Jey Uso, the working title for the show is "Uso Horny."
John Cena is a witch. I don't know how you can look that good so quickly after getting your face crushed.

Also, buy his new T-Shirt, hat and accessories. They're orange and green.
Was watching an old episode of Raw last night. Wow, the Attitude Era was TERRIBLE in hindsight.

Saw one of the Harris Brothers in his biker-guy (Disciples of the Apocalypse?) gimmick. Forgot about his big ol' "SS" tattoo on his bicep, went to read if anyone else ever devoted time on a blog or elsewhere to those two guys having GIANT white supremacist tattoos on their arms.

Instead, I came across a blog about the Harris brothers having a 'racist' gimmick while in TNA. I can't for the life of me remember that at all. Anyone pay enough attention to TNA to remember that?

Was watching an old episode of Raw last night. Wow, the Attitude Era was TERRIBLE in hindsight.

Saw one of the Harris Brothers in his biker-guy (Disciples of the Apocalypse?) gimmick. Forgot about his big ol' "SS" tattoo on his bicep, went to read if anyone else ever devoted time on a blog or elsewhere to those two guys having GIANT white supremacist tattoos on their arms.

Instead, I came across a blog about the Harris brothers having a 'racist' gimmick while in TNA. I can't for the life of me remember that at all. Anyone pay enough attention to TNA to remember that?
All I can remember is that I took a leak next to a Harris brother at the Asylum once. Good times.

I Feel the best thing about revisiting the Attitude era for me is recently is realizing Dude Love's titantron is still one of the best things ever.

The last few nights I've watched a couple Raws from the summer of '98 and have really enjoyed them. Was all of it good.....HELL NO, but the roster was stacked back then and the main event scene was almost constantly entertaining as hell. Was Brawl for All the single worst thing in wrestling history....yes, yes it was. But for me the good outweighs the bad from those days.
Little-known fact: That girl grew up to become Awesome Kong. (jkjk)

As a kid I laughed but marked out when Taker has the flag printed inside of his coat for Survivor Series.

Little-known fact: That girl grew up to become Awesome Kong. (jkjk)

As a kid I laughed but marked out when Taker has the flag printed inside of his coat for Survivor Series.

Luger staring like he's expecting to see his dick or something.


AND lest we forget...


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Pretty much all of Owen's family and friends/colleagues want to celebrate his life with this dvd so I'm fine with it.  Owen's family should be able to do this kind of thing without Martha's permission imo, they should have that right.  I don't think his family likes her at all anyways, keeping Owen out of the Hall of Fame is petty and selfish at this point imo.  It's been 15 years, time to bury the hatchet here and let people remember how great he was.  I for one can't wait to buy this as soon as it comes out.  I hope he's in 2K16 this year, might actually consider buying it if the entire Hart Foundation is in there.  

Why is Owen being kept out of the HOF considerations?
His widow has prevented it from happening as I believe they need her blessing to do so and she holds a grudge with the company and blames them for Owen's death. The whole situation is sad and I can't imagine that it's the way Owen would want things to be, but I never personally knew the man so who am I to say what he would have wanted. I do know that Owen loved professional wrestling and the WWE as he stood by the company until the end. Owen truly deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and I am positive that he will be inducted one day, but it's a shame that his family has held this grudge for so long now.

His widow has prevented it from happening as I believe they need her blessing to do so and she holds a grudge with the company and blames them for Owen's death. The whole situation is sad and I can't imagine that it's the way Owen would want things to be, but I never personally knew the man so who am I to say what he would have wanted. I do know that Owen loved professional wrestling and the WWE as he stood by the company until the end. Owen truly deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and I am positive that he will be inducted one day, but it's a shame that his family has held this grudge for so long now.
Oh wow I never knew that thanks for explaining it to me.

