Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

I Didn't have any belief Owens was going to beat Cena going into Battlegrounds considering they announced his match with Balor for the NXT belt in Brooklyn a week or so before Battleground. Since there was no way I could see him going into Battlegrounds with the US Belt and losing to Balor after all the momentum the belt's been getting (especially with the IC belt seeming to curse everyone who wears it, it seems), nor do I see Owens leaving the match with both belts being as they've made Balor the face of NXT and double championship duty seems a bit much for a guy who debuted in less than a year.

That would be very disappointing if true. Although, it does sound like something WWE would do. After his performance in the last 3 PPVs, how could Kevin Owens not be involved in Summerslam? Although, with him main eventing NXT Takeover the night before it does make some sense. 

...I also suspect that the WWE is getting better with their "leaks" to fire up fans. Maybe they want to anger the smarks and have them demand Owens. They did seem to use it in St Louis by not so subtlety hinting on all the local shows that the Undertaker was going to be there. 

I don't believe that Owens is getting pushed down the card really. He's white hot and his merch is doing very well, he was just in a main event on Raw, and on Smackdown starts a new feud, which will most definitely have a spot on the SummerSlam card. 

Well, I'm sure R-Truth will have a spot on the card, but that doesn't make him main event.

Kevin Owens has to have his detractors. He looks like a fan; his physical appearance just falls way outside of WWE criteria. I don't like that fact any more than you do, but WWE has a "if you don't look like a living Tom of Finland drawing, GTFO" standard. 

Think of it this way - Bull Dempsey is roughly the same build as KO. And he's currently on the developmental show, jobbing out and in a "haw haw, yer fat, fatty mcfatterson!" embarrssment angle with Regal. The whole point of that angle is public shaming to get the dude to drop some pounds. WWE did that with Albert a few years ago, they did that with Big Show a few years ago (and long, long ago, they did it with Buddy Rose).

Kevin Owens managed to break through the preexisting glass ceiling for fat people in WWE. The company did manage to build a new one, however, before he got too far up there.

WWE may be doing a ton of things right this year that continue to surprise and impress me. But let's not kid ourselves. I know I certainly have to remind myself of that from time to time.

I Got around to watching some of Lucha Underground on their youtube page. You know, I don't understand the flow or the story of the matches, but holy fuck I can't deny they are fun as hell to watch.

Hogan did something stupid. Anyways WWE just pulled all merch, removed him from Tough Enough, removed him from the site, etc... Whatever he did hasn't even leaked yet but it should be soon.

edit- apparently he went on a racial tirade

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Man, Curtis Axel just can't catch a break.
To be fair the whole Axelmania thing certainly wasn't doing him any favors.

Hogan getting the Benoit treatment by the WWE leads me to believe that there is much more to this story than a simple racial tirade, we've had active superstars do worse in recent years and still manage to be employeed or at least not completely Benoited from the company. Hogan must've really screwed up this time, sure we will find out more information as the day goes on.

To be fair the whole Axelmania thing certainly wasn't doing him any favors.

Hogan getting the Benoit treatment by the WWE leads me to believe that there is much more to this story than a simple racial tirade, we've had active superstars do worse in recent years and still manage to be employeed or at least not completely Benoited from the company. Hogan must've really screwed up this time, sure we will find out more information as the day goes on.
Nope, this world is so crazy now that they treat people saying the N word the same as murderers. I am guessing this is just temporary so the WWE doesnt get the heat from it. Still stupid though that we live in a world where just saying stupid things will get you treated like a criminal.

I know I'm not famous, so maybe I just can't ever understand. But god damn it, how hard can it be to just keep your mouth shut? So many celebrities and athletes are always getting in trouble for saying stupid shit and I just don't get it.

I know I'm not famous, so maybe I just can't ever understand. But god damn it, how hard can it be to just keep your mouth shut? So many celebrities and athletes are always getting in trouble for saying stupid shit and I just don't get it.
So true. Or at the very least dont get recorded saying stupid shit.

Nope, this world is so crazy now that they treat people saying the N word the same as murderers. I am guessing this is just temporary so the WWE doesnt get the heat from it. Still stupid though that we live in a world where just saying stupid things will get you treated like a criminal.
I agree with you there, but the video and interview people are referencing he says the word in context in reference to the infamous Harlem Heat interview where Booker T dropped the N-Bomb. Wrestlers have done racist things or worse in the past and haven't gotten completely wiped, usually just a future endeavor or in some cases a suspension. Hogan is getting wiped from everything and they were on it extremely fast, I still think there is more to this than a simple racist interview from 3 years ago. Wiping the most recognizable personality in the history of professional wrestling isn't an easy task, but WWE is sure trying it's best to remove as much as they possibly can.

Agreed. Andre the Giant was a well known racist, almost got his ass beat by Bad News Brown at one point because of it. He is still shown as one of the greatest guys ever by WWE.