My take on it is that I somewhat agree about his widow being upset with the WWE. Technically, they are to blame in that clearly the mechanical mishap with Owens' safety cord was the main reason. They never showed it on television so it's hard to pinpoint how much of the blame was on Owen for falling towards the turnbuckle but his safety was entrusted in the hands of the grounds crew employed by the WWE and they failed. So I'm sympathetic to how she would feel. After all, she lost her husband over a very tragic stunt. On the flip side, I wouldn't totally pin it on the WWE either as his Bluebird (sp?) gimmick was signed off by him and they obviously made him sign waivers in the event of an accident when they told him what kind of stuff it was going to involve. It's interesting though because I wouldn't quite compare this to standard hazard risk like what a police officer subjects himself to while in the line of duty. Even though he agreed to make the jump, WWE wasn't normally in the business of high flying stunts to that degree. Even though guys were jumping off dangerously high levels at the time, Owen's stunt was really unusual.

With that said, I didn't know that the approval from the spouse/widow was required. It doesn't have anything to do with her. So I feel like they should be within their right to just honor him as he deserves but it must be due to some legal requirements since it hasn't been done yet. Really unfortunate situation.
I'm sure it has everything to do with the fact that she owns the rights to the Owen Hart name and they're just not paying her enough to use it like they want. Bitches always want those dollars, man.

I'm sure you could find a better way to phrase it than that.

Legally I don't think Martha can keep WWE from inducting Owen; I highly doubt she's cool with this new Blu-Ray/DVD but they're releasing it anyway as they have every legal right to do so. I'd imagine they get the blessing from the closest possible family member when they induct a deceased individual. From what I've read most if not all of the Hart family believes he should be inducted except for Martha. Either way it doesn't really matter to me so long as Owen is never forgotten or erased from WWE history.



He was "The Blue Blazer", not "The Blue Bird" and it wasn't a jump at all, he was supposed to be slowly lowered to the ring from the rafters. The plan was for him to pretend he was flying and be lowered right above the ring and then trigger a release to comically belly flop onto the canvas. The quick release malfunctioned far too early.

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Legally I don't think Martha can keep WWE from inducting Owen; I highly doubt she's cool with this new Blu-Ray/DVD but they're releasing it anyway as they have every legal right to do so. I'd imagine they get the blessing from the closest possible family member when they induct a deceased individual. From what I've read most if not all of the Hart family believes he should be inducted except for Martha. Either way it doesn't really matter to me so long as Owen is never forgotten or erased from WWE history.



He was "The Blue Blazer", not "The Blue Bird" and it wasn't a jump at all, he was supposed to be slowly lowered to the ring from the rafters. The plan was for him to pretend he was flying and be lowered right above the ring and then trigger a release to comically belly flop onto the canvas. The quick release malfunctioned far too early.
Thanks for the correction. I forgot what his gimmick was at the time. With that description there, it sounds like it was even more on the WWE equipment and grounds crew since it doesn't sound like he had any control over it whatsoever.

If memory serves there was a wrongful death lawsuit against WWE and a lawsuit against the makers of the harness and/or the quick release.

Is it dumb that I am overly excited to see Jushin Lyger in WWE?

The WWE settled for $18 million dollars. I don't think we really know the terms of the settlement beyond the dollar amount, but I suspect his wife has a certain amount of veto power over what they do with her husband's image. The WWE also settled with her in 2013 over the use of his image.

They may want to induct him, but they'd probably get sued again and she'd probably win again. Also I honestly didn't know about the quick release thing or that they intended for him to fall at all. Repelling is relatively safe, but you don't fuck with the safety harness like that.
(This is the most complete account of said events I've found, all of which came out in court after the event)
 16 years ago in 1999, Owen Hart passed away in a rigging accident at the WWF Over the Edge '99 pay-per-view at Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri. There are a lot of misconceptions about what actually happened, so let's clear them up with the details that came out in the wrongful death lawsuit and were in the book his wife, Martha Hart, wrote:
While Sting regularly rappelled from the ceiling in WCW and Owen had done so a few times as The Blue Blazer, those were all done using a system that involved a backup cable and locking carabiner (mountain climber style harness), which was the standard, safe way to rappel. Here, the WWF had requested the use of a quick release cord (which it turned out was not approved for stunt use) so Owen could get out of the harness quicker when the stunt was over. Bobby Talbert, the stunt rigger, had been told that the reason for the change was that Vince McMahon was unhappy with how long it took to get out of the mountain climbing harness.
That day, Owen nixed the plan to include Max Mini (best known in Mexico as Tzuki) in the entrance as a Mini Blue Blazer so he wouldn't be responsible for anyone else's safety. Later, as they readied for the stunt with Hart dangling from the catwalk, he made some kind of movement, possibly to adjust his cape, and the quick release engaged, sending him falling to his death.
The release cord, which was taped down to the stunt vest, didn't have enough slack in it, making it easy to trigger without pulling it. Hart brushed referee Jim Korderas on the way down (enough that he felt something, but wasn't injured), and landed in the corner of the ring, causing his fatal internal injuries.
The investigation done by Martha Hart's lawyers revealed that the WWF had been using another rigger for years who always used the industry standard locking carabiner system. He recalled that they had asked him on multiple occasions to use a quick release, which he always refused for safety reasons.
When his $5,000 fee was deemed over budget by the WWF's Steve Taylor for the May 10, 1999 Raw in Orlando, he told his assistant to offer to do it for $2,000 because he feared a local rigger would use the quick release WWE had requested. The stunt was cancelled, and they were told they'd be contacted "next time," but they weren't contacted for the Kansas City stunt. They had never heard of the rigger used at Over the Edge, who was, in fact, based out of Orlando.
Interesting. I can see how WWE would share some fault in the incident now and why they would want to settle rather than take their chances in court.
Christ. Imagine if they had the midget wrestler attached to him as well when it happened.

EDIT - they added (get ready for this) - SHEAMUS vs ORTON for Summerslam! I'm glad they're giving us some fresh matches.

SS is in New York, right? The crowd should be fantastic for that one.

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Christ. Imagine if they had the midget wrestler attached to him as well when it happened.

EDIT - they added (get ready for this) - SHEAMUS vs ORTON for Summerslam! I'm glad they're giving us some fresh matches.

SS is in New York, right? The crowd should be fantastic for that one.
Can you imagine if they had the midget attached and by doing so he cushioned the blow, saving Owen's life but dying in the process?

I'm an awful human being.

Orton and Sheamus? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

Let's just talk about the obvious fact that if Owen didn't die so young and instead just retired that day, the only time he would be talked about in the same sentence as the HoF is if someone were to say: "There's no way in hell Owen Hart belongs in the hall of fame."
Let's just talk about the obvious fact that if Owen didn't die so young and instead just retired that day, the only time he would be talked about in the same sentence as the HoF is if someone were to say: "There's no way in hell Owen Hart belongs in the hall of fame."
I would put him in the HoF just for his matches with Bret. Before he seemingly stopped caring about wrestling and got super lazy in the ring the guy could go. WWE missed the boat with him in 1994 when he was at his peak in the ring. He should have had the belt put on him instead of Backlund, even if it was to just lose it to Nash a week later.

Owen deserves the HoF more as much or more than at least half of the people in there already.

Can you imagine if they had the midget attached and by doing so he cushioned the blow, saving Owen's life but dying in the process?

I'm an awful human being.
Shrug. That's the exact same thing I thought of. Max Mini for Hall of Fame.

I don't think Owen had a particularly amazing career, but by WWE HoF standards, he's an obvious addition. Or he would be if his wife was not opposed to the idea.
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Super-fun show tonight. It wasn't an amazing night of wrestling, but it was effective at building up the big matches...except for Cena-Seth. I don't care all that much about it, but I should - and they've hurt it by making Cena a cocky asshole before the match. Seth is hurt by wanting to win to please Mom and Dad. BROCK'S HOMECOMING RULED! We got Heyman singing and some amazing Brock faces from this whole deal.

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Best Brock faces ever

I am so hyped for Neville and Amell vs. The Lords of Darkness (Stardust and The Cosmic King), what an awesome package and an even more bad ass promo from Stardust and Barrett immediately afterwards. This match is going to be so much better then it has any right to be. 

If they arent going to give us Sting vs Undertaker then there is no reason for Undertaker to not retire. His last two matches he looked horrible in, and he isnt getting any younger. He should have one last match at Survivor Series against Sting and then retire for good.

bread's done