I agree with you there, but the video and interview people are referencing he says the word in context in reference to the infamous Harlem Heat interview where Booker T dropped the N-Bomb. Wrestlers have done racist things or worse in the past and haven't gotten completely wiped, usually just a future endeavor or in some cases a suspension. Hogan is getting wiped from everything and they were on it extremely fast, I still think there is more to this than a simple racist interview from 3 years ago. Wiping the most recognizable personality in the history of professional wrestling isn't an easy task, but WWE is sure trying it's best to remove as much as they possibly can.
Everyone is referencing that as an example of what he's done in the past, not what he's done recently. Details on his recent actions haven't come out yet, so that's why people are talking about his past issues.

Everyone is referencing that as an example of what he's done in the past, not what he's done recently. Details on his recent actions haven't come out yet, so that's why people are talking about his past issues.
I know this, but we don't know for sure this is even race related. Everything speculation, all we know for sure is that whatever he did it wasn't good and maybe was race related, but something tells me that it's much more serious.

I know I'm not A RACIST, so maybe I just can't ever understand. But god damn it, how hard can it be to just keep your mouth shut? So many celebrities and athletes are always getting in trouble for saying stupid shit and I just don't get it.
Fixed that to make the sentiment apply to me.

Famous or not, wtf?

Thanks to whoever quoted MushaOne, you remind me why I put him on ignore all those years ago. Hogan does something controversial, and he *immediately* (without having *ANY* idea what Hogan actually did) jumps way down the logical cliff to "why can't white people say fuck?"

Jesus fucking Christ, people. Let the story unfold (also, don't say that word or bemoan not being able to say that word. it makes you disgusting, okay?)

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Fixed that to make the sentiment apply to me.

Famous or not, wtf?

Thanks to whoever quoted MushaOne, you remind me why I put him on ignore all those years ago. Hogan does something controversial, and he *immediately* (without having *ANY* idea what Hogan actually did) jumps way down the logical cliff to "why can't white people say fuck?"

Jesus fucking Christ, people. Let the story unfold (also, don't say that word or bemoan not being able to say that word. it makes you disgusting, okay?)
I never said that. Not once. I said it is stupid that saying that is now the same as killing or raping someone.

As far as not have ANY idea, the idea I have is all the reports that there is a racially filled rant recorded of Hogan. WWE heard part of it and did all of this.

Also you do know that you just said that word. Right? I havent. But Im the bad guy in your eyes.

Someone quote me, please.

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I never said that. Not once. I said it is stupid that saying that is now the same as killing or raping someone.

As far as not have ANY idea, the idea I have is all the reports that there is a racially filled rant recorded of Hogan. WWE heard part of it and did all of this.

Also you do know that you just said that word. Right? I havent. But Im the bad guy in your eyes.

Someone quote me, please.
You asked to be quoted, so I did.

We all know that this means Hogan is going to be showing up at the Impact Zone in a month to promote his new TNA Hogan DVD and start a feud with Bram.

I dont think there will be an Impact Zone in a month :p

I am guessing that he is back in WWE as soon as the media rage against him dies down, that is once it picks up. WWE doesnt want any bad PR so they erased him before it could start.

Don't quote him just so I can see his garbage, please and thankya.

"oh, you said that word, too!" - if you're really going there, it means you don't comprehend a thing I've said. Later days, man. I made a good call to ignore you, and I should keep it that way.

I'll try to ignore you harder than TNA ignores a production assistant behind on their mortgage payment, bruh.

He has a right to be a racist, but I would have fired him too. A sex tape with Hogan sleeping with his best friend's wife does not fit their PG image and him ranting about black people dating his daughter really hurts it too. I don't think the WWE locker room of 2015 would be too thrilled about it either especially since a few of the wrestlers are in interracial relationships and marriages.

When people think of WWE Vince wants them to think of John Cena granting a make-a-wish. Like Cena did this past Monday after Raw for a little black kid with liver disease. He doesn't want them to think of old fat drunk naked Hogan ranting about how much he hates black people.
"WWE terminated its contract with Terry Bollea (aka Hulk Hogan). WWE is committed to embracing and celebrating individuals from all backgrounds as demonstrated by the diversity of our employees, performers and fans worldwide.”

The statement then continued...

"Unless you're Michael Hayes or that dude that told Alberto to wash the dishes or whatever. Oh, and we occasionally bring in The Iron Sheik."

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Wow. We all knew Hogan must have been caught doing something really bad for WWE to completely remove his history and this pretty much confirms it. They've basically wiped his entire life accomplishment over a PR disaster.

I'm a little mixed on Hogan as a fan since I was watching him in the 90's. He stood for everything that represented the American good guy to root for his in ring work. But after it came out about all that Hogan and Macho Man drama over Elizabeth I soured on Hogan for being a sleazebag. Normal sexual attraction aside, that's just F'd up to be screwing around another man's woman period. He comes off as incredibly charismatic off camera. I thought he was charismatic enough on camera but when you actually listen to some of his interviews, he's an even more engaging interview off camera than when he was doing his WWE camera work.

What I find really interesting is that Heather Clem must have planned on making a buck off Hogan by setting up the camera there. Even though Hogan screwed himself, she ended up catching a lot more on tape than I think she may have bargained for. Based on that article, was Heather still with old his friend? If he committed adultery with her, kind of serves him right in an ironic twist of fate. I'm listening to sports radio this morning and even they are talking about it when they rarely mention wrestling in the first place so this is hitting the news wire pretty hard.
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I dont think there will be an Impact Zone in a month :p

I am guessing that he is back in WWE as soon as the media rage against him dies down, that is once it picks up. WWE doesnt want any bad PR so they erased him before it could start.
Dude they have signed Bram to a multi-year deal. Where will he go without an Impact Zone?!?!

I've never been a Hogan guy, as my user name dictates, so I'm sure someone in Calgary is smiling big time.

Please let there be no skeletons with Bret ...
:rofl: I'd forgotten about that one. I can't even be offended by it. That ludicrous strut along with the ultra-pleased look on his face just makes it ridiculous.

If that ever goes mainstream I'd love to see how WWE attempts to spin that.

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:rofl: I'd forgotten about that one. I can't even be offended by it. That ludicrous strut along with the ultra-pleased look on his face just makes it ridiculous.

If that ever goes mainstream I'd love to see how WWE attempts to spin that.
It was all over Twitter this morning (Vince was trending just under Hogan for a while). If anything was going to become of that video, it probably would have by now.

:rofl: I'd forgotten about that one. I can't even be offended by it. That ludicrous strut along with the ultra-pleased look on his face just makes it ridiculous.

If that ever goes mainstream I'd love to see how WWE attempts to spin that.
If I had to guess...
1) Vince was in character
2) They will say it was King Booker and Queen Sharmell's idea
3) The King and Queen of the WWE thought it was hilarious
They will likely explain that the phrase ending in "a" rather than "er" makes it okay for rich white people trying to be friends with people of darker colored skin.

That's likely who "killed" Vince years ago...Booker just couldn't handle the abuse.

There is a bit of a double standard going on here. Hogan gets erased from history because of some stupid shit he said in a recording years ago However, Prime Time PLayers and Mark Henry put out a short video of them being pulled over by highway patrol that included stereotypical and racially charged comments, people just have a small laugh and go on about their day.

How the hell did we get to this point as a society?

This will blow over. They've done quick decision stuff like this before with CM Punk and Emma so it's only a matter of time before Hogan returns to WWE.

I'm wondering if Hogan would still be in trouble if he said the same comments but without the use of the n-word.

Also, as Booker T explains, this isn't the first time Hogan has said that word:

Is it wrong with all the hub bub of WWE casting Hogan as far away from them as possible I went with worst case logical scenario (at least logical in my head), which is him dating his daughter? I Am...relieved? I Think? I...Don't know.

This will blow over. They've done quick decision stuff like this before with CM Punk and Emma so it's only a matter of time before Hogan returns to WWE.
What did they do with Punk? I remember that video of him calling that fan a fag or whatever but did they actually do anything (suspension, etc?) Only thing I remember him being forced to apologize for was telling that guy to kill himself on Twitter.

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That Vince video is currently the top story on TMZ.

But a WWE rep says everyone recognizes the 2005 segment "was an outlandish and satirical skit involving fictional characters, similar to that of many scripted television shows and movies.”
There is a bit of a double standard going on here. Hogan gets erased from history because of some stupid shit he said in a recording years ago<basically the guy got Sterlinged.> However, Prime Time PLayers and Mark Henry put out a short video of them being pulled over by highway patrol that included stereotypical and racially charged comments, people just have a small laugh and go on about their day.

How the hell did we get to this point as a society?
Dont say that, youll get mykevermin to block you :O

A lot of the rant seems to be more Hogan jealous that Brooke is dating someone OTHER THAN HIM.

WWE did the right thing to fire him (actually Hogan quit) but to treat him like Benoit is absolutely ridiculous. Saying something stupid in a private conversation years ago is no where near the same as killing your family.If they are going to go the route of making everyone in WWE who ever did anything racist vanish than there wont be much left. Piper wearing half black paint to mock Bad News Brown, DX all appearing in black face to mock the Nation, the entire WWE for making Kamala get changed in bathrooms and closets, HHH entire racist pre Mania build against Booker T.

Fire Hogan, dont try to erase him from history like Benoit. This over sensitive society needs to grow up and stop making everything out to be worse than it is.

It was a house show and Axel wouldn't have had time to get new gear. I'm sure he will go back to normal tights Monday... when they tape Superstars.
bread's done